【新唐人2012年1月29日讯】中国维权律师高智晟的高尚品格,和为法轮功仗义执言的传奇经历,深深打动了捷克人,他们通过高律师的著作《神与我们并肩作战》,了解了法轮功。1月27日,在捷克中提琴演奏家伊特卡.霍斯普洛娃(Jitka Hosprova)的倡议下,参议院副主席阿莱娜.巴莱茨科娃(Alena Paleckova)的赞助下,“支持高律师和受迫害的法轮功学员音乐会〞在捷克参议院(Valdstejnsky palac)瓦尔施内因宫主厅举行。下面请看报导。
音乐会上捷克著名演员杨・波特米什莱(Jan Potmesil)朗诵《神与我们并肩作战》的摘选和致捷克政府、欧洲议会和中使馆的签字请愿信,主持人原绿党众议员卡特琳娜・亚科(Katerina Jacques)则向观众介绍了法轮大法和法轮功遭受中共迫害的原因。音乐会的节目主要是中提琴演奏和捷克歌唱家马尔塔・古宾索娃(Marta Kubisova)演唱的曲目。
捷克参议院副主席阿莱娜・巴莱茨科娃(Alena Paleckova):〝我迫切希望,高能够从狱中被释放,让全世界的(呼吁)声浪能升级,以使他获得自由,和自己的家庭团聚。〞
中提琴演奏家伊特卡・霍斯普洛娃(Jitka Hosprova):〝我深受感动,(去年)就在这里举行《神与我们并肩作战》新书发布会时,我阅读了片段,我感到(书中的酷刑场面),就像在给我上刑。〞
歌唱家和演员马尔塔・古宾索娃(Marta Kubisova):〝我决定为此再唱一首歌,(这次活动)对高智晟作家非常重要,为了让世界知道他,他不会被忘记,我记得,在80年代(捷克斯洛伐克),(国外)这样的活动,促使(国内)人们在狱中被释放。〞
From - http://www.ntdtv.com/xtr/b5/2012/01/29/a651872.html#video
Why Jiang Zemin and CCP Persecute Falun Gong?
[VIDEO] 连环画音像片:评江泽民与中共相互利用迫害法轮功
[VIDEO] Why Jiang Zemin and CCP Persecute Falun Gong?
Please understand the truth about Falun Gong and the brutal persecution of Falun Gong in China. Please do not believe the Chinese Communist Party's lies. Falun Dafa is Good. Falun Gong (Falun Dafa) teaches 'Truthfulness, Compassion, Tolerance', it teaches us to be a GOOD person, and it makes us HEALTHY. And it is embraced in over 100 nations! 请了解法轮功和中共残酷迫害法轮功的真相。法轮大法(法轮功)好,114个国家都热爱她,请不要被中共的谎言欺骗。(http://falundafa.org)
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Sunday, January 29, 2012
【大纪元2012年01月18日讯】(大纪元记者李明综合报道)日前,大陆媒体报道了一群中国留学生在北朝鲜所见的异象:朝鲜历史书写着“人类起源于朝鲜半岛”,电视节目称“地道战和地雷战战术是伟大领袖金日成将军发明的”,朝鲜学生会自动回避外部世界话题,梦见被外界视为独裁者的“伟大领袖”会激动不已 ……
网友 hu:怎么大官、裸官、富人,都捞钱尽量往美国跑呢????? 你没看到那些志气弥坚的中国人在美驻中国大使馆门口不管已几次被拒,都一而再、再而三地勇往直前,锲而不舍地一试再试!!!
From - http://www.epochtimes.com/gb/12/1/18/n3489965.htm
大家都来看”九评共产党” ( VCD, 书)!
Let’s find “Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party”(VCD, books)!
Quit the Chinese Communist Party or its affiliated organizations today!
![]() |
北朝鲜学生们进行歌颂“伟大领袖”的红色文艺表演。(网络截图) |
网友 hu:怎么大官、裸官、富人,都捞钱尽量往美国跑呢????? 你没看到那些志气弥坚的中国人在美驻中国大使馆门口不管已几次被拒,都一而再、再而三地勇往直前,锲而不舍地一试再试!!!
From - http://www.epochtimes.com/gb/12/1/18/n3489965.htm
大家都来看”九评共产党” ( VCD, 书)!
Let’s find “Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party”(VCD, books)!
Quit the Chinese Communist Party or its affiliated organizations today!
North Korean Life
North Koreans seem to be living in a 'prison' which they thought is a 'heaven'...sadly...
Human Beings Originate from Korea, and Other Totalitarian Myths
Epoch Times Staff
North Korea’s Kim dynasty is known for the almost-comical degree to which totalitarianism has shaped official pronouncements and public records. A group of Chinese exchange students who travelled there to study the Korean language five years ago gave testimony to that in recent interviews with Chinese media.
Bai Xiaoyi, a graduate from the Department of Korean Language at Peking University, was one of them. She recounted her school life in North Korea to the Chutian Metropolis Daily on Jan. 17.
She recalls that her Korean roommate, Ji Xuejing, had once excitedly told her of a “blissful dream” when waking up one morning. Ji said their “great leader,” General Kim, had given her guidance in a dream, and that they were going to overcome the difficulties in their research.
“The feeling is just like seeing light in the dark night!” Ji said.
Bai was quite taken aback by Ji’s enthusiasm; Ji’s father was a scientist, and Ji herself was engaged in nuclear physics research. A few months after this incident, in October 2006, North Korea conducted its first nuclear test.
There are two universities in North Korea which receive Chinese overseas students, Kim II Sung University and Kim Hyong Jik University. Kim Hyong Jik is the name of Kim II Sung’s father. The universities arrange Korean students to be the roommates of the Chinese overseas students.
Zhao Song (pseudonym) was a student of the Department of Korean Language in one College in Beijing. He studied in North Korea from April to October, 2011.
“Those Korean roommates were not common people. Most of them were from the ‘orthodox communist’ families,” said Zhao.
Many overseas Chinese students only talk about language problems with their roommates, but Zhao often attempted to explore other topics, like their views of the outside world. But his Korean classmates studiously avoided such discussions.
The way they avoid it “was funny,” he recalls. “They often said that they wanted to make a phone call outside, but would not come back.”
In the memories of the Chinese students, most North Korean roommates were proud, confident, and polite. Zhao said that his classmates often told him proudly that it was thanks to the great leader General Kim, that Korean people live a happy life.
The North Korean students at the universities often believed that their leader had created every happiness in North Korea. And when something didn’t fit the blueprint, like a shortage of goods, for example, Korean students would solemnly tell their Chinese peers that it was because of “the harm inflicted by U.S. imperialism.”
Bai remembered that their history books said, “Mankind originated in the Korean Peninsula.”
The lesson about the “Birth of the Great Leader,” alleges supernormal phenomena before Kim Il-sung’s birth.
When Zhao studied in North Korea, a Chinese student who studied at the Kim Hyong Jik University photographed a ragged old woman at the market. He was immediately taken away by the security guard, and his camera was confiscated. The student was released only after the Chinese embassy intervened.
The group of overseas Chinese returned to Beijing on Oct. 19, 2011. Two months later, North Korean leader Kim Jong II died.
After the death of Kim Jong Il, Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) reported on Jan. 16, that “A mother bear and two cubs, which should have been in hibernation, walked out of the woods. They cried sorrowfully on the road that Kim Jong II often walked on.”
The KCNA article goes on to say, “A bird was frozen to death on the branches near the spot that Kim Jong II took photos with the guides when he inspected that area.”
Human Beings Originate from Korea, and Other Totalitarian Myths
Epoch Times Staff
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In this photo taken on Dec. 28, 2011 mourners react as a car Kim Jong-Il's body passes by during the funeral procession in Pyongyang. (Kyodo News/AFP/Getty Images) |
Bai Xiaoyi, a graduate from the Department of Korean Language at Peking University, was one of them. She recounted her school life in North Korea to the Chutian Metropolis Daily on Jan. 17.
She recalls that her Korean roommate, Ji Xuejing, had once excitedly told her of a “blissful dream” when waking up one morning. Ji said their “great leader,” General Kim, had given her guidance in a dream, and that they were going to overcome the difficulties in their research.
“The feeling is just like seeing light in the dark night!” Ji said.
Bai was quite taken aback by Ji’s enthusiasm; Ji’s father was a scientist, and Ji herself was engaged in nuclear physics research. A few months after this incident, in October 2006, North Korea conducted its first nuclear test.
There are two universities in North Korea which receive Chinese overseas students, Kim II Sung University and Kim Hyong Jik University. Kim Hyong Jik is the name of Kim II Sung’s father. The universities arrange Korean students to be the roommates of the Chinese overseas students.
Zhao Song (pseudonym) was a student of the Department of Korean Language in one College in Beijing. He studied in North Korea from April to October, 2011.
“Those Korean roommates were not common people. Most of them were from the ‘orthodox communist’ families,” said Zhao.
Many overseas Chinese students only talk about language problems with their roommates, but Zhao often attempted to explore other topics, like their views of the outside world. But his Korean classmates studiously avoided such discussions.
The way they avoid it “was funny,” he recalls. “They often said that they wanted to make a phone call outside, but would not come back.”
In the memories of the Chinese students, most North Korean roommates were proud, confident, and polite. Zhao said that his classmates often told him proudly that it was thanks to the great leader General Kim, that Korean people live a happy life.
The North Korean students at the universities often believed that their leader had created every happiness in North Korea. And when something didn’t fit the blueprint, like a shortage of goods, for example, Korean students would solemnly tell their Chinese peers that it was because of “the harm inflicted by U.S. imperialism.”
Bai remembered that their history books said, “Mankind originated in the Korean Peninsula.”
The lesson about the “Birth of the Great Leader,” alleges supernormal phenomena before Kim Il-sung’s birth.
When Zhao studied in North Korea, a Chinese student who studied at the Kim Hyong Jik University photographed a ragged old woman at the market. He was immediately taken away by the security guard, and his camera was confiscated. The student was released only after the Chinese embassy intervened.
The group of overseas Chinese returned to Beijing on Oct. 19, 2011. Two months later, North Korean leader Kim Jong II died.
After the death of Kim Jong Il, Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) reported on Jan. 16, that “A mother bear and two cubs, which should have been in hibernation, walked out of the woods. They cried sorrowfully on the road that Kim Jong II often walked on.”
The KCNA article goes on to say, “A bird was frozen to death on the branches near the spot that Kim Jong II took photos with the guides when he inspected that area.”
大陆民众争观神韵 赞复兴传统文化 Mainland Chinese Watch Shen Yun's Gala (W/ English Sub)
龙先生说,神韵专业水平一流、艺术高超 。
Mainland Chinese Watch Shen Yun's Gala
Shen Yun Performing Arts' three-hour 2012 Global Chinese
New Year Spectacular attracted massive mainland Chinese audiences.
These Chinese broke through the Chinese Communist
Party's (CCP) internet firewall to watch the show online.
Shen Yun's revival of traditional Chinese culture
amazed the mainland audiences.
They highly praise the show's purity, energy,
and superb artistic level, awakening peoples' conscience.
On January 22 and 23, many mainland Chinese people
watched Shen Yun's Chinese New Year Gala on ntdtv.com or via the NTDTV satellite.
The anti-censorship software helped the Chinese
break through the CCP regime's internet blockage.
Full of praises for the show, these mainland audience
members eulogized it widely in China.
