Sunday, July 15, 2012

Action Needed for Taiwanese Falun Gong Detainee in China

US Congressman to Taiwan President: Action Needed for Falun Gong Detainee in China

It’s now been 24 days since Taiwanese Falun Gong practitioner Chung Ting-pang was detained in violation of Chinese and international law, on the basis of his religious affiliation. It’s a story that is all too common in mainland China, but it is rarer for foreign visitors, including Taiwanese, to be detained for so long. The exact circumstances of Chung’s arrest during his business trip to China remain unclear.
While international rights organizations have expressed strong condemnation over the detention, Taiwan’s government has so far issued few public statements on the case. That has prompted US congressman Dana Rohrabacher to write this week a formal statement Taiwan President Ma Ying-jeou, expressing his concern over the Chung Ting-pang case. He asked that Ma’s administration issue a strong protest to China’s Communist authorities.
[Dana Rohrabacher, US Congressman]:
“Taiwan’s government should protest against the CCP’s detainment of Chung Ting-pang, and protest against all religious and political persecutions in mainland China.”
[Fanjiang Taiji, Presidential Palace Spokesman]: 
“The Presidential Palace has not yet received Rohrabacher’s letter, but human rights are universal values, and they are one of President Ma’s long-term concerns. The Presidential Palace is very concerned about Mr. Chung’s case and it is currently being actively processed by the administration.”
The Chung family, including Chung’s wife and daughter, have expressed disappointment that Taiwanese authorities would not help them visit the Mainland to attempt to find out whether Chung is alright. They have since left Taiwan for the United States, where they are expected to meet with additional members of Congress, non-governmental organizations and human rights groups to seek support in working for Chung’s release.
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