Tuesday, October 28, 2014

‘Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon’ Star is Too Rich to be Bothered by China Ban

In the face of CCP censorship, Hong Kong Actor Chow Yun-Fat responses in style

 By Larry Ong, Epoch Times | October 27, 2014
Actor Chow Yun-fat of Hong Kong poses on the red carpet of the Hong Kong Film Awards on April 17, 2011. The annual awards are the Hong Kong equivalent to the Oscars and the British BAFTAS. (Dale de la Rey/AFP/Getty Images)
Chinese censors picked the wrong Hong Kong celebrity to prove a point.

After the pro-democracy Occupy Central movement started on Sept. 28, a number of Hong Kong cultural personalities publicly voiced their support for the protesters and their cause. 

Because the Umbrella Movement participants are demanding that China grant genuine universal suffrage in Hong Kong and that pro-Beijing Chief Executive Leung Chun-ying should resign, the Chinese communist regime  is none too pleased with these outspoken celebrities, and has since decided to blacklist them.

Household names such as Denise Ho, Anthony Wong, Tony Leung Chiu-wai won’t be allowed to hold concerts, make appearances, or promote their movies and albums on the mainland, and state-owned Chinese media outlets won’t give them any coverage.

Chinese censors aren’t even sparing Hong Kong and international movie actor Chow Yun-fat, who is arguably the the most famous Hong Kong star today.

But Chow really couldn’t care less about Beijing’s sanction.
Recently, reporters from Hong Kong’s Next Magazine spotted Chow at Kowloon Park, and asked him what he thought about China banning him on the mainland.

The 59-year-old actor, who is known in the West for his roles in “Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon” and “Pirates of the Carribean: At World’s End,” said nonchalantly: “I’ll just make less then.”

Chow does come across as being a touch snooty with his statement, especially in considering that he has an estimated $80 million net worth and makes about $8 million from films, but really, he’s kind of like the Keanu Reeves of Hong Kong.
According to a Jayne Stars profile, Chow is a modest, affable individual who is completely comfortable wearing old threads and taking public transport.

Earlier in the year, Chow even pledged to donate his entire fortune (an estimated HKD$1 billion, or $129 million) to charity after his death.

When the Umbrella Movement began, Chow even made an effort to engage with the protesters.

“I’ve met the residents, the students — they are very brave and it’s touching to see that they’re fighting for what they want,” Chow told Hong Kong publication Apple Daily (via The Hollywood Reporter). 

“The students are reasonable. If the government can come up with a solution that the citizens or students are satisfied with, I believe the crisis will end.”

Chow also condemned the Hong Kong police’s use of tear gas on the protesters in Admiralty.

“When the government uses violent measures on students, it’s a turn-off for the people of Hong Kong,” he said.

“I don’t wish to see anyone getting hurt… it was a peaceful demonstration, and there was no need for any violence or tear gas.”

From – http://www.theepochtimes.com/n3/1044830-hong-kong-actor-chow-yun-fat-is-too-rich-to-be-bothered-by-china-ban/

共产党的邪恶根源 (1)






据美国国会图书馆馆长、著名的历史学家詹姆斯·毕灵顿等学者的系统研究,共产党起源于十八世纪德国巴伐利亚的光照帮(Bavarian Order of the Illuminati),光照帮的帮主是亚当·魏萨普(Adam Weishaupt,1748-1830)。光照帮在世界很多国家都建立了分支机构,并渗透和控制很多外围组织,如共济会、雅各宾俱乐部、平等会、正义者同盟等。1847年6月,正义者同盟在伦敦召开第一次大会,宣布改名为“共产主义者同盟”,1847年11月,共产主义者同盟在伦敦召开第二次大会,“委托”(commission)马克思和恩格斯写个宣言,1848年2月21日,《共产党宣言》正式出版。就这样,共产党诞生了。共产党起源于黑帮(光照帮)的详细情况,请参考《挖出共产党的根》一文。




