Thursday, October 31, 2013

Tiananmen Square in China Evacuated After Fire; Western media outlets make mistaken references to an event in 2001

By Epoch Times | October 28, 2013

A fire broke out on Tiananmen Square on Monday, prompting an evacuation and closure of the tourist attraction–and Chinese people were saying that it was a “self-immolation incident.”
The sensitive area is often under heavy guard.
Xinhua, a state-run media outlet, said via Twitter that a motor vehicle “went into the crowd.” It later reported that five people died, and 38 others, including police officers and tourists, were injured.
The jeep burst into fire at about 12:05 p.m. after crashing into a guardrail of Jinshui Bridge, across the moat of the Forbidden City.
The five dead include the three people in the jeep, in addition to a female tourist from the Philippines, and a male tourist from Guangdong Province.
The injured include three tourists from the Philippines and a male tourist from Japan.
Reports on Weibo, a Chinese Twitter-like social media service, indicated that people believed that there was a self-immolation (that someone or more than one person set themselves on fire). Many of the photos posted online were deleted, as is often the case in the heavily censored country, but many were preserved on Twitter.
“Craziest thing ever. Just walked inside TianAnMen square and a car explodes outside the square,” said Grace Ng, who is based in New York but is currently in Beijing, via Twitter. 
The fire was put out after about an hour, and traffic returned to normal soon thereafter.
The incident was also the cause for some Western media outlets to make mistakenreferences to an event in 2001, according to the Falun Dafa Information Center. On Jan. 23 of 2001, five people appeared to stage a self-immolation on Tiananmen Square, and the Communist Party’s propaganda outlets quickly claimed them to be practitioners of Falun Gong, a spiritual practice that is persecuted in China.
“Over the past decade, credible sources and analysis have demonstrated the alleged self-immolation event on January 23, 2001 was staged by the Chinese regime as a horrific propaganda ploy to turn public opinion against Falun Gong,” the Falun Dafa Information Center said in a press release. This gave the authorities “a free hand to intensify the repression and torture of Falun Gong practitioners,” it said.
It’s often difficult to get the full story of situations such as these in China because media outlets are restricted in what they can report.

天安门爆炸 曝自焚世纪伪案真相

封锁消息VS 对12年前自焚伪案即时铺天宣传 前后迥异

中共中央政治局星期二宣布,三中全会将于下月9 至 12日,在北京召开。三中全会召开前夕,一辆载有三人的吉普车撞向天安门广场金水桥,此起严重的流血事件迅速引起国际关注,但中共官方迅速封锁现场,用围板围挡,又阻止外媒记者采访,6名香港记者一度被扣查,两名法新社记者甚至被要求删除现场照片。


(天安门 自焚事件真相–《伪 火》 )

当年中共自编自导所谓“天安门自焚”伪案来煽动民众对法轮功的仇恨,更以此作为镇压法轮功的藉口,掀起了一场文革后最大规模的政治迫害运动。这宗世纪伪案真相其后不断曝光,在2002年1月,北美民间中文电视台“新唐人”制作了纪录片《伪火》(False Fire),以怵目惊心的画面和精辟严谨的分析,揭示了“自焚”案真相,证实该案是江氏集团为栽赃法轮功而炮制的一起伪案。此纪录片广为流传,并在2003年11月8日荣获第51届哥伦布国际电影电视节荣誉奖。

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Spanish Transplant Chief Recommends Punishing Transplant Tourists

Dr. Matesanz, in the interview with NTD Television, said that the matter of organ harvesting from Falun Gong had been “perfectly proved,” and that it was time for the Chinese authorities to become transparent about their organ system.

