Wednesday, June 29, 2011

温家宝访德 法轮功要求法办迫害元凶










新唐人记者朱娣 君卓德国柏林报导。

From -

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

“垃圾围城” 鱼塘变垃圾场 Fishponds Turned Into Dumps (W/ English Sub)



“垃圾围城” 鱼塘变垃圾场




2008 年10 月开始追踪「非法垃圾场」的王久良,曾经和《中国网事》的记者实地探访一家非法垃圾场,进村不到2公里就闻到浓烈的臭味。穿过树林,一个足球场大小的垃圾场就在眼前,垃圾的腐败味道快让人喘不过气来。而这些非法垃圾处理场的背后,业者从租地,回收,分拣,到填埋,最后留下一个个被污染的自然环境。王久良感慨:比如一个经营的还不错的鱼塘,几个月后变成垃圾场。只因为老板认为「倒垃圾比养鱼更赚钱」。美好的自然环境就这样一个个消失了。

不只北京,相同的问题已出现在中国各地 。比如最近《苹果日报》报导的广西昭平县「黄姚古镇」,这座千年古镇,在地方政府的放任下,每天数以吨计的垃圾几乎没有经过处理就任意堆放,流出的污水已威胁到下游城镇的饮水安全。当局只顾赚钱不顾环境的心态,让秀丽古镇变成另一座「垃圾围城」。





Fishponds Turned Into Dumps

Due to Chinese local governments' scant regulation, illegal dumps surrounding cities are commonplace. Photographer Wang Jiuliang labeled illegal dumps with yellow stickers on a map of Beijing.
Illegal dumps are now a nationwide issue in China.

Photographer Wang Jiuliang posted online his photo collection named City in Dumps, Guangzhou Daily reported on June 27. Wang aims to underline the problem of illegal dumps. His photos show large pits filled with garbage, and heavy black smoke from burning dumps. There are 4~500 illegal dumps surrounding Beijing.

Wang started to focus on illegal dumps in Oct 2008. He once visited one illegal dump with a reporter. They could smell strong stink in the village. There was a dump of the size of a football field, with a disgusting and unbearable smell. Through land rental, recycling, garbage sorting and landfill, dumps gradually destroyed the environment. Wang sighed over fishponds being turned into dumps, because “dumps are more profitable than fishponds”. The environment has been destroyed in this way.

Illegal dumps are a nationwide phenomenon. Hong Kong's Apple Daily reported that in Huangyao, an ancient town, tons of wastes are dumped daily. Without government regulations or recycling, the town's sewage has endangered the downstream cities. A scenic old town was turned into a city of dumps, as local officials only care about generating profits.

Some residents have complained to the media that the proliferation of dumps is due to their profits. Chinese media reported on May 23 that since 2006, three illegal dumps had been built in Dongfeng, Guiyang City of Guizhou. Farm lands were seized and each dump was 53,000 square meters.

The head of Guangxi Dumps, Wang Shibing said, this dump was purchased with RMB 1.2 million. He pays an annual rent of RMB 150,000 to villagers, as well as some administration fees to village officials. He collects RMB 100 for garbage dumped per truck. There are approximately 100 cars a day.
The dump can earn over RMB 3 per year. There are about 20 such illegal dumps in the region.

The local official explained that they did supervise, and the dump establishment was reported to the local village committee and the town authorities, with the approval of Bureau of Forestry, Bureau of Environment Protection and Land and Resources.

When asked by a reporter from China Voice, the local bureau of Land and planning said that they were not in charge of approving dump setups. This was in the responsibility of city administration.
Also, there are no application procedures.

NTD reporters Zeng Yaoxian and Wang Mingyu

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大家都来看"九评共产党" ( VCD, 书)!
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温家宝访欧 人权抗议如影随形 Protests Follow Wen's European Visit (W/ English Sub)



温家宝访欧 人权抗议如影随形





邵江(英国威斯敏斯特大学政治学博士生): “我在这里抗议的一个中心目的就是要求共产党立刻下台,立刻结束专制,那么现在由整个中国人民来决定自己的命运,中国人民自己能决定自己的命运,不需要一个党来劫持62年。”









Protests Follow Wen's European Visit

On Monday, Chinese premier Wen Jianbao met with British Prime Minister David Cameron. As for the human rights issues, Wen said that we need more understanding and less criticism. Wen eluded from talking human rights status.

Before Wen's visit, the Chinese regime (CCP) released artist Ai Weiwei and rights activist Hu Jia.
Media believe this is to reduce pressure on human rights issues for Wen』s visit.

This does not change China's image. As in other high-level visits, Wen's is followed by protestors.

Pro-Tibet protestors waited for Wen at his hotel in London with banners, requesting Beijing
to stop suppressing Gulden Temple and release monks who were arrested in March.

Wen's visit of MG car company in Birmingham was also followed by protestors. Shao Jiang, a PhD student from Westminster Univ. said the Chinese regime presents an image of openness to the global community, but human rights in China are getting worse. If the regime does not end, disaster will spread.

Shao Jiang (a PhD student): I protest here to request the CCP to step down, to end the dictatorship.
Let Chinese people decide their own fate, as they are able to determine their own fate.
The CCP has hijacked the Chinese for 62 years.

After Wen's meeting with Prime Minister Cameron, China and Britain signed a 1.4 billion pound contract.
Earlier, Wen said China is willing to buy some Hungarian national debts.

China Review News quoted economist Sun Lijian, by saying “China buys European debt now, clearly not for investment returns, but to lend more support to East European countries, so that China can get more support in global affairs.”

