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[] Female Guards Torture Falun Gong Practitioners (Photos)

 August 28, 2014 | By Ming De

This same brutality lives on in China today. The guards show no restraint when torturing practitioners, and instigate criminal inmates to participate in the persecution. As a result, thousands of practitioners have become disabled; others have suffered nervous breakdowns, and many have died.

( “The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) will squash you like a bug!” yelled Jiang Lili, a female guard at the Hubei Province Brainwashing Center in China. “After murdering you Falun Gong practitioners, it will claim that you had committed suicide; then it will deliver your ashes to your family in a small box!”

Female guards in China’s prisons, brainwashing centers and forced labor camps wantonly carry out the CCP’s persecution against Falun Gong.

These guards’ harsh and caustic demeanor is strikingly similar to that of female perpetrators in World War II, as noted by historian Kathrin Kompisch in her book, Perpetrators: Women Under National Socialism. Her book documents the shameful role that German women played in the Holocaust.

This same brutality lives on in China today. The guards show no restraint when torturing practitioners, and instigate criminal inmates to participate in the persecution. As a result, thousands of practitioners have become disabled; others have suffered nervous breakdowns, and many have died.

The following are a few of the many female perpetrators who actively participate in the persecution of Falun Gong.

Jiang Lili

Guard Jiang Lili worked in the Shayang Forced Labor Camp before moving to the Hubei Brainwashing Center. “You dare talk to us about the law!” she exclaimed while addressing a group of practitioners. “Don’t you know that the police, the Procuratorate and the judges belong to the same family?” They all fall under the jurisdiction of the Political and Legal Affairs Committee.

“If they want to, they can send you to a hospital, remove your organs, then cremate your body, just like they did in Sujiatun. What can you do about it?” Jiang added.

When an elderly practitioner shouted “Falun Dafa is good,” Jiang Lili and guard Peng Gang immediately shocked her with electric batons. Jiang then punched the practitioner in the face so hard that it dislocated her jaw.

“I’m not afraid of going to hell or receiving retribution!” screamed Jiang as she beat Ms. Wang Xiaoming in July 2010. She then grabbed Ms. Wang’s hair while guard Deng Qun beat her mercilessly.

Deng Qun placed the leg of a metal stool directly on Ms. Wang’s swollen toe, then jumped onto the stool, as Jiang yanked on Ms. Wang’s hair with all her might.

Liu Ziwei

Liu Ziwei was head of the 1 st Team in Hebei Women’s Forced Labor Camp, before she was transferred to the 3rd team. She is well-known for torturing practitioners.

Liu routinely orders practitioners to strip off their clothing, and then viciously grabs hold of their pubic hair. She shocks practitioners’ nipples with electric batons and sexually abuses them. She also forces practitioners to run outside under the scorching sun, or stand in the freezing cold with little or no clothing.

Whenever Liu is in a bad mood, she indiscriminately beats and abuses practitioners.

Liu and guards Chaos Yali and Liu Yufen forcibly took Ms. Zhang Yanchun’s clothes off, and cut up her underwear. They then shocked her with electric batons for about 40 minutes.

Torture re-enactment: Shocked with electric batons

Ms. Zhang began shaking and became extremely pale. They later hung her up and beat her senseless in a small cell with no windows. Her body became swollen and covered in cuts and bruises.

The next day, Liu struck Ms. Zhang’s face so badly that it was difficult to recognize her.

Liu also ordered two inmates to beat Ms. Zhang and sexually abuse her. Liu then stabbed Ms. Zhang’s arms with a sharp metal comb, causing them to bleed profusely.

Qiu Ping

Qiu Ping, a team leader at Masanjia Women’s Forced Labor Camp, was once interviewed on China Central Television (CCTV), the official mouthpiece of the CCP.

“In the last three years,” said the interviewer: “Qiu Ping has successfully “transformed” around 100 Falun Gong practitioners detained in the Masanjia Women’s Labor Camp. These ex-practitioners were then released back into society.”

The interviewer continued: “The labor camp received 10,000 yuan for every transformed practitioner. Thus, Qiu Ping helped generate nearly one million yuan in income for her work unit.”

In the year 2000, when Ms. Zou Guirong refused to renounce her belief, guards forced her to stand in the hallway until after midnight. Qiu Ping used four electric batons to shock Ms. Zou, and then forced her to squat for a long time. Qiu later ordered several inmates to take turns beating Ms. Zou with wooden sticks. As a result, her face and eyes became swollen and her arms turned black and blue.

Torture re-enactment: Forced to squat for long periods of time

Ms. Su Juzhen was taken to a hospital in Shenyang City by Qiu Ping and some others. Qiu claimed that Ms. Su needed psychiatric treatment. While there, they helped the doctors force unknown drugs down Ms. Su’s throat, which severely damaged her nervous system.

It wasn’t long before Ms. Su suffered a mental breakdown. She was unable to move her limbs, and her eyes were glazed over.

At a later time, guards ordered Ms. Su to stand in the squatting position.Whenever she tried to grab her knees to help maintain her balance, guard Tong Yanling beat her hands with a stick. The guards later forced Ms. Su to squat for one month, from early morning until 9 p.m.

Qiu Ping shocked Ms. Su with electric batons, resulting in burn marks all over her body.

In 1999, Qiu Ping forced Ms. Shi Yingchun to write a letter agreeing not to practice Falun Gong. Ms. Shi later regretted her decision and felt that she had betrayed her conscience. When Qiu saw Ms. Shi crying, she used this as a pretext to send her to a mental hospital for “treatment.” After Ms. Shi returned to the labor camp, she was forced to take an assortment of drugs.

