Friday, September 30, 2011

MTV : When Seawater Turns Sweet


MTV : When Seawater Turns Sweet

原詞:千載雲 修改:熊軍,熊軍 修改  
作曲: 熊軍  配器: Tony 演唱: Drew Parker

Seawater is so salty, but why, oh why?
A poet quietly replies,
"It's from thousands and thousands of tears,
bitterness and suffering for ages and years.

I look forward to the day,
when seawater turns sweet."

When all good people all over the world,
Together, finally, have made it through
to the spring in which everything
everything is renewed.

When seawater turns sweet.

Why is sea water so salty to the tongue?
It's said a sage left this answer once,
"It's from Buddha's tears of compassion
Because of all his lost children.

I look forward to the day,
When seawater turns sweet."

When all good people all over the world,
Together, finally, have made it through
to the spring in which everything
everything is renewed.

When seawater turns sweet.