Please understand the truth about Falun Gong and the brutal persecution of Falun Gong in China. Please do not believe the Chinese Communist Party's lies. Falun Dafa is Good. Falun Gong (Falun Dafa) teaches 'Truthfulness, Compassion, Tolerance', it teaches us to be a GOOD person, and it makes us HEALTHY.
And it is embraced in over 100 nations!
Human head transplants are about to be performed in China—but where are the bodies coming from?
An Italian surgeon has said that a head transplant will soon be carried out on a living person in China, adding to concerns about such procedures being attempted in a country already known for killing prisoners of conscience for their bodily organs.
Speaking at a press conference in Vienna, Italian surgeon Sergio Canavero said his collaborator in China, Xiaoping Ren of the Harbin Medical University, had successfully led a surgical team to conduct an 18-hour-long “rehearsal” head transplant using cadavers.
“The first human transplant on human cadavers has been done. A full head swap between brain-dead organ donors is the next stage,” said Canavero on November 11, reported The Telegraph.
“And that is the final step for the formal head transplant for a medical condition which is imminent,” he said.
“The first human head transplant, in the human mode, has been realized. The paper will be released in a few days. Everyone said it was impossible. But the surgery was successful,” he added.
Disturbing proposal
The controversial surgeon and his goals have met a barrage of criticism from his peers.
Dean Burnett, a neuroscientist and psychiatry lecturer at the Center for Medical Education at Cardiff University, said what Canavero wants to do is impossible.
“To be able to say you can just stick someone else’s head on someone else’s body is not really feasible based on current medical understanding,” said Burnett, reported National Post. “I’d be very keen to hear his explanation about how we’ve got around these issues,” he said.
Professor Jan Schnupp, from the University of Oxford, described the proposals as “disturbing.”
“The chances that a person who has their head transplanted onto another body will be able to gain any control over, or benefit from, that grafted body are completely negligible,” Schnupp told the Sun.
“The expected therapeutic value for the patient would be minimal, while the risks of graft rejection related side effects, or simply death as a consequence of a mishap during the operation, are huge.”
China choice
Canavero has said the upcoming procedure, which he gave a 90 percent chance in succeeding, is being done in China because it would not be permitted in the U.S. or Europe. Among his critics have been those who has focused on his choice of doing the procedure in China.
Consent and organ donation in China are murky ethical issues.
Karen S. Rommelfanger, a neuroethicist at Emory University School of Medicine, and Paul F. Boshears, a scholar of East Asian and comparative philosophy at Kennesaw State University, wrote that whether or not human head transplant is possible is irrelevant.
The fact is such technology is being developed and is being done in China, wrote Rommelfanger and Boshears forNewsweek.
“Where are they going to get the bodies for the head transplant procedures?” they asked.
“The Chinese research team taking up Canavero’s human head transplants could use bodies or heads from individuals who have not consented to participate,” they wrote.
The reports on the human head transplant come as China’s transplant industry has been dogged by reports over the past decade that claim it is supplied with organs harvested from prisoners of conscience who are killed in the process.
“This is so obviously wrong; it hardly needs to be said,” he said.
An estimated 60,000 to 100,000 transplants are performed each year in China, according to the findings of an alarming report released last year.
The report Bloody Harvest/The Slaughter: An Update, said the main targets for organ harvesting are practitioners of Falun Gong. To a lesser extent, Uyghurs, Tibetans, and select House Christians have also been killed in order to obtain organs for transplants, the report said.
WATCH Harvested alive -10 years investigation of Force Organ Harvesting
【明慧网二零一七年十一月十六日】2017年11月9日晚,位于美国西部的华盛顿大学西雅图分校(University of Washington – Seattle)举办了2014年皮博迪奖获奖纪录片《活摘》(Human Harvest)的放映会。
本次放映会的两位主办人分别是华盛顿大学公共事务学院的硕士生Cheryl Yu和Liz Harding Chao,公共事务学院学生组织Partnership for Community and Diversity(PCD)的社长。该记录片的导演李云翔(Leon Lee)为本次活动从温哥华专程赶到现场。在影片放映后的讨论会中,商学院学生Eva Fu分享了作为年轻法轮功修炼者在中国成长时经历的迫害。
This is the story of a beautiful origami lotus flower, folded with colored paper to spread the powerful message of Truth, Compassion, and Tolerance around the world.
