Saturday, August 4, 2012

中国金牌体育沿袭苏联经验?China’s Gold Medal Sports System (W/ English Subtitles)



China’s Gold Medal Sports System
Russia recently held a sports forum. The attendees
believed that the reason for China’s winning gold medals
in recent years, is because of taking over
former Soviet Union’s (SU) sports practices.
Before this meeting, commentators had pointed out that
China’s “gold-medal sports” followed the nation system
of former Soviet Union and Nazi Germany.
But such a practice had already betrayed the spirit of sport,
becoming a means of Chinese Communist Party (CCP)
to whitewash its image and fool the Chinese people.
The Sports Forum “Russia – Country of Sports” was held
in Saransk city, gathering a number of Russia’s sports elites.
According to Voice of America’s report,
a Sports College’s president in Siberia’s Yakutia said
that China’s sports system inherited practices
from the former Soviet Union,
which made the Chinese athletes
achieve good results in the games.
Chen Kai (former player, China’s national basketball team):
“China’s entire athletic system is copied from the SU.
This is an obvious fact. Back in 1950s,
such a system was already operating in China.
But I don’t think it is a nation system, to be precise,
this is a CCP system.
It was established on the same basis as China’s current
society. The same system as that of former Soviet Union. “
In 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, the number of gold medals
won by Chinese athletes surpassed those of the U.S.,
becoming the No. 1 in the world for the first time.
In 2010 Guangzhou Asian Games and 2011 Universiade
that just ended in Shenzhen, the Chinese team was
far ahead of other countries in the gold medals tally.
However, behind these gold medals are investments
of huge resources dominated by the CCP authorities.
For the Athens Olympic Games, the CCP authorities
invested over RMB20 billion to win 32 gold medals.
Behind each gold medal are investments of nearly
RMB0.7 billion, the world’s most expensive gold medals. RMB0.7 billion can build 3,500 schools.
Chen Kai believes that the athletic system in China
is the same as that of the former Soviet Union.
It was established for the CCP’s stable ruling.
For the CCP, an athlete is nothing but a tool.
Chen Kai: “Athlete’s personal benefits can’t be secured,
for there’s no such a kind of insurance system in China.
In America’s NBA for example, after signing the contract,
the athlete’s benefits can be secured.
In China, there is no such a thing like signing a contract
with the government. In reality, the government
is your master, and you are its slave. If you happen to get
injured, then you’ll be disposed of, there is no security.”
Recently China introduced the league system from the West.
Does this mean its national sports’ system will change?
Chen Kai: “Previously, the military units acquired funds
directly from the government, now they made it deceitful,
so to look like they get money from enterprises. It looks
like the financing does not come from the military
like a kind of a reform, but fundamentally,
there’s no reform at all.”
Chen Kai commented that the basketball sport in China
is fundamentally different from that in the U.S.
The cage game in the U.S. is operated on commercial mode,
the system is entirely set up based on the game itself.
Chen Kai: “In China, the sport is set up based on the political
system. This brings troubles then.
So, if this basis cannot be changed, don’t talk about
any change in China.
As long as the CCP exists in China,
no changes can be made at all.”
Xue Yong, a scholar living in the U.S., believes that
the national system is contrary to the social benefits.
The more developed the national system is, the more
national resources it will consume, the greater the damage
will be to the entire society and civilians, and it will be
harder to achieve national civilian’s sports in China.
NTD reporters Chen Han, Li Qian and Li Anan
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