Wednesday, October 6, 2021

A Blessing in Disguise

 Feb. 18, 2021 | By Minghui reporter Shu Jing in Houston, Texas, United States

( Dong Nguyen, a Vietnamese Chinese physician in Houston, Texas, used to lead a leisurely and comfortable retirement. He did not expect that he would contract the coronavirus while buying lottery tickets. He also did not anticipate that an unexpected encounter with Falun Dafa six months ago would eventually save his life. Below is his story.

Contracting the Deadly Virus

On August 3, 2020, Dong Nguyen wore a mask and went out alone to buy lottery tickets at a convenience store near his home. In the afternoon, he became unwell, started coughing, and developed a fever. The cough kept him awake all night. He knew he had contracted the coronavirus.

Dong Nguyen is a registered oriental medicine acupuncturist in the United States and has experience in clinical treatment and teaching acupuncture. But when he caught the virus, he was helpless even with everything he had learned.

Concerned about his life, his wife and son took him to the emergency room the next day, where he was confirmed to have the coronavirus and hospitalized. The doctor prescribed him intravenous antibiotics and three to four oral medications, including drugs for the treatment of high blood sugar. He has never had diabetes, but his blood sugar level was as high as 400 mg/dl. That night, he was short of breath. He kept coughing and was often in a coma. In just a few days, his life had to be maintained on a ventilator.

On August 5, the medication continued. However, he was having extreme difficulty breathing. His lungs were about to rupture, and his body was starved of oxygen. He was transferred to the intensive care unit. Even with the ventilator operating at maximum intensity, he still felt unable to breathe. After two more days, his condition continued to deteriorate. He knew that if he continued to stay in the hospital, he would probably die. He suddenly remembered his friend, Dr. Giao Nguyen.

Dong Nguyen was treated in the intensive care unit.

The Healing Power of Two Auspicious Phrases

On a Saturday in March 2020, Dong Nguyen was at the weekly meeting of the Online Vietnamese Theosophical Association. A Falun Dafa practitioner from Saigon, Vietnam, named Truc Lam, introduced the meditation practice at the meeting. Dong Nguyen was very interested after hearing it. He was connected with Dr. Giao Nguyen, a Falun Dafa practitioner also living in Houston.

He began reading Zhuan Falun, the main book of Falun Dafa, with Dr. Giao online. In the meantime, he learned the Falun Dafa exercises online.

On the phone, Dr. Giao told him that whenever he found himself in a crisis, he should recite the phrases “Falun Dafa is good” and “Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.” Dr. Giao also said, “You have just started to learn the exercises and the Dafa teachings. To learn Falun Dafa, you should cultivate your heart, look inward, and let go of your attachments.”

Now that Dong Nguyen was in critical condition, he called Dr. Giao on August 7, who comforted him over the phone and told him, “Don’t worry too much. Let go of your fears and worries, and sincerely recite the phrases ‘Falun Dafa is good’ and ‘Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.’”

After the call, Dong Nguyen began to recite the phrases over and over. Indeed, he felt better, and he suddenly had the thought to go home to meditate. At around 2 p.m. that afternoon, he left the hospital with the ventilator.

The day after his discharge from the hospital on August 8, he was still using the ventilator. But he stopped taking medicine that morning and began to meditate while sitting in bed. He felt much better after the meditation.

On August 10, he felt even better and stopped using the ventilator. He was able to do standing exercises. His coughing subsided. His oxygen level rose to 85%. His blood pressure and blood sugar went back to normal. Three days later, he recovered from the coronavirus.

Dong Nguyen felt lucky that he got his life back with a piece of information about Falun Dafa by chance a few months ago.

He initially thought he just needed to learn the exercises and read the teachings, and that would be all. He did not understand why he needed to recite the phrases. Only after this life-and-death incident did he realize that practicing Falun Dafa does not just involve just exercising and book reading–the important part is to cultivate one’s character and let go of attachments. When one recites the phrases, one will connect with the powerful energy of the cosmos. Falun Dafa has this powerful positive energy field that can be transmitted to the chanter and enhances their immunity, thus helping people to resist the virus and stay fit.

Unexpected Gain After Practicing Falun Dafa

Dong Nguyen cherishes his cultivation. He studies Falun Dafa’s teachings with others and exercises daily. He began to abide by the principles of Falun Dafa and working on his character.

He also mentioned that he suffered from polio since he was young and could not put his feet flat on the ground. After practicing Falun Dafa for three or four months, he woke up one day and could stand with his feet flat on the ground! Now he feels much better physically. It was a real windfall. He said practicing Falun Dafa greatly benefits one’s physical and mental health.

Dong Nguyen said he wishes to meet the founder of Falun Dafa, Master Li Hongzhi, one day, as it was Falun Dafa that saved his life. He now recites the two auspicious phrases each day. On the special occasion of the Chinese New Year, he extends his most sincere wishes to Master Li and wishes him “Happy Chinese New Year!”

Dong Nguyen doing the second Falun Dafa exercise and meditation
Wishing Master Li “Happy New Year!”



Watch On the Thirteenth of May




Why Jiang Zemin and CCP Persecute Falun Gong?

[VIDEO] Why Jiang Zemin and CCP Persecute Falun Gong?