成立于1884年的费边社(Fabian Society)是光照帮的一个分支组织,曾经资助过列宁,并称列宁为“最伟大的费边”。下图是其会标:一只披着羊皮的狼。

上图是光照帮的分支组织费边社(Fabian Society,1884年在英国成立)的会标:一只披着羊皮的狼。这只披着羊皮的狼很形象地反映出光照帮及其后来创立的现代共产主义(共产党)的欺诈特点。






共产党鼻祖、光照帮帮主亚当·魏萨普(Adam Weishaupt,1748-1830)是个魔教信徒,信奉撒旦路斯弗(Lucifer)。





1786年,光照帮魏萨普做了一项战略决策,和法兰克主义结盟,而法兰克(Jacob Frank, 1726-1791)是个极其败坏的宗教领袖(假弥赛亚),被犹太教开除教籍,法兰克的信徒称为法兰克主义者(Frankist)。法兰克主义(Frankism)是近代另一个极其邪恶和堕落的运动,它也要摧毁所有宗教和发动世界革命,声称《圣经》中不让干的犯罪行为都可以干,包括叛教、换妻、性狂欢、乱伦等等。光照帮与这样的邪教结盟,佐证了光照帮帮主的魔教信仰。


很多中国人不知道的是,马克思大学时代加入了由乔安纳·萨斯卡特(Joana Southcott,据称与Shiloh魔鬼有交道)主持的撒旦教会,成为魔教的一员。

其一,马克思的通信。在马克思与其父的一封信中,出现了一些灵异字句。马克思写道:“一层外壳脱落了,我的众圣之圣已被迫离开,新的灵必须来进驻。”马克思的父亲回复道:“对于这非常灵异之事有一种解释,但我强忍着不去作这种解释,尽管它貌似颇为可疑。”在马克思的儿子 Edgar 于1854年3月21日写给马克思的信中,此信开头就是惊人的一句“我亲爱的魔鬼”。一个儿子怎么会用如此荒谬的方式称呼自己父亲?不过,撒旦教徒对他们所爱的人都是这样称呼的。难道连他儿子也入邪教了?

其二,马克思的作品。马克思的作品共有100卷之多,其中只有13 卷被公开印发。要了解马克思的真实思想,应该从那87卷没公开印发的文稿中寻找。那时,马克思在一首诗中写道:“我渴望向上帝复仇。”马克思在《绝望者的魔咒》一诗中写道:“在诅咒和命运的刑具中,一个灵攫取了我的所有;整个世界已被抛诸脑后,我剩下的只有恨仇。”




在《Oulanem》里,马克思做了魔鬼所做的事:他诅咒全人类下地狱。他写道:“黑暗中,无底地狱的裂口对你我同时张开,你将堕入去,我将大笑着尾随,并在你耳边低语:‘下来陪我吧,朋友!’”马克思喜欢复述哥德的《浮士德》中恶魔 Mephistopheles 的话:“一切存在都应该被毁灭。” 一切 — 包括工人和那些为共产主义而战的人。


那时,即马克思完成《Oulanem》和其它早期诗作时(在诗中马克思自己承认与魔鬼签了契约),他不仅没有社会主义理念,甚至还激烈反对之。那时他是一本德语杂志《Rheinische Zeitung》的主编,这本杂志“绝不容忍哪怕是纯理论的当前形式的共产主义,何况让它实践?这无论如何都是不可能的……”可见,马克思是先信奉了撒旦教,然后才有共产主义信念。

在此之后,马克思遇见了Moses Hess,此人在马克思一生中扮演了最重要的角色,正是他把马克思导向了共产主义理念。

Moses Hess也首先是一个撒旦教徒,然后才是共产主义者。在给 B. Auerbasch 的一封信(1841)中,Hess 称马克思是“最伟大的,更可能是唯一的,当代哲学家……马克思博士非常年轻(最多24岁),他将给予宗教和哲学终极打击。”可见,Hess的首要目标是打击宗教,而不是实现共产主义。