Mr. Long from Guangdong felt very pleased after
watching the Shen Yun Gala.
He said that one cannot find such a good program in China.
Mr. Long: "I just feel that this show is quite pure,
full of energy, full of beauty, giving people a kind of hope.
The show is very bright, I can feel a very bright future.
It's different from those programs done in mainland China.
The form of performance is very traditional, without the CCP
culture stuff. All presentation is righteous, full of uprightness."
Mr. Long praised Shen Yun as top-class, professional,
skilled, and with superb level of artistry.
Mr. Long: "Shen Yun's dancing is very neat and beautiful,
with very high level skills.
I also really liked watching that Tibetan dance tonight. The
performance is very masculine, the techniques and actions are just uniform.
The clothing is traditional, reflecting culture of each dynasty
and every ethic group.
The designers must have put in it much time and energy."
The Shen Yun show carries pure and compassionate energy,
Mr. Long adds, it makes one's heart purified.
Yet it is a pity that Shen Yun is banned in China.
Mr. Long: “I felt my heart full of energy after watching it.
You really cannot find such a show in China.
I just liked those song lyrics so much,
and the vigor displayed by the tenor at the end of the show.
It's like awakening people, awakening people's conscience."
Mr. Guo, a lawyer from Jiangxi province, says he watches
Shen Yun New Year Gala every year.
Each year he has a brand-new experience with Shen Yun.
Lawyer Guo: "NTDTV (New Year Gala) is quite good,
very refreshing. The actors have very high artistic level.
Also its lighting, setting, costumes, all give you refreshing
feelings, in every aspect.
All sopranos sang rather well,
and the dancing is great, too."
Mr. Shi from Guangzhou was impressed by Shen Yun's
Gala's dynamic 3-D backdrop design.
He thinks its a novelty, different from lots of stages that rely
on the effect of flashing lights and a huge variety of devices.
Mr. Shi: "The setting is very fresh, a totally novel feeling.
The temple on it shows solemnity and dignity.
The performance reflects high level skill
and ingenious techniques.
Those deities coming down from the setting,
on the stage, so vivid and lifelike.
And the singers' voices are very sonorous and refreshing."
Shen Yun's Gala's hosts and actors are also impressive.
Mr. Shi says the males display very imposing bearing;
while the females are graceful and gentle, with sweet voices.
The entire performance is derived from the traditional culture
and arts, and promotes traditional morality.
Mr. Shi: "In the end, Buddhas and deities are all standing
by the kind people.
The show is guiding people to do good deeds and promoting
justice and compassion.
The show opened my eyes that the setting, the environment
and the breadth of spirit can be exhibited in this way.
There're fairies dancing there,
and there's also a lotus dance.
It's quite good that one can see such a show
to celebrate the New Year."
Shen Yun show impressed the mainland Chinese audiences
with its display of Chinese traditional culture essence.
The fresh performance brings audiences beauty and light.
The Chinese people expect to see Shen Yun staged in China,
as the show is believed to make great impact on moral upturn.
NTD reporters Li Yuanhan, Xiao Yan and stringer Gao Zitan
From - http://www.ntdtv.com/xtr/b5/2012/01/25/a650738.html#video

龙先生说,神韵专业水平一流、艺术高超 。
Mainland Chinese Watch Shen Yun's Gala
Shen Yun Performing Arts' three-hour 2012 Global Chinese
New Year Spectacular attracted massive mainland Chinese audiences.
These Chinese broke through the Chinese Communist
Party's (CCP) internet firewall to watch the show online.
Shen Yun's revival of traditional Chinese culture
amazed the mainland audiences.
They highly praise the show's purity, energy,
and superb artistic level, awakening peoples' conscience.
On January 22 and 23, many mainland Chinese people
watched Shen Yun's Chinese New Year Gala on ntdtv.com or via the NTDTV satellite.
The anti-censorship software helped the Chinese
break through the CCP regime's internet blockage.
Full of praises for the show, these mainland audience
members eulogized it widely in China.
Mr. Long from Guangdong felt very pleased after
watching the Shen Yun Gala.
He said that one cannot find such a good program in China.
Mr. Long: "I just feel that this show is quite pure,
full of energy, full of beauty, giving people a kind of hope.
The show is very bright, I can feel a very bright future.
It's different from those programs done in mainland China.
The form of performance is very traditional, without the CCP
culture stuff. All presentation is righteous, full of uprightness."
Mr. Long praised Shen Yun as top-class, professional,
skilled, and with superb level of artistry.
Mr. Long: "Shen Yun's dancing is very neat and beautiful,
with very high level skills.
I also really liked watching that Tibetan dance tonight. The
performance is very masculine, the techniques and actions are just uniform.
The clothing is traditional, reflecting culture of each dynasty
and every ethic group.
The designers must have put in it much time and energy."
The Shen Yun show carries pure and compassionate energy,
Mr. Long adds, it makes one's heart purified.
Yet it is a pity that Shen Yun is banned in China.
Mr. Long: “I felt my heart full of energy after watching it.
You really cannot find such a show in China.
I just liked those song lyrics so much,
and the vigor displayed by the tenor at the end of the show.
It's like awakening people, awakening people's conscience."
Mr. Guo, a lawyer from Jiangxi province, says he watches
Shen Yun New Year Gala every year.
Each year he has a brand-new experience with Shen Yun.
Lawyer Guo: "NTDTV (New Year Gala) is quite good,
very refreshing. The actors have very high artistic level.
Also its lighting, setting, costumes, all give you refreshing
feelings, in every aspect.
All sopranos sang rather well,
and the dancing is great, too."
Mr. Shi from Guangzhou was impressed by Shen Yun's
Gala's dynamic 3-D backdrop design.
He thinks its a novelty, different from lots of stages that rely
on the effect of flashing lights and a huge variety of devices.
Mr. Shi: "The setting is very fresh, a totally novel feeling.
The temple on it shows solemnity and dignity.
The performance reflects high level skill
and ingenious techniques.
Those deities coming down from the setting,
on the stage, so vivid and lifelike.
And the singers' voices are very sonorous and refreshing."
Shen Yun's Gala's hosts and actors are also impressive.
Mr. Shi says the males display very imposing bearing;
while the females are graceful and gentle, with sweet voices.
The entire performance is derived from the traditional culture
and arts, and promotes traditional morality.
Mr. Shi: "In the end, Buddhas and deities are all standing
by the kind people.
The show is guiding people to do good deeds and promoting
justice and compassion.
The show opened my eyes that the setting, the environment
and the breadth of spirit can be exhibited in this way.
There're fairies dancing there,
and there's also a lotus dance.
It's quite good that one can see such a show
to celebrate the New Year."
Shen Yun show impressed the mainland Chinese audiences
with its display of Chinese traditional culture essence.
The fresh performance brings audiences beauty and light.
The Chinese people expect to see Shen Yun staged in China,
as the show is believed to make great impact on moral upturn.
NTD reporters Li Yuanhan, Xiao Yan and stringer Gao Zitan
From - http://www.ntdtv.com/xtr/b5/2012/01/25/a650738.html#video

From - http://www.ntdtv.com/xtr/b5/2012/01/26/a651206.html#video
Why Jiang Zemin and CCP Persecute Falun Gong?
[VIDEO] 连环画音像片:评江泽民与中共相互利用迫害法轮功
[VIDEO] Why Jiang Zemin and CCP Persecute Falun Gong?
Auschwitz Ceremony Focal Point of Holocaust Memorial Day
Epoch Times Staff
From - http://www.theepochtimes.com/n2/world/auschwitz-ceremony-focal-point-of-holocaust-memorial-day-182741.html
Friday marks the 67th anniversary of the Allied liberation of notorious Nazi death camp Auschwitz. While commemoration events are held around the world, the centerpiece ceremony was at the site of the evil itself, the Auschwitz-Birkenau complex near Krakow, Poland.
Pnina Segal-Kaluszyner was a 6-year-old girl interned at the camp in 1945. She spoke at the Auschwitz ceremony on behalf of the victims and the dwindling number of survivors.
Segal-Kaluszyner, who was a member of a wealthy family in the city of Lodz, recalled when she was detained by the Nazis. “Everything was normal until we were put in the ghetto. My father got ill with typhus and was put in a special hospital for people with this disease,” she said according to a published version of the speeches.
“Germans were very worried about typhus getting spread. I don’t know what happened to my father. My mother never talked about it,” Segal-Kaluszyner added. “I don’t know whether he was killed or died.”
Standing where the horror took place, she recalled the day she arrived. “When the train arrived at the Birkenau ramp, the doors were opened. Outside, I remember, the Nazi soldiers were standing in their leather boots, big black dogs at their sides, very loud music was playing, strong smell of burning was in the air, and the sky was black from smoke.”
Polish President Bronislaw Komorowski sent a letter to the ceremony to be read out: “It might seem that everything has already been said, that all the mourning has been lived through and all the grief exhausted. That is only true up to the moment when we find ourselves on the grounds of the camp.”
“Then it hits us with all its force that the heart of darkness of World War II was right here, that the evil of Nazism revealed itself in its fullest ruthlessness here,” Komorowski added.
Historians estimate that between 1 million and 1.5 million were murdered at Auschwitz-Birkenau camp alone, with the majority being Jewish, but also Roma, Slavs, homosexuals, disabled people, and other dissidents were executed.
Jan. 27 was designated by the United Nations General Assembly as International Holocaust Remembrance Day in 2005.
U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay said that “every year we must make it a point to remember” the Holocaust, according to a transcript.
Pillay added that the U.N. chose to remember the day to ensure that “young people are aware of the important historical events, terrible as they may be” and so they can learn from past incidents.
“The Holocaust serves as a reminder of the perils of discrimination and intolerance, of just how powerful the incitement to racial hatred can be, and of the importance of intervening early to prevent such a tragedy from occurring again,” Pillay added.
From - http://www.theepochtimes.com/n2/world/auschwitz-ceremony-focal-point-of-holocaust-memorial-day-182741.html
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An Ultra Orthodox Jew prays in Moscow’s Jewish Community Center, on January 27, 2012, during a ceremony marking International Holocaust Remembrance Day. (Kirill Kurdyavtsev /AFP/Getty Images) |
Pnina Segal-Kaluszyner was a 6-year-old girl interned at the camp in 1945. She spoke at the Auschwitz ceremony on behalf of the victims and the dwindling number of survivors.
Segal-Kaluszyner, who was a member of a wealthy family in the city of Lodz, recalled when she was detained by the Nazis. “Everything was normal until we were put in the ghetto. My father got ill with typhus and was put in a special hospital for people with this disease,” she said according to a published version of the speeches.
“Germans were very worried about typhus getting spread. I don’t know what happened to my father. My mother never talked about it,” Segal-Kaluszyner added. “I don’t know whether he was killed or died.”
Standing where the horror took place, she recalled the day she arrived. “When the train arrived at the Birkenau ramp, the doors were opened. Outside, I remember, the Nazi soldiers were standing in their leather boots, big black dogs at their sides, very loud music was playing, strong smell of burning was in the air, and the sky was black from smoke.”
Polish President Bronislaw Komorowski sent a letter to the ceremony to be read out: “It might seem that everything has already been said, that all the mourning has been lived through and all the grief exhausted. That is only true up to the moment when we find ourselves on the grounds of the camp.”
“Then it hits us with all its force that the heart of darkness of World War II was right here, that the evil of Nazism revealed itself in its fullest ruthlessness here,” Komorowski added.