Sun Lijian said European debt is not the best investment, and he does not recommend it. He said the U.S. debt can offer more stable returns and better cash flow. But the U.S. has maintained certain positions in
international affairs, and China wants to use European connections to contain the U.S.

Shao Jiang said the CCP extends itself via trade. It is risky to cooperate with a despotic government.

Shao Jiang: “When you invest with the CCP now, the gain is short-term, but in the long run, you will lose more, lose your economic principles and human rights. You will lose job opportunities.
You help communism expand.”

To the human rights topics Cameron brought up, Wen responded with the CCP's usual tone,
saying we need understanding, not criticisms. He did not discuss human rights improvements.

Wen's next stop on his European trip is Germany. German Foreign Minister Westerwelle said earlier
that he will not avoid human rights topics.

NTD reporters Shang Yan and Li Yue

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Let's find "Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party"(VCD, books)!

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Sunday, June 26, 2011





评共产党是反宇宙的力量 -



自2004年12月3日至今日(2011年6月26日), 已有97,541,751人声明退出共产党和共产党其它组织。


图片 -

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Kindergarten Teacher Given Lessons in Persecution

AT WORK: Hu Miaomiao leads her kindergarten students in a song. On June 26, 2010 she was sentenced to one year in labor camp, where she was sexually abused. (Courtesy of
Hu Miaomiao. (Photo courtesy of Hu Mingliang)
By Stephen Gregory

Epoch Times Staff
In a picture taken of her at work in her Miaomiao Kindergarten, Hu Miaomiao is a kind-looking young woman leading her children in a song. She is said to sing and dance well and to have been beloved by her charges.

Her kindergarten is now closed. On June 15, 2010, the police in Zhangjiako City in Hebei Province in northeastern China invaded her home, ransacked it, and abducted the then 25-year-old Miaomiao.

Like tens of millions of other Chinese, Miaomiao practices Falun Gong (also known as Falun Dafa). Before her arrest she would do the spiritual practice’s five meditative exercises and study its teachings, which enjoin living according to the principles of truthfulness, compassion, and tolerance.

Miaomiao also told others about how good she believes Falun Gong is. Thus, the raid on her home by the police. In July 1999, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) set out to “eradicate” Falun Gong.

Without the bother of any legal procedure, Miaomiao was sentenced on June 26, 2010, to one year in Shijiazhuang Women’s Forced Labor Camp for what the CCP calls “reform through labor.” Miaomiao knew what such a sentence could mean. Several years ago her mother, who also practiced Falun Gong, died from abuse suffered in a labor camp.

Miaomiao was shipped off, but her family was not told what had become of her.

As soon as Miaomiao arrived at the labor camp, she was locked into a storage room and handcuffed to an iron bed. Several female prisoners roughly cut off her long hair. The prisoners sealed her mouth with tape and beat her face with slippers. The section chief beat her face with her hands. She was then forced to stand throughout the night.

After Miaomiao was moved to a cell, she received more special attention. Prisoners were assigned to monitor her every move. They beat her, forced her to stand for long periods, cursed her, criticized her, and used her to do chores—with the camp’s guards overseeing the whole ordeal.

This is a common tactic used against Falun Gong practitioners. Other inmates are sent to labor camps to be punished. Falun Gong practitioners are sent there to be “transformed”—made to give up their beliefs.

The Chinese regime establishes incentives for dealing out abuse that run throughout the labor camp system. The heads of the labor camps are rewarded for transforming practitioners and risk being punished if they do not reach the required quota. The heads of the labor camps pass the imperative onto the guards, who receive promotions if they make practitioners give up their beliefs. The guards enlist prisoners, who are promised reductions in their sentences if they do some of the dirty work.

On Aug. 28, 2010, Miaomiao complained a little about the heavy workload required of the prisoners. The guards locked her up in a confinement room, and sent two female drug addicts and a prostitute to torture her.

Many people heard her screaming that day.

Inside that room, Miaomiao was beaten and violated with a broom handle. The prisoners kneed her in the groin repeatedly, fracturing the pubic bone, and also used their fingers to torture her privates. After they were done with her, she was unable to walk. She could not open her legs or bend them because of the pain, and guards had to carry her to the toilet. She bled continuously from her uterus and vagina. A guard familiar with her condition says Miaomiao will never be able to have children.

Although Miaomiao was injured and incapable of working, the abuse continued. The guards did not want the other prisoners to see the condition Miaomiao was in and so kept her in solitary confinement for three months. She was only allowed to go to the toilet twice a day, when the prisoners were asleep or the cell blocks were empty.

When arrested she had on summer slippers. The section chief would not allow her socks or shoes, even though the weather had started to turn cold. She was not allowed to bathe herself. Meals often consisted of a single bun.

Some of those inside the camp were indignant at the treatment of Miaomiao and sent reports about her case to the Falun Gong website These reports provide the sources for this article.

After Miaomiao disappeared, her family kept searching for her until they finally learned where she was held. But for month after month, after her brother and father made the train trip to the labor camp, the camp commander refused to allow them to see her.

Finally, on Jan. 11, 2011, Miaomiao’s father, Hu Mingliang, sat in the labor camp meeting room. Through the glass, Hu saw his formerly cheerful, healthy, and vigorous daughter supported by others as she walked in with difficulty.

Miaomiao told her father of what she had suffered and begged him to file a lawsuit on her behalf.

Hu hired a lawyer, who filed a lawsuit. The labor camp refused to let the lawyer see his client. Hu then filed a second lawsuit in Beijing naming the Justice Ministry, Public Safety Ministry, People’s Congress, Central Government Appeals Office, and the Highest Procuratorate.

