I said, “’Truthfulness’ means to be honest and never tell a lie; also, you should never cover up your mistakes.
‘Compassion’ means to have an open and tolerant heart; be kind to others, assist others in times of need, and do good deeds.
‘Forbearance’ means that we should not get angry when faced with difficulties, or when we are being humiliated. It also means to think positively; never hold a grudge, never complain or hate, endure hardships, and bear whatever is hard to bear.
Whoever reaches this standard will have gained a lot of virtue.”
April 03, 2013 | By a practitioner in China

My husband and I live on a farm in Hubei Province, China. Earlier this year, my husband was hired to manage about 24 acres of land, six of which were sub-contracted to several families.
Every day my husband and I, along with the rest of the families, gather together to work in the fields. I always use this time to listen to Shen Yun Performing Arts’ sound tracks via my MP3 player.
At first when I told the other families about Falun Gong (Falun Dafa), they refused to listen, because they firmly believed the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) slanderous lies. As they got to know me, they realized that Dafa practitioners are good people.
One of the farmers, Jiao, always likes to work alongside me in the fields. Her mother-in-law used to live in a religious temple, so the whole family opposed Falun Gong (Falun Dafa).
However, after spending time with me and listening to the Sound of Hope radio show, everyone’s attitude has changed. Not only do these families know that Falun Gong (Falun Dafa) is good, they have also quit the CCP and conduct themselves according to Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance.
Last August, one member from each family gathered together to pick cotton. Since I was in a hurry, I forgot to bring my MP3 player. As soon as I arrived, Jiao said, “Please start your MP3 player, I want to listen to the Shen Yun music.”
The others said, “Yes, we want to listen, too; we want to learn how to be good people. All of the stories in Shen Yun teach people how to be good.”
I replied, “I will bring my MP3 player later this afternoon, and tomorrow, too.” Jiao said, “If we can’t listen to the Shen Yun music, you can still tell us about Dafa, right?” So while picking cotton, I told them about Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance.
I said, “’Truthfulness’ means to be honest and never tell a lie; also, you should never cover up your mistakes. ‘Compassion’ means to have an open and tolerant heart; be kind to others, assist others in times of need, and do good deeds. ‘Forbearance’ means that we should not get angry when faced with difficulties, or when we are being humiliated. It also means to think positively; never hold a grudge, never complain or hate, endure hardships, and bear whatever is hard to bear. Whoever reaches this standard will have gained a lot of virtue.” They all listened very carefully.
Jiao exclaimed, “Falun Gong is so good! I will try my best to be a good person and act according to Dafa’s standards.”
Not long after, Jiao went to the market to sell her cotton. When the buyer accidentally gave her an additional 1,000 yuan, she immediately returned the money.
This greatly surprised the buyer who excitedly said, “Today, I have met a very good person! That’s all people think about nowadays is money. To find a person who is not tempted by easy money is indeed very rare!” He thanked her profusely.
When Jiao told me her story, I said, “You did a great job! Since you did not take the money, you accumulated a lot of virtue. Keep doing that!”
Jiao replied, “That’s what the performers in the Shen Yun show said to do, in the MP3 file that you played for us. They said that whoever takes money that is not theirs will be riddled with guilt.
“Before I met you, I would have definitely taken the money. Thanks to Falun Dafa, I am becoming a better person!”