Historians estimate that between 1 million and 1.5 million were murdered at Auschwitz-Birkenau camp alone, with the majority being Jewish, but also Roma, Slavs, homosexuals, disabled people, and other dissidents were executed.
Jan. 27 was designated by the United Nations General Assembly as International Holocaust Remembrance Day in 2005.
U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay said that “every year we must make it a point to remember” the Holocaust, according to a transcript.
Pillay added that the U.N. chose to remember the day to ensure that “young people are aware of the important historical events, terrible as they may be” and so they can learn from past incidents.
“The Holocaust serves as a reminder of the perils of discrimination and intolerance, of just how powerful the incitement to racial hatred can be, and of the importance of intervening early to prevent such a tragedy from occurring again,” Pillay added.
冤狱八年 朱洛新抵达芬兰
From - http://www.ntdtv.com/xtr/b5/2012/01/27/a651439.html#video
【九评之五】评江泽民与中共相互利用迫害法轮功 -
Why Jiang Zemin and CCP Persecute Falun Gong? -
[VIDEO] 连环画音像片:评江泽民与中共相互利用迫害法轮功 -
[VIDEO] Why Jiang Zemin and CCP Persecute Falun Gong? -
From - http://www.ntdtv.com/xtr/b5/2012/01/27/a651439.html#video
【九评之五】评江泽民与中共相互利用迫害法轮功 -
Why Jiang Zemin and CCP Persecute Falun Gong? -
[VIDEO] 连环画音像片:评江泽民与中共相互利用迫害法轮功 -
[VIDEO] Why Jiang Zemin and CCP Persecute Falun Gong? -
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Shen Yun’s Display of Traditional Chinese Culture Scares Chinese Regime
The Chinese Communist Party is so funny!
I wonder who is the real anti-chinese culture or anti-China here?
.....The CCP, of course! CCP is the one who destroys Chinese traditional culture!
Read - On How the Chinese Communist Party Destroyed Traditional Culture
Sadly, most Chinese are still deceived by CCP's lies.....
Chinese consulate sends letter to discourage support from Seattle council member
By Stephen Gregory
Epoch Times Staff
Shen Yun Performing Arts has begun its 2012 season with full houses and sold-out shows in cities throughout America. Along with its success has come some unwanted interference. Due to its mission to revive the 5,000 year old, divinely inspired culture of China, Shen Yun has become a target of the Chinese regime.
Over the past 60 years, atheism has been forced upon China by the Chinese Communist Party, and decades of campaigns, particularly the Cultural Revolution, have been carried out to eradicate every vestige of traditional culture, says Shen Yun’s website.
Chinese consular officials continue to attempt to thwart the performances and success of Shen Yun around the world. This time government officials in Seattle have been targeted. In a letter dated Jan. 18 Gao Zhangshang, the Chinese Consul-General in San Francisco, asked a Seattle City Council member not to provide a proclamation or letter of support for Shen Yun, not to attend the performance, nor give interviews to media about Shen Yun. The name of the council member who provided the letter is being withheld at the member’s request. (View the letter below)
In writing such letters, the Chinese regime representatives’ actions reflect a “deep-seated fear, paranoia, and sense of inferiority,” says George Mason University’s Professor Zhang Tianliang, in a 2010 article published in The Epoch Times.
“What the regime fears most is that Shen Yun, which has swept across Europe, the Americas, Australia, and Asia, will eventually clear the clouds of deceit spread by the communist regime, and the vulgarity and ugliness of the Communist Party culture will only become more apparent.”
Shen Yun is scheduled to perform in Seattle’s Marion Oliver McGraw Hall on Feb. 7 and 8.
Since Shen Yun first began performing in 2006, the Chinese regime has sought to interfere. On a blog titled “Who’s Afraid of Shen Yun?” Leeshai Lemish, an emcee for the performance, has documented 46 cases of interference in 20 countries that have taken place since 2008. The incidents run the gamut from the slashing of bus tires in Ottawa to the threat to withhold loans promised by the Chinese regime to the Moldovan government.
Lemish believes that the Chinese regime seeks to block the performance because Shen Yun typically includes one or two acts that depict the persecution of Falun Gong in modern-day China.
“PRC ‘diplomats’ have been engaging in covert action in North America, Europe, Australia, and, really, wherever they are found, to try to sabotage any activity that exposes persecution in China,” writes Lemish.
The Seattle Falun Dafa Association is bringing Shen Yun to Seattle. The association’s president, Ms. Zhiping Kolouch, Ph.D., agrees with Lemish.
“The performance tells the truth about what happens in China—that you can’t follow your own spiritual path,” said Kolouch. “Right at this moment you have millions of people in China who stand to lose everything they have because of their beliefs.”
It is outside of China that Shen Yun’s artistic creators have the ability to freely express themselves and their ancient culture. Their courage to speak up is an integral part of Shen Yun’s spirit, the company’s website says.
The Consulate-General’s letter begins by stressing “friendship” and “bilateral cooperation” with the Seattle council member. The letter continues by complaining that the Shen Yun show in Seattle is presented by Falun Gong, and goes on to repeat stock propaganda phrases the Chinese regime has used to attack Falun Gong in and out of China for many years.
That propaganda has long been discredited by human rights groups. Human Rights Watch in 2000 wrote, “Falun Gong members are peaceful, law-abiding citizens, and there is no excuse for the human rights violations they have endured.”
Amnesty International, also in 2000, wrote, “the crackdown is politically motivated.”
An NGO, the United Nations International Education Development, declared in a testimony before the U.N. Human Rights Commission in August 2001 that an incident of self-immolation that the Chinese regime used to claim Falun Gong was an “evil cult” was in fact staged by the Chinese regime itself.
Falun Gong, also called Falun Dafa, involves five sets of meditative exercises and following moral teachings based on the principles of truthfulness, compassion, and tolerance.
In 1999 then-CCP President Jiang Zemin feared that too many people were following beliefs outside of CCP doctrine and control. According to Chinese state estimates in early 1999, about 100 million people were practicing Falun Gong. In July 1999 he ordered a campaign to “eradicate” the practice.
Kolouch said that Chinese consulate officials have sent letters similar to the one in Seattle to government officials in other cities in the United States, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. She is not concerned the letter will damage either Shen Yun or Falun Gong.
“They are trying to destroy us and they just help us by doing more advertising,” Kolouch said.
Previous examples bear her out. Lemish’s blog points out a recent case in which the efforts by Chinese Consular officials to shut down a January 2011 performance in Busan, Korea, caused such a media frenzy that it easily sold out.
Kolouch says Seattle ticket sales are going well.
“Shen Yun, in the last few weeks sold out several performances in Lincoln Center in New York, and also sold out shows in Los Angeles and in San Francisco,” Kolouch said. “The Seattle performance will do very well.”
“The American people realize Shen Yun is a very beautiful thing that uplifts people’s spirit and gives them a good education about China’s authentic, traditional culture.”
From - http://www.theepochtimes.com/n2/united-states/shen-yun-s-display-of-traditional-chinese-culture-scares-chinese-regime-181742.html
I wonder who is the real anti-chinese culture or anti-China here?
.....The CCP, of course! CCP is the one who destroys Chinese traditional culture!
Read - On How the Chinese Communist Party Destroyed Traditional Culture
Sadly, most Chinese are still deceived by CCP's lies.....
Chinese consulate sends letter to discourage support from Seattle council member
By Stephen Gregory
Epoch Times Staff
Shen Yun Performing Arts has begun its 2012 season with full houses and sold-out shows in cities throughout America. Along with its success has come some unwanted interference. Due to its mission to revive the 5,000 year old, divinely inspired culture of China, Shen Yun has become a target of the Chinese regime.
Over the past 60 years, atheism has been forced upon China by the Chinese Communist Party, and decades of campaigns, particularly the Cultural Revolution, have been carried out to eradicate every vestige of traditional culture, says Shen Yun’s website.
Chinese consular officials continue to attempt to thwart the performances and success of Shen Yun around the world. This time government officials in Seattle have been targeted. In a letter dated Jan. 18 Gao Zhangshang, the Chinese Consul-General in San Francisco, asked a Seattle City Council member not to provide a proclamation or letter of support for Shen Yun, not to attend the performance, nor give interviews to media about Shen Yun. The name of the council member who provided the letter is being withheld at the member’s request. (View the letter below)
In writing such letters, the Chinese regime representatives’ actions reflect a “deep-seated fear, paranoia, and sense of inferiority,” says George Mason University’s Professor Zhang Tianliang, in a 2010 article published in The Epoch Times.
“What the regime fears most is that Shen Yun, which has swept across Europe, the Americas, Australia, and Asia, will eventually clear the clouds of deceit spread by the communist regime, and the vulgarity and ugliness of the Communist Party culture will only become more apparent.”
Shen Yun is scheduled to perform in Seattle’s Marion Oliver McGraw Hall on Feb. 7 and 8.
Since Shen Yun first began performing in 2006, the Chinese regime has sought to interfere. On a blog titled “Who’s Afraid of Shen Yun?” Leeshai Lemish, an emcee for the performance, has documented 46 cases of interference in 20 countries that have taken place since 2008. The incidents run the gamut from the slashing of bus tires in Ottawa to the threat to withhold loans promised by the Chinese regime to the Moldovan government.
Lemish believes that the Chinese regime seeks to block the performance because Shen Yun typically includes one or two acts that depict the persecution of Falun Gong in modern-day China.
“PRC ‘diplomats’ have been engaging in covert action in North America, Europe, Australia, and, really, wherever they are found, to try to sabotage any activity that exposes persecution in China,” writes Lemish.
The Seattle Falun Dafa Association is bringing Shen Yun to Seattle. The association’s president, Ms. Zhiping Kolouch, Ph.D., agrees with Lemish.
“The performance tells the truth about what happens in China—that you can’t follow your own spiritual path,” said Kolouch. “Right at this moment you have millions of people in China who stand to lose everything they have because of their beliefs.”
It is outside of China that Shen Yun’s artistic creators have the ability to freely express themselves and their ancient culture. Their courage to speak up is an integral part of Shen Yun’s spirit, the company’s website says.
The Consulate-General’s letter begins by stressing “friendship” and “bilateral cooperation” with the Seattle council member. The letter continues by complaining that the Shen Yun show in Seattle is presented by Falun Gong, and goes on to repeat stock propaganda phrases the Chinese regime has used to attack Falun Gong in and out of China for many years.
That propaganda has long been discredited by human rights groups. Human Rights Watch in 2000 wrote, “Falun Gong members are peaceful, law-abiding citizens, and there is no excuse for the human rights violations they have endured.”
Amnesty International, also in 2000, wrote, “the crackdown is politically motivated.”
An NGO, the United Nations International Education Development, declared in a testimony before the U.N. Human Rights Commission in August 2001 that an incident of self-immolation that the Chinese regime used to claim Falun Gong was an “evil cult” was in fact staged by the Chinese regime itself.
Falun Gong, also called Falun Dafa, involves five sets of meditative exercises and following moral teachings based on the principles of truthfulness, compassion, and tolerance.
In 1999 then-CCP President Jiang Zemin feared that too many people were following beliefs outside of CCP doctrine and control. According to Chinese state estimates in early 1999, about 100 million people were practicing Falun Gong. In July 1999 he ordered a campaign to “eradicate” the practice.
