迫害中的坚定 Determination Under Persecution
“Blessed are they who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are ye when men shall revile you and persecute you, and say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake. Rejoice, and be exceeding glad; for great is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you.” [Matthew 5:10-12] Bible
History Remembered
July 20, 2000
Throughout history, people have longed for peace and harmony and great leaders of high moral and spiritual quality have risen up to offer a way. Jesus Christ was crucified during the time of the most powerful empire of the ancient world. Although his followers were viciously persecuted, Christianity outlived the Roman Empire by 2000 years. Nelson Mandela brought peace and stability to South Africa by suffering imprisonment in a South African jail for almost 30 years. Not by physical might but by forbearance and compassion, he defeated apartheid and became the President of his country. Following Mahatma Ghandi’s path of nonviolence, Martin Luther King gave his life to the Civil Rights Movement and made the world a better place for all Americans of goodwill.
Thus, history has taught us the power of forbearance. While the seemingly strong and invincible quickly fade from memory, the virtuous and oppressed are long remembered by future generations. We remember their sufferings and treasure the lessons they taught us about compassion and forbearance. History teaches us that peace and harmony are ultimately accomplished by the benevolent actions of brave and compassionate people who are willing to suffer for the sake of goodness.
As we enter the new millennium, once again the world cries out for peace and people of compassion and forbearance are answering the call. Just as the early Christians were persecuted for their beliefs, the world watches in horror as powerful evil forces persecute Falun Dafa practitioners who take the same path as spiritual and moral leaders of the past.
Why Jiang Zemin and CCP Persecute Falun Gong?
[VIDEO] Why Jiang Zemin and CCP Persecute Falun Gong?