By Epoch Times | October 29, 2013

Dr. Rafael Matesanz, director of the National Transplant Organization in Spain (Nathalie Paco/Epoch Times)
 Dr. Rafael Matesanz, director of the National Transplant Organization in Spain (Nathalie Paco/Epoch Times)
A top transplant official in Spain has said that countries around the world should strengthen measures to deter their citizens from traveling abroad to receive illicit organ transplants, especially from countries like China, which harvest the organs from executed prisoners and, according to researchers, prisoners of conscience.
Dr. Rafael Matesanz, the director of the National Transplant Organization in Spain, explained in an interview with New Tang Dynasty Television, partner media to Epoch Times, that Spanish law is unique in punishing people who go outside the country to buy an organ under questionable circumstances.
“Any person who goes abroad and receives a transplant which we consider illegal, this action is also illegal when he comes back to Spain,” Dr. Matesanz said. “We don’t want to punish the patient, but we really want to prevent the possibility that this patient will go abroad, pay for a liver, and come back to Spain.”
He added that if major countries developed such legislation, phenomenon like organ trafficking would be largely eliminated.

‘Like Drugs’

“Organ trafficking is like drugs. There are people who are selling the organs, because there are others who are buying. The main problem is not in Asia or Latin America. The main problem is in the United States, Western Europe, and Japan — it’s these countries whose people are looking for organs, and then go abroad.”
Dr. Matesanz’s governmental agency, the National Transplant Organization, has publicly censured at least one individual who encouraged Spanish citizens to travel to China for organs, in an interview with the media.
“The problem with some rich developed countries is that transplant tourism of their citizens abroad is something like an ‘escape valve’ for their organ shortage and many surgeons and policy makers ‘understand’ people who go abroad to buy an organ,” Matesanz said in an interview published on the website of Doctors Against Forced Organ Harvesting, a medical advocacy group based in Washington, D.C.
“There is general agreement among surgeons to ‘protect’ their patients,” Dr. Matesanz said in the interview with NTD Television. “I don’t think it’s really a very good thing that in order to protect the patient you are unprotecting some other patient, or people, who are selling the liver or kidney.”

Doctors’ Reservations

It is difficult to know definitely whether transplant organizations and medical groups around the world are reluctant to enact these policies. The Transplant Society, an international body, did not immediately respond to an enquiry by Epoch Times about their general stance on the matter.
The Transplantation Society of Australia and New Zealand said earlier this year, in response to an email enquiry, that: “It is the view of the Society that the decision to impose sanctions against individuals receiving human organs that were obtained without consent is a decision for individual Governments to make rather than individualorganisations.”
A member of parliament in the state of New South Wales in Australia had recently proposed a law that would operate in a similar manner to Spain’s, in seeking to criminalize the reception of illicit organs.
Dr. Torsten Trey, the Executive Director of Doctors Against Forced Organ Harvesting, suggested that the Transplantation Society of Australia and New Zealand could have been more assertive in the ethics of the matter. “Yes, laws are in the hands of governments, but governments ask representatives from the professions for advice, and for transplant laws they ask medical doctors.”

Need for Pressure

Dr. Trey said that failing to check such practices would fail to put the Chinese regime under pressure for its widespread practice of harvesting the organs of executed prisoners, and also Falun Gong practitioners, a persecuted spiritual practice.
David Kilgour and David Matas, Canadian researchers that prepared a report on the topic, say that organs from Falun Gong practitioners, who were killed through having their organs harvested, constituted the bulk of organ transplants in China from 2001 onwards.
Dr. Matesanz, in the interview with NTD Television, said that the matter of organ harvesting from Falun Gong had been “perfectly proved,” and that it was time for the Chinese authorities to become transparent about their organ system.
“One of the main standards is to know the origin of every organ which is transplanted. Is it a living donor? In order to gain credibility on an international level, China should provide all this information, which is now common practice for most countries in the international community.”
Lixin Yang and Lidia Loukinykh of New Tang Dynasty Television contributed reporting from Madrid, Spain.
Correction: A Spanish citizen was censured by the country’s transplant authorities for speaking to a newspaper, not a television station, about traveling to China to receive organs.

