Saturday, June 29, 2024

[] Recovering from Incurable Hepatitis (Part 2) – Stories about Falun Dafa’s Healing Power

 Aug. 23, 2022 | By a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

Falun Dafa has truly given him a second life. After doing the exercises for a short while, he was like a different person: his complexion was rosy and he was able to do some chores.

( According to data from the World Health Organization, about 300 million people around the world suffer from hepatitis B, and about 80 million of them live in China.

There are several strains of the hepatitis virus that affects the liver—A, B, C, D, and E. Type B, the most common, can progress to cirrhosis or liver cancer. About 80% of liver cancer cases in China are caused by hepatitis B. While there is no treatment available to completely cure hepatitis, some people have seen their symptoms completely disappear after they began to practice Falun Dafa. Below are some examples.

(Continued from Part 1.)

The Only One of Five Siblings with Hereditary Hepatitis Still Alive

Mr. Zhang Guoqing is a retired teacher from Mancheng County, Hebei Province. Three of his four brothers died of hereditary hepatitis, while the other died of something else. Mr. Zhang was diagnosed with severe hepatitis B in 1993.

Mr. Zhang couldn’t eat much due to a bloated stomach and was emaciated. He did not have the energy to walk and was bedridden most of the time, so he ended up with many bedsores. The entire village knew that he was dying.

On the verge of death, a relative told him about Falun Dafa and brought him two books and audio lectures. He had no energy to read the books but listened to the recordings. He felt very comfortable as he listened and learned a lot of things that he hadn’t known before. As he listened day and night, he regained his appetite and could read the books. Then he sat up and was able to stand on his own. After a while, he was able to take a few steps and got some of his energy back.

All that happened in just one month. Amazed that listening to the recordings could help so much, he decided to join an exercise group.

On February 19, 1999, two days after the Chinese New Year, Mr. Zhang went to an exercise site with his family’s help. He dressed warmly but he was still very weak, and his complexion was dark. He had to hold onto a stool to watch others do the exercises. He and his family also studied the teachings with the group in the evening.

His wife came with him every day and also participated in the study sessions. Twelve days later, he participated in activities to introduce Falun Dafa to others. “Look at that old man,” said a boy who knew him well. “He was about to die, and now he is doing the Falun Dafa exercises.”

Falun Dafa has truly given him a second life. After doing the exercises for a short while, he was like a different person: his complexion was rosy and he was able to do some chores.

He has practiced Dafa for 23 years now and is in good health. Many of his former co-workers who had not seen him for many years were surprised that he is still so healthy. He told them that it was because he practices Falun Dafa.

Incurable Hepatitis Disappeared after Practicing Falun Dafa

Mr. Li Yuanhua, former associate professor of Beijing Normal University

Mr. Li Yuanhua contracted hepatitis B when he was attending a university in 1983. It was a huge physical and psychological burden.

He felt tired all the time, and the gastrointestinal discomfort made it difficult for him to digest anything he ate. When his heart skipped beats at night, he felt he was about to die and he would often sit all night instead of going back to sleep.

Mr. Li sought out different experts and even tried qigong, but there was no significant improvement. He struggled for 10 years before taking up Falun Dafa in 1994.

He recovered his health shortly after that. When he later immigrated to Australia, his hepatitis B test was negative.

Father Recovered from Liver Cirrhosis by Reciting the Falun Dafa Auspicious Phrases

A practitioner recalled that his father fell ill in the winter of 2009 and didn’t have any strength.

“My father was diagnosed with cirrhosis of the liver with complications including ascites. After being treated in the county hospital without any improvement, he was transferred to the cancer hospital in the city. They confirmed that he had end-stage liver cirrhosis. As the Chinese New Year was approaching, he was released for a family reunion with a drain attached to his stomach.

“During the holiday, he accidentally knocked out the tube connected to the bag, and fluid leaked all over the place. We took him back to the hospital, but after several consultations, all the doctors could do was refer him to a hospital in Beijing. There he was given some medicine and sent home.

“The medicine did not work. His ascites kept worsening and the county hospital refused to treat him any further. The doctor suggested we prepare for the worst and provide comfort care for him. He was emaciated and exhausted. He struggled with the pain and felt hopeless and helpless.

