October 17, 2006 | By a practitioner from Japan
Practitioners performed Fan Dancing, Flower Dancing, demonstrated the exercises, and sang songs composed by practitioners. Many spectators learned the exercises.
(Clearwisdom.net) On October 8, 2006, the Feixuan Art Group, consisting of Falun Gong practitioners from Japan, attended the two-day Yokohama Festival. The Yokohama Festival is an annual event, and more than 300,000 people attend it every year. Many Chinese art groups and business organizations participate.
Practitioners performed Fan Dancing, Flower Dancing, demonstrated the exercises, and sang songs composed by practitioners. Many spectators learned the exercises. After the performance, practitioners passed out Falun Gong informational materials. Many tourists took photos of the practitioners.
Source: https://en.minghui.org/emh/articles/2006/10/17/79048.html
Editor’s Note: Dear readers, do you know that Falun Dafa, originally from China, is currently practiced by people in over 100 countries? But in China, since Jul. 20, 1999, Falun Gong is defamed, slandered and persecuted due to the Chinese Communist Party’s fear of Falun Gong’s rapidly growing popularity. Jiang Zemin, former head of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), perceived the spiritual discipline’s growing popularity as a threat to the CCP’s atheistic ideology.
To learn more about the persecution Falun Gong practitioners are subjected to in China, visit http://faluninfo.net/.
For more information about the practice or to download Zhuan Falun, visit: www.falundafa.org. All books, exercise music, resources, and instructions are available completely free of charge.
WATCH Joy and peacefulness revealing on these kids who practiced Falun Gong
Why Jiang Zemin and CCP Persecute Falun Gong?http://thetruthaboutfalungong.blogspot.sg/p/epoch-times-nine-commentaries-on.html
[VIDEO] Why Jiang Zemin and CCP Persecute Falun Gong?http://thetruthaboutfalungong.blogspot.com/p/video-why-jiang-zemin-ccp-persecute.html