Upon his return home from Beijing, the police came to his door and threatened him.

Hu demanded to see his daughter again. Arrangements were made for him to go to the camp on Feb. 24. When he attempted to enter the camp, the local police dragged him away into one of their vehicles. On Feb. 26 he was taken to another village and held until March 19.

The lawyer Hu hired for his daughter received instructions from his law firm to drop Miaomiao’s case.

On Saturday Miaomiao’s one-year sentence will be up. The police who arrested her can extend her sentence by simply filling out a piece of paper.

Adapted from articles published on

From -

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Cancer Village in China - On How the Communist Party Is an Anti-Universe Force


On How the Communist Party Is an Anti-Universe Force -


In the last hundred years, the sudden invasion by the communist specter in China has created a force against nature and humanity, causing limitless agony and tragedy.


Pollution in China -

'Cancer Villages in China'

China's 'cancer villages' reveal dark side of economic boom -

Polluting factories in rural communities are forming a deadly toxic cocktail for villagers, leading to surging rates of cancer.

Waste from factories producing rubber, paint, plastic and other chemicals have blackened streams, poisoned farmland and choked the air, creating deadly pollution clusters that locals call “cancer villages.”

River turn red, yellow and sometimes white from what they say is untreated industrial wastewater.

“People get cancer and die; there’s not much to do about it. There’s not much to hope for...”

As of June 18, 2011, 10:56 pm EST, 97,150,790 people have submitted statements withdrawing from the Chinese Communist Party or its affiliated organizations.

RENOUNCE from the CCP or its affiliated organizations TODAY!

Pictures from -

Industrial Pollution Creates Cancer Village in China


It was once an isolated haven, but now a northern Chinese village surrounded by factories is paying a heavy price for economic progress. Almost every family has fallen prey to cancer.

Waste from factories producing rubber, paint, plastic and other chemicals have blackened streams, poisoned farmland and choked the air, creating deadly pollution clusters that locals call "cancer villages.”

One in fifty people in the village of Liukuaizhuang and in a neighboring hamlet have
been diagnosed with cancer over the last decade - around 25 times higher than the national average.

A series of low-key Communist reforms for the pastoral retreat was initiated in December, 1978. The reforms created an economic boom - but at a terrible price - someone in almost every family is dead or dying of cancer.

One villager agreed to be interviewed but asked to remain anonymous for fear of persecution after years of petitioning to environmental authorities and media to improve conditions.

[Lung Cancer Patient, Requesting Anonymity]:
"They (the doctors) asked me in the hospital whether my family had history of cancer. I said no. In three previous generations, no one had cancer. I think it must have a lot to do with the pollution here."

Locals authorities refused to pay for his medical expenses because he gave interviews to foreign media several years ago. Now he seems resigned to his fate, but is concerned for the next generation.

[Lung Cancer Patient, Requesting Anonymity]:
"Worried? Of course I am worried, but what is the use of being worried? We should care about the next generation, what about their future?"

Industrial waste and overuse of fertilizers, pesticides, hormones and steroids all cause damage to the lungs, liver and stomach. Cancer ranks as the most deadly disease in China.

[Gao Zhong, Environmental Economist]:
"I know that scientists have done serious research on the issue. They used guinea pigs for research, and fed them with water or food from the polluted areas, and because pollutants such as heavy metals, mercury and lead have already entered the food chain, all these chemicals will affect the normal function of cells.”

High levels of bacteria, fluoride and cancer-causing chemicals exceeding government limits have been found in the rivers of Liukuaizhuang.

Senior officials from the city environmental watchdog paid several visits to the area and shut down a series of factories.

But as often happens in China, orders from central authorities were ignored and factories continued secretly to discharge untreated waste into the surrounding environment.

The world economic slowdown has lessened the demand for Chinese factory products and Beijing has responded with a $586 billion U.S. dollar stimulus package.

It remains to be seen, however, if any of that money will be invested in improving the environment.

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The 'cancer village' of Xiditou in China

Like dozens of villages across the country, Xiditou is heavily polluted by local factories operating day and night. In the last few years, 10% of the population has died from cancer. (Report: S. Le Belzic)


Pollution is a growing problem in China, with some of the most deadly results being seen in the dozens of ‘cancer villages’ appearing around the country - places where high levels of toxins seep into the air, water and soil from surrounding factories, and locals are suffering particularly high rates of cancer.

The village of Xiditou, 300 kilometres south east of Beijing. A cancer village, like dozens across China.

The crops irrigated with water turned black by the industrial waste that pours into the rivers from local factories. China’s industrial machine running day and night, in blatant disregard of the most basic environmental regulations.
"The air is polluted and it stinks here… I work in the fields to the South, and while I am working, the air becomes very bad. When it gets like that, I can’t breathe, and everybody is effected.”

There have been more than 300 deaths from cancer here in the last few years – one tenth of the village. The area choking on industrial pollution for more than 20 years now.

"Yes, there are many deaths from cancer. My 54 year-old brother died last year, so young. And it was because of the air pollution. It was cancer of the liver. We have no money for treatment."

Lead levels in the water here are 300 times the recommended safe amount. The government turns a blind eye to the problem. Many civil servants are also businessmen and they’ve invested in these factories.

"Nobody has done anything about the pollution here, and I don’t understand why? Why does the government let’s this happen. I must go now, I have something to do.”

Many of these people have been threatened before and refuse to speak. Cancer is a sensitive topic for the Chinese government.

"If this case was brought to court and we had it confirmed that people were getting cancer because of the pollution here, and the public found out, it would unsettle our whole society, and perhaps the local government understand that this would happen. But from the legal perspective, as a lawyer and a scholar, I think the court should deal with things according to the Law.”