Kolouch said that Chinese consulate officials have sent letters similar to the one in Seattle to government officials in other cities in the United States, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. She is not concerned the letter will damage either Shen Yun or Falun Gong.
“They are trying to destroy us and they just help us by doing more advertising,” Kolouch said.
Previous examples bear her out. Lemish’s blog points out a recent case in which the efforts by Chinese Consular officials to shut down a January 2011 performance in Busan, Korea, caused such a media frenzy that it easily sold out.
Kolouch says Seattle ticket sales are going well.
“Shen Yun, in the last few weeks sold out several performances in Lincoln Center in New York, and also sold out shows in Los Angeles and in San Francisco,” Kolouch said. “The Seattle performance will do very well.”
“The American people realize Shen Yun is a very beautiful thing that uplifts people’s spirit and gives them a good education about China’s authentic, traditional culture.”
From - http://www.theepochtimes.com/n2/united-states/shen-yun-s-display-of-traditional-chinese-culture-scares-chinese-regime-181742.html
Eastern Dragons Differ From Western Dragons
From - http://www.theepochtimes.com/n2/china-news/eastern-dragons-differ-from-western-dragons-178578.html
In both the East and the West, the dragon is often associated with fantasy and mythical realms. Yet the outer appearances and common perceptions of the dragon differ greatly in these two parts of the world.
In China, as well as in South Asia, the dragon is commonly the symbol of nobility, solemnness, holiness, and good fortune. Throughout the history of China, Korea, and Japan, the dragon (or the concept of the dragon) has been a part of people’s daily lives. The dragon has existed wherever Chinese culture existed, and the Chinese eventually began calling themselves the descendants of the dragon.
Despite the differences between the Eastern and Western dragons, they are both intimately connected to people’s beliefs.
The Eastern dragon is portrayed as an auspicious creature with magical power that coexists in heaven with gods. When Buddhists or Taoists achieve perfection, they ascend to heaven by riding an Eastern dragon.
In Western culture, the dragon represents evil and darkness. Unlike the celestial image of the Eastern dragon, the Western dragon has sharp teeth and strong legs. It is said to bring harm, suffering, and fear to human beings.
The Book of Revelation, the last book of the New Testament, speaks about the devil, Satan, taking the form of a red dragon and fighting Archangel Michael. Satan, the deceiver of the world, was defeated and cast to the earth.
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Famous in the tradition of Christian legends is the story of St. George killing the dragon. Paolo Uccello (1397-1475), “St. George and The Dragon,” oil on canvas, 1460. (Artrenewal.org) |
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In China, as well as in South Asia, the dragon is commonly the symbol of nobility, solemnness, holiness, and good fortune. (Jane Ku/The Epoch Times) |
In China, as well as in South Asia, the dragon is commonly the symbol of nobility, solemnness, holiness, and good fortune. Throughout the history of China, Korea, and Japan, the dragon (or the concept of the dragon) has been a part of people’s daily lives. The dragon has existed wherever Chinese culture existed, and the Chinese eventually began calling themselves the descendants of the dragon.
Despite the differences between the Eastern and Western dragons, they are both intimately connected to people’s beliefs.
The Eastern dragon is portrayed as an auspicious creature with magical power that coexists in heaven with gods. When Buddhists or Taoists achieve perfection, they ascend to heaven by riding an Eastern dragon.
In Western culture, the dragon represents evil and darkness. Unlike the celestial image of the Eastern dragon, the Western dragon has sharp teeth and strong legs. It is said to bring harm, suffering, and fear to human beings.
The Book of Revelation, the last book of the New Testament, speaks about the devil, Satan, taking the form of a red dragon and fighting Archangel Michael. Satan, the deceiver of the world, was defeated and cast to the earth.
Falun Gong Practitioners Send New Year Greetings to Practice’s Founder - Li Hongzhi
From - http://www.theepochtimes.com/n2/china-news/falun-gong-practitioners-send-new-year-greetings-to-practices-founder-181179.html
Since 2001, during each Chinese New Year Falun Gong practitioners from around the world send tens of thousands of greeting cards to a Falun Gong website to express their fondness and appreciation for Mr. Li Hongzhi, the founder of Falun Gong (also known as Falun Dafa). These New Year’s greetings also express something else: the endurance of this spiritual practice in the face of persecution.
The majority of greetings come from mainland China. They come from all parts of China and cover all segments of society, including members of the government, military, law enforcement, police, national security, education, health, and other official sectors.
The beautifully crafted greeting cards are a bright highlight on Clearwisdom.net, the English-language version of the Chinese-language site minghui.org, to which the cards are first sent by email.
These sites are maintained by practitioners as a forum for exchanging their understandings of Falun Gong, as an introduction to and history of the spiritual practice, and to document the persecution of the group by the Chinese regime. Individuals in China use special software to circumvent the regime’s Internet blockade to post their messages.
Greetings come not only from Falun Gong practitioners, but also from families and friends of practitioners, people who have benefited from Falun Gong, and those who wish to express their support and esteem for Mr. Li. In a sign of respect, he is usually addressed in the greetings as “shifu,” a traditional term meaning “teacher” or “master.”
Mr. Li first taught Falun Gong in public in the northeastern city of Changchun in 1992. In only seven years, Falun Gong spread to every corner of Mainland China. According to official Chinese state reports at the time, between 70 and 100 million people were practicing the exercises and studying the Falun Gong teachings, which are based on the principles of truthfulness, compassion, and tolerance.
In 1998 in a survey of ten thousand practitioners done in Beijing, 98 percent reported significant health improvements. A survey conducted by the Chinese People’s Congress before 1999 concluded that Falun Gong is beneficial for any person, any organization, any society, with “hundreds of benefits and no harm,” is a “teaching of high moral standards” that will benefit the country and the people, and should be actively promoted.
However, on July 20, 1999, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), under former Party head Jiang Zemin, launched an unlawful persecution of Falun Gong. Jiang feared that the number of Falun Gong practitioners exceeded the number of communist party members and that the Chinese people would prefer the teachings of Falun Gong to the doctrines of the CCP.
During the past 12 years, the CCP has used vast resources to persecute Falun Gong and carry out a massive smear campaign directed at the practice, Mr. Li, and practitioners, while hiding from the Chinese people the true character of the persecution. According to the Falun Dafa Information Center (FDIC), at any one time, hundreds of thousands of practitioners are locked up in prisons and labor camps, where they are subjected to hard labor, torture, and mental abuse.
To date, the identities of 3,427 Falun Gong practitioners, who died from torture and abuse in custody, have been confirmed. The true number of deaths from torture and abuse is estimated by FDIC to be in the tens of thousands.
In addition, according to the book “Bloody Harvest” by former Canadian secretary of state David Kilgour and the international human rights lawyer David Matas, practitioners are the most likely source for 41,500 organ transplantations that occurred between 2000 and 2005. Those whose organs are harvested in this way are killed in the process. According to Kilgour and Matas, the practice of using practitioners for organ harvesting is still going on.
The thousands of colorful and elaborate cards sent to minghui.org are evidence that, after twelve years of harsh persecution, Falun Gong is still vigorous in mainland China. The greetings sent by those who do not practice Falun Gong suggest that the practitioners in China have persuaded members of Chinese society that the propaganda attacking Falun Gong is false.
For the Falun Gong practitioners and citizens of China who send these greetings, happy New Year celebrates much more than the passing of the seasons.
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The card reads, "Falun Dafa practitioners in the government departments in Jilin Province respectfully wish Revered Master a Happy Chinese New Year! (Minghui.org) |
Since 2001, during each Chinese New Year Falun Gong practitioners from around the world send tens of thousands of greeting cards to a Falun Gong website to express their fondness and appreciation for Mr. Li Hongzhi, the founder of Falun Gong (also known as Falun Dafa). These New Year’s greetings also express something else: the endurance of this spiritual practice in the face of persecution.
The majority of greetings come from mainland China. They come from all parts of China and cover all segments of society, including members of the government, military, law enforcement, police, national security, education, health, and other official sectors.
The beautifully crafted greeting cards are a bright highlight on Clearwisdom.net, the English-language version of the Chinese-language site minghui.org, to which the cards are first sent by email.
These sites are maintained by practitioners as a forum for exchanging their understandings of Falun Gong, as an introduction to and history of the spiritual practice, and to document the persecution of the group by the Chinese regime. Individuals in China use special software to circumvent the regime’s Internet blockade to post their messages.
Greetings come not only from Falun Gong practitioners, but also from families and friends of practitioners, people who have benefited from Falun Gong, and those who wish to express their support and esteem for Mr. Li. In a sign of respect, he is usually addressed in the greetings as “shifu,” a traditional term meaning “teacher” or “master.”
Mr. Li first taught Falun Gong in public in the northeastern city of Changchun in 1992. In only seven years, Falun Gong spread to every corner of Mainland China. According to official Chinese state reports at the time, between 70 and 100 million people were practicing the exercises and studying the Falun Gong teachings, which are based on the principles of truthfulness, compassion, and tolerance.
In 1998 in a survey of ten thousand practitioners done in Beijing, 98 percent reported significant health improvements. A survey conducted by the Chinese People’s Congress before 1999 concluded that Falun Gong is beneficial for any person, any organization, any society, with “hundreds of benefits and no harm,” is a “teaching of high moral standards” that will benefit the country and the people, and should be actively promoted.
However, on July 20, 1999, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), under former Party head Jiang Zemin, launched an unlawful persecution of Falun Gong. Jiang feared that the number of Falun Gong practitioners exceeded the number of communist party members and that the Chinese people would prefer the teachings of Falun Gong to the doctrines of the CCP.
During the past 12 years, the CCP has used vast resources to persecute Falun Gong and carry out a massive smear campaign directed at the practice, Mr. Li, and practitioners, while hiding from the Chinese people the true character of the persecution. According to the Falun Dafa Information Center (FDIC), at any one time, hundreds of thousands of practitioners are locked up in prisons and labor camps, where they are subjected to hard labor, torture, and mental abuse.
To date, the identities of 3,427 Falun Gong practitioners, who died from torture and abuse in custody, have been confirmed. The true number of deaths from torture and abuse is estimated by FDIC to be in the tens of thousands.
In addition, according to the book “Bloody Harvest” by former Canadian secretary of state David Kilgour and the international human rights lawyer David Matas, practitioners are the most likely source for 41,500 organ transplantations that occurred between 2000 and 2005. Those whose organs are harvested in this way are killed in the process. According to Kilgour and Matas, the practice of using practitioners for organ harvesting is still going on.
The thousands of colorful and elaborate cards sent to minghui.org are evidence that, after twelve years of harsh persecution, Falun Gong is still vigorous in mainland China. The greetings sent by those who do not practice Falun Gong suggest that the practitioners in China have persuaded members of Chinese society that the propaganda attacking Falun Gong is false.
For the Falun Gong practitioners and citizens of China who send these greetings, happy New Year celebrates much more than the passing of the seasons.
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
中国法轮功学员的绘画 Painting by Falun Gong practitioner in China
悬挂横幅 - 法轮大法好
Hanging the banner - FALUN DAFA HAO (Falun Dafa is Good!)
【九评之五】评江泽民与中共相互利用迫害法轮功 -
Why Jiang Zemin and CCP Persecute Falun Gong? -
[VIDEO] 连环画音像片:评江泽民与中共相互利用迫害法轮功 -
[VIDEO] Why Jiang Zemin and CCP Persecute Falun Gong? -
Hanging the banner - FALUN DAFA HAO (Falun Dafa is Good!)
