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天国乐团乘坐的船只沿着五条港渔村前进 Divine Land Marching Band performs on a boat going around the island. |
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天国乐团乘坐的船只经过吉胆岛码头 The boat passes by the harbor. |
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天国乐团在吉胆岛码头靠岸作定点演奏 The band performs at the harbor. |
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从首都吉隆坡来到吉胆岛的印裔两兄弟马尼卡拉惹(中)和默尼安感谢天国乐团的演奏 RMR Manikaraja and his family liked the performance. |
下午三时,天国乐团团员抵达了吉胆岛后,登上一艘以七彩缤纷写有“法轮大法”字样的旗子装饰的船只,开始了该乐团在船上演奏的首航。天国乐团在船上演奏着《法轮大法好》、《送宝》、《欢乐颂》、《法鼓法号震十方》、《法正乾坤》、《普世欢腾》、马来民谣《Rasa Sayang》等乐曲。嘹亮的旋律传遍了吉胆岛的多个角落,居民闻乐后纷纷赶出来观看,有的更兴奋地向天国挥手致意,更有游客追随赶来观看。
天国乐团的行程环绕吉胆岛沿岸两个人口密集的主要渔村,吉胆渔村和五条港渔村,历时约一小时半,最后回到在吉胆岛码头定点演奏,并在这最后一站的曲目中特别安排了马来西亚国歌《Negaraku》和马来民谣《Rasa Sayang》,以庆祝佳节。
特地与家人从吉隆坡远道而来吉胆岛的马尼卡拉惹(RMR Manikaraja)是一名销售顾问。在观赏天国乐团演奏期间不时欢呼的他表示,今天他们感到非常快乐和喜悦。由于从早上起在这里有太多的人群,他们在吉胆岛享用午餐后,在码头等待回程船只期间都感觉疲惫。他说:“这个乐团在这里使我们欣喜,这是个大乐团,其音乐融入了我们的血液。”
The Divine Land Marching Band Performs at Independence Day Celebration in Malaysia
(Clearwisdom.net) On August 31, the Divine Land Marching Band of Malaysia, consisting of local Falun Gong practitioners, performed on a boat going around Pulau Ketam island, a famous tourist spot, to celebrate the 54th Independence Day of Malaysia. The unique performance was warmly welcomed by the tourists.
The performance voyage started at 3 p.m. Practitioners decorated the boat with colorful banners which read “Falun Dafa is good”. They played several songs composed by practitioners as well as some Malaysian folk songs. Many people, both locals and tourists alike, watched the performances and waved as the boat passed.
The boats went around two populous fishing villages, with the whole trip lasting one and a half hours. At the end, practitioners performed at Ketam Harbor, and played the national anthem, Negaraku, and a Malaysian folk song, Rasa Sayang.
The tourists were very excited. Many of them shouted “Happy Independence Day” and took photos or videos of the performances.
RMR Manikaraja and his family are from the capital, Kuala Lumpur. He said that the band's performances made him very happy. They were really tired when they came back to the harbor after the trip around the island, but the performances cheered them up.
Menian, Manikaraja's brother, can speak Cantonese. He had been bored while waiting for the boat, but the performances made him happy. “Beautiful. Really beautiful. Thank you very much, and happy Independence Day,” he said to the band.
Many local people also appreciated the performance. Several even called on members the next day, expressing their gratitude.
Ketam Island is a famous tourist spot. Most residents are fishermen, and 90% are Chinese descendants.
From -
http://www.minghui.org/mh/articles/2011/9/2/马国国庆日-天国乐团演奏获好评(图)-246173.html (Chinese)
http://www.clearwisdom.net/html/articles/2011/9/7/127901.html (English)