Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Brutal Persecution Suffered by Female Falun Gong Practitioners in China – Part 8: Deaths Due to Other Forms of Persecution

November 16, 2011 | Summary report by a Clearwisdom correspondent in China
(Continued from
On December 12, 2005, attorney Gao Zhisheng wrote his third public letter to the Chinese government titled “We Must Immediately Stop the Brutality That Suffocates Our Nation’s Conscience and Morality.”
In his letter, he said, “We can see that the power symbolized by the number 610 continues to “interface” with the public through ways such as killing a person’s body and spirit, shackles, chains, electric shock tortures, and ‘tiger benches’ … The nature of this power has become that of a criminal gang. It continues to torture our mothers, sisters, children, and our entire nation.”
Part 9: Deaths Due to Other Forms of Persecution
1. A Mayor Who Dares to Speak Up Dies
Ms. Wang Yaxuan, 53, was the deputy mayor of Chifeng City in Inner Mongolia. Before the former Chinese leader Jiang Zemin initiated the persecution of Falun Gong, Jiang called a secret meeting with high ranking officials to announce his decision. Ms. Wang represented Chifeng City at that meeting. She spoke up for Falun Gong and talked about how the practice benefited the country and its people. CCP officials told Ms. Wang she had to accept the CCP decision. Ms. Wang tried to protect the practitioners from imprisonment after the onset of the persecution after July 20, 1999.
Between August and September 1999, Ms. Wang’s body was found in Hongshan Park. The CCP minions claimed that she went to Hongshan and fell off a cliff accidentally. The CCP police controlled the investigation and reporting and Ms. Wang’s family wasn’t allowed to ask questions.
2. Ms. Zasang Sentenced to a Three-year Prison Term for Practicing Falun Dafa
Ms. Zasang, 56, a Tibetan, began to practice Falun Dafa in 1996. She used to be employed by the Tibet School of Agricultural Science.
Before practicing Falun Gong, Ms. Zasang had breast cancer. After practicing Falun Dafa, she became healthy. She was a steadfast practitioner and refused to renounce Falun Dafa. In November 2001, officers from the Jiangxijie Police Station arrested her at home in Chengdu, Sichuan, and held her in the Xipu Detention Center in Pi County, Chengdu. She was sentenced to a three-year prison term.
Ms. Zasang was not allowed to practice Falun Dafa. He breast cancer recurred and she was hospitalized. Ms. Zasang died at home in October 2002.
3. An Aeronautics and Astronautics Expert Dies
Ms. Ren Hanfen, 73, an aeronautics and astronautics expert, lived in the Fengtai District, Beijing.
Ms. Ren studied in Russia in the 1950s and, after she returned to China, she worked in aeronautical and astronautic research. She was a graduate student advisor and a researcher at Beihang University (Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics).
Despite the persecution, Ms. Ren refused to renounce Falun Gong. Staff from the local public safety bureau and the u 610 Office arrested her and made her undergo brainwashing. She was tortured and brainwashed. The officials at the brainwashing center unsuccessfully demanded that she renounce Falun Dafa. She was not released after serving her term. Under pressure, Ms. Ren signed the statements renouncing Falun Dafa. After returning home, she regretted giving up Falun Gong and re-entered the practice. Special agents continued to harass and threaten her. To avoid further persecution, Ms. Ren left home and became destitute.
Staff and officers from the local public safety bureau and the University 610 Office searched for her and found her in May 2002. She tried to escape, fell from a building, and died.
4. The “Nameless” Person that Disappeared from Zhuhai Detention Center
Ms. Yuan Zheng, 38, was from Liaoning Province. She studied in Moscow for several years. She returned to China just before the persecution began in July 20, 1999, and learned Falun Dafa.
Ms. Yuan was held at the notorious Masanjia Forced Labor Camp. After her release, she stayed with her mother in Zhuhai. In July 2001, Ms. Yuan left her mother’s house and never returned. Based on information from practitioners who had been imprisoned with her, Ms. Yuan was held at the 35th warehouse of Zhuhai City Second Detention Center in Guangdong Province in September 2001. She refused to give her name, so guards called her “Nameless.” She protested the illegal imprisonment and refused to cooperate or follow the prison rules. Guard Wu ordered the head of the warehouse Wu Shuning and prisoners Jing Yuanyuan and Gao Shanshan to brutally beat Ms. Yuan with a bundle of electric wires wrapped in plastic. They tortured her with the method “riding an airplane” when she went on a hunger strike and force-fed her.
Many people knew that Ms. Yuan was brutally tortured, so she was moved to different cells frequently. To cover up their crimes, the guards isolated Ms. Yuan in the 34th warehouse.
In June 2002, someone saw Ms. Yuan being carried out of the detention center. Her whereabout since then is unknown. Later someone heard a guard, whom prisoners called Wuyu (Aunt Wu), say, “Nameless was sent to a very special place.” This meant that Ms. Yuan had died as a result of the torture. An insider was willing to testify how Ms. Yuan was tortured to death.
5. Teacher at Hainan Culture Art School Tortured
Ms. Zhang Xiaotong, 46, was from Siping City, Jilin Province. She and her husband began to practice Falun Dafa in 1995 in Haikou City, Heinan Province. She taught piano at Hainan Cultural Arts School.
Ms. Zhang was tortured because of her belief in Falun Dafa. She died at 6 p.m. on March 10, 2005, at Hainan Province People’s Hospital.
Ms. Zhang often went to Beijing to appeal for the right to practice Falun Gong and was many times arrested, detained, and interrogated by Beijing police. Practitioners were not given food or water and were deprived of sleep and forbidden to use the toilet. On July 23, 1999, police arrested Ms. Zhang for going to Beijing to appeal and held her in the Zhi’an Detention House in Haidian. Later, she was transferred to Haikou City and held in the Second Detention Center until the beginning of 2000.