“When he first came down with the illness, I advised him to recite the auspicious phrases ‘Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.’ He tried it and said that it didn’t work.

“Knowing that my father didn’t do it sincerely, I continued to clarify the facts about Falun Dafa to him. He listened and understood why reciting the phrases would be good for him. He began to sincerely recite them.

“Shortly after, his ascites disappeared and he eventually recovered. It has been 13 years, and his liver disease has never flared up again. People who know him are amazed at the healing power of Dafa.

“Four years ago, my father had a check-up. The CT scan showed that his liver was smooth, and the doctor could not believe that he had ever had cirrhosis of the liver.”

Blessed for Supporting Dafa

Just like the practitioner’s father above, the daughter of another Falun Dafa practitioner also recovered from hepatitis B by supporting the practice. Below is her personal account:

“I was diagnosed with hepatitis B when I was six. Back then, our family barely had enough money for food and clothes, let alone expensive medical care. When I was 19, lab work showed my illness had gotten worse and I would have to control it with medication. But it caused severe side effects and I had to stop taking it.

After my mother began practicing Falun Dafa, I tried my best to help her print Dafa informational materials to raise awareness about the persecution.

In 2013, I became pregnant. I feared that I might pass the disease on to my child. I visited different doctors but nobody could give me a definite answer. I decided to keep the baby. When my daughter was six months old, the doctor checked her over and said she was perfectly fine. At the time, I didn’t realize that this was a blessing from Dafa—I just felt that my baby was very lucky.

In September 2021, I went to the hospital for a checkup and was surprised that I tested negative for hepatitis B. I had never thought such a miracle would happen to me and I am full of gratitude to Falun Dafa and its Master.”

(To be continued)

All content published on this website are copyrighted by Minghui will produce compilations of its online content regularly and on special occasions.

Chinese version available


Editor’s Note: Dear readers, do you know that Falun Dafa, originally from China, is currently practiced by people in over 100 countries? But in China, since Jul. 20, 1999, Falun Gong is defamed, slandered and persecuted due to the Chinese Communist Party’s fear of Falun Gong’s rapidly growing popularity. Jiang Zemin, former head of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), perceived the spiritual discipline’s growing popularity as a threat to the CCP’s atheistic ideology.

To learn more about the persecution Falun Gong practitioners are subjected to in China, visit

For more information about the practice or to download Zhuan Falun, visit: All books, exercise music, resources, and instructions are available completely free of charge.

WATCH Witness the Miracle of Falun Dafa (with English Subtitles)




Why Jiang Zemin and CCP Persecute Falun Gong?

[VIDEO] Why Jiang Zemin and CCP Persecute Falun Gong?

【明慧网】致命肝病 神奇消失(2)


文: 中国大陆大法弟子




(接前文 )






















八、诚念法轮大法好 晚期肝硬化神奇康复









(c)2024 明慧网版权所有。

English Version:





观看: 【细语人生】见证大法的神奇-奇迹彰显





[VIDEO] 连环画音像片:评江泽民与中共相互利用迫害法轮功

Friday, June 28, 2024

[] Falun Dafa Welcomed in Care Home in Western France

 June 13, 2024 | By a Falun Dafa practitioner in France

A couple of employees also came to learn the exercises. One of them said he felt the energy and entered a state of tranquility.

( Practitioners were invited to introduce Falun Dafa in Villa Beausoleil, a care home in La Rochelle, France on June 7, 2024, and several senior residents and employees learned the exercises.

Practitioners teach the Falun Dafa exercises in Villa Beausoleil, a care home in La Rochelle.
A man signs a petition calling to stop the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) persecution of Falun Dafa.

It was a fine day. Seniors up to 90 years old joined the class in the courtyard. Some watched from their windows. A couple of employees also came to learn the exercises. One of them said he felt the energy and entered a state of tranquility.

A woman who watched from her window wanted to join the group learning the exercises. A practitioner led her to the courtyard, and she was thankful for the opportunity.

Another woman wanted to read the Falun Gong teachings, and bought a copy of the book. She said that she was still grieving after losing her son and wished to find answers to her unhappiness.

