Please understand the truth about Falun Gong and the brutal persecution of Falun Gong in China. Please do not believe the Chinese Communist Party's lies. Falun Dafa is Good. Falun Gong (Falun Dafa) teaches 'Truthfulness, Compassion, Tolerance', it teaches us to be a GOOD person, and it makes us HEALTHY.
And it is embraced in over 100 nations!
In the painting—Buddha’s light shines upon her at that moment she understands the truth and goodness of Falun Dafa. Life is full of hope and joy once she understands the truth.
In total, Bai spent nearly 14 years in some form of detention before she passed away on June 15. (
Bai Gendi, a Chinese citizen who endured multiple and lengthy stints in detention for refusing to give up her faith, vomited and suffered severe headaches after consuming prison food last year.
As the months passed Bai became increasingly delusional, and she had to be frequently checked into a hospital as her health deteriorated. On June 15, Bai passed away at the age of 65.
Formerly a mid-level manager at a state-owned petroleum company, Bai was a healthy middle-aged woman living in Shanghai when she was first arrested in July 1999 for practicing Falun Gong.
Falun Gong, also known as Falun Dafa, is a traditional Chinese spiritual discipline espousing the principles of truthfulness, compassion, and tolerance. The practice spread widely in China in the 1990’s, reaching an estimated 70 to 100 million adherents by the end of the decade, according to state and practitioner estimates.
Feeling threatened by Falun Gong’s popularity, then Communist Party chief Jiang Zemin launched a nationwide persecution in July 1999 to eradicate the practice and force adherents to renounce their beliefs.
Over the next two decades, Bai Gendi would be arrested five more times for her faith. In total, Bai would spend nearly 14 years in some form of detention, according to, a clearinghouse for firsthand information about the persecution.
During a stint in a forced labor camp in Shanghai, Bai was frequently starved and forced to work 18-hour days. Once, she was handcuffed to the ceiling until she fainted from the pain. The labor camp authorities refused to allow Bai’s family to visit her, and they confiscated letters and other items her family sent.
Bai was most recently arrested on Sept. 10, 2012. After a show trial, the Xuhui District Court in Shanghai sentenced her to six-and-a-half years in prison. Bai was often locked up in an isolated soundproof room and forced to listen to loud propaganda attacking Falun Gong around the clock. Inmates who were assigned to monitor Bai often beat and abused her if she disobeyed orders.
Bai was still in relatively good health when her family visited her in prison in March 2016. But within a year, she was mentally and physically incapacitated.
Bai Gendi in the hospital in late August. (
On Aug. 24, 2016, Bai hospitalized in an intensive care unit after sustaining a bleeding wound on the side of her head. Prison authorities claimed that Bai had hurt herself after falling from a chair.
Over the next few months, Bai suffered excruciating headaches and fainting spells on a regular basis, and had to be frequently checked into a hospital.
When Bai met her family in September, she said that her prison rations had been laced with unknown drugs that induced vomiting, according to Bai said that she had arrived at this conclusion after her vomiting stopped when she consumed the communal rice and vegetable soup but not the rations assigned only to her. At this point, she was still lucid.
By the end of September, however, Bai had become delusional and unresponsive. At times, she mistook her family members for prison guards, and accused them of poisoning her food.
In the months before her death, Bai slipped in and out of consciousness, frequently spoke unintelligibly, and sometimes failed to recognize her family members.
By early June 2017, Bai Gendi’s limbs had atrophied, and she suffered breathing difficulties until her death. Despite her incapacitated state, Bai was still being monitored at the hospital by security officials.
Luozi Zhao, a juvenile out of school, at 28 years old became head chef at a five-star hotel in Beijing. At a time when life was very good, he was imprisoned for two years, but is now a world-class chef competing in a cooking contest in New York. What kind of story do the ups and downs of his life bring?
Sun Qian, a Canadian citizen detained in China, has been held in handcuffs and leg shackles continuously, day and night, since May 5, her sister says.
Sun, a Vancouver resident and Canadian citizen, was arrested in Beijing on Feb. 19 for her practice of Falun Gong and detained at Beijing First Detention Centre.
Sun Qian
According to Sun’s sister, Sun Zan, the handcuffs and shackles were removed prior to a visit with Sun by officials from the Canadian embassy in Beijing on May 18. It’s unknown whether they were put back on after the visit.
As vice-president of Beijing Leadman Biochemistry Co., Ltd., Sun often travelled between Vancouver and China. But on Feb. 19, about 20 police officers arrested her at her residence in Beijing and confiscated her Falun Gong books and other personal belongings.
