Friday, May 18, 2012

A Call for Conscience: Appalling Stories of Persecution

April 01, 2007 |   By Falun Dafa practitioner in Chifeng City, Inner Mongolian Autonomous Region


1. I witnessed with my own eyes how 6-7 policemen surrounded a young mother and her 5-year-old son in a room. The policemen ganged up and assaulted the young mother. The boy shouted, “Sirs, please don’t hit my mom…” The little boy’s pleas did not evoke any humanity in the policemen. Instead they considered the boy a nuisance and the national security team leader ordered his hatchet men to drag the little boy out of the room. The young mother maintained a thought, “I am a Falun Dafa practitioner. I must uphold the truth. I must not forsake Falun Dafa.” While withstanding the beatings from the policemen, she was thinking, “Son, you must be strong…”
2. In the Songshan District, Chifeng City, there was a woman named Bai Jingzhen who was almost 60 years old. The policemen dragged her all the way from the fourth floor to the ground floor. The woman shouted, “Falun Dafa is good! My Master is innocent! Falun Dafa practitioners are innocent! The police are persecuting good people!” At that time there were some meetings being held on the second floor. Many people saw the policemen kicking and hitting the woman as they dragged her down the stairs. However not a single person dared to stand up against the pressure and stop the police from abusing their power.
3. Baoshan policeman Zhang Haiqing stepped on Ms. Zhang Xiuxia’s head with his boots. He rolled her head against the ground with his boots. Her head, face and ears became badly swollen and blood and tears streamed down her cheeks.
4. The police from Hongshan used wires to join the nipples of Li Yuan (alias) and then kicked her onto the floor and stepped on her head and shocked her with electric batons.
5. There was a Falun Dafa practitioner Zhou from Liaoning Province who was illegally detained in Chifeng Detention Center. One night during the detention period, the police took her to an unknown place. The room was filled with torture devices and the police used these devices on her all night long. The next day when she was taken back, all who saw her were shocked and dumbfounded. Her skin was cracked and her flesh was gaping. Her buttocks had been shocked with electric batons and it looked burnt and charred. She could not sit or lie down on her back and could only lie on her stomach. Her hair had been pulled so hard that she was left with only tufts of hair on her head.
6. I know a very pretty young lady. She said, “Since I was nine years old, I have been separated from my mother. My mother was sent to jail. My childhood has been filled with fear, pain and sorrow. A few years later, my mother’s prison term ended, but because she refused to renounce Falun Dafa, they extended her detention term. After she came back, we were harassed by the police many times. One time a gang of policemen came to our house and we resisted their attempts to take my mom away for more then 10 hours. My mother stood on the second floor and told the people who had gathered around that Falun Dafa is good and exposed the evil crimes of the evil Chinese Communist Party against Falun Dafa. The spectators were all moved by her speech. Some of the police officers even gave my mom thumbs up and cheered her on.
“Later with help from kind-hearted people, my mother managed to escape from the second floor and left our hometown to avoid being arrested . Since then I have been separated from my mother again. Seven years have passed. I have grown from a little girl to a young lady, but my mother is not aware of how tall her daughter has grown. When can I see my mom again?”
The young lady’s story is so heart-wrenching. What is shocking is that similar incidents are still happening in China.
We appeal to all people of conscience to help stop the violent acts of the Chinese Communist Party and stop the persecution of Falun Dafa practitioners.
January 10, 2007