Nov. 25, 2023 | By a Minghui correspondent in Liaoning Province, China
In the summer of 1998, Mr. Jiang became interested in Falun Gong, which was very popular for its miraculous healing power. He learned the exercises at a practice site at a local elementary school and bought a copy of Zhuan Falun, the main text of Falun Gong. Shortly after, his health improved dramatically and he had a smile on his face again.
- Name: Jiang Dejin
- Chinese Name: 蒋德金
- Gender: Male
- Age: 51
- City: Dashiqiao
- Province: Liaoning
- Occupation: Residential committee employee
- Date of Death: December 4, 2004
- Date of Most Recent Arrest: May 2002
- Most Recent Place of Detention: Dashiqiao City Detention Center
It was recently confirmed by that a man in Dashiqiao City, Liaoning Province, passed away on December 4, 2004, due to injuries from being tortured in custody for practicing Falun Gong. He was 51.
In addition to Ms. Jiang Dejin’s own ordeal, his wife, Ms. Li Yazhen, was given two labor camp terms for their shared faith. Their son, then 15, was arrested three times in 2002 and forced to drop out of school that same year.
Taking Up Falun Gong
Mr. Jiang Dejin, a former employee of the Fenshui Street Committee, used to have issues with almost all his internal organs, including his kidneys, stomach, and heart. He also struggled with low blood sugar and insufficient blood supply to his brain. He was always weak and lacked energy.
His wife was plagued with hepatitis B, gastritis, a heart condition, a herniated disc, migraines, low blood pressure, and arthritis of the knee. Their son, Mr. Jiang Weili, often had tonsillitis, colds, and fever.
In the summer of 1998, Mr. Jiang became interested in Falun Gong, which was very popular for its miraculous healing power. He learned the exercises at a practice site at a local elementary school and bought a copy of Zhuan Falun, the main text of Falun Gong. Shortly after, his health improved dramatically and he had a smile on his face again.
Impressed by how he changed, Ms. Li also started to practice Falun Gong. She quickly finished reading Zhuan Falun and understood the answers to many of her questions about life. She also regained her health soon after. Their son then joined them and his health improved as well.
Passing Away from Torture
A year later, the communist regime ordered the persecution of Falun Gong. Zhan Wei, the chief of Fenshui Police Station that oversaw Mr. Jiang’s residence, went from being a diligent practitioner to actively participating in the persecution. He was also recognized by Zhou Yongkang, the former minister of public security in charge of the persecution, and hung up a photo of him and Zhou at the police station.
Knowing that Mr. Jiang’s family practiced Falun Gong, Zhan kept a close eye on them and repeatedly ordered them to turn in their Falun Gong books.
In 2001, Gao Junwei, an official with the Guantun Township government, arrested Mr. Jiang and took him to the Dashiqiao City Brainwashing Center. Mr. Jiang suffered a heart attack and ended up in critical condition, so the authorities released him.
In May 2002, the authorities in Dashiqiao City posted a 2,000-yuan reward for arresting one Falun Gong practitioner. Police chief Zhan and Han Dan, the director of the street committee, arrested Mr. Jiang. They first held him in the local lockup and then transferred him to the Dashiqiao City Detention Center.
The inmates in Mr. Jiang’s cell whipped him with soft metal wires. They said that by using soft wires, his injuries would mostly be internal and not show on the outside.
Mr. Jiang kept vomiting blood and soon passed out. When he was taken to the hospital, the doctor couldn’t even draw blood from his arm as he had lost so much. After much effort, the doctor managed to draw a little blood to be tested from his leg.
Mr. Jiang remained in a coma for a week. His family wasn’t allowed to visit him during that time. Li, the director of the detention center, wanted to release him, but police chief Zhan didn’t agree until Li went to see him three times.
Mr. Jiang was bedridden for over a month. When he could finally get out of bed and walk, a liver condition left him with systemic edema. Back then, his wife was being held in Masanjia Forced Labor Camp. He couldn’t afford to go to the hospital or hire someone to look after him. The police also had people stake out his home to monitor him. He passed away about a year and a half later on December 4, 2004.
Mr. Jiang’s passing traumatized his son and no one could talk about it to him.
Wife’s Two Labor Camp Terms
On March 25, 2002, a month before Mr. Jiang’s arrest, Ms. Li was reported for visiting another practitioner and Jinqiao Police Station officers arrested her. She was force-fed in the Dashiqiao City Lockup. The authorities later gave her a two-year term in Masanjia Forced Labor Camp in Shenyang City. She was tortured every day and not allowed to sleep until midnight.
Ms. Li was arrested again on July 12, 2005, at the train station in Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province, after security officers found Falun Gong materials in her bag. She was given another two-year labor camp term but was allowed to serve time at home because of her poor health—she failed the requirements to be admitted to the labor camp.
Two officers from the Fenshui Police Station harassed Ms. Li again in 2007 and took two photos of her against her will, likely to be used to monitor her.
15-year-old Son Detained Three Times in One Year
The couple’s son, Mr. Jiang Weili, was arrested on March 25, 2002, with his mother and detained for 15 days. The boy, then 15, was arrested again, this time with his father in May 2002 and again detained for 15 days.
For helping a local practitioner harvest corn, he was arrested a third time in late September 2002 by Guantun Police Station officers and detained for 35 days. He was forced to drop out of school after he was released.
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Editor’s Note: Dear readers, do you know that Falun Dafa, originally from China, is currently practiced by people in over 100 countries? But in China, since Jul. 20, 1999, Falun Gong is defamed, slandered and persecuted due to the Chinese Communist Party’s fear of Falun Gong’s rapidly growing popularity. Jiang Zemin, former head of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), perceived the spiritual discipline’s growing popularity as a threat to the CCP’s atheistic ideology.
To learn more about the persecution Falun Gong practitioners are subjected to in China, visit
For more information about the practice or to download Zhuan Falun, visit: All books, exercise music, resources, and instructions are available completely free of charge.
Click Link Below to WATCH 30-Year-Old Radio Host, Falun Gong Practitioner Dies in Jiazhou Prison, Video Points to Torture in Custody
Why Jiang Zemin and CCP Persecute Falun Gong?
[VIDEO] Why Jiang Zemin and CCP Persecute Falun Gong?