But it is unlikely these villagers will see justice. There should be no obstacles in the race for development. Even if it those getting in the way are the dieing villagers of Xiditou.

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大家都来看"九评共产党" ( VCD, 书)!
Let's find "Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party"(VCD, books)!

Quit the Chinese Communist Party or its affiliated organizations today!

Saturday, June 18, 2011

A Miraculous Rehabilitation

( Forty-eight-year-old Steve, a railroad engineer in Boston, had used drugs since he was fifteen. He experienced the nightmare of drug addiction and tried countless times to quit. Everything failed. His youngest son unfortunately got addicted to drugs too. Steve's wife Roberta, who works in a rehabilitation center and knew how hard it is to quit, eventually decided to drive Steve and her son out. However, Steve and his son miraculously quit using drugs and regained a happy family.

Steve and his family
Thinking back how he got addicted, Steve said it was first exciting. But soon, his life became painful, lonely and dark. He eventually couldn't find any happiness in drugs or alcohol. He really used them to escape everything. Though having tried many times, he failed to quit. He tried rehabilitation centers. He tried locking himself in the basement for a couple of days. But nothing worked. He has spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on drugs and put his family life in crisis.

Roberta used to spend all her energy balancing her family on top of her busy job. She did her best to make her family life normal and tried to hide Steve's addiction from their children. As an employee of a rehabilitation hospital, her experience told her it was no easy task for them to quit. But she never gave up. "For years, I have prayed and begged him to quit drugs and alcohol. But he only quit for a week. I have prayed for God to give him something to fill the void."

Her prayer was answered. One day, Steve told his wife he had read a report about a spiritual practice being persecuted in China. He talked with his wife with great interest. Roberta happened to have seen a newspaper article about a free Falun Gong workshop at the library. She clipped it out and gave it to Steve.

Steve started practicing Falun Gong. He quit using drugs miraculously! He said, "Falun Gong's principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance are able to unlock something deep in your heart. It is so powerful!"

Soon, Steve's son started practicing Falun Gong too. He not only quit using drugs, but also had a great change. Steve said, "He quit swearing, smoking, cheating and all his bad habits."

Roberta knows as a nurse and a councilor in the rehabilitation hospital. She works in the emergency room in her hospital. When she saw the young boys sent there for drug use, she would give them a Falun Gong pamphlet. She said, "Even though I am not a practitioner, I know it is a beautiful practice!"

Steve experienced a great change after he started practicing Falun Gong. He said he didn't have any idea about Forbearance before, but cultivating in Falun Dafa made him understand it. If people follow Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance in their lives, it will empower them. He said he used to have a strong ego. When he took his son to baseball or hockey games, he would push his son and get mad at him for not doing well in games. It wasn't until he cultivated himself in Falun Dafa that he realized how detrimental this was to his son. He sincerely apologized to his son. Things are much better now.

Roberta thought that before his cultivation, Steve tried to be a good person but always ended up being disappointing. She couldn't trust him around the house or at work. He didn't want to be around the kids. He was like the living dead. But now he has changed. He is honest, dependable and has a strong sense of responsibility. Roberta hopes their daughter will be able to find a great husband like her father.

Friends also feel the change in Steve. Many of them come to their house and talk about Falun Gong. They know how Steve was before. They are interested in knowing how Falun Gong has changed him.

Steve would like to tell the Chinese people one thing: Don't believe the lies of the CCP. Take a look for yourself. Everything is open aboveboard. You will find out who is telling the truth.

From -












学炼法轮功 父子奇迹般戒毒










义务清洁街心花园 几年如一日












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洗不清的水 中国江湖之殇 Polluted River in China (W/ English Sub)



洗不清的水 中国江湖之殇







根据亚洲自由电台报导,东江的发源地江西寻鸟县在政府「为60万亩果树奋斗」的计划下,过度开发,过度砍伐山林;而大量的杀虫剂和化学品,在雨水的冲洗下流入东江,严重造成污染。当地居民透露,十年前, 东江水手掬起来就能喝,近七年来污染却越来越严重。

据说, 当地的有钱人都不喝东江水,买水来喝,县城里也开设了矿泉水、纯净水专卖店,只有贫穷的民众从河中打水喝。










Polluted River in China

Yangtze basin pollution has become people's focus. So have rivers in Beijing and Guangdong's Dong River.
With more and more rivers getting polluted, Chinese people's health is endangered.

Beijing Water Supplies Bureau's May statistics show, Beijingers have 100 cubic meters of water per capita,
a decrease from 300 cubic meters a few years ago. This is far lower than the internationally recognized
threshold of 1000 cubic meters water per head.

As per Beijing official data, a few rivers are polluted. However, civilian environmental protection team
proved that over 80% of the rivers are polluted.

One of the organizers of River Walking campaign, Beijing-based Zhang Junfeng said,
some rivers in Beijing are so visibly polluted that there is no need to test their water quality.

Zhang Junfeng: Water that is so smelly and blackened cannot be used to irrigate crops or to do anything else.
The residents' health would suffer from the pollution. It is not in Beijing alone, but in all Chinese cities.

A tributary of Pearl River (2nd largest river by volume), Dong River is heavily polluted from its source.

Radio Free Asia reported, the government of Xunniao in Jiangxi (the origin of Dong River) overdeveloped
the mountains by chopping down the forests. Insecticide and chemicals are overused and they pollute Dong River when washed down by rain. The locals say Dong River water was drinkable a decade ago, but today it is heavily polluted.