其三,马克思的打扮。在马克思的年代,男人通常会留胡子,但式样与马克思不同,而且不会留长发。马克思的外形风格是Joanna Southcott 的信徒的特征。Joanna Southcott是一个撒旦教组织的女祭师,她自称能与恶魔 Shiloh 通灵。

其四,马克思的行为。美国人 Sergius Riis 将军曾是马克思的信徒。听闻马克思的死讯后,他颇为哀伤,因而去了伦敦,拜访他所景仰的导师的故居。马克思的家人已搬走,他唯一能见到的人是马克思的前女佣 Helen Demuth。她说了一些有关马克思的惊人之语:“他是一个敬畏神的人。当他病重时,他独自在房间里,头上缠着带子,面对着一排点燃的蜡烛祈祷。”


其五,马克思的朋友。恩格斯生于一个虔敬的家庭,事实上,他年轻时创作过漂亮的基督教诗词,但是后来他也信奉魔教。他遇见马克思后,写下了对马克思的感想:“谁在追求野蛮的目标?一个来自 Trier(马克思的出生地)的黑暗之人,一个显著的怪物。他不行,亦不走;他用脚后跟,伴着肆虐的狂怒跳起,似乎想抓住广阔的天幕,再把它扔到地上。他在空中长伸双臂,握紧邪恶的拳头;他的狂怒从不平息,就像有一万个魔鬼通过他的毛发占有了他。”

像恩格斯一样,Bruno Bauer起初是个虔信者,后来还成了保守的神学家,对批评《圣经》的言论进行反击。之后,他转而激烈批评《圣经》,并成了唯物主义基督教的创始人。他的教义坚称耶稣是凡人,而不是神的儿子。1841年12月6日,Bauer 给他的朋友 Arnold Ruge(也是马克思和恩格斯的朋友)写信道:“在这里,我在大学面对广大听众讲课。当我在讲坛上说出那些亵渎神的话时,我并不认识我自己。这些话太厉害了,那些孩子们听得汗毛倒竖。当我说着那些亵渎之言时,却记起我是如何在家中虔诚写作、为《圣经》和《启示录》辩护。可是,经常是我一登上讲坛,一个很坏的魔鬼就占据了我的身体,而我是如此虚弱,被迫向它投降……我只有成为公认的公开鼓吹无神论的教授,才能满足我的亵渎之灵。”将Bruno Bauer转化为共产主义者的,正是那个转化了马克思的人:Moses Hess。



马克思在“第一国际”的一名同事,俄国无政府主义者 Mikhail Bakunin,曾写道:“那邪恶之尊,就是撒旦对神的反叛,在此反叛中,人类的解放遍地开花,这就是革命。社会主义者标识自己身份的用语是:“以那位被错误对待的尊者的名义”。撒旦,永恒的反叛者,是第一个自由思想家和救世主,它使人因其卑劣的无知和顺从而羞耻;撒旦解放了人,在人的额头上盖上解放和人性的印记,使人反叛并吃了知识之果。”

马克思最喜爱的女儿 Eleanor,在马克思的同意下,嫁给了 Edward Eveling。此人曾作《神的坏》之类主题的演讲(这正是撒旦教徒所做的事)。与无神论者不同,他们不否认神的存在。除了欺骗别人,他们自知神是存在的,只是把神说成坏的。以下诗句道出了他向往撒旦的心态:“向您,我斗胆献上这诗,啊,撒旦,将要升座的盛宴之王!啊,牧师,我远离你的洒水、你的唠叨,因为啊,牧师,撒旦永不在你之后……“

其六,马克思的墓地。马克思死于1883年3月14日,埋在伦敦的高门墓地(Highgate cemetery),只有六个人参加了其葬礼。而这个高门墓地是伦敦地区撒旦崇拜的中心,许多崇拜魔鬼的神秘黑色仪式在这个墓地举行。马克思的墓上曾举行黑魔法的灵异祭仪。那里也是1970年袭击了数名女子的高门吸血鬼的策源地。红色中国的领导人华国锋曾到那里致敬。











