Monday, January 31, 2022

Better Health And Happier Families – Four German Practitioners Express Gratitude to Falun Dafa

 Jan. 30, 2022 | By a Minghui correspondent in Germany

( There can be many challenges in life and some are difficult to deal with. For many people, a practice known as Falun Dafa or Falun Gong opened a door to new opportunities. Once following the teachings to be a better person and constantly improving oneself, they found many problems were resolved even before they noticed it.

Below are experiences of four German practitioners.

Saying Goodbye to Insomnia

Richard works in the justice system and he used to have difficulty falling asleep. The worst time happened 10 years ago when he barely slept for one entire month. Frustrated over the tiredness and fatigue, he asked a friend for advice. “Why don’t you try Falun Dafa?” the friend replied, “It helped me a lot and it will help you too.”

So Richard learned the sitting meditation before going to bed. “Surprisingly I slept very well that night even though I could barely cross my legs half way,” he said, “From that, I knew Falun Dafa is extraordinary and decided to explore more.”

The practice not only cured his insomnia, but also gave him much more. Growing up in a traditional Catholic family, Richard was interested in the divine since childhood. Nonetheless, he still had many questions that no one could answer. “But after beginning to practice Falun Dafa, I understood all these and the purpose of life,” he continued.

It also provided a sense of assurance and safety. As many people were worried about uncertainties during the pandemic, Richard felt very fortunate to be a Dafa practitioner.

“Falun Dafa helped with my insomnia and gave me a peaceful mind – I couldn’t imagine what life would be without it. I will remain diligent in cultivation and help more people know about the practice. Thank you, Master Li!” he said.

Richard sent Chinese New Year greetings to Mr. Li Hongzhi, founder of Falun Dafa.

Broken Family Reunited

Nina had never met her father’s parents or brother when young. She was told that her father had a strained relationship with them. In addition, her father sometimes would exhibit dangerous behaviors and was once diagnosed with a mental disorder. Her younger brother and sister, who were in middle school at the time, often thought of running away to avoid having to face their father. Nina was attending college out of town, but she could not finish her study because of her family issues, which further made her feel helpless and lost.

Just as she was in despair, one friend of her sister’s recommended the book Zhuan Falun. Nina and her sister both read the book and often discussed their understandings of the teachings. Later on, their mother and brother also joined them in reading the book. In the end, all four of them became Falun Dafa practitioners.

“By applying the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance in our daily life, we learned there are many things we could do better. So we all ended up treating our father well,” Nina recalled. Surprisingly, her father’s condition also improved even without medication. Moreover, as he got better, he also resumed interaction with his parents and brother.

About ten years ago, Nina, nearly 40 at the time, met her uncle and his children for the first time. “Upon hearing all these changes in my father were brought out by our practice of Falun Dafa, my cousins decided to learn the practice from us too,” she added.

Like her family, Nina also benefited from the practice tremendously. She went back to finish college and received a degree. Furthermore, she got married and currently works at a news media.

“My brother and sister have also graduated college, and are now married. And my parents live together happily as well,” Nina explained, “All these are unimaginable without Falun Dafa. That is why I am so grateful to Master Li.”

Becoming More Efficient at Work

Andy, a teacher at a boarding school, first heard about Falun Dafa in 1998. “”My friend and I saw the book of Falun Gong at a bookstore. I found the book helped answer a lot of my questions about life and Master Li’s picture in the book also told me he is trustworthy,” he recalled.

Although he bought the book, Andy did not practice it immediately. After the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) started to persecute Falun Gong and spread propaganda against it in 1999, he knew those were lies to defame Falun Dafa. “I told people that those propaganda cannot be true,” he added. When he moved to another city in 2000, he was glad to find a group practice site nearby and joined the practice.

But cultivation practice was not easy. More than ten years into his cultivation, Andy found himself busy handling conflicts in life without much time for cultivation. With a poor cultivation status and pressure from work and family, he had the symptoms of memory loss and was only able to concentrate on things for about one hour per day. From time to time, he thought of Dafa. But with no confidence in himself, he felt hopeless.

