Sunday, July 6, 2014

苏格兰格拉斯哥西区图书馆里的法轮功介绍会 Scotland: Falun Gong Seminar Offered at Glasgow’s West End Festival (Photos)

一位来自中国的老人,通过修炼法轮功身心受益,她也亲身经历并见证了中共扼杀人性,对中国百姓的洗脑。这位学员讲述了自己所看到的和经历过的事情,让来宾更清楚地认识到为什么在短短的七年间,在中国有近一亿人修炼法轮功并且遵循法轮大法的“真、善、忍”原则。 他们也明白了中共为什么如此惧怕法轮功修炼者。
June 19, 2014 | By a Falun Gong practitioner in Scotland
( A presentation at a library in Glasgow’s West End on June 7, 2014 introduced Falun Gong and exposed the ongoing, brutal persecution in China, in particular the state-sanctioned forced organ harvesting from living Falun Gong practitioners.
The practitioners are invited to make a presentation introducing Falun Gong each year in this library during Glasgow’s annual West End Festival, a large cultural event in the city. The library provided a large conference room for the activity.
Guests were from all walks of life, and among them were high school teachers, staff at the Scottish Refugee Center, students from University of Glasgow and the Glasgow School of Art and people who are interested in the Chinese culture.
Prior to teaching the guests the Falun Gong exercises, the practitioners showed them the award-winning documentary “Free China: The Courage to Believe.”
The documentary tells the remarkable stories of two survivors of China’s brutal forced labor system. They are two among the millions of peaceful Falun Gong practitioners in China who have endured unimaginable suffering, including torture, for upholding their spiritual beliefs.
An introductory session held at the West End Library in Glasgow, Scotland
Attentively learning the Falun Gong exercises at the West End Library, Glasgow, Scotland
Signing a petition to condemn the Chinese Communist regime’s forced organ harvesting from living Falun Gong practitioners
After the screening, the audience was all ears as an elderly Chinese practitioner shared with them how she benefited from practicing Falun Gong, and what she experienced and witnessed of the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) rule by complete mind control and many of the Party’s crimes against humanity.
Her personal experience helped the guests understand why the CCP became so fearful when it was discovered that nearly one hundred million Chinese people had begun practicing Falun Gong by 1997, within just a few years of the practice being introduced to the public in 1992.
After the screening and Q&A, the guests learned the Falun Gong exercises.
Before leaving, guests signed the petition to condemn the CCP’s brutality and to show their support for the efforts of the practitioners to end the persecution.
Some people asked for information about practice sites and schedules, and some wanted to purchase Zhuan Falun, the main book of Falun Gong.
Feedback comments left on a questionnaire included, “The activity deeply impressed me,” “The information provided is rich,” and “[The practitioner's] personal experience is helpful for us to understand China.”
The library director took several blank petition forms, and said that he would let all staff sign the petition to condemn the CCP’s systematic forced organ harvesting from living Falun Gong practitioners.