Monday, October 14, 2024

[] Benefits of Practicing Falun Gong Shared by Practitioners from Around the World

 May 20, 2016 | By Minghui correspondent Ying Xin

He said, “Living in the human world is not for pursuing fame and personal interest, but improving oneself spiritually. This brings peace to your life.”

( Nearly 10,000 Falun Gong (also known as Falun Dafa) practitioners of various ethnicities gathered in New York on May 13, 2016 to celebrate World Falun Dafa Day, and held a grand parade in Manhattan, New York. They shared the benefits they have experienced from the practice.

Italian Family Practices Falun Gong

Rorenzo Derenzani from Udine, Italy learned about Falun Gong from his elder brother. His back pain, which had been bothering him for years, disappeared after he began practicing. He, his brother, and his parents now all practice Falun Gong.

Rorenzo said, “The principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance has been deep in my heart, along with my reading Zhuan Falun (the main book of Falun Gong).”

Rassable Cannata, from Italy, said during an interview, “I sought the meaning of life for a long time. I know it after practicing Falun Gong. What we should do most is follow Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. My life has [experienced] a big change by following the values. I know to improve myself and be a good person.”

Started Practicing From Reading a Flyer

Cary Dunst, vice president of Lotame Solutions, started practicing Falun Gong after becoming aware of the persecution in China.

Cary saw a group people practicing Falun Gong in Chinatown in 2001. He obtained a flyer, and browsed online to learn more about the practice. He read a series of reports on the persecution, which was published by The Wall Street Journal. He was interested in why the practitioners remained steadfast in their beliefs while facing the brutal persecution.

He tried to practice the exercises for 30 days in January 2002. He said, “I immediately felt strong energy in my body after practicing the exercises. I had never had such a feeling. I have been practicing Falun Gong for 14 years. My view of the world has experienced a big change.”

Iranian Artist Learns the Meaning of Life

Soroush Moghadam, an artist and philosopher from Iran, has practiced Falun Gong for six years. He noticed Falun Gong while browsing the Internet doing research six years ago. He read Zhuan Falun in 2010 and was shocked. He finished the book within one week. His illness disappeared, an illness which had previously required hospitalization in intensive care. He said after reading the book, “I came to know the meaning of life.”

Soroush sold his over 4,000 philosophy books after returning to Iran. He said, “What I think every day is to practice diligently. Ridding attachments makes me so happy. My inner heart is very peaceful. My life had a big change. I read Zhuan Falun every day and write down my experiences to share.”

Vietnamese Doctor: Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance Is My Guideline

Vietnamese practitioner Van Nguyen is a physician in Florida. She has been a doctor for 35 years, and recently retired. She started practicing Falun Gong in 2010. She said with tears during an interview, “I have been benefited a great deal. My change was big after practicing Falun Gong. I know to look inward when facing conflicts. There were over 100 doctors in my hospital. I got rid of the attachments of competition and jealousy. Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance has become my guideline in life.”

A Practitioner From Ukraine: Finally Finding Truth

Practitioner Oleksandra Nimenko started practicing in 2001. He said he had sought truth and the meaning of life since he was young. He got answers when he started practicing Falun Gong at age 16.

Ben Smith, a real estate developer in Australia, started practicing Falun Gong in 2002. He said during an interview that he had since strived to be a good person. He strived to think of others first when doing business. Practicing Falun Gong has changed his way of doing business.

He said, “Living in the human world is not for pursuing fame and personal interest, but improving oneself spiritually. This brings peace to your life.”

Chinese version available


Editor’s Note: Dear readers, do you know that Falun Dafa, originally from China, is currently practiced by people in over 100 countries? But in China, since Jul. 20, 1999, Falun Gong is defamed, slandered and persecuted due to the Chinese Communist Party’s fear of Falun Gong’s rapidly growing popularity. Jiang Zemin, former head of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), perceived the spiritual discipline’s growing popularity as a threat to the CCP’s atheistic ideology.

To learn more about the persecution Falun Gong practitioners are subjected to in China, visit

For more information about the practice or to download Zhuan Falun, visit: All books, exercise music, resources, and instructions are available completely free of charge.

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意大利的家庭修炼 其乐融融

来自意大利东北部城市乌迪内(Udine)的Rorenzo Derenzani是四年前从哥哥那里知道法轮功的,修炼不但让困扰他多年的背痛消失了,也使他精神上更加放松,家庭更和睦。现在,他和哥哥以及父母一家四口都走上了修炼道路。


来自意大利、经营自己的网络设计公司的Rassable Cannata先生在接受采访时说:“得法前,我一直在寻求生命的意义,得法后,我知道了,我们从哪里来,在我的生命当中,最应该做的是什么,就是遵循法轮大法的真善忍。正是遵循这样的价值观,我的生活有了巨大的变化。我知道了提升自己、做好人。”


Lotame Solutions公司的副总裁Cary Dunst先生是在了解迫害真相后得法的。他在接受采访时讲述了自己得法的经过。





来自伊朗的艺术家、哲学家Soroush Moghadam修炼法轮功快六年了。得法前,出于研究的目的,到美国之后,他开始在互联网上了解法轮功,二零一零年看到《转法轮》后,他非常震惊。一周内,他读完了这本书,因疾病曾经被送到ICU病房的他,不再感觉到病痛,他感到身体被净化了。Moghadam说:“《转法轮》如此通俗易懂,读过之后,我立刻就得到了(人生中)全部答案。”