Another woman said she had trouble finding ease in her heart after taking care of her husband who is now deceased, but felt relaxed and comforted after her encounter with Falun Dafa.

People were astonished to hear that such a great practice is persecuted by the CCP. They asked how they could help practitioners. After hearing about the petition, they immediately signed it.

Those interested in Falun Dafa were thrilled to hear that practitioners plan to come regularly to Villa Beausoleil to lead group exercises.

Copyright © 2024 All rights reserved.

Chinese version available


Editor’s Note: Dear readers, do you know that Falun Dafa, originally from China, is currently practiced by people in over 100 countries? But in China, since Jul. 20, 1999, Falun Gong is defamed, slandered and persecuted due to the Chinese Communist Party’s fear of Falun Gong’s rapidly growing popularity. Jiang Zemin, former head of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), perceived the spiritual discipline’s growing popularity as a threat to the CCP’s atheistic ideology.

To learn more about the persecution Falun Gong practitioners are subjected to in China, visit

For more information about the practice or to download Zhuan Falun, visit: All books, exercise music, resources, and instructions are available completely free of charge.

WATCH Compassionate Choir Singing Coming For You 为你而来


【明慧网】在法国西部养老院教功 人们喜爱法轮功

 文: 法国法轮功学员


【明慧网二零二四年六月十日】二零二四年六月七日星期五,法轮功学员应邀在法国西部拉罗谢尔(La Rochelle)的博索莱尔老人院(Villa Beausoleil),向那里的老年人和工作人员介绍法轮大法并教功。博索莱尔老人院是法国高级养老院,通过体育、文化和艺术活动,帮助老年人保持身心健康。

图1~2:法轮功学员在法国西部拉罗谢尔(La Rochelle)的博索莱尔老人院(Villa Beausoleil)教法轮功功法。








(c)2024 明慧网版权所有。

English Version:





请观看: 歌曲 [为你而来]





[VIDEO] 连环画音像片:评江泽民与中共相互利用迫害法轮功

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

[] Historic “Falun Gong Protection Act” Passes House of Representatives

June 25, 2024

Among its provisions, the bill finds that, “Credible evidence suggests that Falun Gong practitioners are subject to widespread forced organ harvesting and are specifically targeted for this barbaric practice.”

Washington D.C. — In a landmark move, the U.S. House of Representatives has passed H.R. 4132, the Falun Gong Protection Act, in a unanimous voice vote, marking a crucial step forward in addressing the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in China, particularly the abhorrent practice of forced organ harvesting.​

“We applaud and are deeply grateful to the U.S. Congress for passing the Falun Gong Protection Act before the 25th anniversary of the persecution next month,” said Levi Browde, Falun Dafa Information Center Executive Director.

“This crucial bill will save lives, provide hope to Falun Gong practitioners still suffering in China, curtail forced organ harvesting there, and help American medical centers and patients avoid complicity in this heinous crime. We urge the Senate to introduce and pass a companion bill as soon as possible, and for President Biden to sign the bill into law.”

This historic bill is the first federal law to specifically combat the decades-long human rights abuses suffered by tens of millions of Falun Gong practitioners, although multiple Congressional resolutions have been adopted since 1999 condemning the campaign of repression. The current bill was introduced by Congressman Scott Perry and co-sponsored by 18 other bipartisan members.

Action to save lives 

Among its provisions, the bill finds that, “Credible evidence suggests that Falun Gong practitioners are subject to widespread forced organ harvesting and are specifically targeted for this barbaric practice.”

Such forced organ harvesting was recognized by the China Tribunal in 2019 as a crime against humanity and has been denounced as a form of genocide by numerous academics and researchers. A key provision of the Falun Gong Protection Act instructs the Secretary of State to officially determine if the persecution qualifies as a crime against humanity or genocide under the Elie Wiesel Genocide and Atrocities Prevention Act within one year of enactment of the law.

Additionally, the bill mandates a comprehensive report on China’s organ transplant policies and practices, and the imposition of strict sanctions. This includes compiling a list of those found to be involved in the involuntary harvesting of organs and who should therefore be subject to asset blocking and visa restrictions.

