Monday, May 23, 2011

江泽民为什么迫害法轮功?Why Jiang Zemin Persecute Falun Gong? (W/ English Sub)



Why Jiang Zemin Persecute Falun Gong?

Today, I am going to tell you a story. It is about Modern Snow White. The story is similar to Snow White, but it happens today. That is why it is called 'Modern Snow White'.

And the story happens in China today. Ok, let's hear about the Modern Snow White story.

In China, there is a tyrant named Jiang Zemin. He rose to power in China through endless scheming and plotting. Finally, he attained the power that he always coveted.

Jiang had a Magic Mirror that would answer the questions dearest to his heart. One day, fearfully thinking about anyone that might take away his power, he asked the mirror, "Oh Magic Mirror, who has the heart of the Chinese people?" The Magic Mirror answered, "Falun Gong."

Jiang was shocked, "Falun Gong? Never heard of it!" He was deflated, and even though everyone knew that Falun Gong teaches people to be good and kind, he didn't believe it and was stricken with fear and paranoia -- he told the high-level officials secretly: "We must stamp out Falun Gong!"

The local officials knew that Falun Gong improves people's health, raises their morality, stabilizes society, and even saves the country so much on medical bills. So they just paid Jiang some lip service and didn't really plan on giving practitioners a hard time.

"Oh Magic Mirror, who has the heart of the Chinese people?" The Magic Mirror gave the same answer, "Falun Gong." Jiang was furious: "So they won't comply huh? Then I'll just have to go all out, right in the open, then we'll see if they dare to defy me!"

So he forced all the government organizations to slander and denounce Falun Gong, using radio, TV, and newspapers to lie endlessly. He even tried to get Interpol to arrest the founder of Falun Gong.

Of course, nobody in other countries listened to him. In fact, more and more people outside China started to practice Falun Gong.

The tyrant thought he had won, "Falun Gong will undoubtedly go away, and the hearts of the Chinese people will be all mine!" So he asked the Magic Mirror again, "Oh Magic Mirror, who has the heart of the Chinese people?" The Magic Mirror replied, "Yes, many people were fooled by you, but so many practitioners are going to Beijing, I'm afraid your lies are going to be exposed soon..."

Jiang was petrified. Even though he'd fooled the public for now, he wasn't anywhere close to destroying Falun Gong like he thought he could. He was deathly afraid of his lies being exposed and what would happen to his precious power. Realizing that he'd painted himself into a corner, Jiang lost what little rationality he had left and went into a frenzy.
Jiang: "I'll fight to the bitter end!"

He mobilized everything imaginable: the media, the army, the police, spies, and poured enormous amounts of resources in persecuting Falun Gong. The result was an unprecedented evil wave of terror that swept up everyone in its path.

"OK, everyone charge! Radio, TV, newspapers, military police, public security bureaus, special agents, everyone!"

Jiang even revived a vile scheme dating back to the dynasties, implicating everyone associated with a practitioner. Family members are subjected to imprisonment and fines, while even work unit supervisors, residential committee members and local public security officers are fired and prevented from working at state enterprises if Falun Gong practitioners in their areas go to appeal.

Jiang Zemin encourage the police to do their worst against Falun Gong, and even if they beat the Falun Gong practitioners to death, they can just count it as suicide!

Countless practitioners were imprisoned, sentenced to forced labor camps without trial, and even sent to mental hospitals.

Besides his endless propaganda in China, Jiang went all over the world to slander Falun Gong, making a spectacle of himself.
While Jiang spews gibberish in front of world leaders everywhere, bystanders are wondering how the leader of a great country can act so shamelessly.

Ignoring Jiang's lies, more and more people around the world began to practice Falun Gong and follow the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. Teacher Li was even nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. Meanwhile, Jiang was exposed for the paranoid tyrant that he is.

After exhausting himself in trying in vain to destroy Falun Gong, Jiang asked the Magic Mirror, "What's the situation now?" The Mirror replied, "Your lies were all foiled, and people all over the world are welcoming Falun Gong. They all know that you're an evil dictator."

Remember that only by know the TRUTH can we differentiate good from evil.
In the end, everyone realized that good will always triumph over evil.

In the end, everyone realized that in the end, good will always triumph over evil.