后来,身为神学院的学生,他却加入了共产主义者的圈子。在那里,他和一位名叫 Galina 的女孩相爱了。因为那时的共产党员们很穷,Galina 被指派去做一个富翁的情妇,以便为共产党筹钱。当斯大林亲自投票赞成这一提案时,她割脉自杀了。



作为一个年轻人,斯大林有着最差的身世、学历和发展。因此他很容易受撒旦教的影响。他变得人如其名。“斯大林”的意思是 “铁人”,一个没有丝毫人类感情、没有怜悯的人。


当他开始以革命者的身份进行写作时,他用的第一个笔名是“Demonoshvili”,在乔治亚语中,此词意为“魔鬼的”。他的另一笔名是“Besoshvili”,意即 “恶魔般的”。

斯大林和俄国共产党员们,在屠杀了数以百万计的“敌人”之后,又用暴力对付他们的友伴,包括他们最显赫的“同志”、革命的首领们,都不能幸免。这就是撒旦教的印记:它的革命不是为达到某一目标,而是为革命而革命,为杀而杀。这就是马克思所说的 “永远的革命”。

1917年是革命之年,那年苏维埃共产党中央委员会的 29 名成员中,仅4人有幸得享天年,四人之一死后还被宣布为“革命的敌人”;13人被他们自己的“同志”处死或蒸发了;2人因深受斯大林迫害而自杀。







Anatole France是一个著名的法国共产主义作家,他曾把法国一些最大的知识分子导向共产主义。最近在巴黎举行了一个魔鬼艺术展,其中一件展品,就是这位共产主义作家用于主持撒旦教祭仪的特制椅子。这张椅子的扶手和凳脚长角,并披着羊皮。




From – http://www.minghui.org/mh/articles/2014/9/29/298266.html

Sunday, October 26, 2014

‘The Slaughter’: Shedding Light on China’s Illegal Organ Trade

There’s big money in organs, and China is making a killing in more ways than one

“The Slaughter: Mass Killings, Organ Harvesting, and China’s Secret Solution to its Dissident Problem” by Ethan Gutmann was released Aug. 12, 2014. (Pam McLennan/Epoch Times)
When allegations of forced organ harvesting of Falun Gong adherents in China first emerged in 2006, U.S. author and veteran China analyst Ethan Gutmann was sceptical.

But that changed after he met with a Falun Gong practitioner in Toronto who casually mentioned in the course of conversation that she had been given a physical exam while incarcerated for her beliefs in China.

Falun Gong adherents in Chinese jails are routinely tortured and abused, so why a physical exam?
“My investigative nose got going,” says Gutmann, who began writing about Falun Gong in 2002, three years after the Chinese regime launched a large-scale campaign of persecution against those who practice the spiritual discipline.

He thus embarked on the seven years of research and interview-gathering that culminated in “The Slaughter: Mass Killings, Organ Harvesting, and China’s Secret Solution to Its Dissident Problem.”

Selling human organs for profit is not a pretty subject. In China, thousands are killed every year to supply vital organs to this very lucrative industry. Both military and civilian hospitals are doing the dirty work, and the government knows about it.

Solution to Dissident Problem

How did this get started and who exactly is being slaughtered in this way?

Using first-person interviews, Gutmann brings the victims to life while taking the reader step by ugly step through the evolution of the mass theft of organs from prisoners. It started with Uyghurs, a Turkic minority group, and grew to include political dissidents as well as Falun Gong adherents who are prisoners of conscience.

Gutmann surmises that the mass killing of prisoners for money wasn’t an intentional plan. It started slowly by using organs from executed prisoners and evolved over time. When shown to be profitable it quickly spread across the country and, as a bonus, was used to wipe out dissidents or other undesirables, despite such an approach being illegal and a crime against humanity.