Tuesday, October 5, 2021


 更新: 2021年05月10日

【明慧网二零二一年二月十五日】(明慧记者舒静休士顿报道)美国德州休斯顿的越南裔中医师Dong Nguyen(音译:阮童),原本过着休闲安逸的退休生活,没想到因为买彩票,会感染上武汉病毒,差点丧命。他更没想到,因为半年前与法轮功的邂逅,让他从死神身边安然脱身,而且变得更健康。下面让我们看看他的故事。

不幸染疫 生命垂危



八月五日,继续用药,然而他的呼吸极为困难,肺部简直要破裂了,数据表明他的身体几乎处于无氧状态,他被送入重症病房,呼吸机最强度运作,他却感到无法呼吸。又过了两天,病情继续恶化,极度虚弱中,他知道如果继续住在医院,他很可能会死 。

图1:Dong Nguyen在重症病房治疗

这时他突然想起了同是越南裔的阮乔(Giao Nguyen)医生。


那是二零二零年三月的一个周六,当时阮童在网络越语神智学协会(国际)的周会上,一位名叫Truc Lam(音译:林德)的越南西贡的法轮功学员在会上介绍法轮功,他听后很感兴趣。林德于是给了他阮乔(Giao Nguyen)医生的联络电话。阮乔是来自休斯顿的法轮功学员。










现在阮童非常珍惜自己的修炼,每天他和其它城市的越语法轮功学员一起,在网上阅读法轮功的书籍《转法轮 》,和其他法轮大法书籍。开始注重遵循真、善、忍,在日常生活中做一个真诚、善良、忍让的人。



现在,阮童的愿望是希望能够见到李洪志老师,是李老师的法轮大法使他绝处逢生。他天天都在诚念“法轮大法好,真善忍好”,现在自己还加上一句 “李老师好”。最后他真心的表示 “恭祝李老师新年快乐!”

图3: 中国新年之际,阮童合十“恭祝李老师新年快乐”, 感恩李老师,感谢法轮大法



请观看: 奧運名將水上金花(上)


请观看: 奧運名將水上金花(下)





[VIDEO] 连环画音像片:评江泽民与中共相互利用迫害法轮功

Doctor Infected with Covid-19 on Ventilator Recovers after Reciting Auspicious Phrases

 ( In April 2020 when the CCP virus plague hit New York hard, the hospital where my brother works as an anesthesiologist was admitting many patients every day. Within ten days, the ICU was full, and even he was transferred to work in the ICU. Personal protective equipment (PPE) was in short supply, so he wore a large plastic wrap tied around his waist with a rope to interact with patients. Sometimes, the patients’ bodily fluids splashed onto the doctors.

As more and more people became infected, doctors began working around the clock in an effort to treat as many patients as possible. No one even thought about taking a break. From my brother’s phone calls, we heard bad news after bad news: a Costco janitor died; a surgeon in his hospital died; the doctor who’d been in the elevator with him the day before died.

At the beginning of May, my brother collapsed from exhaustion. He had a fever and was diagnosed with Covid-19 himself. He was hospitalized and put on a ventilator. He was well aware of what could happen next and prepared for the worst with his wife, making arrangements for his family’s finances and trying to take care of his real estate affairs.

He sounded very weak over the phone, and I could hear him gasping for air. His life was in danger and we were very worried about him. At that point, even though I knew that my phone might be monitored, I told him, “I’m sorry. I should have told you this earlier. Please write down what I am about to say.” He agreed.

I told him to write down “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.”

He said he did.

Then I said, “Please sincerely recite these auspicious phrases repeatedly. If you can’t say them out loud, you can recite them in your mind. You will be fine.”

He said, “Ok, I will.”

I was very surprised that he actually listened to my advice since he normally doesn’t. Perhaps it was his instinct to survive. When he visited China, every time I tried to talk to him about Falun Dafa, he simply interrupted me and avoided the topic. He would say impatiently, “Don’t you know that our parents suffered during every government movement in the past? How can you still practice this (Falun Dafa)? Aren’t you afraid of being imprisoned?” He then proceeded to say more disrespectful things.

In reality, my brother is very kind, sincere, and sympathetic. He lived through the June 4th Massacre on Tiananmen Square and knows how evil the Chinese Communist Party is. He knows that Falun Dafa practitioners are being persecuted, but he didn’t know how great Falun Dafa is or believe that it is supernatural. Perhaps that is common for many intellectuals in China.

Two days after I told him to recite the auspicious phrases, I called him again. His fever had gone down and he was breathing evenly again. He was ready to be discharged.

As a doctor, my brother believes in modern science, but modern science could not find the cure for Covid-19. He recovered quickly after he sincerely recited, “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.” 

While he was recovering, I recommended a TV series called The Story of Falun Dafa: Now and For the Future for him to watch. After he saw the last episode, he refused to continue to explore the tough truth. He said he needed to relax and didn’t want to think about serious topics. 

I said, “Of course, we all want a better life, but the persecution of Falun Dafa that is taking place in China cannot be ignored. Indifference to bad people and bad things only leads people to become complacent. No one expected the outbreak of a global pandemic, but everyone must face it head on.”



WATCH Near-Death Experience and Miraculous Resurgence of a Cardiologist



Why Jiang Zemin and CCP Persecute Falun Gong?

[VIDEO] Why Jiang Zemin and CCP Persecute Falun Gong?

纽约医生染疫 诚念“法轮大法好”痊愈

 文: 中国大陆大法弟子 更新: 2021年02月11日






《静坐的艾伦》(Wattana Bo/Facebook)












[VIDEO] 连环画音像片:评江泽民与中共相互利用迫害法轮功