【九评之五】评江泽民与中共相互利用迫害法轮功 -
Why Jiang Zemin and CCP Persecute Falun Gong? -
[VIDEO] 连环画音像片:评江泽民与中共相互利用迫害法轮功 -
[VIDEO] Why Jiang Zemin and CCP Persecute Falun Gong? -
2011年法轮功学员被迫害致死概况 From 2011, Falun Gong Practitioners Tortured To Death in China (W/ English Sub)
From 2011, an Overview of Falun Gong Practitioners Tortured To Death in China
It is 2012, the Chinese New Year of the Dragon has arrived,
an occasion for celebration and family reunion.
Recalling 2011, the over-12 year long brutal persecution of
Falun Gong, waged by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), continues today.
More than 20 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities have witnessed large numbers of Falun Gong practitioners tortured to death in 2011 alone.
Tens of thousands Chinese citizens who uphold a belief in
"Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance” have become victims of the CCP's persecution. These Falun Gong practitioners are still suffering imprisonment,
torture, extortion, persecution, homelessness, and their family life has been ruined.
According to the incomplete statistics of Clearwisdom.net,
since July 20, 1999 when Jiang Zemin initiated the persecution
of Falun Gong, at least 3,477 practitioners have been
persecuted to death.
In 2011, the three provinces of Heilongjiang, Liaoning and Jilin
saw the highest number of deaths of Falun Gong practitioners.
The death toll embraces a wide range of age groups, from the
young to the elderly, and including employees and retirees.
Those persecuted include cadres, businessmen, farmers,
doctors, accountants, teachers, researchers and so on.
Wang Zhiyuan, spokesman of the World Organization to
Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong (WOIPFG),
said that over 12 years, the CCP regime has long been
committing genocide against Falun Gong.
Wang Zhiyuan says: “So far as WOIPFG knows, the CCP
persecutes Falun Gong practitioners for their beliefs.
This is not a common persecution, but one of
an evil without precedent in the history of mankind.”
In 2011 alone, those Falun Gong practitioners
who have been tortured to death in Heilongjiang
include Song Jinfeng, Liu Qingguo from Harbin,
Ci Hai, Pan Benyu from Qiqihar , Bai Shuang from Daqing,
Ji Baoshan from Fangzheng county, Qin Yueming, Liu
Chuanjiang, Li Fengxia from Yichun, and Yu Libo from Zhaodong.
39-year-old Falun Gong practitioner Yu Libo graduated
from Harbin Chinese Medical University.
She passed away in October, 2011 after suffering
eight years of unjust imprisonment.
Yu's eyes were wide open,
with blood at the corners of her mouth.
She had been sitting over two days and one night on the
"tiger bench" before she died.
When imprisoned, Yu had also suffered brutal spinal beatings
and various other tortures.
Pan Benyu from Qiqihar saved six people's lives after
he became a Falun Gong practitioner and doing good deeds.
However, Pan was sentenced to a forced labor camp term for
his belief. The prison guards lied saying "He is a psychopath".
In solitary confinement, Yu's hands were chained behind
his back and to the floor.
He was beaten to unconsciousness and
kicked hard in the stomach.
In July, 2011, Yu died from failure of the heart, liver and kidneys.
Ji Baoshan, a resident of Fangzheng County, was abducted
by the local police for not giving up Falun Gong cultivation.
Over 40 villagers signed a petition to release him.
His wife wrote a petition letter on a piece of yellow cloth
to seek help and attention from the community.
Ji Baoshan was sentenced to five years in jail in 2009.
Since then, he suffered miserable and inhuman persecution.
In March, 2011, Ji passed away at the age of 39,
leaving behind a wife and two young children.
In Liaoning province, the practioners who have been
tortured to death include Li Dongqing from Shenyang;
Wang Chunxiang from Dandong;
Fan Zhenguo, Hou Yanshuang from Lingyuan;
Qiu Qinghua from Liaozhong county; Ding Zhenfang,
Shi Hongbo from Dalian; and Huang Cheng from Jizhou city.
The death toll for practitioners in Jilin province includes
Chen Shuqin, Yu Changli from Jilin; Zhao Yanxia from Lishu county;
Liu Renge from Tonghua county; Wang Xuezhu from Jingyu county;
Zhang Yuke from Gongzhuling city.
64-year-old Li Kongxiang in Ningbo, Zhejiang, was kidnapped
in November, 2011 by the local police for practicing Falun Gong.
The elderly Li was tied to an iron chair and not allowed to sleep,
police took turns beating him severely to the verge of death.
Li died after being tortured for three days and nights.
Xie Wutang, aged 71, a Falun Gong practitioner in Changsha,
had been cruelly persecuted over ten years.
Xie was illegally kidnapped and taken to a detention center and
labor camp many times.
He was interrogated for over ten hours, with all his lower teeth
being knocked out by police. Xie passed away in April, 2011.
57-year-old Tan Cuiying and her husband were both
Falun Gong practitioners in Yongzhou, Hunan province.
In June 2011, Tan went to the local domestic security division
to demand the release of her husband, Ou Yicheng.
The state security police beat her into unconsciousness.
Tan died in July, 2011.
Liu Chun, 52, was a Falun Gong practitioner in Beijing,
who worked at the Railway Station.
In September 2010, Liu and other 20 practitioners were
abducted, their homes were looted by the local police.
Liu was imprisoned at Beijing Daxing Labor Camp, and persecuted
to death after suffering repeated torture for upholding his belief.
Wang Zhiyuan: “The WOIPFG has documented evidence
proving that
the CCP's regime has committed crimes of genocide,
torture and inhuman punishment .
“We will continue to investigate the criminal conduct of all
who are involved in the persecution of Falun Gong;
no matter how long it takes, wherever they are,
we will investigate to the end until they face justice.”
The WOIPFG warns all CCP officials who actively participate
in the persecution of Falun Gong to.
Immediately stop their criminal acts. To confess to the
crimes that they have committed.
To collect evidence and expose the crimes of others.
so as to ensure that pleading guilty will be the only way out.
The WOIPFG states that the CCP's persecution of Falun Gong
practitioners is the main cause of the regime's disintegration.
Meanwhile, all of humankind has now taken the path
of final awakening.
NTD reporter Li Yuanhan and Li Ruolin
From - http://www.ntdtv.com/xtr/b5/2012/01/24/a650463.html#video
【九评之五】评江泽民与中共相互利用迫害法轮功 -
Why Jiang Zemin and CCP Persecute Falun Gong? -
[VIDEO] 连环画音像片:评江泽民与中共相互利用迫害法轮功 -
[VIDEO] Why Jiang Zemin and CCP Persecute Falun Gong? -
From 2011, an Overview of Falun Gong Practitioners Tortured To Death in China
It is 2012, the Chinese New Year of the Dragon has arrived,
an occasion for celebration and family reunion.
Recalling 2011, the over-12 year long brutal persecution of
Falun Gong, waged by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), continues today.
More than 20 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities have witnessed large numbers of Falun Gong practitioners tortured to death in 2011 alone.
Tens of thousands Chinese citizens who uphold a belief in
"Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance” have become victims of the CCP's persecution. These Falun Gong practitioners are still suffering imprisonment,
torture, extortion, persecution, homelessness, and their family life has been ruined.
According to the incomplete statistics of Clearwisdom.net,
since July 20, 1999 when Jiang Zemin initiated the persecution
of Falun Gong, at least 3,477 practitioners have been
persecuted to death.
In 2011, the three provinces of Heilongjiang, Liaoning and Jilin
saw the highest number of deaths of Falun Gong practitioners.
The death toll embraces a wide range of age groups, from the
young to the elderly, and including employees and retirees.
Those persecuted include cadres, businessmen, farmers,
doctors, accountants, teachers, researchers and so on.
Wang Zhiyuan, spokesman of the World Organization to
Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong (WOIPFG),
said that over 12 years, the CCP regime has long been
committing genocide against Falun Gong.
Wang Zhiyuan says: “So far as WOIPFG knows, the CCP
persecutes Falun Gong practitioners for their beliefs.
This is not a common persecution, but one of
an evil without precedent in the history of mankind.”
In 2011 alone, those Falun Gong practitioners
who have been tortured to death in Heilongjiang
include Song Jinfeng, Liu Qingguo from Harbin,
Ci Hai, Pan Benyu from Qiqihar , Bai Shuang from Daqing,
Ji Baoshan from Fangzheng county, Qin Yueming, Liu
Chuanjiang, Li Fengxia from Yichun, and Yu Libo from Zhaodong.
39-year-old Falun Gong practitioner Yu Libo graduated
from Harbin Chinese Medical University.
She passed away in October, 2011 after suffering
eight years of unjust imprisonment.
Yu's eyes were wide open,
with blood at the corners of her mouth.
She had been sitting over two days and one night on the
"tiger bench" before she died.
When imprisoned, Yu had also suffered brutal spinal beatings
and various other tortures.
Pan Benyu from Qiqihar saved six people's lives after
he became a Falun Gong practitioner and doing good deeds.
However, Pan was sentenced to a forced labor camp term for
his belief. The prison guards lied saying "He is a psychopath".
In solitary confinement, Yu's hands were chained behind
his back and to the floor.
He was beaten to unconsciousness and
kicked hard in the stomach.
In July, 2011, Yu died from failure of the heart, liver and kidneys.
Ji Baoshan, a resident of Fangzheng County, was abducted
by the local police for not giving up Falun Gong cultivation.
Over 40 villagers signed a petition to release him.
His wife wrote a petition letter on a piece of yellow cloth
to seek help and attention from the community.
Ji Baoshan was sentenced to five years in jail in 2009.
Since then, he suffered miserable and inhuman persecution.
In March, 2011, Ji passed away at the age of 39,
leaving behind a wife and two young children.
In Liaoning province, the practioners who have been
tortured to death include Li Dongqing from Shenyang;
Wang Chunxiang from Dandong;
Fan Zhenguo, Hou Yanshuang from Lingyuan;
Qiu Qinghua from Liaozhong county; Ding Zhenfang,
Shi Hongbo from Dalian; and Huang Cheng from Jizhou city.
The death toll for practitioners in Jilin province includes
Chen Shuqin, Yu Changli from Jilin; Zhao Yanxia from Lishu county;
Liu Renge from Tonghua county; Wang Xuezhu from Jingyu county;
Zhang Yuke from Gongzhuling city.
64-year-old Li Kongxiang in Ningbo, Zhejiang, was kidnapped
in November, 2011 by the local police for practicing Falun Gong.
The elderly Li was tied to an iron chair and not allowed to sleep,
police took turns beating him severely to the verge of death.
Li died after being tortured for three days and nights.
Xie Wutang, aged 71, a Falun Gong practitioner in Changsha,
had been cruelly persecuted over ten years.
Xie was illegally kidnapped and taken to a detention center and
labor camp many times.
He was interrogated for over ten hours, with all his lower teeth
being knocked out by police. Xie passed away in April, 2011.
57-year-old Tan Cuiying and her husband were both
Falun Gong practitioners in Yongzhou, Hunan province.
In June 2011, Tan went to the local domestic security division
to demand the release of her husband, Ou Yicheng.
The state security police beat her into unconsciousness.
Tan died in July, 2011.
Liu Chun, 52, was a Falun Gong practitioner in Beijing,
who worked at the Railway Station.
In September 2010, Liu and other 20 practitioners were
abducted, their homes were looted by the local police.
