【新唐人2016年07月04日讯】【石涛评述】(1155)诺查丹玛斯预言 当今人类历史上从未有过的〝邪恶之兽〞:据专家研究认为,邪恶之王已在东方出现,而且危害到西方乃至全世界。它就是发动对普世价值〝真善忍〞镇压的中共恶首江泽民。
Please understand the truth about Falun Gong and the brutal persecution of Falun Gong in China. Please do not believe the Chinese Communist Party's lies. Falun Dafa is Good. Falun Gong (Falun Dafa) teaches 'Truthfulness, Compassion, Tolerance', it teaches us to be a GOOD person, and it makes us HEALTHY. And it is embraced in over 100 nations! 请了解法轮功和中共残酷迫害法轮功的真相。法轮大法(法轮功)好,114个国家都热爱她,请不要被中共的谎言欺骗。(http://falundafa.org)