Sun Zan told NTD Television that after Sun met with her lawyer on May 5 at the detention centre, the guards who took her back to her cell pushed her and told her to stop practising Falun Gong, a traditional Chinese spiritual discipline that has been subjected to a wide-ranging campaign of persecution since 1999.
When Sun refused, the guards threw her to the ground, sprayed a pepper water-like liquid in her face, and handcuffed and shackled her. According to Sun’s sister, the handcuffs are the kind with no chain between the cuffs, so there’s no room for any movement. When Sun sleeps at night, the guards have to be able to see the handcuffs and shackles, adding to her discomfort.
When Sun was first arrested, she was brought to a police station where she was handcuffed to a chair for about 36 hours; she was given no food or water during that time.
Sun Qian is now being held in a crowded cell with 11 other inmates.
Foreign Affairs Minister Chrystia Freeland speaks during question period in the House of Commons on May 1, 2017. Freeland said in the House on May 17 that she takes her duty toward Canadian citizens imprisoned abroad, including that of Sun Qian, “extremely seriously.” (The Canadian Press/Adrian Wyld)
The May 18 consular visit was the second to the detention centre and it came after Sun’s case was raised in the House of Commons. On May 17, Conservative foreign affairs critic Peter Kent raised the cases of four Canadian citizens currently detained in China: Sun Qian, John and Alison Chang, and Xiao Jianhua.
He asked Foreign Affairs Minister Chrystia Freeland about Canada’s failure to take the Chinese regime to task for unjustly imprisoning Canadian citizens.
“We are accustomed to Global Affairs and the parliamentary secretary using privacy, and the interests of the prisoners as a justification for no comment,” said Kent.
“However, in the recent release of unjustly held and tortured prisoners in China and in Iran, and I am talking about the Garretts in one case and Professor Hoodfar in another, while Canada welcomed these unjustly held and persecuted individuals back to Canada, there was not a single word of criticism for the absolutely unacceptable behaviour of their Chinese jailers and the government,” he said.
Freeland replied that she takes her duty toward Canadian citizens imprisoned abroad “extremely seriously.”
“On the specific Chinese cases the member opposite mentioned, I am very personally seized of them. Ms. Sun, Mr. John Chang, and a number of other cases in China, and very much in Iran, are cases of which the department is seized. I am personally engaged in them, as is my outstanding parliamentary secretary,” said Freeland.
MP Peter Kent speaks at a press conference in support of efforts to secure the release of Canadian citizen Qian Sun detained in China for her practice of Falun Gong, on Parliament Hill in Ottawa on May 9, 2017. (Jonathan Ren/NTD Television)
Meanwhile, several other MPs have called for the release of Sun, including Conservative MP Michael Cooper.
“I was proud to speak at a press conference along with a number of my colleagues from various different political parties to stand in solidarity, to call upon the Chinese communist regime to see the immediate release of Sun Qian,” Cooper said at a Falun Gong 25th anniversary celebration on Parliament Hill on May 8.
“It must not be under-emphasized that Sun Qian is a Canadian citizen and she is being detained by the communist regime without charge for no other reason than she adheres to the principles of Falun Gong.”
Former Liberal justice minister and renowned human rights advocate Irwin Cotler has also called for Sun’s release.
June 21, 2017 | By Minghui correspondent Zhou Wenying
( As Paris welcomes the summer travel season, Falun Gong practitioners continued their display near the Eiffel Tower to raise awareness of the ongoing persecution of the meditation practice by the Communist Party in China.
Falun Gong practitioners sit in meditation.
The serene demonstration of sitting meditation and exercise music drew the attention of many tourists, including a Nepalese residing in Norway. A practitioner told him that there are people practicing Falun Gong in more than 100 countries, including Norway.
Tourists read a poster introducing Falun Gong and the persecution in China.
A young lady from China said she had heard of Falun Gong when she was young. A practitioner told her about the Tiananmen self-immolation hoax staged by the communist authorities to incite public hatred against Falun Gong. She took some flyers and a copy of the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party to read at home.
Madame Boulanger, the CEO of an enterprise, signed a petition and said she wished to help stop the persecution in China. She added that those in China should have freedom to practice their belief.
Young tourists from Spain learn the Falun Gong exercises.
A group of young tourists from Spain also signed the petition. One of the students said, “Falun Gong teaches people to be good. The persecution is inhumane. The CCP should not persecute Falun Gong.” They learned the second set of Falun Gong exercises from a practitioner.
Camilia is a 17-year-old high school student in Picardie, France. She read the posters and learned about the persecution of practitioners in China and their continued efforts to raise awareness using peaceful means. She took an hour-long train ride to Paris to learn the Falun Gong exercises and meditation. Afterwards, she said she felt refreshed and would come to Paris often during her summer break.