It is said that the local rich buy water to drink from stores specializing in selling bottled water.
Only the poor take water from the river.

China Environment Protection Department reported that Yangtze River, Yellow River, Zhu River, Songhua,
Huai, Hai and Liao Rivers are all severely polluted.

Greenpeace pointed out that 90 million Chinese are threatened by water pollution. In 2008, Greenpeace staff visited farmers besides rivers near Nanjing Chemical Factory. The farmers said the water was already unusable.

Farmer: The water used to be very clean. Greenpeace: How about now?
Farmer: It's too dirty now. Water running down from the other side has killed the plants.

China's rivers are also drying up due to CCP's (Chinese Communist Party) overbuilding of dams.
Three Gorges is one well-known example of rivers being overdeveloped and overused.
Three Gorges reduced Yangtze River's waterline and reduced the rainfall by 50% in downstream cities, such as Hubei, Hunan, Jiangxi and Jiangsu. Lakes are bottoming out, especially Dongting Lake.
Poyang Lake broke its record of smallest water storage.

14 droughts in China were reported in last 2 decades. 10 occurred after Three Gorges Dam building began.
Chinese Academy of Sciences Prof. Wang Guangqian admitted that Three Gorges brought more quakes,
with one measured 6.4 being the largest.

By fighting against the nature, over exploitation and consumption of the economy, CCP ruins China
with all future generations suffering from water crises.

NTD reporters Wu Wei and Bo Ni

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大家都来看"九评共产党" ( VCD, 书)!
Let's find "Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party"(VCD, books)!

Quit the Chinese Communist Party or its affiliated organizations today!

“凤凰卫视是体制内” 名嘴被失踪 Phoenix Famous Talker 'Disappeared' Suddenly (W/ English Sub)



“凤凰卫视是体制内” 名嘴被失踪

【新唐人2011年6月18日讯】近日,凤凰卫视《锵锵三人行》节目的主持人窦文涛,在节目中承认“凤凰卫视属于体制内”,之后就失去了踪影。而凤凰台则连续四天公开“辟谣”,否认窦文涛是因失口而“被失踪”,并强调凤凰卫视只是资本主义的体制内的香港上市公司。这个说法被外界称作“硬着头皮辟谣”。 那么,《凤凰卫视》到底是在什么样的体制内?不妨来探查一下。





近来,窦文涛多次在节目中声称自己在凤凰15年 ,说过不少假话、官话、套话,他还说“现在做节目要说人话”。而另一位名嘴杨锦鳞也因“直言评报”而被迫离开凤凰台。



不过,《凤凰卫视》在香港取得的只是「非本地电视节目服务牌照」,而不是香港的本地电视台,在香港的市场占有率也较低。2001 年到现在,《凤凰卫视》在台湾的落地权始终没争取到,反而被撤去筹设许可证。



英国《金融时报》则这样描绘《凤凰卫视》:作为唯一获准在中国内地播出的民营华语电视台,《凤凰卫视》(Phoenix Satellite TV)的北京办事处却坐落在钓鱼台国宾馆,尽显其特殊的地位。《凤凰卫视》总裁刘长乐和他运作的《凤凰卫视》 似乎就是一个矛盾综合体。现年60岁的刘长乐既是一位虔诚的佛教徒,也曾是一名共产党人;他批评北京的审查制度,但同时也是中国现行体制的重要支持者。

新唐人记者:李静、黎安安、周平 采访报导。

Phoenix Famous Talker 'Disappeared' Suddenly

Dou Wentao, a program host in the Phoenix TV, recently admitted that Phoenix TV is part of the system of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). He 'disappeared' after making the foregoing remarks. Phoenix denied it on its own TV for 4 consecutive days, emphasizing that it is only a listed Hong Kong company. The saying was criticized as biting the bullet. What system does Phoenix TV belong to then?

In Dou Wentao's program, when chatting with guests Xu Zidong and Liang Wendao on the counterfeit issues in China, Dou suddenly said that Phoenix TV belongs to the CCP's system. Xu then tried to help him
by asking a question, but Dou did not seem to understand but continued to affirm his comments.

Next day, the same program changed the host to Liang Wendao, and Liang said Dou went to vacation.

Phoenix TV program host publicly admits their TV is in the CCP's system, which verifies the saying
“Phoenix is a second CCTV controlled by the CCP.”

Ma Xiaoming (former Shaanxi TV editor), "Objectively, considering Phoenix program and its establishment,
Phoenix should be a CCP controlled TV. It takes care of Hong Kong for the CCP.
The CCP always emphasizes its propaganda.”

Recently, Dou repeatedly claimed that he worked for Phoenix TV for 15 years, and said many lies.
He wanted to say something true now. Another famous talker Yang Jinlin was forced to leave Phoenix TV due to his 'candid' remarks.

Ma Xiaoming said: "I personally feel that they cannot tell the truth. They can only say what the party tell them,
but cannot say the party does not tell them. I feel very depressed. Phoenix rapes people's opinion, and is telling lies. I do not have a sense of responsibility, or sense of accomplishment working such a TV station."

Wikipedia shows Phoenix, formerly known as a Chinese Channel in 'Star', headquartered in HK. Later, it was bought by Rupert Murdoch's News Corp, and was reorganized. It reached an agreement with the Chinese authorities to merge into shares of the Central Propaganda Dept. and the PLA General Staff.
Investors were pro-Beijing businessman Chan Wing-Kee .

Phoenix just had 'non-domestic TV program service license', and it is not a local TV station in Hong Kong.
Its market share in HK is low. Since 2001, Phoenix did not obtain landing rights in Taiwan.
Their set-up permits were removed.

