From - (English),
Please understand the truth about Falun Gong and the brutal persecution of Falun Gong in China. Please do not believe the Chinese Communist Party's lies. Falun Dafa is Good. Falun Gong (Falun Dafa) teaches 'Truthfulness, Compassion, Tolerance', it teaches us to be a GOOD person, and it makes us HEALTHY. And it is embraced in over 100 nations! 请了解法轮功和中共残酷迫害法轮功的真相。法轮大法(法轮功)好,114个国家都热爱她,请不要被中共的谎言欺骗。(
Sunday, June 29, 2014
Friday, June 27, 2014
European Practitioners at New York Fa Conference Share Benefits of Falun Dafa (Photos)
He felt very lucky to find Falun Gong. All things in his life have been improved through his cultivation. “I rediscovered the happiness in my reporting career. I also feel motivated in my life.”
May 19, 2014 | By De Xiang, Minghui Correspondent in New York
( Thousands of Falun Gong practitioners from all over the world held a rally and a parade in New York on May 14, 2014, showcasing the beauty of Falun Dafa and exposing the persecution of Falun Gong in China. Among them were many from Europe.
French Practitioner Anita: Cultivation Gives Me More Confidence
French Falun Dafa practitioner Anita was very happy that she was able to attend the 2014 New York Falun Dafa Experience Sharing Conference and activities. She said, “Falun Gong is the most important in my life. I know Dafa is the law of the universe. My life has been completely changed since I started cultivation. I’m more confident about myself.”
French Falun Dafa practitioner Anita
Anita added, “We hold a parade here today, hoping people will find out the true story of Falun Gong, no matter if they are Chinese or Westerners. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) smears Falun Gong. But everyone can see through his own eyes what Falun Gong is and what kind of people Falun Dafa practitioners are…It’s World Falun Dafa Day as well as Master’s birthday. It’s such a happy occasion for Falun Dafa practitioners. No words can describe how thankful we are to Master. ”
German Practitioner Gudrun: My Heart Brought Me to New York
German practitioner Gudrun told the reporter, “I have been practicing [Falun Dafa] for a long time and have been to New York many times. Upon hearing about the conference, my heart naturally brought me to New York.”
German practitioner Gudrun
Gudrun said, “I’m very grateful and feel very fortunate from the bottom of my heart. I hold deep gratitude to Master.” The first time Gudrun read Zhuan Falun , she couldn’t help crying, “This is the book I have been looking for in my life!” Gudrun said, “There wouldn’t be Falun Dafa or cultivation without Master. He gave us guidance and this great opportunity. No words can describe my gratitude…After hearing Master’s lecture at the conference, I realized I must work harder. Master alerted us in a very very compassionate way. I was deeply touched. I must do better on my cultivation.”
Gudrun came to the States to show people that Falun Dafa is great, and had been spread to the whole world. People should awaken to the facts. The persecution in China is completely unacceptable and must not continue.
Austrian Practitioner Isabella: Practicing Falun Gong Ended My Long Search
Austrian practitioner Isabella has been practicing Falun Gong for close to three years. She told the reporter, “It seems to me that practicing Falun Gong has ended my long search [for answers]…Ever since I was a child, I had many questions that no one could answer. I had been looking for answers through different paths and theories…I read Zhuan Falun and found the answers I had been looking for. I seem to find my own experience in the book. I started practicing Falun Gong… I’m especially thankful to Master…”
Austrian practitioner Isabella
When talking about changes since her starting cultivation, Isabella said, “I became more patient and more compassionate. My children have noticed my change. They said I became clear-minded, quiet and relaxed. Even though my children are in their rebelling ages, we don’t have any conflict. We can put anything on the table and discuss it.”
Austrian Practitioner Florian: Cultivation Made Me Happy and Motivated
Austrian practitioner Florian said he came to New York for many reasons, “It gives me a chance to see fellow practitioners from all over the world. It’s wonderful how everyone brings his own energy into the parade. On the other hand, we show people the beauty of Falun Dafa and the persecution by the CCP. It’s very important!”
Austrian practitioner Florian
Florian said he felt very fortunate to see Master at the conference. He held deep gratitude to Master. Before he started cultivation, he had been suffering a painful period of life. His life was in a mess. “I even thought about whether I should end my life.” He felt very lucky to find Falun Gong. All things in his life have been improved through his cultivation. “I rediscovered the happiness in my reporting career. I also feel motivated in my life.”
Russian Practitioner Ivan: Falun Gong Is the Best Practice in the World
Ivan Kugimov came from south Russia. Dressed in military uniform, he looked proud and dignified. Ivan explained why he chose to join the parade in military uniform, “Russian people have been persecuted by the Communist Party. I want to let people know there are Falun Dafa practitioners in Russia. I would like to show the beauty of Falun Dafa.”