This situation lasted about two years. One day when sitting in his office alone, Andy thought of Dafa again. He went to the website of and read Hong Yin, a collection of Master Li’s poems. “Several sentences into reading the book, I felt a warm current filling in from the top of my head all the way to my feet. I was in tears instantly,” he explained, “I knew Master had not abandoned me and I was still qualified to be a practitioner.”

After he resumed cultivation, Andy realized that as long as he aligned with the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, things would be fine. “I tried to handle the work-related stress and family conflicts as a practitioner, and the situation improved quickly,” he said. In the past, his wife often complained that he did not spend much time at home. Right now, she is supportive even if Andy needs to go out for a few days introducing Dafa to people.

As the 2022 Chinese New Year is approaching, Andy wants to thank Master Li for the opportunity to become a practitioner. He could feel Master’s compassion and will remain diligent.

Andy learned that, when encountering conflicts, it is important to look within and improve oneself.

Retired Fire Chief: “People Told Me I Am Getting Younger”

Paul is a retired fire chief. About four years ago, he jogged at the local park almost every morning. One day he saw a group of people doing Falun Dafa exercises. Curious about the gentle exercises, Paul went up for a chat and learned everyone could learn the exercises for free.

“As soon as I tried doing the five sets of exercises, I felt myself surrounded in energy,” he said. He felt light after returning home. “The 40 plus years of working at the fire department left me with pain in my legs and lower back. But that afternoon, I did not feel anything and it was such a wonderful feeling,” he explained.

Impressed by this experience, Paul contacted local practitioners and began to read Zhuan Falun. The teachings are very profound and all his questions about life were answered – “I immediately knew this is something I had been looking for,” he added.

Already close to 70, Paul said the dark spots on his face had lightened or diminished, and his neck wrinkles also reduced. “My friends told me I had become younger after retirement, and I know it is because of Falun Dafa,” Paul said, “Thank you Master and Happy New Year in the Year of the Tiger!”

Paul is happy to find Falun Dafa


Try Falun Gong Today

Reserve your spot for a FREE 1.5-hour webinar - 

Editor’s Note: Dear readers, do you know that Falun Dafa, originally from China, is currently practiced by people in over 100 countries? But in China, since Jul. 20, 1999, Falun Gong is defamed, slandered and persecuted due to the Chinese Communist Party’s fear of Falun Gong’s rapidly growing popularity. Jiang Zemin, former head of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), perceived the spiritual discipline’s growing popularity as a threat to the CCP’s atheistic ideology.

To learn more about the persecution Falun Gong practitioners are subjected to in China, visit

For more information about the practice or to download Zhuan Falun, visit: All books, exercise music, resources, and instructions are available completely free of charge.

修炼大法身心受益 德国西人学员感恩师尊


告别失眠 纷扰中保持平和








修炼大法 全家受益







再续前缘 修炼心性 走出低谷










偶遇法轮功 退休后变年轻了









1.5小時 線上免費學功班 –

Sunday, January 30, 2022

Mike Pompeo: Unsilenced Movie ‘A Scathing Indictment’ of Chinese Regime

 CHINA IN FOCUS NTD Newsroom Jan 29, 2022

The award-winning film “Unsilenced” is playing on the big screen in 30 cities across the United States.

Posting on Twitter, former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo says the film is “a moving, honest, scathing indictment of the CCP,” or Chinese Communist Party.

He adds “The truth of Xi & his predecessors’ utter depravity & the power-driven horrors they’ve inflicted cannot be denied. This movie unsilences the wonderful Chinese people, go see it.”

The film is based on a true story.

The protagonist is Wang, a student at a top Chinese university. Wang practices Falun Gong—a meditation practice that follows the principles of truthfulness, compassion, and tolerance.

But Wang’s life was turned upside down overnight when Beijing launched a persecution campaign against Falun Gong in 1999.