Some people think that although it is governmental, some programs of Phoenix TV are not liked by the CCP.

Ma Xiaoming: "Its content was adjusted to fit overseas taste. Like CCTV's fourth program designed for overseas, People's Daily has special overseas edition.Compare overseas edition with domestic version,
you can see the CCP's external and internal publicity are different. They have two faces, and two tones."

British Financial Times described Phoenix like this: as the only private Chinese TV station allowed in China,
Phoenix Satellite TV has its Beijing office located at the Diaoyutai State Guest Hotel, filling the special status.
"Phoenix" president Liu Changle and his operation seem to be a comprehensive combination. Liu Changle, 60, is a devout Buddhist, and also a communist. He criticized Beijing's censorship, but is also an important supporter of China's current system.

NTD reporters Li Jing, Li Anan and Zhou Ping

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Friday, June 17, 2011

《毛时代的大饥荒》 再批毛泽东 “Mao's Great Famine” - A Finalist (W/ English Sub)



《毛时代的大饥荒》 再批毛泽东


在香港大学担任客座教授的迪克特(Frank Dikotter),去年出版一本英文书籍《毛时代的大饥荒》,书中叙述1958-1962年的中国历史。













“Mao's Great Famine” - A Finalist

UK's Samuel Johnson Prize for Non-fiction listed its 6 finalists on June 14. “Mao's Great Famine,” written by British history professor Frank Dikotter, is described as shocking and eye-opening. It has been 30 years since Mao Zedong's death, but talks of Mao's crimes are still banned in China. Mao Yushi published “Review of Mao Zedong' after his previous 'Unveil Mao Zedong's True Face”.

Visiting professor at Hong Kong University, in 2010 Frank Dikotter published “Mao's Great Famine”.
It narrates the Chinese history from 1958 to 1962.

Dr. Dikotter told Epoch Times in a 2010 interview, that he started researching the history of this period  after 30-year old archives were declassified.

He investigated archive bureaus in dozens of regions such as Guangdong, Gansu, Shandong and Beijing.

The scholar found that during the Great Famine in the 60s, all harvests were handed in to the regime.
Some people were starved to death on purpose, including patients, elderly and political dissidents.
They were disallowed to receive food.

He also found most of the recorded cruel tortures to have taken place while executing the policies of the still ruling CCP (Chinese Communist Party). From official data, he reported at least 45 million were killed at that time, 6-8% were killed violently.

30 years after Mao Zedong's death, discussing Mao's sins is still under restriction. Mao Yushi was accused by leftists' website Utopia for his attempt to “Unveil Mao's True Face.” Utopia is said to have 50,000 signatory accusers.

It is to be seen if CCP's leftists will be ignited again, by Frank Dikotter's “Mao's Great Famine”.

Guizhou netizen nicknamed “Unknown Fire” wrote: “Mao Zedong's sins were too many to be itemized. None of the social classes or any group of people would say CCP is good, and no one would praise it.
Grievances are ubiquitous.”

Analyst Wu Fan thinks CCP still reigns by Maoism, which results in society polarization and persecution.
He says Chinese citizens can not embrace free minds unless Maoism gets full denial and CCP is objective.

Wu Fan: “CCP will not fall until Mao Zedong is totally criticized in both social and academic circles. Maoism has to be fully swept away from China.”

On June 15, Mao Yushi published on Netease blog his “Review of Mao Zedong”. In it he wrote
that more than 50 million died due to Mao Zedong. However, when dying Mao Zedong had no regrets,
a proof of his crossing the human morality baseline.

NTD reporters Dai Jing and Song Feng

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大陆数十万儿童铅中毒 被迫噤声 Lead Poisoned Kids Silenced in China (W/ English Sub)



大陆数十万儿童铅中毒 被迫噤声







人权观察组织事务部主任约瑟夫.阿蒙(Joseph Amon)在接受《美国之音》采访时指出,中国受到铅毒危害的孩子人数之多,范围之广令人担忧。铅毒问题并不局限于做调查的这四个省份,这个问题全中国各地都有。






Lead Poisoned Kids Silenced in China

A recent Human Rights Watch's (HRW) report estimates that hundreds of thousands of Chinese children suffer from lead poisoning. Local governments in severely polluted provinces limit these children's access to medical treatment and even fabricate test reports to cover up the truth. Through arrests and intimidation, the authorities have managed to silence reporters and the victims' families.

On June 15, HRW released a report titled "My Children Have Been Poisoned—A Public Health Crisis in Four Chinese Provinces." Since Jan 2009 to May 2011, covert investigations in Henan, Yunnan, Shanxi, and Hunan Provinces, revealed that local authorities turn a blind eye to the severe problem of lead poisoning in children.They also provide limited access to lead testing; deny lead poisoned children medical treatment,
refuse to publicize test results, or even fabricate results.
Due to illegal discharges from local chemical plants, some villages and cities are seriously contaminated.
Kids are constantly exposed to a lot of lead toxins, which eventually lead to lead poisoning. For example, in Fengxiang County of Shanxi alone, 615 children have been sickened by lead toxins. The lead levels in their blood were very high.

Mr. Zhu, Jinan Chemical senior engineer: “The lead in water mainly comes from sources near lead smelters and processing plants. When lead is diluted by water, its density will change, but it will never disappear or disintegrate.”

HRW said that lead contamination can damage the body's neurological, biological, and cognitive functions,
leading to permanent mental and physical problems. High levels of lead poisoning can even lead to death.

Dr. Lin Jieliang, Director of Toxicology at the Chang Gung Memorial Hospital in Taipei, Taiwan: "Children with high blood lead levels will have their linguistic skills greatly affected. To get rid of lead, antidotes should be administered."