“The leadership was aware of it and it was state sponsored—ultimately the state allowed it to happen and encouraged it to happen,” Gutmann said.

A gradual increase in the number of organ transplants in China began in about 2000, which coincides with the continuous arrest of large numbers of Falun Gong practitioners after the practice was banned in July 1999. At that time, an estimated 70-100 million people were practicing Falun Gong in China. 

Shot, but Not Killed

The yearly number of transplants in China averages about 10,000, and although Beijing admits to taking organs from executed prisoners, the number executed per year is approximately 2,000 and falling. So how is the shortfall made up? The evidence points to prisoners of conscience—mainly Falun Gong—but also Tibetans, Uyghurs, and House Christians who are imprisoned but certainly not slated for execution.

To obtain fresh organs that can survive the rigours of transplantation, prisoners are shot execution-style, but not killed. They are in deep shock and so can be operated on without using anaesthetic to quieten the body while the organs are removed. The organs are immediately shipped to a hospital and transplanted into waiting patients. 

The most chilling part is that the prisoners are still alive when their bodies are cut open, and screams have been reported during the surgeries. 

Many of those interviewed by Gutmann talk about being arrested for practicing Falun Gong and then receiving a physical exam while incarcerated. No other prisoners have such exams—only those being considered as organ donors are examined. If they’re deemed healthy enough, blood is taken to tissue-type the person so they can be matched with a patient and used when needed.

A new organ can be had in China in as little as a few weeks. In all other countries, the wait time is at least two years.

Changing the Debate

Regarding the response to his book, Gutmann said: “I think the key thing that you’ll find is that not a single reader, anyone who’s read the book, has said the conclusions aren’t there or has questioned my evidence. Not one. That’s key. That is very encouraging.” 

“I think that’s why the book does have the capability to change this debate from ‘Did this really happen?’ to ‘What do we do about it’”? 

Starting Oct. 19, Gutmann will travel to eight cities across Canada to promote the book and speak with interested parties on his findings. He will take part in a public forum on Oct. 20 at Library and Archives Canada in Ottawa to discuss his findings and how Canada should respond to forced organ harvesting in China. 

He will also speak at a hearing of the Subcommittee of International Human Rights on Oct. 21 and participate in a forum with MPs on Parliament Hill on Oct. 22.

Curbing transplant tourism to China is an important first step, and Canada can lead the way on that, Gutmann says.

“Canada can play a leading role here and could even end up being the tail that wags the dog, the dog being America,” he explains. 

“I think the one thing we have to do in America that is fairly obvious is stop organ tourism to China. If we can stop organ tourism to China in America we can stop it in places like Australia, Canada, the European Union…”

Tour Dates and Locations in Canada

Montreal: Oct. 19
Ottawa: Oct. 20, 21, 22
Toronto: Oct. 23
Vancouver: Oct. 25
Courtenay: Oct. 26
Victoria: Oct. 27
Edmonton: Oct. 28
Calgary: Oct. 29

From – http://www.theepochtimes.com/n3/1013984-the-slaughter-shedding-light-on-chinas-illegal-organ-trade/

(1) 爱因斯坦的正义 (2) 瞬间即逝的美丽

Listen Online 在线收听 – http://media.soundofhope.org/audio01/2014/10/21/1300.mp3
































From – http://soundofhope.org/node/520255

Monday, October 20, 2014

When the Communist Regime Makes an Example of You, the Agony Never Ends

After 15 torturous years in jail, Falun Gong prisoner of conscience is detained again immediately upon release

By Stephen Gregory, Epoch Times | October 20, 2014

Prisoner of conscience Wang Zhiwen in 1997 and 2014. Wang was sentenced to 16 years in prison in 1999 for his practice of the spiritual discipline of Falun Gong. On Oct. 18, Wang was shipped from prison to a brainwashing center. (via Wang’s family)
The Chinese regime meant his arrest and show trial to be body blows to the spiritual practice of Falun Gong. After serving 15 years of his sentence, enduring torture, and suffering a stroke, he was released from prison on Saturday without fanfare or audience, save for the local cops who appeared without warning and whisked him away to a brainwashing center.

