Sunday, April 15, 2012

It’s Time to Break Up Zhou Yongkang’s Violent Toys

By Zhang Tianliang
Epoch Times Staff
On April 10, shortly after Bo Xilai was removed from the Standing Committee of the Politburo and the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party, massive protests occurred in Chongqing City, Quanzhou, Fujian, and Xiamen, one after another. The authorities sent out police forces to clear the crowds. The situation in Chongqing was especially serious, and the crackdown was hard. Photographs on the Internet show that armed police intervened.
Actually, I think the uprising in Chongqing and Fujian should urge Hu Jintao and Wen Jiabao to remove Zhou Yongkang in order to gain the people’s trust.

Zhou Yongkang wants to see such uprisings because they will give him the excuse that the Chinese people should not be exposed to any hope. As people feel that the pressure of oppression is weakening, they will of course stand up for their rights. Unless violence is used, such protests can spread out to all over the country. That is also why the June 4 Incident cannot be rehabilitated. As for violent oppression, it is what Zhou Yongkang is known to be an expert at. If the CCP wants to preserve its power, it has to rely on Zhou Yongkang.
But for Hu and Wen, the reason why they are seeing the current stage of the CCP is because of Zhou Yongkang and his group’s proclivity to violence. Social conflicts can be prevented by protecting freedom of speech and having justice be independent. They can be solved by dialogue and discussion. But the CCP has a habit of thinking through the lens of violence. In the past decades, conflicts piled up in China and have led to what is it unfolding today.
After the Cultural Revolution, some CCP officials such as Hu Yaobang, Zhao Ziyang and Qiao Shi put some effort into establishing a functioning legal system and tried to realize the goal of “a country based on rule of law.”

But in 1999, after Jiang Zemin initiated the crackdown on Falun Gong, the situation worsened. Because the number of Falun Gong practitioners were as high as 100 million and they are good citizens, to crackdown on Falun Gong the legal and judicial systems had to be crushed first. 
So Jiang Zemin established a cross-department “610 Office” and made the Political and Legislative Affairs Committee in charge of the office. All police, court, public security, foreign affairs, commerce and medical departments had to obey the 610 Office, and the road for persecution was paved. The power of the Committee was enlarged, and Luo Gan, a longtime Jiang ally, became its secretary.
In the decade that Falun Gong has been persecuted Chinese society’s order and justice have diminished. As justice vanishes, the law of the jungle rules. Whoever is strong will have power. This is a fundamental reason for China’s unjust society and it is a misfortune of the Chinese people.
The CCP uses more than 700 billion RMB to maintain political stability, a budget larger than that of the whole military. As Hu and Wen face the situation in Chongqing and Fujian, one question they have to think of is: “if we keep doing things like this, when will there be an end?”
Why did Zhou Yongkang and Bo Xilai rebel? They are afraid that once the crackdown on Falun Gong weakens, the whole power organ will be shaken by the truth revealed by the Falun Gong persecution, and they will be swallowed by the uprising of non-Falun Gong citizens. That will be the moment for them to be punished. Although Bo and Zhou are both ruthless, for how long can the persecution continue?

If Hu Jintao and Wen Jiabao can can grab this opportunity, capture Zhou Yongkang and announce his crimes, dissolve the Political and Legislative Affairs Committee, and stop the persecution of the people, they can preserve their own legacies amidst the Party’s turmoil and foster trust with the Chinese people.
Read the original Chinese article
大家都来看”九评共产党” ( VCD, 书)!
Let’s find “Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party”(VCD, books)!
Quit the Evil Chinese Communist Party or its affiliated organizations today!