The regime later stepped up the campaign—churning out propaganda to defame the tens of millions of Falun Gong practitioners.

Now, Wang meets Daniel, a jaded, cynical American reporter. Together, they risked their lives to expose Beijing’s deadly propaganda.

Unsilenced is in select theaters until Feb. 3, including in New York, Washington, D.C., and California.


Editor’s Note: Dear readers, do you know that Falun Dafa, originally from China, is currently practiced by people in over 100 countries? But in China, since Jul. 20, 1999, Falun Gong is defamed, slandered and persecuted due to the Chinese Communist Party’s fear of Falun Gong’s rapidly growing popularity. Jiang Zemin, former head of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), perceived the spiritual discipline’s growing popularity as a threat to the CCP’s atheistic ideology.

To learn more about the persecution Falun Gong practitioners are subjected to in China, visit

For more information about the practice or to download Zhuan Falun, visit: All books, exercise music, resources, and instructions are available completely free of charge.

WATCH Unsilenced Official Trailer (2021)


沉默已過去 全世界都在呼喊: 需要“真善忍” ——蓬佩奧觀看《沉默呼聲》後推薦大家都去看










特拉華州州參議員大衛•勞森(Dave Lawson)本周也在當地觀看了《沉默呼聲》,表示被深深震撼。“我想發聲。把這個真相講出來。可能會聯繫其他的議員,讓他們也來看。”



這部根據真實故事改編的長劇情片由加拿大著名導演、“皮博迪獎”(Peabody Award)獲得者李雲翔(Leon Lee)執導;由獲托尼獎(Tony Award)提名的美國影星Sam Trammell、前加拿大世界小姐林耶凡,以及臺灣影視新秀吳沂庭、荷桃、陳映諭、石承鎬主演。


影片在2021年11月的第28屆奧斯汀電影節(Austin Film Festival)上獲得了“觀眾選擇獎”;





觀眾Edgar Avendano:“我看了電影很難過,沒想到(迫害)還在世界上發生,而且我們了解的真相卻遠少於我們應該知道的程度。”

在《洛杉磯時報》(LA Times)的一篇影評中,《沉默呼聲》被描繪成“政治迫害下,體現堅持良知的一幅動人畫卷”,“具有藝術性的高尚品德,如同真相一樣,最終會取得勝利”。

《波士頓環球報》(Boston Globe)寫道:這是一部“動人心魄的、影響深遠的”電影,“中共獨裁者不想讓你去看《沉默呼聲》,那你就去看吧”。

《美國思想者》(American Thinker)把《沉默呼聲》稱為一部“快節奏的、逼真的政治驚悚片”和“精湛的製作”。


Linda Hartman:“我看過之後久久說不出來話。”

Sterling Silver:“非常感人,驚心動魄,啟發了我!”

Lynda Rounds:“精彩的電影,真正的催淚片,令人震驚。”

紐約華人觀眾小李(Charlene Li)則表示,她在觀看《沉默呼聲》過程中幾度熱淚盈眶,被主人公的情感所打動。







鑒於觀眾的熱烈反響,美國兩大連鎖影院(Cinemark 和 Angelika)本周一宣布在全美加演《沉默呼聲》一周,至2月3日。



WATCH Unsilenced Official Trailer (2021)


Saturday, January 29, 2022

The Young Man’s Personality Changes, Quit Drinking, Gaming, Tobacco By Three Miracle Words


A young Belgian man, Lorenz Duchamps, 28, proudly confirmed that he easily quit all his bad habits such as smoking, drinking, and playing video games 5 years ago.

Years ago, Lorenz was a rude person, and he took part in all the fun things that young people now tend to like, such as smoking, drinking, and playing games.

He used to quarrel with people—even his parents. Whenever he was at odds with his parents he would just get and leave or shut himself up in his room.