Liu was imprisoned at Beijing Daxing Labor Camp, and persecuted
to death after suffering repeated torture for upholding his belief.
Wang Zhiyuan: “The WOIPFG has documented evidence
proving that
the CCP's regime has committed crimes of genocide,
torture and inhuman punishment .
“We will continue to investigate the criminal conduct of all
who are involved in the persecution of Falun Gong;
no matter how long it takes, wherever they are,
we will investigate to the end until they face justice.”
The WOIPFG warns all CCP officials who actively participate
in the persecution of Falun Gong to.
Immediately stop their criminal acts. To confess to the
crimes that they have committed.
To collect evidence and expose the crimes of others.
so as to ensure that pleading guilty will be the only way out.
The WOIPFG states that the CCP's persecution of Falun Gong
practitioners is the main cause of the regime's disintegration.
Meanwhile, all of humankind has now taken the path
of final awakening.
NTD reporter Li Yuanhan and Li Ruolin
From - http://www.ntdtv.com/xtr/b5/2012/01/24/a650463.html#video
【九评之五】评江泽民与中共相互利用迫害法轮功 -
Why Jiang Zemin and CCP Persecute Falun Gong? -
[VIDEO] 连环画音像片:评江泽民与中共相互利用迫害法轮功 -
[VIDEO] Why Jiang Zemin and CCP Persecute Falun Gong? -
Sunday, January 22, 2012
大陆学生:这场演出(神韵)没看 一定后悔
From - http://www.ntdtv.com/xtr/b5/2012/01/22/a649924.html#video
台湾出现汉服婚礼 展现传统服饰之美
来宾:〝新娘子整个造型华丽又贵气,新郎倌整个是气质非常的好, 我真是印象很深刻。真的是有发扬到中国人的文化。〞
From - http://www.ntdtv.com/xtr/b5/2012/01/22/a649933.html#video
From - http://www.ntdtv.com/xtr/b5/2011/12/19/a634009.html#video
From - http://www.ntdtv.com/xtr/b5/2011/12/19/a634009.html#video
新加坡牛车水的农历新年市场 Singapore Chinese New Year market at Chinatown
Singapore, are you ready for this great show from USA - Shen Yun 神韵?
PLEASE WATCH - Singapore - A Letter to Precious Singaporeans...
Singapore Government, Pls stop selling your Conscience to CCP (W/ English Sub) - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x04zeZn6HWI
Singapore, are you ready for this great show from USA - Shen Yun 神韵?
PLEASE WATCH - Singapore - A Letter to Precious Singaporeans...
Singapore Government, Pls stop selling your Conscience to CCP (W/ English Sub) - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x04zeZn6HWI
Friday, January 20, 2012
访民纽约声援高智晟 耿和盼团聚 Gao Zhisheng's Wife calls for UN' Support in New York (W/ English Sub)
Gao Zhisheng's Wife calls for UN' Support in New York
The news of Chinese rights lawyer Gao Zhisheng's relatives
being denied visitor's rights caught worldwide media attention.
Gao's wife wrote her second open letter to him as the Chinese
New Year is approaching.
And on Jan. 18th, Gao's wife and other rights activists appealed
in New York to the United Nations for their support by asking for a global action to ensure his safety.
On Jan. 18th, the wife of imprisoned human rights lawyer Gao
Zhisheng and a group of Chinese activists came to New York's United Nations to appeal for his welfare.
Geng He, Ge Lifang, Chen Weili and Ai Furong were holding
two banners that read:
“Free My Husband Zhisheng Gao who is Persecuted and
Imprisoned in Xinjiang” and “Global Action Focusing on the
Safety & Life of Human Rights Attorney Gao Zhisheng”.
Wife Geng He is very moved by all the support towards Gao.
Geng He, Gao Zhisheng's Wife: “That day Ge Lifang called to
ask me how things were going.
Then Ge Furong told me that all petitioners know about
Gao's situation and that they would like to speak out for him.
Many people who got help from Gao before are speaking out
for him. I feel much moved.”
Lawyer Gao Zhisheng is well known for defending activists.
Then in Dec. 2006, Gao got a 3-year prison sentence for
Subversion and was later given a probation sentence of 5 years.
Gao was then arrested at his Shanxi home in February 2009.
He was released one year later in March 2010 for a brief
period but went missing soon after.
Geng He, Gao Zhisheng's Wife: “Four days before Gao’s
probation expired, on Dec.16th of 2011,
the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) stated in English
the cancellation of his probation via XinhuaNet.
They were sending him back to jail for another three years.
We had been searching for him for 20 months,
and then we received such news.
On Jan.1st, Gao’s family received a document from a Xinjiang
informing them that Gao was being held at Shaya jail,
800 km away from Xinjiang’s capital city.
That same day, Gao's wife wrote her first open letter
to her husband.
Netizens activists then urged people to travel to Xinjiang to visit Gao,
or to show support by sending him postcards and name cards.
Gao’s relatives found Shaya jail’s phone number and tried to
call but no one ever answered.
Gao’s brother Gao Zhiyi, Gao’s father-in-law and
his two sisters travelled 4000 km to Shaya jail to see Gao, but were denied visitors' rights.
Wife Geng He was given two reasons for Gao's visit denial:
firstly that Gao simply didn't want to see his family and
secondly that Gao was under a 3-months “education period”.
He would only be allowed visitors after 3 months and
only if he behaves well.
His brother asked them how to contact the jail
and the police gave him a phone no. that no one answers to.
Shaya jail is located in a remote area, with neither food nor
accommodation available within a 30 km radius.
Gao's brother, Gao Zhiyi, and relatives stayed overnight
in Shaya county.
They then travelled to Shaya jail and with the idea of
negotiating with officials, they had high hopes of seeing Gao.
Geng He, Gao Zhisheng's Wife: “The next day, our relatives
were stopped at a checkpoint 10 km away from the jail.
Two people came out of it angrily and started blaming Gao’s
brother saying:
Why did you publicize our telephone number?
Why did you accept interviews reporting on this?”
They then told Gao's brother that the Beijing High Court had
informed them that he was visiting his brother,
and that they had instructed the Xinjiang's Justice Dept.
to not give Gao any standard treatment.
The news of Gao's visitors denial attracted worldwide attention.
The Washington Post, the Guardian, the BBC Chinese network,
the Voice of America and the Deutsche Welle all reported on it.
Gao's wife is worried that something has happened to him, and
that the Chinese regime's police has tortured him to death.
She suspects that is the reason why the Chinese Communist
Party (CCP) has not given her any good explanations,
and are finding excuses to hide the truth about his fate.
Geng He, Gao Zhisheng's Wife: “Can the CCP's (Chinese
communist party) mouthpiece media Xinhua News and
its agents be trusted?
Why don’t they want us to see him?
Why don’t they let us know the verdict?
Why didn’t the judge answer the phone call?
If Gao is able to meet with people,
why don’t they let him?
So I'm guessing that Gao has been tortured badly,
or has been tortured to death.
That is why the CCP (Chinese communist party) can't
give us explanations and are finding excuses to hold him another 3 years in jail.”
On Jan.10th, Gao's wife wrote her second open letter
which said:
“Although I know of your whereabouts,
my heart is still in the whirls of darkness…
We can now only reunite with you in our dreams.”
NTD reporters Li Yun and Xue Li
From - http://www.ntdtv.com/xtr/b5/2012/01/20/a649107.html#video
大家都来看”九评共产党” ( VCD, 书)!
Let’s find “Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party”(VCD, books)!
Quit the Chinese Communist Party or its affiliated organizations today!
Gao Zhisheng's Wife calls for UN' Support in New York
The news of Chinese rights lawyer Gao Zhisheng's relatives
being denied visitor's rights caught worldwide media attention.
Gao's wife wrote her second open letter to him as the Chinese
New Year is approaching.
And on Jan. 18th, Gao's wife and other rights activists appealed
in New York to the United Nations for their support by asking for a global action to ensure his safety.
On Jan. 18th, the wife of imprisoned human rights lawyer Gao
Zhisheng and a group of Chinese activists came to New York's United Nations to appeal for his welfare.
Geng He, Ge Lifang, Chen Weili and Ai Furong were holding
two banners that read:
“Free My Husband Zhisheng Gao who is Persecuted and
Imprisoned in Xinjiang” and “Global Action Focusing on the
Safety & Life of Human Rights Attorney Gao Zhisheng”.
Wife Geng He is very moved by all the support towards Gao.
Geng He, Gao Zhisheng's Wife: “That day Ge Lifang called to
ask me how things were going.
Then Ge Furong told me that all petitioners know about
Gao's situation and that they would like to speak out for him.
Many people who got help from Gao before are speaking out
for him. I feel much moved.”
Lawyer Gao Zhisheng is well known for defending activists.
Then in Dec. 2006, Gao got a 3-year prison sentence for
Subversion and was later given a probation sentence of 5 years.
Gao was then arrested at his Shanxi home in February 2009.
He was released one year later in March 2010 for a brief
period but went missing soon after.
Geng He, Gao Zhisheng's Wife: “Four days before Gao’s
probation expired, on Dec.16th of 2011,
the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) stated in English
the cancellation of his probation via XinhuaNet.
They were sending him back to jail for another three years.
We had been searching for him for 20 months,
and then we received such news.
On Jan.1st, Gao’s family received a document from a Xinjiang
informing them that Gao was being held at Shaya jail,
800 km away from Xinjiang’s capital city.
That same day, Gao's wife wrote her first open letter
to her husband.
Netizens activists then urged people to travel to Xinjiang to visit Gao,
or to show support by sending him postcards and name cards.
Gao’s relatives found Shaya jail’s phone number and tried to
call but no one ever answered.
Gao’s brother Gao Zhiyi, Gao’s father-in-law and
his two sisters travelled 4000 km to Shaya jail to see Gao, but were denied visitors' rights.
Wife Geng He was given two reasons for Gao's visit denial:
firstly that Gao simply didn't want to see his family and
secondly that Gao was under a 3-months “education period”.
He would only be allowed visitors after 3 months and
only if he behaves well.
His brother asked them how to contact the jail
and the police gave him a phone no. that no one answers to.
Shaya jail is located in a remote area, with neither food nor
accommodation available within a 30 km radius.
Gao's brother, Gao Zhiyi, and relatives stayed overnight
in Shaya county.
They then travelled to Shaya jail and with the idea of
negotiating with officials, they had high hopes of seeing Gao.
Geng He, Gao Zhisheng's Wife: “The next day, our relatives
were stopped at a checkpoint 10 km away from the jail.
Two people came out of it angrily and started blaming Gao’s
brother saying:
Why did you publicize our telephone number?
Why did you accept interviews reporting on this?”
They then told Gao's brother that the Beijing High Court had
informed them that he was visiting his brother,
and that they had instructed the Xinjiang's Justice Dept.
to not give Gao any standard treatment.
The news of Gao's visitors denial attracted worldwide attention.
The Washington Post, the Guardian, the BBC Chinese network,
the Voice of America and the Deutsche Welle all reported on it.
Gao's wife is worried that something has happened to him, and
that the Chinese regime's police has tortured him to death.
She suspects that is the reason why the Chinese Communist
Party (CCP) has not given her any good explanations,
and are finding excuses to hide the truth about his fate.
Geng He, Gao Zhisheng's Wife: “Can the CCP's (Chinese
communist party) mouthpiece media Xinhua News and
its agents be trusted?