Wang Zhiwen was the coordinator of the Falun Dafa Research Association in Beijing when police burst into his apartment in the dawn hours of July 20, 1999, pulled him from his bed, and dragged him off to jail.

Throughout China that night, the Chinese regime’s secret police, the Ministry of Public Security, arrested hundreds whom it had identified as key members of Falun Dafa (also known as Falun Gong).
Those arrests were the first salvoes in the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP’s) campaign against the meditation discipline. Later that day, the police began rounding up those regarded as rank-and-file members.

Tens of thousands at a time would be crammed into the local sports stadium. They would be held for days in the sweltering July heat without shelter, food, or bathroom facilities, and with little water, while police demanded they sign a statement promising to stop practicing Falun Dafa.

Wang received special treatment. When his trial was broadcast six months later, Wang’s family noted that his once-black hair had turned gray, and his face looked tired and bruised. He had been tortured. His family judged that in those six months of imprisonment he had aged 10 years.

The torture Wang has endured has a purpose. The CCP’s typical procedure is to torture a prisoner of conscience until he breaks and then film him recanting his former beliefs. No such video has ever been produced of Wang.

An engineer for China Railway Materials Commercial Corp. and a Communist Party member, Wang would seem to be one of the last individuals who would appear in the dock at the Beijing Intermediate People’s Court.

His “crime” was that he had served as a volunteer who devoted himself to assisting other Falun Dafa practitioners in Beijing.

Wang’s daughter Danielle remembers him sometimes working 24 hours a day and skipping lunch and dinner. Whenever a practitioner faced difficulty, Wang would show up to lend a hand.

He was tried on Dec. 26, 1999, with three other CCP members who were advertised as “key” Falun Gong practitioners.

According to Human Rights in China: “The one-day trial took place behind closed doors, without any advance notice and at Christmastime, when the Western media were largely unavailable for it.

Moreover, the defendants were reportedly denied outside legal representation, and were each allowed to have only one family member present at the trial.”

While the access to the courtroom was strictly controlled, the trial itself was broadcast all over China. It was meant to send a message.

“The Chinese regime had a fundamental misunderstanding about the Falun Gong community,” said Levi Browde, executive director of the Falun Dafa Information Center. “It believed that there was this leadership and if there were a public display of taking out the leadership, everyone else would follow.”

The regime didn’t understand that each practitioner follows his own conscience, Browde said. There is little hierarchy, and no practitioners who act as leaders in Falun Dafa.

Then-leader of the CCP, Jiang Zemin, set forth his reasons for launching the campaign to “eradicate” Falun Dafa in a letter he circulated to the Politburo on the night of April 25, 1999.

Jiang feared how many people were practicing Falun Gong—official reports placed the number between 70 million and 100 million, more than belonged to the CCP. He also saw the moral teachings of Falun Dafa, which are based on the principles of truthfulness, compassion, and tolerance, as a challenge to the CCP’s ideology.

Wang was sentenced to 16 years in prison. He was initially shipped off to Tuanhe Labor Camp, a place in far northeastern China notorious for abusing its inmates. After a while, he was sent to Beijing’s Qianjin Prison.

Speaking Out

When Wang was sentenced, Danielle was 19 years old. She had moved to the United States in 1998 to complete her education.

The sentencing so shocked Danielle that she temporarily lost her eyesight. Fearing for her father, she also temporarily lost the ability to speak for him.

CCP officials in China had told Danielle’s relatives that if she raised her father’s case in public, they would punish him.

Her father gave her courage. In a letter she received from him in 2001, Wang wrote, “A noble man is always magnanimous. A villain is always worried.”

