Saturday, September 21, 2024

[] In Memory of Wang Mingduo (Photo)

 April 09, 2006 | By a friend of Wang Mingduo

Editor’s note: Mr. Wang Mingduo, 44, was a practitioner from Changzhou, Hebei Province and a former employee of Changzhou Construction Bank. A healthy, strong, and kind man, Wang Mingduo was tortured to death within 84 days of being detained, by policeman Liu Kanghua and others. The following was written by Wang Mingduo’s friend, a non-practitioner, in memory of him. 

Practitioner Wang Mingduo from Changzhou City, Hebei Province 

( Editor’s note: Mr. Wang Mingduo, 44, was a practitioner from Changzhou, Hebei Province and a former employee of Changzhou Construction Bank. A healthy, strong, and kind man, Wang Mingduo was tortured to death within 84 days of being detained, by policeman Liu Kanghua and others. The following was written by Wang Mingduo’s friend, a non-practitioner, in memory of him. 

How many times have I put down my pen after I took it up to try to write? How can words on paper describe the ordinary, yet great soul of Wang Mingduo? Once like soft little flowers and grass, his soul spread the fragrance of life. Now the mild fragrance is frozen in my heart, full of grief and indignation. 

I cannot leave my pen lying down any longer, because Brother Wang Mingduo’s image of always working without talking much has moved my heart. No matter how busy my work was, how lost I was when I was not busy, I cannot get rid of his image. The longer he has been away, the clearer and more dear his image is to me. 

I met Wang Mingduo when I was on a job with my classmates. He was always working but talked little. More often, he just listened closely to me or others talking. He was fearless and optimistic when he faced hardships or trouble. 

I was an ordinary person who was not practicing Dafa but was fond of “Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance.” What I was thinking about was how to make more money. When we were together, Brother Wang Mingduo always accomplished the tasks assigned to him without considering his own loss and gain. Once he hurt his finger with a pair of pliers when he was in a rush to finish some work. Muddy water made the wound dirty, yet he did not say anything but worked the whole day. Later my wife saw the wound and tried to treat it, but it had already scabbed up. After work that day, knowing that his family had not been able to afford groceries, my wife tried to put some cabbage on the rear rack of his bike, but he insisted on not taking it. 

We planted flowers in the summer and autumn. One day, I saw that the flowers were a little dehydrated so I told Mingduo, who was on the night shift, before I got off, to spray some water on the dry parts of soil. When we came to work in the morning, we found that Mingduo had not slept the whole night but had watered all the flowers thoroughly, saving us a great deal of labor. In the few months that we were together, he was always doing his work carefully. 

My wife said, “People who practice Falun Gong are so nice! He is such a nice person!” 

The last time I saw Mingduo was when he was thrown back home after having been tortured by the authorities in detention. He had been a strong and healthy young man before, but now he looked like a frail old man. It was hard to see his previous lively expressions, but only quick short coughs. Nevertheless, one thing that was not changed was the optimistic and brave dignity that was rooted in his blood. He was confident and steadfast. 

Brother Mingduo told me that the persecutors had extorted from him more than 10,000 yuan when he was arrested in 2000. His wife was laid off and they had a ten-year-old daughter. This time, a man named Liu Kanhua illegally arrested him again in order to make reprisals against him, and threatened him, “This time I will kill you, and you will die without knowing what happened.” 

A program on legal issues on China Central Television (CCTV) reported that a driver hit a dog causing the dog to be paralyzed, and the owner of the dog was suing the driver for a large compensation. However, no one speaks out to require legal compensation for good people like Wang Mingduo being murdered with no legal basis. No one dared to provide any legal explanations. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) claims that today is the “best time for human rights” in China, while more than 100 million people are unlawfully persecuted for their beliefs and for wanting to be good people. At least three thousand people like Wang Mingduo have passed away because of the persecution, and thousands of people are still unlawfully detained in prisons, forced labor camps, or detention centers. People charged unjustly cannot find a single court which dares to accept their cases in China, and no lawyers dare to provide services for them. A few lawyers who have tried to uphold justice for them have been suppressed by the CCP with all kinds of dirty means. Facts are stronger than words: In China today, human rights are inferior to a dog’s rights, human lives are less valuable than dogs’ lives, and the rights of good people are even worse! 

Chinese version available


Editor’s Note: Dear readers, do you know that Falun Dafa, originally from China, is currently practiced by people in over 100 countries? But in China, since Jul. 20, 1999, Falun Gong is defamed, slandered and persecuted due to the Chinese Communist Party’s fear of Falun Gong’s rapidly growing popularity. Jiang Zemin, former head of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), perceived the spiritual discipline’s growing popularity as a threat to the CCP’s atheistic ideology.

To learn more about the persecution Falun Gong practitioners are subjected to in China, visit

For more information about the practice or to download Zhuan Falun, visit: All books, exercise music, resources, and instructions are available completely free of charge.

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