Name: Jiao Lin (焦林)
Gender: Male
Age: 56
Address: Fengchen City, Liaoning province
Occupation: Salesperson
Date of Most Recent Arrest: May 6, 2011
Most Recent Place of Detention: Dongling Prison (沈阳东陵监狱)
City: Fengcheng
Province: Liaoning
Persecution Suffered: Illegal sentencing, beatings, imprisonment, physical restraint, detention
( On March 23, 2012, relatives of practitioner Mr. Jiao Lin from Fengcheng City, Liaoning Province came to visit him at the Dongling Prison of Shenyang City. After much effort, they were finally allowed to see him through a large window and under the watch of guards. Mr. Jiao looked very pale and his whole body was swollen. He had trouble walking and speaking. He constantly coughed and held his chest. He looked as if in pain.
His family asked him, “Who beat you like this? Where do you have pain? Why do you look so swollen?” Mr. Jiao did not answer the questions but only grasped his chest in silence.
Mr. Jiao is 56 years old and was formerly a salesperson at the Fengcheng Gas Pump Factory. He was a great salesperson. Ten years ago, Mr. Jiao began practicing Falun Gong. Since then, he has been following the principle of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, and he has been very kind to everyone. He had a very good reputation among his co-workers. After the persecution of Falun Gong by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) began in 1999, Mr. Jiao was sentenced to forced labor in 2004. Because he refused to give up the practice, he was tortured at both the Benxin Force Labor Camp and the Jinzhou Forced Labor Camp. Mr. Jiao suffered deeply both physically and mentally because of the persecution.
On September 5, 2010, Mr. Jiao and four other practitioners went to Baiqi Town to clarify the truth about Falun Gong. Two policemen, Jiang Jun and Cao Dejun, from the Baiqi Police Station arrested and detained them in the Fengcheng Detention Center. The policemen beat them throughout the night. One month later, Mr. Jiao experienced symptoms of a stomach perforation and of tuberculosis, and his life was in danger. After he was sent to the hospital on October 19, the doctors wanted to perform an emergency surgery. To avoid responsibility, the director of the Fengcheng Police Department, the head of the Political and Judiciary Committee, the chief of the Domestic Security Division, and the supervisor and head of the detention center all came to speak with his family. Yang Xiaodong, director of the Police Department, promised the family, “Jiao Lin could have surgery here or go to another hospital. We could pay half of the cost if you have any financial problems.” The family decided to bring him home instead.
Mr. Jaio continued doing the Falun Gong exercises after he returned home, and he gradually recovered. Then on May 6, 2011, Mr. Jiao went to the Fengcheng Political and Judiciary Committee to get his car back, which had been illegally confiscated by the police. Officer Sun Xiaobin told him that he first needed to speak with his boss. Sun left and then came back and said, “The boss said that you can't have your car, and that you have to go home.” At that moment, Mr. Jiao left the office and walked toward the stairs, and two officers from the Domestic Security Division followed and arrested him again. They sent him back to the Fengcheng Detention Center.
On May 24, 2011, the court opened trial for Mr. Jiao. In court, Mr. Jiao seemed a different person than he used to be: he could not keep his back straight, he had trouble walking, and he had lost a lot of weight. He looked very pale, his right eye was red and bruised, and his chin and mouth were covered with severe burn marks caused by cigarettes.
His family asked him, “What happened to your eyes? What happened to your chin?” Mr. Jiao shook his head helplessly. His family was angry and told him, “Don’t be afraid, whoever has beat you like this, we will sue them!” At this point and in front of all the judges and bailiffs, Mr. Jiao told his family, “My eye was hit by a prisoner in the same cell as me, and my chin was burned by another prisoner.” He took off his socks and showed his family that his left foot had been beaten with plastic pipes. The foot was so bruised and swollen that he was unable to wear shoes. The back of his foot showed an abscess beginning to form. When he rolled up his shirt and pants, his family was shocked to see the many bruises covering his back, waist, and legs.
After Mr. Jiao was sentenced illegally, he was sent to the Dongling Prison of Shen Yang City. In the beginning, he was held in the No. 2 Prison District where he was beaten by about five inmates who were assigned to monitor him. After the beating, he was sent to hospital. Several times he was seen being carried by two inmates as he was unable to walk on his own. The instructor of the No. 2 Prison District, Li Ronghua, showed no mercy. Chief Li Runbin and deputy chief Yan Zhengyuan admitted that they had handcuffed Mr. Jiao for 24 hours a day and locked him down in a single spot many times.
Mr. Jiao is being held at the No. 6 Prison District.
Dongling Prison of Shen Yang City: +86-24-62344407, +86-24-24711755
Li Zhong, warden: +86-24-24711754
No. 2 Prison District: +86-24-27111741, ext 8071
Chinese version available -焦林在沈阳东陵监狱被迫害-举步艰难-254852.html
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