巴淡岛康蒂尼(Kartini)高中的师生们在学炼法轮功 Teachers and students learning Falun Gong exercises |
该校的DRA.HJ. Retno Winaryanti Kusumaningsih校长和教师们非常欢迎法轮功学员来举办活动。校长、教师和三百多名学生在学校的体育场一起学炼了法轮功功法。
初次炼法轮功,一些教师和学生分享了他们的体验, 不少人感觉身体温暖,炼功后感觉很有精神。
学生Anisa Citra说:“炼功后,身体感觉更健康和更精神。”
学生Andi Gusmanto感觉这个功法和其它的有所不同,需要集中精神,然后身体就会有热暖的感觉。
英语教师Lola Marlon女士说,炼功后她感觉自己的身体很轻,而且“当时我流汗,在此之前我有背痛症状。”
教体育和卫生的Dyah Retno女士也有同样的感觉。她说经过两次炼功后,她的膝盖疼痛有所好转。“所以我要继续进一步炼功。我会请我的父母一起炼。”
Indonesia: Introducing Falun Dafa to High School Students and Teachers
(Clearwisdom.net) On October 27 and November 24, Falun Gong practitioners from Batam, Indonesia, held two activities at Kartini High School, introducing Falun Dafa to students and teachers.
Dra. Hj. Retno Winaryanti Kusumaningsih, the principal of the school, and teachers warmly welcomed the practitioners who volunteered to visit the school. Three hundred teachers and students learned the exercises.
The exercise instruction started at 7 a.m. Some students and teachers said afterward that they felt energized by the meditative exercises.
Aniisa Critra, a student, said she felt refreshed after exercises. Another student, Andi Gusmanto, said, “This exercise is different. It requires me to focus.” Lola Marlon, an English teacher said: “I felt that my body became lighter. The pain in my back was gone after the exercises.” Dyah Retno, a P.E. teacher, had a similar feeling. “The pain in my knees went away. I will ask my parents to join me in learning the practice,” she said.
Practitioners invited teachers and students to join the local exercise site in the future.
From - http://www.minghui.org/mh/articles/2011/12/5/在印尼高中介绍法轮大法-图--250206.html(Chinese), http://www.clearwisdom.net/html/articles/2011/12/7/129904.html (English)