Tuesday, July 17, 2012

王立军交美重磅材料 U.S Condemn CCP’s Organ Harvesting Evil (W/ English Sub)




采访/朱智善 编辑/王子琦 后制/李月
U.S. Lawmakers Condemn CCP’s Organ Harvesting Evil
The top confidential materials about crimes committed by the
Chinese Communist Party (CCP) handed by Wang Lijun to the U.S. consulate remain in the global spotlight.
At the Falun Gong Anti-Persecution Rally on July 20,
several U.S. lawmakers and community leaders confirmed
and condemned in public the CCP’s bloody atrocities of
harvesting organs from live Falun Gong practitioners.
This confirmed the authenticity of the related inside stories
that had been covered by the Epoch Times.
On February 6, Wang Lijun fled into U.S. Consulate
in Chengdu to seek asylum.
the Epoch Times’ exclusive reportage on this incident
disclosed, the fact that documents Wang gave to the
US government included relevant evidence of
organ harvesting from live Falun Gong practitioners.
The news report also confirmed that the U.S. administration
had already learned about this crime committed by the CCP,
and that appropriate measures have been taken.
On April 25 the U.S. Department of State briefed
congressmen regarding the Wang Lijun incident.
On May 24, the released
U.S. 2011 annual human rights report,
explicitly talked about, for the first time, the CCP’s
organ harvesting from live Falun Gong practitioners.
On July 12 at the Falun Gong rally for freedom in
Washington, DC, Faith McDonnell, director for Religious Liberty Programs Institute confirmed that
Wang Lijun leaked the truth to the US consulate about the
top-level CCP officials’ participating in the persecution of Falun Gong and the crime of organ harvesting.
Faith McDonnell: “Truth is a powerful weapon against evil.
Sometimes the truth comes from the most unlikely sources,
such as one of the worst persecutors himself, Wang Lijun.”
Dan Fefferman, Executive Director of International Coalition
for Religious Freedom, stated that
the CCP’s persecution of Falun Gong is the worst and
most brutal example of human rights violation in this world.
Marxism, the evil doctrine of the CCP,
views human beings as animals, said Fefferman.
Dan Fefferman: “To take out body parts, organs and
use them for research, without the permission of the victims.
What a disgusting crime!”
Florida Congresswoman Ileana Ros Lehtinen compared
“the 6.10 Office” to the Nazi’s secret police, Gestapo,
and the former Soviet Union’s security agency, KGB.
Lehtinen notes that “the 6.10 Office” is committed to creating rumors.
Ileana Ros Lehtinen: “Falun Gong adherents have been
systematically arrested, tortured and
sent to forced labor camps for reeducation,
put in mental institutions for brainwashing,
and subjected to forced organ removal while alive.
This horrifying policy has resulted in over 3400 deaths.
And to this day, hundreds of thousands of
Falun Gong followers are held in labor camps.”
Wang Zhiyuan (WOIPFG Director): “The persecution of
Falun Gong practitioners amounts to genocide and crimes against humanity.
Especially the CCP’s crimes of harvesting organs from
live Falun Gong practitioners for profiteering,
The slaughter conducted in such a way has reached
a degree of evil without precedent in human history.
Along with the massive exposure of this evil in the world,
the CCP will soon face it’s own disintegration.”
Wang Zhiyuan, director of the World Organization to
Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong (WOIPFG),
points out that the Wang Lijun Incident has allowed
a wide spectrum of people to learn the shocking truth.
Wang Zhiyuan: “The public awakening has begun.
The CCP’s decades long control in China has collapsed.
The WOIPFG is now conducting deeper investigations
on the persons implicated in the persecution led by
the CCP’s Political and Legislative Affair Committee
and is collecting facts and evidence.”
Suzanne Scholte, President of Defense Forum Foundation,
remarked that
Anyone ignoring or giving a muted response to the facts of
the CCP’s organ harvesting equates to committing a crime.
Falun Gong Spokesman, Erping Zhang,
expressed his hope that 
every individual, every government and every nation
could make the correct choice at this crucial turning point in history.
Erping Zhang: “All individuals and governments in this world
are being tested for their consciences on this issue.
You can pretend to sleep, remain silent, or you can
stand up and speak for justice and condemn such evil.”
California Congressman Dana Rohrabacher, formerly
senior speech writer for U.S. President Reagan, states that
he will stand on the side of the Chinese people to
“tear down the wall of tyranny, the wall of evil” in China.
Dana Rohrabacher: “There is a message to Beijing:
We are with every person in China,
especially with Falun Gong who are
struggling for the cause of freedom of belief.”
Dana Rohrabacher pointed out that no one was killed,
but… people who were expressing morality for freedom…would change the world.
大家都来看”九评共产党” ( VCD, 书)!
Let’s find “Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party”(VCD, books)!
Quit the Evil Chinese Communist Party or its affiliated organizations today!