At the age of 23, he had a more mature outlook on life because he associated more with mature adults, listening to their heartfelt sharings about the difficulties they had with their children. Then he looked more closely at himself, and he suddenly realized that he was not a good man.

He wanted to change, but to get rid of habits that had been around for years, was not easy. He longed for something to get back what he had missed.

“Life is more than just short-term fun”

At that time, Lorenz’s parents had been practitioners of a spiritual qigong called Falun Gong or Falun Dafa, for 13 years. So Lorenz knew how good Falun Gong was. However, he kept thinking that it was merely a meditation qigong that helped relax the mind and he didn’t pay much attention to it.

Falun Gong is cherished for helping millions of people around the world improve their health and their xinxing (character). Falun gong practitioners doing the exercises in Times Square, New York, on 05/12/2016. (Minghui)
Lorenz’s parents had been practitioners of a spiritual qigong called Falun Gong or Falun Dafa, for 13 years.

It wasn’t until Lorenz started spending more time talking to his father that he started to read Zhuan Falun—the main book of Falun Gong that he gradually became aware of profound knowledge that he had never knew before.

All of a sudden, Lorenz realized that the messages conveyed in the book had profoundly changed his concept of a happy life.

Zhuan Falun – the main book of Falun Gong has profoundly changed Lorenz’s concept about a happy life.

“I began to seriously read Zhuan Falun. Having thoroughly read the whole book, I am fully aware that the book conveys very deep messages. I was immersed in profound knowledge, and at the same time my view of life has completely changed. Now I understand that life is not just about enjoyment, but we need to be serious about ourselves”, recalled Lorenz.

Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance are the values derived from the heart

Lorenz proudly recalls that Falun Gong has helped him quit drinking, smoking, playing video games, and changed his rudeness. Now he always chooses to think for others first because he knows what it will bring him.

“I believe that after learning Falun Dafa, you will know how to care more about others. You will love to follow these principles simply because it truly comes from your heart. Truthfulness, compassion and forbearance. It means that is not just for the sake of others, but for ourselves as well”, Lorenz shared.

Since learning Falun Gong, Lorenz has never quarreled with his parents. The relationship with his family has gotten closer. “All the members of my family behave more sincerely and kindly to one another, the whole family members share more with each other, that makes our family atmosphere changed and all relationships have turned for the better”, Lorenz said.

Lorenz’s family atmosphere became warmer after everyone learned Falun Gong.

Not just that, Falun Gong also helped Lorenz’s sister, who had been living a very private life for years as a victim of bullying. She regained her true self and now lives more openly with others.

“When I was young, my sister was often bullied and after learning Falun Dafa, she began to open up”, Lorenz said. She used to be quite selfish and had an inferiority complex, so in my view, it was a big change for her”, shared Lozenz.

Falun Gong helped Lorenz’s sister step out of a dark past and live more openly.

“Falun Dafa is what I seek in my life”

Lorenz said, “This is really a very peaceful meditation practice. I did not know that this is what I have always been looking for. I always thought that it is just a way of relaxation, without realizing how much it can impact our daily lives”.

Lorenz in meditation—one of the five Falun Gong exercises.

Falun Dafa has completely changed Lorenz’s life, as well as his previous view about the values ​​of life. “Falun Dafa is what I’ve been looking for all my life, but I did not realize that”, Lorenz said.


Try Falun Gong Today

Reserve your spot for a FREE 1.5-hour webinar - 

Editor’s Note: Dear readers, do you know that Falun Dafa, originally from China, is currently practiced by people in over 100 countries? But in China, since Jul. 20, 1999, Falun Gong is defamed, slandered and persecuted due to the Chinese Communist Party’s fear of Falun Gong’s rapidly growing popularity. Jiang Zemin, former head of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), perceived the spiritual discipline’s growing popularity as a threat to the CCP’s atheistic ideology.

To learn more about the persecution Falun Gong practitioners are subjected to in China, visit

For more information about the practice or to download Zhuan Falun, visit: All books, exercise music, resources, and instructions are available completely free of charge.