Saturday, February 16, 2019

From DRUGS and DESPAIR to becoming a GOOD PERSON, living a normal life and striving to do even BETTER

When Mateusz Filipkowski was a boy in Poland, he believed in the existence of a wonderful realm, transcending all the pain and suffering of the world. He looked for the spiritual power that would lead him to that place, without success.
Eventually, Mateusz became a hoodlum on the streets, addicted to alcohol and drugs, until a book permanently altered his life’s trajectory.
Now, this young man is happy, healthy, and has a good job. What happened?
He believed in the existence of a wonderful realm, transcending all the pain and suffering of the world. (Mateusz Filipkowski/Facebook)

A Troubled Youth

Mateusz was always a big fan of sports, good at running and martial arts, especially Muay Thai.
He grew up with his younger brother and father in a neighborhood where one’s dignity is defined and protected by one’s fists. His father told him to always get revenge when insulted.
In Mateusz’s mind, fighting was not for fun, but to protect himself or the weak. He rarely missed a brawl on his street.
Mateusz hated the smell of cigarettes and alcohol, but was surrounded by them – in his house and throughout the neighborhood – as almost everyone in the community used them for releasing stress. Gradually, he became addicted to them too, although deep in his heart, he still hated them.
Mateusz with his father. (Mateusz Filipkowski/Facebook)

Looking for Another World

Underneath the surface of his often violent life, nonetheless, Mateusz was on a spiritual quest. He read a lot of books on metaphysics, including books on oriental meditation and martial arts. At the same time, he also took hallucinogenic drugs.
But those books didn’t answer his questions. He pondered: What is the meaning of life? Why do human beings live on this planet? Do lives on other planets also suffer pain and injustice? What is the purpose of meditation and cultivation? Why are the bad people in power?…
Mateusz tried his best to find the answers, the pursuit of which became the most important thing in his life. He kept a diary of his dreams, his experiences in meditation, experiences of his soul leaving his body, and his feelings after experimenting with all kinds of drugs.
Mateusz also searched for books on cultivation on the Internet. One day, on an online bookstore, he saw a blue-covered book among hundreds of books, which drew his immediate attention. One of the reviews said: “This book can fundamentally change one’s mind, and help people to quit all kinds of addictions. It can change one’s body from deep inside, and uplift the cultivators to the realm of consummation.”
“Isn’t this what I have been looking for?” thought Mateusz, and ordered the book right away. This book was Zhuan Falun.
However, he gave up after reading the preface, “I don’t deserve this book,” he thought, “because my body is too polluted, full of alcohol and drugs.”
Zhuan Falun book. (Tiantibooks)

From Now On, I Will Cultivate

Mateusz kept trying all kinds of things in his quest to explore the spiritual world. He studied some supernormal phenomena, and wished to make contact with lives at higher levels who might give him guidance in this chaotic world.
Meanwhile, he took more and more hallucinogenic drugs. The doses kept increasing, causing his family and friends to worry about him. He felt lonely, because nobody understood him.
One night, Mateusz took 10 times the usual dose of drugs. “I woke up at midnight, and started to cry out in desperation. I was so sad and I didn’t want to live in this world anymore.”
The copy of Zhuan Falun was sitting there on the bookshelf, seemingly covered with a gentle and warm halo.
“All of sudden, I felt surrounded by immense compassion, a compassion that can melt steel. Hope rose in my heart,” Mateusz recalled.
“I recognized my bad behaviors – the drinking, smoking, and using drugs. I knew that if I wanted to cultivate, I had to get rid of them. From deep my heart, I had a wish: ‘From now on, I will cultivate, and go back to my true self.’”
The next day, Mateusz announced to his family, “I will change. I will quit drugs, and be a good son.” At the time, he was 19.
Mateusz joined a local exercise site in Poland. (Mateusz Filipkowski/Facebook)