Danielle writes in an essay that was aired on National Public Radio, “Dad’s letter showed me he still lives without hate or bitterness because of practicing Falun Gong, so I started to speak out.”

Danielle Wang is pictured in Washington, D.C. Danielle Wang's father, Wang Zhiwen, was imprisoned for 15 years and then suddenly shipped to a brainwashing Center. (via Wang family)
 She first seized every opportunity she could in Texas, where she had settled. In 2007, Danielle spoke at a press conference outside the APEC meeting in Sydney. After that, she received no more letters from her father—in total she said she was only allowed to receive three or four.

In 2008, Danielle quit her job as an engineer (she is the third generation of engineers in her family) and moved to Washington, D.C.

There she worked full time for a year, visiting congressional offices, the Department of State, the Human Rights Commission—anyone she thought might be able to have influence in getting her father out of prison.

Brainwashing Center

On Oct. 18, Danielle thought her father would finally be released, after having served almost 15 years of his 16-year sentence.

From conversations with relatives in China, Danielle learned that one of her aunts was allowed into the prison the morning of the Oct. 18 to bring a fresh change of clothes, but then was immediately required to leave.

After her aunt left, the local police and members of the local Citizen Watch Committee went in and then took Wang to a brainwashing center in Beijing in the Changping District.

While testifying on Capitol Hill before the House Foreign Affairs Committee on Dec. 5, 2013, Danielle Wang, daughter of Wang Zhiwen, holds a piece of wood that her father polished during his imprisonment. The piece of wood had been given to a relative in China to pass to Danielle, Wang's only child. (AP Photo/Susan Walsh)
 As far as his family knows, Wang would have been taken by surprise by this transfer. His relatives had been told by officials, but they had no way to warn him.

Officials came to the home of one of Danielle’s aunts and told her that at the brainwashing center, Wang would eat from a buffet and would share a room with only one other inmate. His life, they said, would be easier.

They also said that a month ago Wang had suffered a stroke and been hospitalized. He has high blood pressure and his health is described as “not good.”

While Danielle wanted her father released from Qianjin Prison as soon as possible, she by no means wanted him sent to a brainwashing center.

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“A brainwashing center is worse,” Danielle said in a phone interview. “A prison is at least part of the legal system. The brainwashing centers are not. They are not even legal.”

“There are two brainwashing centers in Changping in Beijing,” Danielle said. “According to Minghui, in both Falun Dafa practitioners have been beaten to death. At these places, nerve-damaging drugs have been injected, destroying practitioners’ health. I am very concerned.”

Minghui is a website run by Falun Dafa practitioners that provides first-person and eyewitness accounts of the persecution they suffer in China.

In September 2009 Minghui reported on the mistreatment Wang was suffering in prison. Four groups of four criminals each were assigned to monitor him around the clock. They would not let him sleep, and if he closed his eyes, they would beat him.

They also forced him to sit on a bench for long periods of time with his feet straight out. If he moved a muscle, he would be beaten. They also jammed toothpicks under his fingernails, causing him to bleed profusely, Minghui said.

In 2007, Danielle received one of her few letters from her father. In it, he focuses mainly on giving his daughter advice about how to live well, as a young woman now making her way in the world.

A birthday cake for Wang Zhiwen, in absentia, with a picture of him and his daughter Danielle. Wang was imprisoned for 15 years for his beliefs, and then, upon his release, immediately sent to a brainwashing center. (via Wang family)
After eight years of imprisonment that his family said involved frequent torture, Wang wrote his daughter this about his own situation: “The true nature of happiness is joy, tolerance, indifference to fame or gain, pure mindedness, a calm demeanor, and living peacefully, but confidently and free of any restraints. These are the qualities that I strive to achieve. This is the quality of life and noble state of mind I have yearned to establish with a corresponding open mind and happy attitude.”

Wang’s family has been told he will be held only 10 days in the brainwashing center, but they fear whether a stroke victim can last even a day in a place that exists to beat people into giving up belief.