Thursday, July 31, 2014

A Spiritual Journey to Ladakh, India

A Falun Gong practitioner’s calling to spread truthfulness, compassion and tolerance in mountainous, northern India

By Epoch Times | July 29, 2014
Falun Gong practioner Christiane Teich, from India, poses on a street in New York City on May 19, 2014. (Benjamin Chasteen/Epoch Times)
Christiane Teich, who prefers to be called “Chris,” made her pilgrimage to India over the course of 30 years, in search of something. Originally from Germany, Chris lived in Africa and South America before making her way to India.
Throughout her travels, Chris had tried many different kinds of spiritual practices, including qigong, transcendental meditation, yoga, Indian philosophies, Jainism, and Buddhism, yet still was not fulfilled.
Chris heard about a wonderful little place in the mountain area of the northernmost part of India called Ladakh. Although she lived mostly in Sarnath, India (the place where Buddha gave his first teachings), Chris preferred to go to Ladakh where the climate was unlike other parts of India—in Ladakh the air is cool and the weather is nice. “The climate is totally different in the high altitude, dry and just pleasant in the summers,” she said
She visited Ladakh nearly every summer since living in India, and usually stayed 3-4 months.
Ladakh lies between the Kunlun mountain range in the north and the main Great Himalayas to the south. It borders Tibet to the east and is inhabited largely by Tibetan Buddhists. The sparsely populated region is known for its remote mountain beauty and Tibetan culture.
When she first went to Ladakh around 23-24 years ago, there were very few TVs. “It’s a very small area, very few with TV, only two police stations,” said Chris.
But over the years and with the increase of both Western and Indian tourists, this has totally changed, and now TV is everywhere.
It was here that Chris was introduced to the meditation practice of Falun Gong, also known as Falun Dafa.
Falun Dafa
Chris fondly recalls attending an annual women’s meeting where women from many near and far villages gathered to cook, sing, dance, and weave. Nearby was a local temple situated high on a mountain, where a Chinese American woman was standing, looking down upon the crowd of women. She suddenly decided to come down from the mountain and began demonstrating the Falun Dafa exercises together with a local Tibetan person.
Falun Dafa is a spiritual cultivation practice that was introduced to the public in China in 1992. It involves five sets of meditation exercises and teachings of the universal principles of truthfulness, compassion, and tolerance. In 1999, fearful of its popularity, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) launched a persecution against adherents. Since then, millions of Falun Gong adherents in China have been illegally detained, with the vast majority of them abused in custody by police, according to the Falun Dafa Information Center.
Chris had never seen these qigong exercises before but she was able to ask the woman a few questions and was directed to a shop where she was able to purchase the only available copy of Zhuan Falun, the book that practitioners read everyday and which expands on the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Tolerance.
It took Chris a few years to let go of all of her previous teachings, so she did not become a practitioner of Falun Dafa right away.
Spreading Falun Dafa
Once Chris became compelled by her spiritual calling, she began putting up posters and stickers about Falun Dafa all over the biggest town in Ladakh every summer—so much so that in 2007 one of the local schools asked her to come and teach the students the exercises.
She went to the school and taught the exercises, but felt that something was missing. “I was not very drawn to introducing Falun Dafa, as mostly only the exercises were done in schools, often for days in a row, which just didn’t appeal to me at all,” she said.
In 2008 and 2009, Chris began to educate the public about the persecution of Falun Dafa practitioners in China by setting up an information booth and passing out truth clarification materials. After working with another practitioner and visiting schools with her, Chris rededicated herself to spreading the Fa to local schools.
In 2010, she went to a different school and began to teach the exercises again, but this time she also set up an information booth and clarified the truth to them. The administration and students had a lot of exposure to Falun Dafa.
“This is a Tibetan school, where regularly the director and teachers had been given truth clarification materials, and many materials were in the school library for years. Many children had already received Falun Dafa and Truth Clarification flyers at outside displays over the years, so this school was very much prepared,” she said.
Chris stayed at this school and two small branches of it until 2013. “Besides, realizing the impact on the children and teachers, I was in many other schools, often in villages, and realized the wonderful opportunity. While creating a very good atmosphere doing the exercises, one can easily build on that with Truth Clarification, in the form of posters, Ipad, short films, and singing Falun Dafa Hao [is good],” she said.
Chris recalled that one time she returned to Ladakh a little later than usual and was touched by how much the people missed her. With a tear in her eye, Chris spoke about how they asked, “Where have you been; why didn’t you come?”
For Chris, this pilgrimage that started some 30 years ago had culminated into a mission to spread the teachings of truthfulness, compassion, and tolerance in schools. She continues to visit Ladakh every summer—and even before she gets there, Chris sends posters, stickers, and flyers to residents who are eager to pass them out far and wide, including to the most remote regions.
Just last year, Chris sent over 220 pounds of materials to Ladakh.
“There’s still not many modern amenities, so I send cargos of materials to Ladakh and they distribute them,” said Chris.

