Sunday, September 29, 2024

[] Australian Practitioners Express Gratitude to Master on World Falun Dafa Day

 May 26, 2024 | By Minghui correspondent in Australia

“I read the book Zhuan Falun cover to cover. I could not put it down. From that moment on, my whole life changed. All my questions were answered from reading the book, and I became a better and more confident person.”

( May 13, 2024, is the 25th World Falun Dafa Day, and is the 32nd anniversary of Falun Dafa’s public introduction and Master Li Hongzhi’s birthday. Australian Falun Dafa practitioners expressed their gratitude to their founder, Master Li Hongzhi, for compassionately introducing Falun Dafa.

Janine Rankin said, “I am immensely grateful and wish Master a happy, joyous birthday!”

Janine Rankin has been practicing Falun Dafa for 25 years. She recalled standing underneath a huge fig tree where a practice site was held in Melbourne. “It was an overwhelming experience when I first started to practice the exercises. Tears started running down my face, as a deep inner sense of knowing made me realize that this was what I had been looking for after many years of searching for the meaning of life.

“After reading the main book, Zhuan Falun, I applied the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Tolerance in my everyday life. Having these principles in my heart, I found that they could awaken one’s inner self and act as a guide to govern oneself. As a hairdresser, my clients are the best tests of whether I have applied these principles in my work environment. This practice has enhanced my listening skills, so that I can hear and have compassion for others in what they wish to express.

“I would say Tolerance is definitely a challenging principle, to really be able to step back from situations, and not get moved in my heart when I am challenged.”

Janine was once invited to go to a school to teach children Falun Dafa exercises and make lotus flowers with the students. Initially two classes were booked, but somehow, the arrival times had been rearranged before they arrived at the school, which left less time for Janine to talk with one class. She didn’t get disturbed or feel disappointed. After the second class, the teachers invited them back on another day to teach the children Falun Dafa exercises. This gave Janine the opportunity with the class to share more in-depth information with the students.

She realized, “When you govern your heart with these principles, you set a higher standard for yourself as well as a resonant and positive attitude, so it enriches others.

“We recently met a lot of people at a Health Expo who hadn’t heard of Falun Dafa. I told them the benefits of the practice, about bringing the three principles into your life, really living by them, being truthful to yourself and others, and being kind and tolerant of others. I usually speak about values, morality, and tradition, and how important it is for our world to come back to these qualities, so we can all have a purer world to live in. I wish more people will understand the beauty of Dafa and embrace the benefits of Falun Dafa for the future.”

Tahnia Smith wants to tell Master, “I am extremely grateful that you have given me the gift to be able to move beyond this human existence, to become a Fa rectification Dafa disciple, and to cultivate solidly! I wish you the happiest birthday!”

Tahnia Smith said that she learned the Falun Dafa exercises in Flagstaff Gardens in Melbourne as early as 1998. However, she was living in rural country Victoria at that time, and traveling the long distance made it hard for her to continue the practice. She kept the book Zhuan Falun wrapped in silk, knowing how precious it was.

Tahnia experienced ups and downs in her life. One time, she had to stay in a hospital for two weeks and almost lost her life.

“Years passed,” she recounted. “In 2007, while traveling to far north New South Wales, I saw a poster about Falun Dafa. I knew that this was no coincidence. It was time for me to seriously start practicing Falun Dafa. I was quite surprised that my body just remembered all the movements!

“I read the book Zhuan Falun cover to cover. I could not put it down. From that moment on, my whole life changed. All my questions were answered from reading the book, and I became a better and more confident person.”

Tahnia became a librarian because she enjoyed reading. “My goal was to be more worldly and knowledgeable, but it turns out that practicing Dafa has given me all the knowledge that I was seeking, and at a higher level than I could have anticipated.”

She said cultivating according to Falun Dafa’s principles brought changes on how Tahnia handles situations. “Before cultivation, I took everything personally, like a verbal attack. I would deflect it or give it back, and I would retaliate with anger. But after I started practicing Dafa, I understood that it was for me to hear, and I learned to cultivate my speech and not take anything personally.

