The fast increase in numbers of Falun Gong practitioners in China and people’s respect for Mr. Li Hongzhi sparked jealousy from Jiang Zemin, former Chairman of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).
Like all of its political movements, the CCP’s first weapon of suppression on Falun Gong was propaganda.
Within just six months after July 1999, China’s state-run media had run more than 300,000 reports against Falun Gong, which consisted of lies and deceit in order to instigate people’s hatred of it and thus justify its persecution.
March 05, 2013 | By a Minghui correspondent from Liaoning Province, China
( Nowadays there is hardly anyone in China that hasn’t heard of Falun Gong. Also known as Falun Dafa or Falun Buddha Law, it was founded by Mr. Li Hongzhi, who first introduced it in China in May 1992. It uses Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance as its guiding principles and includes five gentle and elegant exercises. It has quickly spread around the world through word of mouth because of its significant effects of good health and morality of its practitioners.
The fast increase in numbers of Falun Gong practitioners in China and people’s respect for Mr. Li Hongzhi sparked jealousy from Jiang Zemin, former Chairman of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). He ordered a ban of Falun Gong in July 1999 and persecuted those who would not renounce it. Like all of its political movements, the CCP’s first weapon of suppression on Falun Gong was propaganda. Within just six months after July 1999, China’s state-run media had run more than 300,000 reports against Falun Gong, which consisted of lies and deceit in order to instigate people’s hatred of it and thus justify its persecution. One of the most horrendous lies was the staged self-immolation hoax at Tiananmen Square, which included having a hit man murder a woman paid to pretend to be a Falun Gong practitioner, among other things. [Note: Please watch False Fire, a frame-by-frame video analysis of the hoax:]
There is however, only a small population in China that is still participating in the persecution of Falun Gong because they cannot be reasoned with or they are motivated by the CCP’s rewards. It is my perception that most people know those who practice Falun Gong are good people.
I am responsible for issuing receipts at our hospital. This is a hospital for the employees of a corporation. Many employees try to get reimbursed for more than they spend, but I always write the exact amount of the medical expenses on the receipts, including my own receipts. Some employees were upset with me at first. I explain to them that heaven will ultimately reward people for their good behavior and punish bad behavior. If I wrote a larger number on a receipt, they would suffer from karmic retribution. Besides, I must be responsible to the hospital that has hired me and trusted me with this job. I am a Falun Gong practitioner that follows the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, and I must not lie. Eventually no one asked me to participate in such medical fraud anymore.
The president of the hospital constantly tells people that I am a changed woman since I started practicing Falun Gong. He says that he can trust me with everything. He is confident that all the receipts issued by me can stand up to the highest level of scrutiny from the leadership. I can only say that when one practices Falun Gong, one’s morality improves. A person with better morality will make a positive impact on society.
When the persecution first started, some people in China already knew the truth about Falun Gong. A fellow practitioner and I traveled to Beijing at the end of 1999 to exercise our constitutional right as Chinese citizens to appeal for Falun Gong. We met a police officer patrolling at Tiananmen Square. He knew what we had come to Beijing for, and he said to us, “I know Falun Gong practitioners are good folks. Hurry up and leave.” He meant this is a very dangerous place, and he wanted to protect us from being arrested by other police officers.
When I traveled to Beijing a second time, I was arrested and taken to the Beijing office of my local government. A male officer was quite fierce and insisted on handcuffing me, but his female police partner stopped him. He eventually handcuffed me despite her protest. However, as soon as he left, the female officer had another man loosen the handcuffs to the maximum. She also wrapped my wrists with her handkerchiefs to protect them from the sharp edges of the handcuffs. She then lent me her skincare lotion. She said her daughter had told her that Falun Gong practitioners had not committed any crime and they must not be treated like inmates, and she believed her daughter. She had chosen the side of righteousness and kindness by protecting and treating Falun Gong practitioners with kindness.
I hired a contractor to fix my door in 2009. I paid him about 400 yuan after he finished the job. They were all new paper bills, but he didn’t check for counterfeits before he put the money in his pocket. These days people in China will even check 50-yuan bills for counterfeit, let alone 100-yuan bills. I asked him why out of curiosity, and he replied, “Aren’t you a Falun Gong practitioner?” “Indeed, I am.” He added, “Falun Gong practitioners would never give me any counterfeit bills. I don’t need to check them.”
I was deeply moved. The CCP will stop at nothing to create lies about Falun Gong so that people will hate it, support its suppression and accept the cruelty dealt practitioners. However, some people can never be deceived. Today’s China is a society devoid of honesty and trust, yet people will trust a Falun Gong practitioner whether they know him/her or not. They know practitioners will never cheat or deceive them. I am gratified when I meet Chinese people who know the truth about Falun Gong. All the hardships of clarifying the truth have been worthwhile. These people that know the truth in my stories are by no means few in China.