越南裔的Van Nguyen是佛罗里达的内科医生,从医三十五年,曾是部门主任,最近已经退休。二零一零年,从朋友那里得法,谈到在法中的受益,她眼含热泪。她说:“我收获的太多了。得法后,我的变化太大了,我知道了遇事向内找,作为医生,每天要面对巨大的压力。消业就要承受;我所在的医院有一百多名医生,在修炼中,我慢慢的去掉了争斗心、妒嫉心等等;修炼后,面对患者,除了药物,我用的是更多的善心。真善忍已经成为我生活的准则。”

越南裔Yenthao Truon女士是在二零一二年得法的,得法后,她知道了人为何会有病,如何和谐相处。二零一三年七月得法的Mylinh Pham是Truon女士的侄女,得法前,她晚上无法单独入睡、晕车、过敏,依靠药物缓解,修炼仅五到七天,健康状况明显好转,并不再服药。修炼帮助她在工作环境中更加宽容,能够更好的服务自己的客户。


二零零一年得法的乌克兰法轮功学员Oleksandra Nimenko接受采访时说,从很小的时候就在寻求真理,寻找解答人生终极问题的答案,他曾向神祈祷,让他寻求到真理之路。十六岁得法后,他内心困惑多年的问题终于得到解答。

二零零二年得法、来自澳洲的房地产开发商Ben Smith先生在接受采访时说,得法后,他开始提高自己,做一个更好的人,做事先考虑他人,修炼使他改变了许多做事方式。


(c)2024 明慧网版权所有。 

English Version:





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[VIDEO] 连环画音像片:评江泽民与中共相互利用迫害法轮功

Sunday, October 13, 2024

[] ‘You Are Like an Oasis in a Desert,’ Interlaken Local Tells Falun Gong Practitioners

 August 06, 2019 | By a practitioner from Switzerland

On another day, an Indian gentleman asked practitioners, “What is your secret? I feel that you are different from others. You are traditional. What is your secret?”

They told him about the guiding principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance and about other teachings of Falun Gong.

( Falun Gong practitioners held a week-long activity in the famous Swiss tourist town of Interlaken in June 2019 to introduce the peaceful meditation practice to more people and to expose the brutal persecution in China.

“You are like an oasis in a desert, bringing peace to Interlaken,” an event organizer who works in Interlaken told Falun Gong practitioners. “What you are doing is very meaningful and unique. I wish you the best, and I hope people pay attention to this.”

Talking to tourists about Falun Gong
Signing the petition to condemn the persecution

Many tourists signed the petition to condemn the persecution and expressed their support for Falun Gong practitioners’ efforts. Many people asked for more introductory materials and encouraged practitioners to keep up the good work. Some people who signed the petition then brought their friends and family members over to the practitioners’ booth so they could sign.

A couple from England told practitioners that they are deeply concerned about the state-sanctioned organ harvesting in China. They had read about the findings of the independent tribunal in London about China’s organ harvesting crimes. They signed the petition and thanked the practitioners for spreading the word to stop forced organ harvesting.

Leila Ayaeh tries the meditation.

Leila Ayaeh works in a hotel in Interlaken. She was interested in learning the exercises and came over to the Falun Gong booth three days in a row to learn. Although sitting in double-lotus position was not easy for her, she persisted. She plans to start reading Zhuan Falun, the main book of Falun Gong.

When practitioners told her about the persecution in China, Leila was upset. “Why do they suppress Falun Gong? Of course I will sign the petition and help to stop it,” she said.

People learn the Falun Gong exercises.

People even asked practitioners for information about Falun Gong at the hotel where the practitioners were staying.

A practitioner was talking to two tourists in the lobby of the hotel when a Chinese couple overheard their conversation. The husband asked the practitioner, “Can you give me some reading materials, too? You cannot find this back home in China.”

When another tourist ran into the practitioners, she said, “I’ve been looking for something like this. Your words deeply touched me. This is exactly what I need.”

On another day, an Indian gentleman asked practitioners, “What is your secret? I feel that you are different from others. You are traditional. What is your secret?”

They told him about the guiding principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance and about other teachings of Falun Gong.

The man was very pleased to learn about the teachings and was especially excited when he found out that there was an exercise site in New Deli only a 30-minute drive from his home.

After the week-long event, a newcomer does the exercises with a practitioner.

Chinese version available


Editor’s Note: Dear readers, do you know that Falun Dafa, originally from China, is currently practiced by people in over 100 countries? But in China, since Jul. 20, 1999, Falun Gong is defamed, slandered and persecuted due to the Chinese Communist Party’s fear of Falun Gong’s rapidly growing popularity. Jiang Zemin, former head of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), perceived the spiritual discipline’s growing popularity as a threat to the CCP’s atheistic ideology.

To learn more about the persecution Falun Gong practitioners are subjected to in China, visit

For more information about the practice or to download Zhuan Falun, visit: All books, exercise music, resources, and instructions are available completely free of charge.


How Could the Chinese Communist Party be Afraid of Falun Gong?




Why Jiang Zemin and CCP Persecute Falun Gong?

[VIDEO] Why Jiang Zemin and CCP Persecute Falun Gong?