图片报道:巴厘岛学员反迫害 民众支持

【明慧网二零一四年七月二十六日】二零一四年七月二十日下午,数百名巴厘岛法轮功学员在著名的旅游胜地库塔-来吉安海滩(Legian Kuta Beach)举行公众集会、游行和烛光悼念,谴责中共对法轮功持续了十五年的反人类的群体灭绝罪行,并呼吁所有善良的人们伸出援手,支持正义,制止迫害。一些当地的媒体和电视台对本次活动進行了采访报道。
图1:马代•苏拉萨(Made Sulasa Jaya)先生是巴厘岛的一位宗教领袖,他前来参加集会,他在发言中说,“我认为,我们所有在场的人都应该支持正义和真理。”


Wednesday, July 30, 2014

US State Department’s International Religious Freedom Report Condemns Persecution of Falun Gong

July 30, 2014 | By a Minghui correspondent in Washington DC
( “Today the Chinese Government often severely restricts the ability of unregistered religious or spiritual groups to meet, sometimes banning them outright, as in the case of the Falun Gong, persecuting their defenders, like the human rights lawyer Gao Zhisheng.”
So stated Tom Malinowski, Assistant Secretary, Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor with the Department of State, at a July 28 press briefing of the release of the agency’s International Religious Freedom Report for 2013.
“The same law that mandated the International Religious Freedom Report and created the Office of International Religious Freedom also gave us a series of powerful mechanisms to promote the cause of religious freedom worldwide,” the report illustrates that the mechanisms include sanction of individual rights offenders and/or governments that engage in or tolerate “particularly severe” violations of religious freedom.
The report highlights the following case in its executive summary:
“In September Falun Gong practitioner Yu Jinfeng was reportedly arrested and then taken to a former reeducation-through-labor (RTL) facility. Her lawyer, Tang Jitian, was refused access to Ms. Yu and then detained for five days.”
The China section of the report cites increased detention of Falun Gong practitioners around sensitive dates, even though the Masanjia Labor Camp was reported to have closed at the end of 2013.
The Hong Kong section of the report mentions “a significant increase in harassment from a pro-Beijing group called the Hong Kong Youth Care Association (HKYCA) which started immediately before the July 2012 inauguration of Hong Kong Chief Executive C.Y. Leung.”
The report also highlights the brainwashing, psychiatric abuses and denial of legal rights of Falun Gong practitioners.

周永康核心罪涉“政变和活摘器官” 国际曝光

周永康是中共前政治局常委、中央政法委书记。周的落马,是中共建政以来立案调查的最高级别的官员,也是中共自 “四人帮”以来最大、最严重的案件;打破了邓小平复出后,“罪不及常委”的惯例。
周永康2次政变未果 至少2次谋杀习近平
3月15日,政变主角薄熙来被免职; 3月19日,据多方消息,周永康与温家宝为了抢夺薄熙来的“财政部长”徐明,发生了“3.19北京政变”。报导称,最早带走徐明的是周永康的人马。温家宝命亲信、中纪委副书记马馼设法把徐明尽快掌握到中纪委手中。
据加拿大前亚太司司长、资深国会议员大卫‧乔高(David Kilgour)和国际人权律师大卫‧麦塔斯(David Matas)于2006年7月6日向国际社会公布的《中国活体摘取法轮功学员器官指控的报告》显示,有6.5万法轮功学员涉嫌被活摘了器官;《报告》称,活摘法轮功学员器官的指控是真实存在的,是“这星球上前所未有的邪恶”。
活摘器官的罪行在全球曝光 江泽民、周永康等被全球起诉
2009年12月17日,阿根廷联邦法院第九庭法官奥克塔维奥•阿劳德•拉马德里(Octavio Araozde Lamadrid)作出裁决:下令阿根廷联邦警察局国际刑警部逮捕因犯残酷迫害法轮功而犯下了危害人类罪行的江泽民、罗干二名中共官员。