Tahnia continued to correct herself according to Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. “Truthfulness for me was to be true to myself, and not try to please people to make my life easier, or not lie to get myself out of trouble. I am always learning and growing to be more helpful or sensitive with everyone . I try to look at a situation from the other person’s perspective, and think what it might be like to be in their shoes, instead of judging anyone.”

Reflecting on her cultivation path, Tahnia would like to tell Master, “Thank you so much for putting up with me for so many years and with all my shortcomings. You have my unwavering respect toward you! I am extremely grateful that you have given me the gift to be able to move beyond this human existence to become a Fa rectification Dafa disciple, and cultivate solidly!”

Esmeralda Villamizar says, “Thank you so much Master Li, for guiding me, for giving me this opportunity to cultivate, and for saving my life many times! There are no words to express my gratitude! I know that you are with me all the time!”

Esmeralda Villamizar’s husband, Borzou, traveled to Perth in 2009. He went to a park for a walk one day and saw a group of Falun Dafa practitioners doing the exercises. After getting an introductory flyer, Borzou started reading the book Zhuan Falun.

Borzou told Esmeralda, “All my life, I have been searching for the truth. I have finally found the answers to all my questions in this book. I suggest you read it too. If you would like to, learn the exercises.”

Esmeralda said, “His words deeply touched my heart. So, I started to read Zhuan Falun. All of my deepest questions were answered. My life has changed since the first moment I started reading the book.

“I used to have a terrible allergy to dust, and I got sick for two days every time I cleaned my mom’s house. Also, I had a lot of pain each month when I had myperiod. After practicing Falun Dafa for five months, I realized that when I got my period, it was not painful like before. It was the first time in my life that I was without pain! One day, I was cleaning my mom’s house when I noticed I didn’t need to blow my nose. No allergy to dust or hay fever any more!”

Jenny Seah says, “I wish our revered Master a very happy birthday! I sincerely express my gratitude to Master for looking after me!”

Jenny Seah has practiced Falun Dafa for 26 years. One morning in October, 1998, she woke up at around 5 a.m. Her first thought was to go to a local street market. She lived in the area for a few years and would leave China in three months, but she had never gone to the street market.

The moment she stepped out of her apartment building, she was surprised to see many people doing exercises in the front yard of the apartment. She joined them out of curiosity and followed the instructor’s movements, totally forgetting her plan to visit the market.

“I got a copy of Zhuan Falun two days later,” Jenny recalled. “I started reading it. The more I read, the more absorbed I became. I felt something was spinning on all my fingertips while I was reading the book. I finished reading it in two days. Many questions I had about life were answered. I was delighted that I found what I was looking for. I knew it was my destiny, and I decided to practice Falun Dafa.”

After Jenny and her husband, who is a practitioner, left China for Australia in late 1998, their first stop was Tasmania. They organized a workshop and taught people the Falun Dafa exercises. They also gave them a few copies of Zhuan Falun.

Jenny said, “In the course of my cultivation, I understand the importance of looking inward, and also the elevation of xinxing, which our Master always reminds us of. I am not very good at using diplomatic language, so I do upset others from time to time. However, after looking inward, I realized that I did not do the right thing, and I apologize to them.

Copyright © 2024 All rights reserved.

Chinese version available


Editor’s Note: Dear readers, do you know that Falun Dafa, originally from China, is currently practiced by people in over 100 countries? But in China, since Jul. 20, 1999, Falun Gong is defamed, slandered and persecuted due to the Chinese Communist Party’s fear of Falun Gong’s rapidly growing popularity. Jiang Zemin, former head of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), perceived the spiritual discipline’s growing popularity as a threat to the CCP’s atheistic ideology.

To learn more about the persecution Falun Gong practitioners are subjected to in China, visit

For more information about the practice or to download Zhuan Falun, visit: All books, exercise music, resources, and instructions are available completely free of charge.


How Could the Chinese Communist Party be Afraid of Falun Gong?




Why Jiang Zemin and CCP Persecute Falun Gong?

[VIDEO] Why Jiang Zemin and CCP Persecute Falun Gong?