Why don’t they want us to see him?
Why don’t they let us know the verdict?
Why didn’t the judge answer the phone call?
If Gao is able to meet with people,
why don’t they let him?
So I'm guessing that Gao has been tortured badly,
or has been tortured to death.
That is why the CCP (Chinese communist party) can't
give us explanations and are finding excuses to hold him another 3 years in jail.”
On Jan.10th, Gao's wife wrote her second open letter
which said:
“Although I know of your whereabouts,
my heart is still in the whirls of darkness…
We can now only reunite with you in our dreams.”
NTD reporters Li Yun and Xue Li
From - http://www.ntdtv.com/xtr/b5/2012/01/20/a649107.html#video
大家都来看”九评共产党” ( VCD, 书)!
Let’s find “Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party”(VCD, books)!
Quit the Chinese Communist Party or its affiliated organizations today!
Falun Gong in India - It Is a Blessing to Drive This Vehicle
By an Indian practitioner
Great Vehicle for Clarifying the Truth
Having experienced the wonders of Dafa personally and in my family, I was thinking all the time about what could be the best and easiest way of making the general public aware of such a great practice in my area. An idea suddenly flashed in my mind while observing the advertisements that taxis have emblazoned on their vehicles.
I usually drive around 100 to 300 kilometers daily, in various parts of my city as well as in different towns and villages in my state. I feel very happy when the onlookers read "Falun Dafa is good," which was applied to the front mirror on the top.
Seeing the beautiful lotus flowers, many inquire, “Is it banned in China?” I tell them, “Yes, it is from China and just by the power of people’s words, it spread out of China and is currently practiced in 114 countries,” and then I clarify the truth. At traffic lights, when people look at the design, I can see their interest in their eyes, so I hand them a flier. When I park my vehicle, many people surround it to learn what it is (as the design is unique). When I return, I tell them about our practice and clarify the truth by handing a flier to everyone present. I also show them pictures of the persecution from the book Falun Gong, Humanity's Last Stand. Many people are shocked to learn the truth and comment that they know about the Chinese Communist Party and how it spreads lies, and they mention the incident at Tiananmen Square where thousands of innocent students were killed when all they wanted was freedom. They say that the Party will do anything to retain its power. Someone asked me how to get this type of design on his vehicle. I told him that our practice is like nectar, and I want everyone to cherish it and get blessed in the process.
One day someone asked me if I were in China and driving a vehicle with such a design, would I be arrested? I tell them that I live in a democratic country, where we have freedom.
(For full article, pls read - http://clearwisdom.net/html/articles/2012/1/20/130834.html)
Great Vehicle for Clarifying the Truth
Having experienced the wonders of Dafa personally and in my family, I was thinking all the time about what could be the best and easiest way of making the general public aware of such a great practice in my area. An idea suddenly flashed in my mind while observing the advertisements that taxis have emblazoned on their vehicles.
I usually drive around 100 to 300 kilometers daily, in various parts of my city as well as in different towns and villages in my state. I feel very happy when the onlookers read "Falun Dafa is good," which was applied to the front mirror on the top.
Seeing the beautiful lotus flowers, many inquire, “Is it banned in China?” I tell them, “Yes, it is from China and just by the power of people’s words, it spread out of China and is currently practiced in 114 countries,” and then I clarify the truth. At traffic lights, when people look at the design, I can see their interest in their eyes, so I hand them a flier. When I park my vehicle, many people surround it to learn what it is (as the design is unique). When I return, I tell them about our practice and clarify the truth by handing a flier to everyone present. I also show them pictures of the persecution from the book Falun Gong, Humanity's Last Stand. Many people are shocked to learn the truth and comment that they know about the Chinese Communist Party and how it spreads lies, and they mention the incident at Tiananmen Square where thousands of innocent students were killed when all they wanted was freedom. They say that the Party will do anything to retain its power. Someone asked me how to get this type of design on his vehicle. I told him that our practice is like nectar, and I want everyone to cherish it and get blessed in the process.
One day someone asked me if I were in China and driving a vehicle with such a design, would I be arrested? I tell them that I live in a democratic country, where we have freedom.
(For full article, pls read - http://clearwisdom.net/html/articles/2012/1/20/130834.html)
【新唐人2012年1月20日讯】(新唐人记者刘璇综合报导)美国驻华大使骆家辉在美国首都华盛顿短暂停留期间, 接受了美国全国公共广播电台(NPR)的访问,他认为中国目前的政治经济和社会情况〝非常非常的微妙〞。
据《美国之音》报道,骆家辉1月18号接受了美国全国公共广播电台(NPR)的访问。在回答中国目前的局势是否基本稳定这个问题的时候,骆家辉大使说:〝 我认为它是非常微妙,非常非常的微妙。
而骆家辉星期一晚间在接受美国PBS电视节目采访时表示,中国的人权状况〝处于低落时期,并且日益恶化〞 。
From - http://www.ntdtv.com/xtr/b5/2012/01/20/a649223.html#video
大家都来看”九评共产党” ( VCD, 书)!
Let’s find “Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party”(VCD, books)!
Quit the Chinese Communist Party or its affiliated organizations today!
![]() |
骆家辉(网络图片) |
据《美国之音》报道,骆家辉1月18号接受了美国全国公共广播电台(NPR)的访问。在回答中国目前的局势是否基本稳定这个问题的时候,骆家辉大使说:〝 我认为它是非常微妙,非常非常的微妙。
而骆家辉星期一晚间在接受美国PBS电视节目采访时表示,中国的人权状况〝处于低落时期,并且日益恶化〞 。
From - http://www.ntdtv.com/xtr/b5/2012/01/20/a649223.html#video
大家都来看”九评共产党” ( VCD, 书)!
Let’s find “Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party”(VCD, books)!
Quit the Chinese Communist Party or its affiliated organizations today!
Fox电视进入"神韵幕后"探秘 Behind The Scenes At Shen Yun
神韵轰动纽约 Fox电视进入"神韵幕后"探秘
Behind The Scenes At Shen Yun
MYFOXNY.COM - Chinese culture is brought to life on stage by dozens of artists, singers and musicians in Shen Yun at Lincoln Center.
Entertainment reporter Jill Nicolini was given a behind-the-scenes 'look' at the show.
For more information, visit ShenYunPerformingArts.org .
Read more: http://www.myfoxny.com/dpp/news/behind-the-scenes-at-shen-yun-lincoln-center-20120113#ixzz1k1SQtKBh
Behind The Scenes At Shen Yun
MYFOXNY.COM - Chinese culture is brought to life on stage by dozens of artists, singers and musicians in Shen Yun at Lincoln Center.
Entertainment reporter Jill Nicolini was given a behind-the-scenes 'look' at the show.
For more information, visit ShenYunPerformingArts.org .
Read more: http://www.myfoxny.com/dpp/news/behind-the-scenes-at-shen-yun-lincoln-center-20120113#ixzz1k1SQtKBh
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
退休护士被四川监狱滥施药物 双目失明
二零零八年九月,仁和区公安分局国保大队队长崔福利带着七个警察闯入黄秀英老人家,抢走她的私有财产:师父法像、大法书籍(包括光盘)、真相币、影碟机、MP3、MP4等物品, 并将老人绑架到市弯腰树看守所非法关押。她八十多岁的老伴亲眼目睹了警察的恶行,在恐吓中住进了医院,于当年十月二十一日离世,黄秀英老人被非法关押三十天后回家看到的是老伴的遗像。
急诊科:028-86665678 028-54902661
金堂监狱纪委书记: 张晓戈
金堂监狱副监区长: 朱宽富
四川省监狱管理局监督电话:028—86658966 028—86716151
四川省省委政法委副书记: 张建魁
四川省监狱管理局党委委员、副局长:游柱石 向东 张碧贵
From - http://www.minghui.org/mh/articles/2012/1/8/退休护士被四川监狱滥施药物-双目失明(图)-251592.html
![]() |
黄秀英 |
二零零八年九月,仁和区公安分局国保大队队长崔福利带着七个警察闯入黄秀英老人家,抢走她的私有财产:师父法像、大法书籍(包括光盘)、真相币、影碟机、MP3、MP4等物品, 并将老人绑架到市弯腰树看守所非法关押。她八十多岁的老伴亲眼目睹了警察的恶行,在恐吓中住进了医院,于当年十月二十一日离世,黄秀英老人被非法关押三十天后回家看到的是老伴的遗像。
急诊科:028-86665678 028-54902661
金堂监狱纪委书记: 张晓戈
金堂监狱副监区长: 朱宽富
四川省监狱管理局监督电话:028—86658966 028—86716151
四川省省委政法委副书记: 张建魁
四川省监狱管理局党委委员、副局长:游柱石 向东 张碧贵
From - http://www.minghui.org/mh/articles/2012/1/8/退休护士被四川监狱滥施药物-双目失明(图)-251592.html
Persecution of Falun Gong in China - Retired Nurse Loses Her Sight After Forced Application of Eye Medicine While Imprisoned
Name: Huang Xiuying (黄秀英 )
Gender: Female
Age: 76
Address: Unknown
Occupation: Retired nurse from the Panzhihua Steel Company Hospital
Date of Most Recent Arrest: January 10, 2010
Most Recent Place of Detention: Chengdu Women's Prison (成都女子监狱)
City: Panzhihua
Province: Sichuan
Persecution Suffered: Illegal sentencing, forced injections/drug administration, imprisonment, extortion, home ransacked, detention
(Clearwisdom.net) Ms. Huang Xiuying is a retired nurse from the Panzhihua Steel Company Hospital. She was arrested on January 10, 2010 for speaking with people about Falun Gong. She was later taken to the Chengdu Women's Prison. On March 3, 2011, she was taken to the Jintang Prison Hospital in Sichuan Province, and 14 days later she lost her sight in both eyes.
Ms. Huang began practicing Falun Gong in 1997. Soon after that, many of her illnesses disappeared, including heart disease, gastroenteritis, anemia, glaucoma in her right eye, low blood pressure, etc. She was free of illness and felt refreshed. She experienced the goodness of Dafa by following the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance.
The Jiang regime started suppressing Falun Gong on July 20, 1999. On March 3, 2000, Ms. Huang went to Beijing to appeal for the right to practice Falun Gong. She was arrested and detained at the Beijing Office of the Panzhihua Steel Company for four days. She was then taken back to Panzhihua and detained at the Wanyaoshu Detention Center for 30 days. Following that, she was taken to the Dongfeng Brainwashing Center in Dong District and held for 56 days.
In November 2000, officers from the Dong District Police Sub-Bureau, the Dahuadi Police Station and the sub-district office arrested Ms. Huang and ransacked her home. The officers confiscated Falun Gong books and videos. Ms. Huang was taken to the Wanyaoshu Detention Center and detained for 30 days.
In September 2008, a group of officers led by Cui Fuli, chief of the Domestic Security Division of the Renhe District Police Sub-Bureau, broke into Ms. Huang's home and ransacked it. The officers confiscated Falun Gong books, a photo of Falun Gong's Teacher, paper money that has information about Falun Gong written on it, a DVD player, an MP3 and MP4 player, and other personal belongings. Ms. Huang was taken to the Wanyaoshu Detention Center and detained for 30 days. Her husband witnessed the ransacking and was terrified. He was hospitalized and passed away on October 21, 2008.
In February 2009, the Renhe District Police Sub-Bureau called and demanded Ms. Huang to fill out a form. Her son went there instead, fearing that her mother might be arrested. The son was threatened and forced to pay 2,000 yuan to the police.