The precious little paper lotus is a part of Petals of Peace, an initiative that was planted in Brisbane, Australia. The ambassador of this initiative is Jane Dai, and there is a heart-wrenching story behind it.
Origami Lotus flower made with shiny paper
Jane’s daughter, little Fadu, was born in Australia, and once, they went to visit her relatives in China. The whole family was closely knit and practiced the meditation system called Falun Dafa (also known as Falun Gong). The family benefited greatly from the moral teachings of the practice—and above all, they became more truthful, kind, and good people.
Falun Dafa was introduced in China in 1992, and in a couple of years, it became so popular due to its immense health benefits that more than 70–100 million people were doing its peaceful meditative exercises in China alone.
But on July 20, 1999, the former leader of the Chinese communist regime, Jiang Zemin, announced an illegal nationwide campaign of persecution against the peaceful practice of Falun Dafa.
Things changed immediately for little Fadu’s family. Her father, who practiced Falun Dafa meditation exercises every day in the park, couldn’t understand why he wasn’t allowed to these gentle exercises anymore from July 20 onward. In an attempt to make the communist regime realize its “big mistake,” he wrote a letter explaining how he had benefited from Falun Dafa practice.
But what happened next was totally unexpected—soon a group of communist officials and police broke into Fadu’s home to take his father away. Thereafter, her dad was illegally imprisoned, where he endured unimaginable torture merely due to his faith. After being brutally persecuted by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), he was eventually killed.
Her dad was tortured and killed, like countless other innocent Falun Dafa practitioners, just because he refused to stop doing this simple meditation.
Fadu and her mum returned to Australia but missed their family back home; it seemed as if the world had become dark and lonely for them all of a sudden. To break away from this darkness, and in order to spread the message of compassion for all other kids who lost their parents in the persecution of Falun Dafa, they started folding paper lotuses.
With each petal being folded, they hope to spread awareness around the world against the ongoing injustice in China.
The Petals of Peace initiative started in 2003 and quickly spread all across the world. Often, a small bookmark, with the persecution information printed on it, is attached to the lotus with the help of a few beads.
Kindhearted people who make these origami lotuses for free distribution put a lot of effort and heart into cutting, folding, binding, stretching the petals, and writing the card.
Though the process of making the flowers is time-consuming, one volunteer in Massachusetts says, “We never felt that it was hard or a waste of time. Actually, the process was very pleasant. These lotus flowers are so beautiful, and we are sharing the beauty with other people. When people see the flowers, the kindness and beauty in their hearts will be awakened, and it will help them to support ‘Truthfulness, Compassion, Tolerance.’”
Kids around the world appreciate the beauty of the origami lotus.
In India, there have been many initiatives taken by Falun Dafa practitioners to help children in schools and other communities to learn how to make these flowers.
Tania Vinogradovo, an art teacher in Pondicherry, India, learned to make origami lotuses from a lady in Germany. For her, it only takes a couple of minutes to get everything together: nine pieces of paper, a string, and a bookmark that highlights the words “Truth, Compassion, and Tolerance”—and it’s done!
Every time she hands out this multicolored shiny lotus, people express their happiness and joy. She said “people can’t seem to understand how extraordinary and beautiful this lotus is.”
As a symbol of purity and perfect beauty, the lotus flower has been appreciated by almost all. Its profoundness and inner meaning are much more than what meets the eye. As little seeds being planted in murky water, these grow into beautiful flowers that emit their own aura above all the dirt.
Similarly, the “lotus of hope” has found its place close to people’s hearts. Some of them hang it in their cars and bags, while others keep it in their houses and cannot seem to stop appreciating the beauty of the flower—surely this multicolored origami lotus seems to be restoring peace back to the world.
Falun Dafa (also known as Falun Gong) is a self-improvement meditation system based on the universal principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Tolerance. It was introduced to the public by Mr. Li Hongzhi in 1992 in China. It is currently practiced by over 100 million people in 114 countries. But this peaceful meditation system is being brutally persecuted in China since 1999. For more info, please visit: and