Wednesday, August 8, 2012

江泽民克林顿会谈 自爆中共老底 Jiang Zemin Asks: Why do Upper-Class Western Intellectuals Have Religious Beliefs? (W/ English Subtitles)



江泽民在1999年布署镇压法轮功的中央工作会议上说:〝我就不信共产党战胜不了法轮功〞,并对信仰〝真善忍〞的法轮功修炼者实施了 〝名誉上搞臭、经济上搞垮、肉体上消灭〞的三大方针,由此展开了一场全面的残酷镇压。 
采访/田净 编辑/宋风 后制/钟元
Jiang Zemin Asks: Why do Upper-Class Western Intellectuals
Have Religious Beliefs?
Hong Kong’s Open magazine reported a story that occurred
during U.S. President Bill Clinton’s visit in China in 1998.
Jiang Zemin asked a question of President Clinton.
Jiang, a communist and atheist, could not understand
why many upper-class intellectuals in the U.S. and Europe have religious beliefs.
Commentators say the communist ideology wickedly
sets science against religion,
intentionally twisting the Chinese people’s
normal way of thinking.
During the meeting with President Clinton, Jiang Zemin
spoke of religious issues.
He said, “As the P.R.China’s President,
I am a communist, an atheist.
But I have a question that when I visited the U.S. last year
I found a lot of American and European people all
very well educated but believing in the doctrine of Lamaism.
I am puzzled on this. Why? ”
At a Working Conference on National Religions held in 2001,
Jiang Zemin said, “They should be required to love the country,
to embrace the socialist system and the communist leadership.
The religious activities they’ve worked on should be
subordinate to the highest national interests
The religions are never allowed to be used to oppose the
leadership of the Party and the socialist system.”
Xing Tianxing (Critic): “Chinese Communism atheism
labels the beliefs in deities are superstitious.
It thinks that science is opposite to blind faith.
Such an evil ideology, through its political study sessions,
has instilled a very narrow-minded and twisted notion into the CCP members.
Thus they lost normal ways of thinking, nor can they
understand normal human faith.”

Xing Tianxing said that in the Western world, generally,
the spiritual faith is not directly linked to the area of science.
While the communist ideology uses the science as the basis
to set up the belief of atheism.
This led to the notion that the science is against spiritual faiths,
sealing off the human spirit, creating a twisted, narrow view.
Gong Shengli, scholar in China affairs, said that Jiang’s
remarks have shown the root cause of China’s problems.
The CCP’s ruling philosophy is “lord it over a district”.
So there is no justice, no rule of law in China.
Gong Shengli: “The Party’s leadership is that only the
Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has the final say.
The Communist party, from the Paris Commune to the era of
the former Soviet Union, has never followed legal proceedings.
It doesn’t need any other law, as it is the supreme law itself.”
That is why in over 63 years under the rule of the CCP,
there is no any political party, nor religions that
could have truly set up and grown in China,
Gong Shenli remarked.
The Open magazine commented, although the Constitution
of the P.R.China stipulates “freedom of religious belief”,
the provision has never been followed in reality.
The CCP’s strategy towards major religions is “Infiltrating,
pulling someone out, disintegrating”, using a carrot and stick.
“Those who submit will prosper and who resist shall perish”.
Any religion shall be subordinate to the absolute leadership
of the CCP.
The CCP’s persecution against non-religious belief groups
has also been very serious.
In 1999, at a central-level work conference of the crackdown
of Falun Gong, Jiang Zemin said: “I just don’t believe that the Communist Party cannot conquer Falun Gong! “
Jiang formulated three polices on the persecution:
“Ruin their reputations; bankrupt them financially and
eliminate them physically.”
A full-scale nationwide brutal suppression was then acted
on believers of “Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance”.
Xing Tianxing said the CCP places its ideology
at the top spot in the universe.
Religious beliefs, Qigong and everything has to obey its
leadership, otherwise, they will face the CCP’s suppression.
Xing Tianxing: “Falun Gong is a true spiritual belief,
having no necessity to be subject to a political party.
So Jiang Zemin and the CCP’s extreme force think that
this is against their ideology, a challenge for them.
In the nature of the evil communist ideology, they unwillingly
allowed Falun Gong to exist.”
About 1/4 of China’s financial resources were exhausted
on the persecution against Falun Gong practitioners.
Worse, the brutal suppression has directly destroyed
the human kindness, and devastatingly the social morality.
大家都来看”九评共产党” ( VCD, 书)!
Let’s find “Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party”(VCD, books)!
Quit the Evil Chinese Communist Party or its affiliated organizations today!