Sunday, May 6, 2012

"I Want My Mommy!" Cries Baby Wang Tianxing, Orphan of Practitioner Ms. Feng Xiaomin

Wang Tianxing and his mother Ms. Feng Xiaomin
Wang Tianxing and his mother Ms. Feng Xiaomin

Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Feng Xiaomin, 34 years old, was from Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province. She passed away on June 1, 2004 as a result of persecution, leaving behind a barely 2-year-old son, Wang Tianxing. Currently he is being looked after by his aunt Ms. Feng Xiaomei. Wang Tianxing’s father, Mr. Wang Xiaofeng, is also a practitioner. He and his wife were forced to leave home in June 2001 in order to avoid the persecution. The ’610 Office’ has been searching for him ever since. Because Wang Tianxing has no parents to look after him, he is considered an orphan by all who know him. The following describes Wang Tainxing’s current situation.
Wang Tianxing is two years old now. The toddler began a fugitive’s life on the road with his parents when he was still in his mother’s womb. He was born on July 31, 2002, and was faced with hardship as soon as he was born. When he was 22 months old, his mother was tortured to death. Some practitioners took him to the crematorium. When he saw his mom’s picture, he suddenly pointed his finger at the picture and cried out: “Mom!” No one could bear to let him see his mother’s body. They did not want him to see her physical condition and they wondered how he could understand that his mom was not sleeping, but had left this world, and he would never see her again.
Now Tianxing understands more and can speak a lot. He can say sentences such as, “Mom is crying” , “Mom is in the hospital” or “Dad went to work” etc. Sometimes he dreams about his parents and wakes up crying for them. When other kids call for their moms, he also calls for his mom. When he falls down, he cries for mom too.
Policemen have the authority to knock on the door, examine identification, and arrest people at will. Seeing this happen in his own home has left deep scars on Tianxing’s young heart. Whenever there is a loud noise, especially the sound of knocking on the door, he cries, yells, “Scared!” and runs to adults to hide behind them. His fearful eyes make people sad.
Tianxing can recognize his mom’s picture. Sometimes he can recognize her clothes. He holds them in his hands and won’t let go. Whoever sees the scene cannot help shedding tears.
Everyone feels sad seeing the way Tianxing eats — he eats as if he never had enough food before and would like to make up for the past.
Due to the long-term persecution of his parents, Tianxing has no “legal status” and no registered permanent address. He is presently staying with his aunt at:
304 East Gate of South Building, Nongyou Building, Huaibei Road, Shijiazhuang City
Postal code 050000 phone: 86-311-5811851 86-311-6730639
In June 2001, his father, Mr. Wang Xiaofeng, was forced to leave home to avoid being captured and tortured.
His mother, Ms. Feng Xiaomin, was tortured to death on June 1, 2004.
Brief Information about Wang Tianxing’s Parents:
Ms. Feng Xiaomin was born in 1970. She was 34 years old when she died. She used to be a factory worker in the sixth cotton factory of Shijiazhuang city. In 1996 she began practicing Falun Gong. She married fellow practitioner Wang Xiaofeng, and they shared a happy and harmonious life.
Because of the persecution of Falun Gong, Ms. Feng suffered detention and torture. After she was released, in order to avoid further persecution, she and her husband became homeless. In September 2002, she gave birth to their son Wang Tianxing and life became even more difficult.
During the period when they were homeless, Ms. Feng and her family continued to be harassed. This forced the couple to separate. She took on the hardship of caring for the infant all alone. The pressure was so great that her mind and body were affected to the point where she could no longer look after the baby and had to leave him with her sister Ms. Feng Xiaomei. In May 2004, when she lost consciousness and was on the verge of death, a kind person brought her to her sister’s home. She was sent to the hospital and passed away five days later. She had been diagnosed with encephalitis, but the yellow brain fluid indicated something else. The doctor suspected that she had been struck in the head. Her family members also suspected that the police beat her because when her family saw her she could not recognize them. She thought they were the police, and cried out for them not to torture her.
Wang Tianxing’s father Mr. Wang Xiaofeng is over 30 years old. He graduated from the Faculty of Industrial Foreign Trade, Industrial and Commerce Administration College, Chongqing University. When the Jiang regime escalated the persecution, the ’610 Office’ adopted various means to track, monitor, check IDs, and otherwise threaten practitioners. This forced him to move again and again, frequently changing his job. His wife and baby had no choice but to endure their difficult, homeless state. When he heard his wife’s life was in danger, he hurried to the hospital, but Ms. Feng had already lost consciousness. Since then, Mr. Wang has been forced to remain homeless.
CCP Brutal persecution of Falun Gong 中共残酷迫害法輪功