Practitioners who refuse to give up their belief, are labeled “mentally ill” at Masanjia. Practitioners are then injected with debilitating drugs, which destroy their nervous systems.

Torture re-enactment: Injected with unknown drugs

At least 34 practitioners have suffered a mental breakdown at Masanjia in the past 13 years, as a result of being given unknown drugs.

Su Jing

Su Jing, a former head of Masanjia Women’s Forced Labor Camp, was awarded 50,000 yuan by the CCP for her especially cruel treatment of Falun Gong practitioners. She also later won second place in the National Heroes’ contest for her part in the murder of Ms. Gao Rongrong in 2005.

China’s state-run media once did a program called, “Out of Masanjia,” which disclosed the reason behind Masanjia Labor Camp’s so-called “success.” Officials at the camp proudly explained that all staff there are well-versed in the use of torture to achieve their goals. This includes the use of electric shock, “rack torture,” the “tiger bench,” the “death bed,” and forcing inmates to squat in small cells for extended periods of time.

During Su Jing’s 10 years of working at Masanjia, dozens of practitioners have died and hundreds had been maimed or suffered a nervous breakdown.

Zhang Xiaofang

Zhang Xiaofang is head of the No. 7 Team at Nanmusi Women’s Forced Labor Camp in Zhaoyuan City. She is often characterized as being “wicked” and “ruthless,” yet she won the “Top 10 Young Guards” award for her “outstanding ability to transform practitioners.”

Some of the torture methods Zhang employs in the labor camp include extending the practitioners’ working hours, increasing their workload, hanging practitioners up, beating them with wooden sticks, shocking them with electric batons, spraying mace in their faces, handcuffing them, putting them in solitary confinement and forcing them to stand facing a wall for up to 18 hours at a time.

In the cold winter months, Zhang moved some practitioners into small rooms, which were exposed to the cold wind. Inmates were ordered to strip the practitioners of their clothes, tie their hands behind their backs, force them to sit with their legs in the double-crossed sitting meditation position and attach a rope around their necks and tie it tightly to their feet.

Torture re-enactment: Practitioners tied up tightly

Practitioners are left like this for up to 24 hours at a time. Inmates also put duct tape over the practitioners’ mouths to muffle their screams.

When the practitioner is finally untied, some of them couldn’t move and had to be carried back to their cell. Many required a month or more for their bodies to recover from the horrific ordeal.

Zhang forced practitioners drink many glasses of water, one after the other, and then forbade them to use the restroom. Some practitioners couldn’t control their bladder and urinated. Inmates then pushed the practitioners’ heads down into the urine on the floor. They then stripped off the practitioners’ clothes and used them to wipe up the urine.

Ms. Zhu Yinfang, a practitioner in her 40s, was taken to the No.7 Team on April 25, 2003. When she tried to resist the beatings and torture, 12 inmates were ordered to force-feed her a large amount of salt. Ms. Zhu died within 36 hours.

Song Shuqin

Song Shuqin is the head of the Linglong Brainwashing Center in Shandong Province. She has always been active in persecuting practitioners, resulting in some of them becoming disabled. On several occasions, she knowingly injected practitioners with lethal drugs.

After three years on the job, Song Shuqin severely tortured several hundred practitioners, including elderly women and teenagers.

In 2001, Song ordered eight inmates to help her beat two practitioners with sticks and mop handles. At one point, the inmates were so exhausted that they stopped to rest. However, Song continued beating the practitioners without letting up.

Song Shuqin later took off her high-heel shoes and began wildly striking the practitioners’ faces with the heels, until they were covered in blood. Practitioners’ mouths were so swollen that they couldn’t open them to eat. Song used this as an excuse to force feed them.

Torture re-enactment: Forced feeding

Whenever practitioners began to bleed from the nose due to the forced feeding, Song would force them to stand facing a wall for 6 days and nights. If they closed their eyes, they would be beaten with a stick. If practitioners vomited due to the beatings, Song forced them to eat their own vomit.

Song Shuqin once handcuffed two female practitioners to a tiger bench for more than 10 days.

In September 2002, Song Shuqin injected a drug into a practitioner, which caused her to be in pain all over, and her skin became yellow and bruised. Song then tied her to a metal chair for more than 7 hours.

Torture re-enactment: Forced injections

For the following 12 days, the practitioner was not allowed to close her eyes or use the toilet. Song then locked her up for 105 days and extorted 2,500 yuan from her.

Song Shuqin has extorted money from over 1,000 practitioners in the brainwashing center and never issued an official receipt for any of the money she took. She was later promoted to deputy director of the local 610 Office and nominated to be one of the “Ten Most Outstanding Heroines in Zhaoyuan City.”

Chinese version available


Editor’s Note: Dear readers, do you know that Falun Dafa, originally from China, is currently practiced by people in over 100 countries? But in China, since Jul. 20, 1999, Falun Gong is defamed, slandered and persecuted due to the Chinese Communist Party’s fear of Falun Gong’s rapidly growing popularity. Jiang Zemin, former head of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), perceived the spiritual discipline’s growing popularity as a threat to the CCP’s atheistic ideology.

To learn more about the persecution Falun Gong practitioners are subjected to in China, visit

For more information about the practice or to download Zhuan Falun, visit: All books, exercise music, resources, and instructions are available completely free of charge.

Click Link Below to WATCH 30-Year-Old Radio Host, Falun Gong Practitioner Dies in Jiazhou Prison, Video Points to Torture in Custody




Why Jiang Zemin and CCP Persecute Falun Gong?

[VIDEO] Why Jiang Zemin and CCP Persecute Falun Gong?