Russian practitioner Anna (left), Ivan (middle) and Natalie
Ivan’s old illnesses were gone after he started practicing Falun Gong in 2005. He enjoyed a better relationship with his family. His daughter joined him in cultivation. Ivan said, “I used to be a stern soldier before cultivation. After I started cultivating myself, I became kind and thoughtful. I’m very lucky to practice Falun Gong. I have found the best practice in the world. Falun Gong has given me so much. I’m thankful to Master!”
German Practitioner Artjom: I Found a Complete System of Cultivation in Dafa
“It’s a wonderful feeling! We have just finished our parade. We distributed flyers to passersby and told them about Falun Gong.” said Artjom, a Falun Gong practitioner from Germany. He was happy to see fellow practitioners from all over the world and get a chance to expose the persecution of Falun Gong in China.
German practitioner Artjom
Artjom started practicing Falun Gong in 2008. He had been looking for a way of cultivation and tried many of them before then. He said, “I finally found a complete system of cultivation in Falun Dafa. There is no need to ask, all the answers are in it. All I need to do is to follow Dafa’s principles…I used to smoke and drink. I quit them easily after I started cultivation…If we can follow Master’s instruction and continue to improve ourselves, it’s what makes Master most happy.”
Artjom would like to take this opportunity to tell Chinese people, “Falun Dafa is great! Why do you have negative thought about it? You don’t have to cultivate yourself in Dafa, but you have to open your eyes and find out about it.”
![]() 图1:德国劳动局报纸报道法轮功学员励志故事 标题:郭居峰又一个新的开始 |
![]() 图2:郭居峰(右)在德国科隆讲述中共迫害法轮功真相,展板中他认识的十二名法轮功学员全部在迫害中失去了生命。 |
浴火重生 从头再来
积极融入 成就梦想
Thursday, June 26, 2014
【庆祝513】绘画:真相条幅在乡村 [Celebrating 513] Painting: Falun Gong Information Banner in a Village
May 13, 2014 | By a practitioner in China
From - (English),
Monday, June 23, 2014
Torture Camp Rebranded in China
“If people weren’t working hard enough we would beat them with a one-meter board, or we would just kick them or beat them with our hands,” a former re-education through labor guard from Guangxi Province told Human Rights Watch.
“Sometimes people got beaten to death. About 10 percent of people who come into re-education through labor centers die inside.”
The Masanjia Women’s Labor Camp was supposed to be closed down, but now it simply has two names
By Carol Wickenkamp, Epoch Times | June 17, 2014
The main gates of the former Masanjia Women’s Labor Campin Liaoning Province, October 2004. Masanjia now appears to be divided between a drug rehab facility and a prison, though the same prisoners suffer there in the same way as before. (
For years the tales of torture that came out of Masanjia Women’s Labor Camp in China’s northeast were a potent demonstration of the abuses of the country’s forced labor system. In turn, Masanjia’s apparent closure last year was seen as a hopeful sign that the system was, in fact, being closed down, as authorities had promised.
But recent reports from China tell a different story: the Masanjia Forced Labor Camp is alive and well, except for the fact that it’s no longer called the Masanjia Forced Labor Camp. Instead, the same sprawling set of buildings and facilities appears to be now put to use as both a “drug rehabilitation center” and as part of the Liaoning Province’s prison system. These bureaucratic modifications disguise the fact that the same guards, in the same buildings, abuse and exploit the same or similar prisoners—just as before.
Masanjia made world headlines in 2013 when an Oregon woman, Julie Keith, discovered a letter from the labor camp in a plastic Halloween kit shipped from China. Shocked, she contacted the media, which set about exploring the background of the camp.
It was exposure of that kind that the Chinese Communist Party found deeply embarrassing, and was part of the reason for its high-profile move to—on paper at least—close the system of re-education through forced labor, which has been part of the Party’s coercive toolkit since the 1950s.
When a CNN film crew visited Masanjia last year, it had every impression of being empty. No guards were in the watchtowers, and no one came to trouble CNN correspondent David McKenzie as he strolled within feet of the chain-link fence., a website that carriesfirsthand reports from the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in China, also reported last year that the remaining practitioners detained in Masanjia were being released. Falun Gong is a spiritual practice that has been persecuted in China since 1999.
The Same Camp
Shang Liping, a female Falun Gong practitioner, was recently transferred from Shenyang Women’s Prison to the Masanjia Addiction Treatment Center, according to a March report in Minghui. The report continued that staff and police were the same people that had worked at Masanjia when it was a labor camp.
