Thursday, August 9, 2012

Revealing Bo Xilai and Gu Kailai’s organ harvesting crimes led to Neil Heywood murder

British Businessman Neil Heywood Divulged Too Much
By Wang Yiru
Epoch Times Staff
Gu Kailai (L), wife of the ousted Bo Xilai (R). The Epoch Times recently learned that Gu killed British businessman Neil Heywood because he had revealed information about organ harvesting in which he, Gu, and Bo were all involved. (New Epoch Weekly Photo Archive)
Gu Kailai (L), wife of the ousted Bo Xilai (R). The Epoch Times recently learned that Gu killed British businessman Neil Heywood because he had revealed information about organ harvesting in which he, Gu, and Bo were all involved. (New Epoch Weekly Photo Archive)
The murdered British businessman Neil Heywood knew too much—and apparently talked about what he knew. That, according to a source familiar with the matter, was the motive for his being killed.
Heywood’s involvement with former Chinese Communist Party heavyweight Bo Xilai and Bo’s wife Gu Kailai was far more extensive than has previously been reported. It apparently included profiting with them from the atrocity of forced live organ harvesting and from allegedly trading in dead bodies. It also involved his assisting them in plans for a coup.
Heywood was found poisoned to death in the Lucky Holiday Hotel in the central-western megalopolis of Chongqing on Nov. 14, 2011. On April 10, Gu Kailai and her employee Zhang Xiaojun were reportedly in custody as suspects in the murder.
Gu was originally described by state-run media as having murdered Heywood due to disagreements about financial matters. On July 25, in its first comment on the matter since April, the regime mouthpiece Xinhua elaborated on this motive: as a result of the disagreements over business matters, it was said Gu feared Heywood would harm her son, Bo Guagua, and so decided to murder the British businessman.
Heywood was certainly involved in the Bo family’s business dealings—he helped them move the billions Bo and Gu had acquired through various deals inside China to accounts outside China.
But Heywood’s involvement went far beyond moving money offshore.

Trading in Organs

Neil Heywood. (Screenshot from
Neil Heywood. (Screenshot from
Heywood’s involvement with Bo and Gu goes back to their time in Dalian City in northeastern Liaoning Province. Bo was mayor of Dalian City when the persecution of the spiritual practice Falun Gong began in July 1999, and he advanced his career by becoming an early and fervent supporter of this campaign.
First Dalian City, and then Liaoning Province, became hellish places for Falun Gong practitioners after Bo became governor in 2000. According to reports compiled by the Falun Gong website Minghui, Liaoning Province during Bo’s time as governor had the fourth highest number of deaths of Falun Gong practitioners due to torture and abuse among China’s 33 provinces and province-level cities.
In April 2006, The Epoch Times first reported on the crime of forced, live organ harvesting in China with detailed stories about a hospital in Sujiatun, a suburb of Liaoning’s capital, Shenyang City.
At the time the forced, live organ harvesting was first discovered, there were five different websites in Liaoning Province advertising organs for transplantation, with prices listed—a new heart cost US$180,000, a new cornea US$3,000. The largest such enterprise was in Shenyang City.
The organ harvesting from Falun Gong practitioners had started soon after the persecution began.
Canadians David Kilgour, former Canadian secretary of state (Asia-Pacific) and crown prosecutor; and David Matas, an international human rights lawyer, investigated the allegations of organ harvesting and published the report “Bloody Harvest” (later to be a book) in July 2006. They claimed that in the years 2000–2005 41,500 transplants took place in China for which the most likely source of the organs was Falun Gong practitioners.
Allegedly Heywood was involved with Bo and Gu in the business of organ harvesting in Liaoning, according to The Epoch Times’ source, and this is what sealed his death warrant. Heywood had begun leaking information about their involvement in this atrocity.

Trading in Bodies

Heywood was also allegedly involved in the trade of dead human bodies.
Beginning in 2000, two factories opened in Dalian that preserved human bodies for exhibition purposes.
In 2003, “The Oriental Outlook Magazine,” an affiliate of state mouthpiece Xinhua, reported that in 2003 China had already become the country exporting the largest number of human corpses, and that one of the companies in Dalian City was the largest human body mummification factory in the world.
Earlier this year, The Epoch Times obtained reliable information from Dalian City that the vast majority of bodies made available to the mummification factories were murdered Falun Gong practitioners.
Chinese law prohibits the trading of human bodies except in certain circumstances, and Bo and Gu were in a position to ensure the companies could receive any paperwork necessary to profit from these bodies.
Colluding with high-ranking officials in the Political and Legislative Affairs Committee (PLAC), such as former Party secretary of the PLAC Luo Gan, Gu and Bo took advantage of loopholes in Chinese law and prevented family members of Falun Gong practitioners who had been tortured to death from claiming the bodies (and the information obtained by The Epoch Times did not indicate that the companies were aware of the origin of the bodies).
Instead, public security bureaus and courts collected the bodies and sold them at a high price to the mummification factories. From there the bodies were shipped to museums around the world for exhibition, generating billions of dollars each year.
Gu Kailai was a mastermind in financial management, international and domestic online advertisement, and the opening up of export channels for organ and human body trafficking.
According to The Epoch Times’ source, Heywood assisted Gu.

Plotting a Coup

The Epoch Times has written exclusive reports regarding how Bo Xilai, domestic security czar Zhou Yongkang, and other members of Jiang Zemin’s faction had set up a second power center in the CCP based on the PLAC, which they intended Bo to assume control of at the 18th Party Congress this October.
When the time was ripe, Bo would displace Xi Jinping, expected to be named Party head of the CCP at the upcoming congress, and assume the rule of China.
However, the plotters didn’t expect the flight of Bo’s former henchman Wang Lijun to the U.S. Consulate in Chengdu on Feb. 6, which exposed and destroyed their entire plan.
According to The Epoch Times’ source, Gu played an important role in this plan. After Gu was arrested, to escape the death penalty she revealed Bo Xilai and Zhou Yongkang’s plans to overthrow Xi Jinping. She also admitted that she was the contact person between Bo Xilai and Zhou Yongkang.
Gu claimed that under orders from Zhou and Bo, she conducted operations overseas to bribe foreign media and use them to release announcements in order to boost the political status of Bo and Zhou, while attacking and slandering Xi Jinping.
She viewed Heywood as a trusted aide, and he helped with activities outside China and knew about Zhou Yongkang and Bo Xilai’s coup plans.
Gu goes on trial for Heywood’s death Aug. 9 in Hefei City, Anhui Province. Analysts do not expect any new information about Heywood’s murder to come out of that event.
大家都来看”九评共产党” ( VCD, 书)!
Let’s find “Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party”(VCD, books)!
Quit the Evil Chinese Communist Party or its affiliated organizations today!