HRW director, Joseph Amon, told Voice of America, "The number of lead poisoned children in China and
the scope of the problem is very troubling. Lead poisoning is not confined to the four provinces investigated, but it is in all parts of China."

Authorities routinely refuse to show test results or tell victims that they don't qualify for treatment, because they live too far away from pollution sources. Some kids are confirmed with high blood lead levels,
but local authorities still don't provide treatment.  Some hospitals don't provide drugs to diagnosed kids,
instead they're told to consume milk, garlic, and apples, in order to "detoxify."

In some areas, factories still secretly operate after they're "officially" closed, with policemen on guard, ready to disperse and remove any protesters. There are plainclothes police patrolling the streets. Some even burst into homes to arrest protestors.

Some in Shaanxi were arrested for demonstrating. Seven parents were arrested in Hunan for seeking help.
A reporter was harassed and expelled by the police. His interviewee was also interrogated by the police.

HRW's Joseph Amon also confirmed that victims' parents and reporters face enormous pressure.
If they dare to protest or keep asking questions, they will be in trouble. Many are afraid to speak out.

NTD reporters Liang Xin,Tang Rui and Xue Li.

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逾万贪官卷万亿外逃 解体中共?Missing RMB800 Billion (W/ English Sub)



逾万贪官卷万亿外逃 解体中共?















《未来10年》(The Next Decade)的作者、美国战略预测专家乔治.弗里德曼最近表示,中国面临诸多的问题,其中之一是「两极分化」导致10亿以上人口像非洲一样贫困生活,社会不满情绪不断高涨,中共压迫国民加剧危机。他对中国的评价是崩溃,而不是崛起。


Missing RMB800 Billion

Beijing's Central Bank recently released a report spanning from mid-1990s to 2008, within the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) and government, public security bureau, judicial cadres, state-owned enterprises, and overseas Chinese-funded institutions, the number of missing persons is around 16,000-18,000, with a total of RMB800 billion missing with them. Scholars point out that missing officials and money are far more than this figures.

Monitoring Corruption: Assets Transferred' was reported by Central Bank's Anti-Money Laundering Monitor and Analysis Center in June 2008. It won first prize in the 9th best financial papers and research report contest.

On June 14, the Central Bank website published the report, and soon Chinese and foreign media reproduced it. Shortly after, Central Bank websites deleted the report and award announcements. All related reports were also deleted.

As per the report, funds were transferred to Australia, North America, Southeast Asia, and small countries without an extradition agreement with China. Hong Kong and Macao were "major transit areas."

As per the report listed 8 ways of asset transfer, including cash smuggling, alternative remittance, overseas
investment, account frauds, credit card expenses, offshore financial centers, foreign direct receiving, and transfers through "special people" overseas.

The report listed three former presidents of Kaiping branch, Bank of China - Xu Chaofan, Yu Zhendong
and Xu Guojun. The three fled to the US with $483 million. Yu Zhendong set up Hong Kong companies to transfer funds over 8 years.

The report caused hot discussions amongst netizens, who believed that cash flown overseas was far more
than RMB800 billion. On People's Website, one netizen commented: "0.4% of Chinese gather 70% of the wealth, if they transfer assets,

Hu Xingdou, professor of economics at Beijing Institute of Technology, said to VOA that state-owned enterprises became sources of corruption and polarization. "Although we have developed an anti-money laundering law, capital flow overseas is now more serious annually."

According to Xinhua reports, Poyang County, a state-level poor county in Jiangxi, had revenues of only RMB0.41 billion in 2010. A grass-roots cadre, the Chief of Construction in the county's Finance Bureau, Li Bohua, left a letter before fleeing to Canada with his family. The letter gave a detailed description on how he took almost RMB100 million from a special national account.

Current affairs critic Cao Changqing believes that Chinese wealth flow or transfer overseas, has formed a tide. VOA reported, "Today both hard-working rich people and corrupt officers want to transfer their money to the US. The biggest concern is that China's system and future is uncertain. They fear to know the future."

Professor Hu Xingdou pointed out CCP's political system is a community of interests. "Anti-corruption"  has been ineffective, and has become a method to eliminate dissidents and to stir conflicts. As a popular saying goes: "Anti-corruption will kill the CCP, but corruption will kill the country."

Li Tianxiao, Ph.D. in Political Science at Columbia University, New York, called upon Chinese officials to quit the CCP. He told Radio Sound of Hope: "According to general reports about 1.2 million families of high-ranking officials have fled overseas. Top CCP cadres have realized that the CCP will die
soon, and they're looking for a way out eagerly. The best way is to quit CCP and protect themselves."

Author of "The Next Decade", George Friedman, also a US strategic forecaster, said China faces many
problems. Polarization leads to more than 1 billion people living in poverty like Africa. Social discontent is growing, and CCP's oppression is increasing the national crisis. Friedman believes there will be a collapse of China, rather than a rise.

NTD reporters Li Yuanhan and Xiao Yan.

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Korean Tea House - Iyagi at Insadong/ Royal cuisine at Korea House


Korea Tea House - "Iyagi" at Insadong

Royal cuisine at Korea House

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

广州增城开枪了!群起抗暴似北非 Beating Pregnant Woman Sparked Protests in China, Guangdong (W/ English Sub)



Marching of soldiers into Guangzhou to control the protest

















Beating Pregnant Woman Sparked Protests

The June 10 incident in Xingtang Township of Zengcheng City, Guangzhou Municipality, where security kicked and beat a pregnant woman, has outraged locals and received much attention. What is the current situation there?