制止中共活摘器官 美维州医学协会支持国会281决议案

对于为什么会发起这一决议案,Belandres医生在接受大纪元采访中说,“(中共活摘器官)这是不道德的医学执业行为,(违反了)基本的医学伦理。” “我认为这是医学上的大屠杀,他们(中共)必须停止(这一罪行)!唯一阻止他们的方式是向他们发出良心的呼唤!”“这需要在中国很快发生改变。”“必须停止。这很重要!”

美国维吉尼亚州医学协会(the Medical Society of Virginia , MSV)于10月25日-27日年会期间正式讨论13-207号决议案。图为会议现场。(董韵/大纪元)
【大纪元2013年10月28日讯】(大纪元记者董韵、林南报导)美国维吉尼亚州医学协会(the Medical Society of Virginia , MSV)于10月25-27日年会期间正式讨论一份“制止中共活摘器官”的 13-207号决议案,随后在其法律、非法行医以及规章制度常设委员会上获得通过。这一决议案旨在支持美国国会通过281号决议案。
这是美国首个州专业医学协会正式讨论制止中共活摘法轮功学员器官决议案 。该议案在本次年会后将发送给下属的委员会委员和医学协会的全体成员,同时发送给美国医学会(American Medical Association,AMA),广而告之。
13-207决议案提出,维吉尼亚医学协会(MSV)应支持美国国会281决议案,并感谢维吉尼亚州国会议员杰拉尔德‧康诺利(Gerald E. Connolly),国会议员兰迪‧福布斯(Randy J. Forbes),吉姆‧莫兰(James P. Moran),富兰克‧沃尔夫(Frank R. Wolf),罗伯特.赫特(Robert Hurt)共同签署281号决议案。
发起人:制止中共医学屠杀 这是这个星球上从未有过的罪恶
图: 13-207议案的发起人Manuel M. Belandres是维吉尼亚州医学协会成员,资深创伤外科及急救手术医生。(林南/大纪元)
13-207议案的发起人Manuel M. Belandres是维吉尼亚州医学协会成员,资深创伤外科及急救手术医生。他是美国社区急救基金会(The American Foundation For Emergency Community)创始人,并担任该基金会主席多年。
对于为什么会发起这一决议案,Belandres医生在接受大纪元采访中说,“(中共活摘器官)这是不道德的医学执业行为,(违反了)基本的医学伦理。” “我认为这是医学上的大屠杀,他们(中共)必须停止(这一罪行)!唯一阻止他们的方式是向他们发出良心的呼唤!”“这需要在中国很快发生改变。”“必须停止。这很重要!”
对于中共活摘信仰真善忍的法轮功学员的器官,他说,“这是绝对完全错误的!这是一种新的邪恶方式!”“正如加拿大的两位资深律师David Kilgour 和David Matas 所描述的,这是这个星球上从未有过的罪恶!”

加拿大人权律师麦塔斯(David Matas)和前亚太司司长乔高(David Kilgour)在2006年对法轮功学员被强摘器官的指控进行基于大量详实的证据上的调查;他们的报告作出结论说,指控是真实的,数万法轮功学员可能已经因被强摘器官而死亡。

美国维吉尼亚州医学协会(the Medical Society of Virginia , MSV)于10月25日-27日年会期间正式推出13-207号决议案,该决议案要求制止中共对法轮功学员和其他良心犯的强摘器官行为,要求美国医学会(American Medical Association,AMA)呼吁美国国务院对中国的器官移植系统进行全面透明的调查;要求美国国务院向美国公民发布器官移植旅行警报;要求美国禁止那些参与非法强摘人体器官者入境,如已在美国境内要对其提出法律起诉。 这是美国首个专业医学协会推出制止中共活摘器官的决议案。该议案同时发送给美国医学会(American Medical Association)。图为MSV年会开会地点。(文忠/大纪元)