Yu Shuxian and Chi Xiuhua, two other female Falun Gong practitioners, were put into the same drug rehab center in Masanjia this January,according to Minghui. When family visited Chi, they found that “she had completely changed; her face was pallid and listless, she neither lifted her head nor opened her eyes, and she had no energy to speak,” according to Minghui. “Her family was distraught, extremely scared, and could not guess what torment she had been put through.”
Other sections of the large labor facility have been transferred to the provincial prison system, and operate as the Masanjia Prison District of Liaoning Province’s Shenyang Women’s Prison, according to Minghui.
The Shenyang provincial prison for women is extremely violent, with Minghui reporting 20 Falun Gong deaths since 1999. At present at least84 Falun Gong practitioners are incarcerated in Liaoning Province’s women’s prison in Shenyang, many of them serving sentences of up to 13 years.
A group of Falun Gong practitioners who were held in the women’s prison in Shenyang were transferred to the Masanjia Prison District, most of them this year. Multiple telephone calls made by Epoch Times to phone numbers identified as belonging to Masanjia were not answered.
Niu Guifang, a female practitioner, in a trial thick with illegalities, was sentenced to the women’s prison in March 2013, and was transferred to Masanjia Prison District at the end of last year. Although her hands were injured by the prison police, and she couldn’t hold heavy things, she has still been forced to work every day in the workhouse at Masanjia,Minghui reported in April.
Administrative Switcheroo
When the Communist Party announced the death of the re-education through labor system in early 2013, seasoned observers of the regime’s security system began expecting what has now transpired.
“Cosmetic changes” won’t stop the abuses, said Sophie Richardson, the China director at Human Rights Watch. Instead, they “might only further entrench the system,” she said.
A detailed report by Amnesty International nearly one year later observed: “Abolishing the RTL [re-education through labor] system is a step in the right direction. However, it now appears that it may only be a cosmetic change just to avert the public outcry over the abusive RTL system where torture was rife,” said Corinna-Barbara Francis, China researcher, in a December 2013 paper.
“It’s clear that the underlying policies of punishing people for their political activities or religious beliefs haven’t changed. The abuses and torture are continuing, just in a different way,” she said.
That same month the Tibetan Centre for Human Rights and Democracynoted, in its own report in the matter, that re-education through labor has simply been replaced with other forms of detention, like forced drug rehab and “legal education classes.” The group said, “These systems are already used in Tibet and merely continue the abuses associated with RTL under a different name.”
The Same Work
While the new division at Masanjia appears to be between a prison and a drug rehabilitation center, the latter, as far as prisoners of conscience go seems to be used in the same way that the old labor camp was used: Falun Gong practitioners are sent there by police, without a trial, regardless of their drug-free lives.
The mixing of prisoner types has taken place for years in China. “People from the Liaoning Provincial Labor Education Bureau came to audit us in 2011, and ordered that every Falun Gong practitioner needed to take a test. Our medical examination document listed us as drug addicts, but in fact, out of the nearly 400 inmates, only four were drug users,” former Masanjia inmate Qiu Tieyan wrote in October 2013 about her incarceration.
“We had to work six hours every day making military coats, forest coats, and firefighter jackets for the Jihua 3504 Limited Corporation in Changchun City. Outside of the workshop, we had to load and unload things, clean, and do other chores. Guard Wang Guangyun brought in her dirty laundry from home, and we had to wash it. We had to keep this a secret and do it quickly,” she said.
The same Minghui report said there are about 300 prisoners in the Masanjia Prison District, but did not give a total for Falun Gong practitioners held there.
Drug offenders are treated in the same way in detention as when the facilities were called re-education camps. They are forced to do factory work, light manufacturing, and repetitive labor.
Once locked up, there is little rehabilitation either—only brutality and hard labor, said Human Rights Watch in a 2012 paper.
“If people weren’t working hard enough we would beat them with a one-meter board, or we would just kick them or beat them with our hands,” a former re-education through labor guard from Guangxi Province told Human Rights Watch. “Sometimes people got beaten to death. About 10 percent of people who come into re-education through labor centers die inside.”
Additional research and reporting by Lu Chen
韩国法轮大法九天班 首次在天梯书店举办
![]() 图一、二:韩国首尔天梯书店位于首尔古宫地带、文化保护地段 |
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![]() 图三、中韩文大法书籍,更多语种的书籍将陆续到来 |
![]() 图四:了解真相后的游客与负责首尔天梯书店运营的赵法官夫妇合影留念 |
![]() 图五:顾客赞 |
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