Becoming a Good Person and Living a Normal Life

Mateusz read Zhuan Falun again and again. “This book teaches people how to be a good person, and an even better person. It teaches a cultivator how to improve him or herself to a higher level in everyday life without becoming a monk or a nun, and eventually guides one to become a great enlightened being.”
Later, he joined a local exercise site in Poland, and learned from fellow practitioners’ experiences about incorporating Falun gong’s teaching of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance in his daily life.
Mateusz moved out of his parents’ house in Gliwice, to Warsaw. “I wanted to be responsible for my own life, and not be a burden on my parents.”
He taught himself English, and became a customs worker at an airport. “In my work I encounter all kinds of people. I am happy to help them, and treat everyone kindly,” said Mateusz.
Mateusz joined a Falun Dafa activity. (Mateusz Filipkowski/Facebook)
Cultivating Falun Gong completely changed the way Mateusz handles conflicts.
He shared, “All the conflicts are opportunities for us to pay back our karma and improve ourselves. For example, Some time ago, my supervisor was mad at me for no reason. She yelled at me in anger. At that moment, I reminded myself to keep calm. I said to her, peacefully and with a smile, that I understood her. She changed her attitude immediately, and was no longer angry. I believe that I just paid back some debts I owed her from my previous life.”
Mateusz (right) now is happy, healthy, and has a good job. (Mateusz Filipkowski/Facebook)
“Falun Gong teaches me to be a truly good person, and an even better person. It gives me the criteria to measure everything with. I hope that I will become more compassionate and more peaceful through cultivation. I can sense the power of compassion throughout my eight years of cultivation, and I will strive to do even better.”


WATCH What is Falun Gong?


从好莱坞到宝莱坞 名人发型师走出失落 轻松处理难题

加布利埃尔‧乔尔吉欧(Gabriel Georgiou)是希腊裔澳大利亚人。他自幼喜爱艺术,追随哥哥学习发型设计。他进入专业学院,如伦敦的Toni&Guy,学习化妆、服装、美发。

观看: 从好莱坞到宝莱坞 名人发型师走出失落 轻松处理难题


[VIDEO] 连环画音像片:评江泽民与中共相互利用迫害法轮功

Prisoner of Conscience Killed in Forced Organ Harvesting–Daughter Escapes to the United States

Ten police cars accompanied a small group of relatives to view Han Jun Qing’s body. No cameras or reporters were allowed on the premises.
But his daughter, Han Yu, needs no photograph or article to help her recount exactly what she saw that day.
In an interview with Han Yu, she said: “My father’s body was extremely thin. There were wounds on his face. There was tissue missing from under his left eye. His face was bruised green and purple.
An old photo of Han Jun Qing. (Image provided by Han Yu)
Only two people at a time were allowed to enter the room where Jun Qing’s body lay cold, supervised by two police officers, while uniformed officials surrounded the complex outside.
“Later, my aunt and uncle went in, and forced the buttons of his shirt open. They saw that the incision reached from his neck all the way down to his abdomen—a very obvious knife wound.
At the time, the world did not yet know that the Chinese Communist Party was secretly practicing forced organ harvesting from prisoners of conscience—a practice that has continued unabated to the present day.
The document provided by the Beijing police station states that the case against Han Jun Qing has been withdrawn as he has passed away in custody. (Image provided by Han Yu)

The Persecution

“I told the police, you’re arresting a good person, and he raised his hand to hit me… After about a month, they arrested my stepmother as well, so there was only my brother and I left at home.”
Han Yu’s parents were arrested for practicing Falun Gong, a spiritual discipline which teaches virtues, including moral philosophies with Buddhist and Taoist elements. The practice involves meditation, and draws on Chinese traditional cultivation practices such as qigong, a regimen of controlled breathing and gentle physical movements.
Falun Gong was practiced freely in China until 1999, when then Chinese Communist Party leader Jiang Zemin launched a systematic campaign to vilify and destroy Falun Gong.
But the police still would not leave the family alone. One day Han Yu received a phone call from a Falun Gong practitioner who asked to stay overnight at her home. When Han Yun went to pick her up the next day, she noticed a police car following her down the street. She returned home after walking around the block.
Within the hour, several police officers arrived at her door and forced their way inside, conducting a search of the premises and interrogating her about where she had gone, and what she had been doing.
The Falun Gong practitioner who had asked to stay with her never called again.
At school, parents told their children to avoid Han Yu and her brother out of fear that their families would be implicated.
During that period of time, her 9-year-old brother became very introverted and began to skip school. “He suffered more than me because he was very young,” Han Yu said.
When her father finally returned home, he was no longer the same man who entered the prison swearing to uphold his beliefs. He took up old habits which he had discarded many years ago after devoting himself to the spiritual practice. His bad temper returned, as well as his gambling habits and excessive cigarette and alcohol consumption. Prior to practicing Falun Dafa, he was a well-known hooligan in the local community.
Her father returned from prison with stories of torture. He was often beaten by the guards. Once, he was simultaneously struck with ten electric batons.
After her father recovered, he again gave up his bad habits and swore to hold on to his belief in Falun Gong.
Though he didn’t know it at the time, he swore this vow on his life.
Han Yu did not know of her father’s incarceration as she was no longer living at home. One day, she received a call.
“I was in shock. Panic. I could not accept reality.
“I could not believe that they had killed my father. I thought that the call was made by mistake. Not up until I saw his body, did I…”
“I would dream of my father often.”
Following her father’s death, her stepmother was released from prison. But what she had experienced was enough to terrify her into never practicing her beliefs again.
An old image of Han Jun Qing. (Image provided by Han Yu)