Furthermore, the legislation solidifies a statement of policy by the United States, explicitly avoiding any cooperation in the organ transplantation field while the current Chinese regime remains in power. It also encourages the United States to collaborate with allies “to highlight China’s persecution of Falun Gong” and on targeted sanctions and visa restrictions.

“Falun Gong practitioners have played a critical role in challenging the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) censorship and human rights abuses,” says Browde. “The passage of the Falun Gong Protection Act by the House represents not only a triumph for Falun Gong practitioners but also signals a beacon of hope for all who suffer under the CCP.”

“As we celebrate this progress, it is crucial that the Senate take swift action to introduce and pass a companion bill. The urgency of the human rights crisis addressed by this legislation cannot be overstated, and a unified Congressional response is imperative to effectively counter these atrocities.”

For inquiries contact us at


Editor’s Note: Dear readers, do you know that Falun Dafa, originally from China, is currently practiced by people in over 100 countries? But in China, since Jul. 20, 1999, Falun Gong is defamed, slandered and persecuted due to the Chinese Communist Party’s fear of Falun Gong’s rapidly growing popularity. Jiang Zemin, former head of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), perceived the spiritual discipline’s growing popularity as a threat to the CCP’s atheistic ideology.

To learn more about the persecution Falun Gong practitioners are subjected to in China, visit

For more information about the practice or to download Zhuan Falun, visit: All books, exercise music, resources, and instructions are available completely free of charge.

WATCH The House Passed the Falun Gong Protection Act




Why Jiang Zemin and CCP Persecute Falun Gong?

[VIDEO] Why Jiang Zemin and CCP Persecute Falun Gong? 



【大纪元2024年06月26日讯】(大纪元记者夏荔报导)2024年6月25日下午,美国国会众议院以呼声表决(voice vote)的方式,全体通过《法轮功保护法案》(Falun Gong Protection Act, H.R. 4132)。



美国国会议员斯考特‧佩里(Scott Perry)(美国政府官方图片)

《法轮功保护法案》由美国共和党联邦众议员斯考特‧佩里(Scott Perry)发起。




佩里引用由英国大律师、杰弗里‧尼斯爵士主持的中国良心犯器官调查独立法庭的最终判决表示,“活摘器官多年来一直在中国各地大规模发生,法轮功学员一直是,并可能是活摘器官的主要来源。”(延伸阅读:前沈阳陆军总院实习医生 爆出更多活摘内幕(上)


美国民主党籍联邦众议员格雷格‧斯坦顿(Greg Stanton)(美国政府官方图片)

美国民主党籍联邦众议员格雷格‧斯坦顿(Greg Stanton)在院会发言中说,“通过支持H.R. 4132,我们发出了一个明确的信息,即美国不会容忍这种令人震惊的侵犯人权行为。该法案确保那些明知故犯或协助活摘器官的人将受到制裁。”

美国共和党籍联邦众议员里奇‧麦考密克(Rich McCormick)(美国政府官方图片)

美国共和党籍联邦众议员里奇‧麦考密克(Rich McCormick)在发言中说,“众议院一直在对中共残忍的器官摘取行为发出警告。”2023年3月,美国国会众议院也通过了《2023年停止活摘器官法案》(Stop Forced Organ Harvesting Act of 2023),以惩罚活摘器官罪行。


美国共和党籍联邦众议员拉尔夫‧诺曼(Ralph Norman)(美国政府官方图片)

美国共和党籍联邦众议员拉尔夫‧诺曼(Ralph Norman)在接受英文新唐人电视台采访中说,“(中共)活摘法轮功学员器官的问题,这是无法容忍的。”


美国共和党籍联邦众议员罗尼‧杰克逊(Ronny Jackson)(美国政府官方图片)

美国共和党籍联邦众议员罗尼‧杰克逊(Ronny Jackson)向英文新唐人表示,“我认为这(中共活摘器官)太可怕了,是野蛮的行径,没法用语言来描述。”




















(英文新唐人电视台记者Jack Bradley对本文作出贡献。)






请点击下面的链接观看: 【新唐人】克服恐惧 活摘见证者实名曝光中共滔天罪恶





[VIDEO] 连环画音像片:评江泽民与中共相互利用迫害法轮功