On June 10, 2009, a group of officers from the Panzhihua 610 Office, the Qingxiangping Police Station and the Dahuadi Police Station led by Cui Fuli, chief of the Domestic Security Division of the Renhe District Police Sub-Bureau, broke into Ms. Huang's home and ransacked it. The officers confiscated many of her personal belongings. Ms. Huang was taken to the Wanyaoshu Detention Center. They were going to detain her for 30 days, but released her, pending trial, when she showed symptoms of high blood pressure.
On November 19, 2009, the Xi District Court in Panzhihua sentenced Ms. Huang to four years in prison. Ms. Huang made an appeal, but the Middle Court upheld the first trial's sentence. Ms. Huang was taken to the Wanyaoshu Detention Center. The center authorities refused to admit her because of her high blood pressure. On January 10, 2010, officers from the Panzhihua 610 Office took Ms. Huang to the Chengdu Women's Prison in Longquanyi District, Chengdu City.
Ms. Huang was incarcerated in the Second Group in the Sixth Ward and was subjected to brainwashing. She could not see clearly after one year. On March 3, 2011, Tian Li, warden of the Sixth Ward, and guard Zhao Hongmei took Ms. Huang to the Jintang Prison Hospital to get medical treatment in both eyes. The guards and the doctors pinned down Ms. Hang and administered eye drops into her eyes, using four different kinds of eye drops that were alternately used every two hours. It resulted in blindness in both eyes after 14 days. The doctor still charged Ms. Huang 865 yuan for the medicine. He also tried to dodge his responsibilities, saying that her blindness was due to her age.
On March 17, 2011, Ms. Huang was taken back to the Chengdu Women's Prison. On July 3, 2011, Ms. Huang was released on medical parole.
After Ms. Huang returned home, the local Community Committee asked her to report to them, but Ms. Huang refused. Ms. Huang is still blind today.
The Chengdu Women's Prison: +86-28-84898191
The Jintang Prison: +86-28-84901144
From - http://clearwisdom.net/html/articles/2012/1/18/130816.html
Gender: Female
Age: 76
Address: Unknown
Occupation: Retired nurse from the Panzhihua Steel Company Hospital
Date of Most Recent Arrest: January 10, 2010
Most Recent Place of Detention: Chengdu Women's Prison (成都女子监狱)
City: Panzhihua
Province: Sichuan
Persecution Suffered: Illegal sentencing, forced injections/drug administration, imprisonment, extortion, home ransacked, detention
(Clearwisdom.net) Ms. Huang Xiuying is a retired nurse from the Panzhihua Steel Company Hospital. She was arrested on January 10, 2010 for speaking with people about Falun Gong. She was later taken to the Chengdu Women's Prison. On March 3, 2011, she was taken to the Jintang Prison Hospital in Sichuan Province, and 14 days later she lost her sight in both eyes.
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Huang Xiuying |
The Jiang regime started suppressing Falun Gong on July 20, 1999. On March 3, 2000, Ms. Huang went to Beijing to appeal for the right to practice Falun Gong. She was arrested and detained at the Beijing Office of the Panzhihua Steel Company for four days. She was then taken back to Panzhihua and detained at the Wanyaoshu Detention Center for 30 days. Following that, she was taken to the Dongfeng Brainwashing Center in Dong District and held for 56 days.
In November 2000, officers from the Dong District Police Sub-Bureau, the Dahuadi Police Station and the sub-district office arrested Ms. Huang and ransacked her home. The officers confiscated Falun Gong books and videos. Ms. Huang was taken to the Wanyaoshu Detention Center and detained for 30 days.
In September 2008, a group of officers led by Cui Fuli, chief of the Domestic Security Division of the Renhe District Police Sub-Bureau, broke into Ms. Huang's home and ransacked it. The officers confiscated Falun Gong books, a photo of Falun Gong's Teacher, paper money that has information about Falun Gong written on it, a DVD player, an MP3 and MP4 player, and other personal belongings. Ms. Huang was taken to the Wanyaoshu Detention Center and detained for 30 days. Her husband witnessed the ransacking and was terrified. He was hospitalized and passed away on October 21, 2008.
In February 2009, the Renhe District Police Sub-Bureau called and demanded Ms. Huang to fill out a form. Her son went there instead, fearing that her mother might be arrested. The son was threatened and forced to pay 2,000 yuan to the police.
On June 10, 2009, a group of officers from the Panzhihua 610 Office, the Qingxiangping Police Station and the Dahuadi Police Station led by Cui Fuli, chief of the Domestic Security Division of the Renhe District Police Sub-Bureau, broke into Ms. Huang's home and ransacked it. The officers confiscated many of her personal belongings. Ms. Huang was taken to the Wanyaoshu Detention Center. They were going to detain her for 30 days, but released her, pending trial, when she showed symptoms of high blood pressure.
On November 19, 2009, the Xi District Court in Panzhihua sentenced Ms. Huang to four years in prison. Ms. Huang made an appeal, but the Middle Court upheld the first trial's sentence. Ms. Huang was taken to the Wanyaoshu Detention Center. The center authorities refused to admit her because of her high blood pressure. On January 10, 2010, officers from the Panzhihua 610 Office took Ms. Huang to the Chengdu Women's Prison in Longquanyi District, Chengdu City.
Ms. Huang was incarcerated in the Second Group in the Sixth Ward and was subjected to brainwashing. She could not see clearly after one year. On March 3, 2011, Tian Li, warden of the Sixth Ward, and guard Zhao Hongmei took Ms. Huang to the Jintang Prison Hospital to get medical treatment in both eyes. The guards and the doctors pinned down Ms. Hang and administered eye drops into her eyes, using four different kinds of eye drops that were alternately used every two hours. It resulted in blindness in both eyes after 14 days. The doctor still charged Ms. Huang 865 yuan for the medicine. He also tried to dodge his responsibilities, saying that her blindness was due to her age.
On March 17, 2011, Ms. Huang was taken back to the Chengdu Women's Prison. On July 3, 2011, Ms. Huang was released on medical parole.
After Ms. Huang returned home, the local Community Committee asked her to report to them, but Ms. Huang refused. Ms. Huang is still blind today.
The Chengdu Women's Prison: +86-28-84898191
The Jintang Prison: +86-28-84901144
From - http://clearwisdom.net/html/articles/2012/1/18/130816.html
Chinese Villagers Suffer from Cancer Due to Chromium Pollution
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While a 15-year-old boy is fighting cancer in a Kunming hospital in China's Yunnan Province, a coalition of lawyers and independent environmental groups are pursuing a lawsuit against the factory accused of illegal chromium dumping. One Greenpeace Senior Campaigner says the lawsuit will set a precedent for other similar cases.
A 15-year-old boy's life in a village in China's Yunnan Province took a dramatic turn for the worse last September. Wu Wenyong's face swelled up, with tumors growing on his neck.
Wu was diagnosed with two different types of cancer of the thymus gland—leukemia and thymoma.
Now in hospital tethered to three different tubes, Wu has lost all his hair after four chemotherapy treatments. His father could find no answers for the cause of his son's illness. But Wu Shuliang suspects chromium dumping from a nearby factory is the cause of his son's illness.
[Wu Shuliang, Wenyong's Father]:
"When he was sick, we didn't know what it was... Our plot of farmland was just next to the chromium slag. The factory even dug a drain next to our land for the runoff."
Villagers living in the industrial park outside Qujing City in Yunnan Province struggle to cope with chromium pollution of their land and water.
Local residents said drivers from Yunnan Luliang Peace Technology Company dumped a three-story high mound of chromium waste near their villages.
Appeals to local authorities were ignored when villagers complained their cattle were dying and residents were suffering unusually high rates of cancer—until last year when a report revealed that over 5,000 US tons of chromium-6 had leaked into the Nanpan River, a main tributary that flows into Guangdong Province.
Environmental groups found chromium levels in the water to be about 200 times over the permitted level. Chromium 6—a known carcinogen—could cause leukemia, cancer of the breast, stomach and liver.
Last September, local authorities arrested five people for illegal dumping and requested the factory to stop chromium production.
Meanwhile, Wu's father struggles to pay for his son's medical treatment.
A group of lawyers and Chinese environmental groups have filed a lawsuit on behalf of the villagers like Wu.
A Greenpeace senior campaigner says the lawsuit, which will go on trial on January 23rd, will set a precedent for other cases because this is the first time a civil environmental protection organization can be recognized as the accuser in a public service case.
[Ma Tianjie, Greenpeace Senior Campaigner]:
"This means in future if similar cases occur, environmental protection organizations or civil organizations can represent those bodies with no voice or means to be acknowledged, or seek for justice under the current judicial system."
The group requests the company to set up a $1.6-million compensation fund.
大家都来看”九评共产党” ( VCD, 书)!
Let’s find “Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party”(VCD, books)!
Quit the Chinese Communist Party or its affiliated organizations today!
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While a 15-year-old boy is fighting cancer in a Kunming hospital in China's Yunnan Province, a coalition of lawyers and independent environmental groups are pursuing a lawsuit against the factory accused of illegal chromium dumping. One Greenpeace Senior Campaigner says the lawsuit will set a precedent for other similar cases.
A 15-year-old boy's life in a village in China's Yunnan Province took a dramatic turn for the worse last September. Wu Wenyong's face swelled up, with tumors growing on his neck.
Wu was diagnosed with two different types of cancer of the thymus gland—leukemia and thymoma.
Now in hospital tethered to three different tubes, Wu has lost all his hair after four chemotherapy treatments. His father could find no answers for the cause of his son's illness. But Wu Shuliang suspects chromium dumping from a nearby factory is the cause of his son's illness.
[Wu Shuliang, Wenyong's Father]:
"When he was sick, we didn't know what it was... Our plot of farmland was just next to the chromium slag. The factory even dug a drain next to our land for the runoff."
Villagers living in the industrial park outside Qujing City in Yunnan Province struggle to cope with chromium pollution of their land and water.
Local residents said drivers from Yunnan Luliang Peace Technology Company dumped a three-story high mound of chromium waste near their villages.
Appeals to local authorities were ignored when villagers complained their cattle were dying and residents were suffering unusually high rates of cancer—until last year when a report revealed that over 5,000 US tons of chromium-6 had leaked into the Nanpan River, a main tributary that flows into Guangdong Province.
Environmental groups found chromium levels in the water to be about 200 times over the permitted level. Chromium 6—a known carcinogen—could cause leukemia, cancer of the breast, stomach and liver.
Last September, local authorities arrested five people for illegal dumping and requested the factory to stop chromium production.
Meanwhile, Wu's father struggles to pay for his son's medical treatment.
A group of lawyers and Chinese environmental groups have filed a lawsuit on behalf of the villagers like Wu.
A Greenpeace senior campaigner says the lawsuit, which will go on trial on January 23rd, will set a precedent for other cases because this is the first time a civil environmental protection organization can be recognized as the accuser in a public service case.
[Ma Tianjie, Greenpeace Senior Campaigner]:
"This means in future if similar cases occur, environmental protection organizations or civil organizations can represent those bodies with no voice or means to be acknowledged, or seek for justice under the current judicial system."
The group requests the company to set up a $1.6-million compensation fund.
大家都来看”九评共产党” ( VCD, 书)!
Let’s find “Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party”(VCD, books)!
Quit the Chinese Communist Party or its affiliated organizations today!
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