A Journey West to Freedom

As a child, Han Yu practiced Falun Dafa with her parents. After her father’s death, she stopped.
Then, on one night in 2013, Han Yu dreamed of her father.
“My father in the dream was quite different. He looked very healthy and alert, and he said he wanted to bring me to a place. I asked him where, and he said, just come with me.”
Soon after her dream, Han Yu traveled to Hong Kong, where she was shocked to discover that there were still Falun Dafa practitioners out on the streets, speaking out against the evil which had persecuted them, and spreading the truth about communist propaganda.
She decided to take up her faith once more.
Han Yu practicing Falun Gong’s meditation exercise. (Image provided by Han Yu)
In 2015, Han Yu traveled to the United States to attend a gathering of Falun Gong practitioners from all over the world. Upon her return to China five days later, she was arrested along with her roommate and landlord, who were also practitioners.
She was interrogated in a police station about her brief stay in the United States, and chained to a metal chair with nothing to eat or drink for an entire day.
Police eventually released her as they did not have sufficient evidence that she was practicing Falun Gong.
However, Han Yu knew that it was time to leave.
When asked why she chose the United States as her asylum, Han Yu laughed. “Why the United States?
“Because it’s free.”
On Oct. 15, 2018, Han Yu, now aged 33, arrived in New York.
“But to be honest, there is still a part of me that hasn’t escaped China, as I still feel an irrational fear every time I see police.”
Now on every weekday, in rain or snow, Han Yu stands tall in front of the Chinese embassy, holding up banners and passing out flyers to countless strangers in her own effort to spread the truth about her beliefs and expose the evils perpetrated by the Chinese government.
Han Yu practicing a Falun Gong exercise outside the Chinese embassy in New York with other practitioners. In front of them, the banner reads: “Falun Dafa is Good.” (Image provided by Han Yu)
During the crackdown, Jiang Zemin had said the following: “Defame their reputation, bankrupt them financially, destroy them physically.”
He introduced genocidal policies to be performed by what is known as the “610 Office.” Examples of such policies include, “No measures are too excessive,” “No responsibility if beaten to death,” “Consider it suicide if beaten to death,” and “Cremate the body immediately without confirming the identity.”
Yet despite everything she had suffered at the hands of the Chinese police, Han Yu said: “I feel… actually, the police are quite pitiful. They really don’t know the truth. They think that what they believe in is right—because people are encouraged not to think independently in China.
“If they knew the kind of people we are, they wouldn’t persecute us like this.”
Han Yu remembers her father with pride as she takes up his mantle. “To the very end, he didn’t bow to persecution and held to his beliefs.
“I will also hold on to my beliefs, and spread the truth everywhere—to save more of the people living in China who are being persecuted for what they believe in. I still have friends in prison.”


WATCH A Story of Truth-Clarification Flyer








刑讯逼供 下身青紫


用小绳捆住 不让小便


私部被砸 他顿时昏死过去


被使劲捏 痛得他死去活来





资料来源:明慧网 #

观看: 江泽民为什么迫害法轮功?


[VIDEO] 连环画音像片:评江泽民与中共相互利用迫害法轮功