Gu Kailai Suspected of Selling Bodies of murdered Falun Gong practitioners
NTD is following the story of Gu Kailai, who will stand trial on August 9 in Anhui Province. While media outside of China mainly report that she has been involved in the killing of British businessman Neil Heywood, reliable but undisclosed sources say that Gu Kailai is believed to have illegally sold the remains of Falun Gong practitioners for plastination. It is believed that they were then made into human specimens for display to the public around the world.
Reliable sources told NTD that Gu Kailai is believed to run a company that provides bodies for plastination.
Plastination is a process developed by Gunther Hagens, an anatomist and German businessman who invested $15 million to setup two body plasticizing plants when Gu Kailai”s husband Bo Xilai worked as Mayor in Dalian.
In 2002, Hagens began holding exhibitions around the world called Body Worlds. These were public exhibitions of human specimens from China. Hagens and the exhibit have received a lot of criticism and questions from around the world. But the main question is where did he get all those bodies?
Hagens was reported to have proudly told Chinese and foreign reporters why he chose Dalian. He said it was because of government support providing him preferential policies, an excellent labor force, as well as a rich source of bodies.
Investigations by human rights organizations reveal 3,582 named Falun Gong practitioners have been tortured to death. Erping Zhang a Falun Gong spokesperson told reporters that many practitioners arrested when making appeals would not release their names or addresses. They hoped to prevent their families or work units from getting involved. Many simply went missing from that point on.
[Falun Gong Spokesman Erping Zhang]:
“In 1999, after the CCP started to suppress Falun Gong, a large number of Falun Gong practitioners went to Beijing to appeal. The CCP do not conduct themselves according to Chinese law or legal procedure. Rather, they murder and harvest organs from living people. There is no record and no legal execution.”
“Oriental Outlook” an official weekly magazine in China published in-depth report on the body plants as early as November 2003. It said the body plants “not only had a rich source of raw materials, but that 100 human body specimens, immersed in formalin solution, could easily enter and leave the border many times.”
It said that from 2003 to 2005, Dalian human body plant exported 13 batches of human specimens all over the world. The Quality Inspection Office established by the State Council had once gone to Dalian to investigate. But it obtained no results because Bo Xilai and his superior on the Politburo Standing Committee Zhou Yongkang hid the truth.
[Falun Gong Spokesman Erping Zhang]:
“With deeper investigation, they found the CCP sold murdered Falun Gong practitioners to the black market, making them into specimens. We hope that people with conscience in the Chinese government will investigate this matter. The Chinese people should also stand up and ask about this, because it challenges the bottom line of humanity.”
Erping Zhang said that Gu Kailai and Bo Xilai colluded with Luo Gan, the former secretary of the Political and Legislative Affairs Committee. They used loopholes in Article 348 of the Criminal Code in the Supreme Court, so that many families of Falun Gong practitioners could not collect their bodies, after they were tortured to death.
From - http://NTDTV.ORG
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