November 08, 2012 | By a practitioner from Hyderabad, India
( Practitioners from Hyderabad met with the principal of Narasimha Reddy Engineering College, which is nearly 19 miles from our city. We explained the practice of Falun Dafa to him. He was interested and asked us to introduce the practice to 300 first-year college students, which we did. We also distributed fliers and clarified the truth about the persecution happening in China. The students were very receptive. We presented a copy of Zhuan Falun to the principal at his request. The photos below are from Narasimha Reddy College.
We later met the director of J.B.Engineering College, which is 12 miles north of our city. After his approval, we introduced the practice to 150 students and clarified the truth. The students responded with enthusiasm. The director asked us to introduce our practice to first-year pharmacy students after a month. The photos below are from that event.
We met the principal of a South Central Railway training institute (Govt. of India) in Hyderabad and explained Falun Dafa. With his approval, we distributed fliers, clarified the truth, and shared the practice with 70 trainee officials. They enjoyed the event and were pleased to know the health benefits. Photos below.
Why Jiang Zemin and CCP Persecute Falun Gong?
[VIDEO] Why Jiang Zemin and CCP Persecute Falun Gong?