Between March and April in 2000, she was again arrested and held in a street office in Bailongnan, Haikou, because she refused to sign a statement renouncing Falun Gong.
Police interrogated her on April 12, 2004. Because of torture, Ms. Zhang’s health deteriorated and her condition was critical. Agents from the 610 Office informed her school to take her back and keep her under guard. Ms. Zhang’s health worsened and her abdomen began to swell. She was diagnosed with leukemia.
It was not until Ms. Zhang was dying that officials allowed her husband to visit her in the hospital under police surveillance. He was then was quickly taken back to his prison cell, as he was also in prison for practicing Falun Gong. Ms. Zhang died shortly after his visit.
6. Ms. Gao Rongrong Hidden from the Public
Ms. Gao Rongrong, 37, was employed in the Financial Department at Luxun Academy of Fine Arts.
Ms. Gao Rongrong before she died.
In July 2003, Ms. Gao was arrested, taken to Longshan Forced Labor Camp, and tortured. At 3 p.m. on May 7, 2004, Jiang Zhaohua and Tang Yubao, captain and deputy captain of the second brigade, shocked her with electric batons for seven hours in the duty office. Ms. Gao’s face was disfigured. Her face was full of blisters; her scorched skin was stuck with her hair, blood, and pus. Her face was so swollen that she could barely open her eyes. Her lips were swollen and disfigured.
These pictures was taken ten days after Ms. Gao Rongrong was tortured with electric batons (May 7, 2004)
After she was disfigured, a good person helped her escape from the hospital. Luo Gan, the then secretary of the State Political and Legal Commission, personally took over her case and made it “The 26th major case of the Ministry of Public Security.” The authorities found Ms. Gao on March 6, 2005, and arrested her.
On June 10, 2005, Ms. Gao’s parents unsuccessfully demanded to see her at Masanjia Forced Labor Camp. On June 12, her parents were asked to visit her at the China Medical University First Hospital. She was in a coma and was on a respirator. All her organs failed. According to witnesses, when Ms. Gao was in the hospital, many unknown people guarded all the hospital entrances. Several people in police uniforms frequently asked, “When is she going to die?”
On June 16, 2005, Ms. Gao died in the emergency room in the China Medical University First Hospital. A doctor suspected that her head was damaged due to injection of destructive drugs.
Ms. Gao’s parents were grateful for those who were concerned about her death. Her parents said, “The person who rescued her the first time gave her five months of peaceful life. During that time, she gained weight and was able to walk.”
Ms. Gao’s mother, Zhang Sukun, was unable to find justice for her daughter. She died on July 16, 2010, at the age of 78.
7. Young Doctor Dies from Torture
Ms. Du Juan, 29, was a resident of Shaping Oil Field in Yubei District, Chongqing City. She was a doctor in the oil field company’s hospital .
Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Du Juan
The hospital director and secretary Zhou (surname) arrested Ms. Du because she practiced Falun Gong. She was sentenced to a year and a half of forced labor. On March 25, 2002, Ms. Du told people about Falun Dafa and the persecution. As a result, officers from the Longxing Police Station arrested her and sentenced her to three years at Chongqing Women’s Forced Labor Camp. She was brutally tortured and died on April 14, 2006.
In Chongqing Women’s Forced Labor Camp, Ms. Du refused to cooperate. The guards ordered drug abusers to cover her mouth with dirty mops and tape it on. They slapped her face with shoes and put prison clothes on her. They tied her up and left her in the scorching sun for several hours.
It was dark and horrifying in solitary confinement. It was damp and cold in winter and stuffy and hot in summer. There was an intolerable smell. Practitioners were often held in confinement for months. The guards ordered drug abusers to beat Ms. Du. On June 12, Ms. Du felt excruciating pain in her abdomen. She could not stand up straight. The guards continued to torture her. She passed out because of the torture. Later, she was taken to a hospital because she had breathing problems and ran a high fever. She was diagnosed with “a damaged left kidney and spleen and intestinal obstruction.” Fearing that she might die, the guards were afraid to accept responsibility for her death and released her that night. Local officials and police continued to harass her at home. She was forced to leave home to avoid further persecution. She died in April 2006.
8. Ms. Hu Suhua Dies from Torture
Ms Hu Suhua was in her mid 50s. She was from Hongshan District, Chifeng City, Inner Mongolia.
Ms. Hu Suhua.
Ms. Su was persecuted because of her belief in Falun Dafa. In 2000, she was held in Tumuji Forced Labor Camp in Inner Mongolia and then transferred to Huhehaote Women’s Forced Labor Camp. She was brutally tortured. In 2006, she was taken to Masanjia Forced Labor Camp. After her release, she was homeless and destitute.
In the middle of the night on June 3, 2006, Guo Yuming, head of the Domestic Security Division of Chifeng City Public Safety Bureau, several policemen, and seven police vehicles went to where practitioners gathered in Chaoyang City, Liaoning Province. The police broke into the residence and yelled, “Catch the thieves!” When Ms. Hu told them that they were practitioners, a policeman hit her face and shoulders. The police tied her up with electric wire and put her in a police car.
Ms. Hu was taken to the Huhehaote City Women’s Forced Labor Camp. There she was hung up for 12 hours. Two weeks later, she was transferred to Masanjia Forced Labor Camp. The next day she was released. She became homeless and destitute.
Around March 4, 2010, the police from Huhehaote City tortured Ms. Hu and she died as a result. She had large round bruises on her chest and back. The bruises were symmetrical on her chest and back.