On the night of June 12, 100,000 people in Xintang took to the streets, confronting armed forces. Witnesses said people emerged like waves, and the end could not be seen. The protests extended to nearby town, Fengkuang Township. Many locals heard gunshots during the night of June 12..

Mr. Li (resident): “I heard it! Over 20 gunshots. Very loud and scary. One could hear them in several hundred meters. They came from the Datun Village.”

Mr. Wang (resident): “They opened fire, just like dictators in Libya and Egypt who suppressed people. It is too much to open fire to suppress protestors.”

Accordingly, Guangdong provincial CCP (Chinese Communist Party) Committee asked China's Ministry of Propaganda to categorize the Xintang incident as “sensitive,” and ban Mainland media from reporting on it.

Hong Kong's Oriental Daily's reported on June 13 that a curfew had been implemented in Xintang. That day armed forces started to clean the site.
Gunshots were constantly heard. There were over 100 deaths and injuries, and hundreds more arrested.

The report indicated one division and 30 trucks from Guangzhou Military Region came to Xintang. Anti-violence police gathered at Xintang Square,
and military police were armed. Authorities will enforce military control in the coming week.

At 9:30p.m. on June 12, Guangzhou authorities held a news conference. Zengcheng City mayor, Ye Niuping, said there was no injury or death during the initial incident. The husband of the pregnant woman announced that his wife and the baby were fine, telling people not to worry.

Mr. Zhang (Xintang resident): “The CCP lies. Who knows whether the man is the husband or not? They say there was no injury, how is that possible?
We saw people throwing stones last night and hit someone on the head.
How could there be no injury? Several people died.”

HK's Apple Daily commented on recent conflicts in Mainland China, claiming they are mainly aimed at those in power. This shows CCP's crisis in controlling and legalization.

Mr. Zhao (Xintang resident): “There is a huge gap between the rich and poor in China. Most people are extremely poor. They suppress their grief,
which then explodes at the smallest provocation. More masses will head to the streets, just like Egypt and Libya. The authoritarian government suppresses and exploits people too much. It is the same throughout the entire country. "

The protest in Xintang has turned into a protest by people from Sichuan Province. Authorities have since used tear gas on protestors.

There are many migrant workers in Xintang, Guangzhou, with the biggest gap between the rich and poor in China. Locals work with authorities and underground society to abuse migrant workers, who have to bear the grief and injustice.

NTD reporters Chang Chun, Zhao Xinzhi and Zhou Xinyi

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Monday, June 13, 2011

中共加装偷听器 中港车全窃听 China's Bug Addiction (W/ English Subtitles)



中共加装偷听器 中港车全窃听




















China's Bug Addiction

Hong Kong's Apple Daily recently broke the news that CCP (Chinese Communist Party) police installed eavesdropping devices on vehicles with HK tags. Mainland Chinese had learned about CCP's eavesdropping on large events, such as the Olympics Games. However, this is a first for eavesdropping in HK. The news has shocked the vehicle owners and the people of Hong Kong.

Apple Daily reported that businessmen, officials, celebrities, and even bus and truck drivers may be bugged in carriages. Since July 2007, Chinese authorities have been installing an “Inspection Card” (IC) for free in all HK vehicles. The bug was implanted in these “Inspection Cards”.

Stuck to the front window, the IC looks like a PDA. Screws on the back of the device are protected, preventing people from opening the IC themselves.

Those first to discover that the IC was a bug were illegal HK car smuggling syndicates.

Since the mandatory installation of ICs, customs officers can uncover smuggled vehicles almost every time. Smugglers felt it was very strange. Until they came into contact with mainland forces, advising them not to "talk in cars." Soon after that smuggling syndicates realized that cars are bugged.

Zheng Liming, an Associate Prof. in the Department of Electronic Engineering at University of HK said that after tests on the IC they confirmed ICs had eavesdropping capabilities. The receiving range was “up to a radius of 20 kilometers."

Vehicles outside Huanggang, Shenzhen, or located in Sha Tian still can't escape CCP's eavesdropping.

Four years ago, Chinese authorities claimed that ICs eased inspections, and sped up customs clearance.

Many HK vehicle owners were left in shock after hearing about CCP's 4-year eavesdropping.

Mr. Wu, a HK vehicle driver for 10 years said the eavesdropping has great impact on drivers.

Mr. Wu: "It certainly has a great impact and many inconveniences. Like my own business, and how to do it. I was followed everywhere, it is certainly a big problem. This is unscrupulous."

Senior staffer of a listed company told Apple Daily that those qualified to apply for HK tags had certain economic strengths. If their talks on businesses were bugged, the results are serious, and it could lead to collapse of businesses.

CCP authorities bugged many events in recent years, including the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games.

During the Olympic Games, media revealed that since 2005, 70,000 taxis in Beijing had all been installed with micro-monitoring equipments.

Hong Kong Investment Concern Group chairman, Lu Weiping, said he also had been bugged.

Lu Weiping: "Our cell phones are monitored, especially in mainland China. We are petitioning for many years. CCP are bugging mobile phones.”

Lu Weiping said ordinary people will be surprised about this news, but it's not really surprising at all.

Lu: "In China there are no laws. CCP will do everything freely. So eavesdropping is common. By law, it is abnormal and illegal. In mainland China it is very common and normal. The so-called laws have no supervisory at all, and do not take effects. The CCP can do anything to maintain its control.”

For now, staff at the China Inspection and Quarantine Bureau, Shenzhen City, are denying that ICs have eavesdropping capabilities.

NTD reporters Liang Zhen, Wang Ziqi and Zhou Tian

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