Chinese human rights lawyer Gao Zhisheng may be dead. A rumor of his death originated on the Twitter account of someone calling themself GuaDai. It is the worst fear of an international community of supporters, who have backed Gao Zhisheng since he disappeared in 2010, following abuse and torture at the hands of China’s own government.
Gao, once known as the “conscience of Chinese lawyers,” was convicted of the blanket charge “subversion” in 2006. He was sent to jail for three years and put on probation for five.
Since then he has been abducted again and again by Chinese authorities. In an interview with the Associated Press, Gao discussed the repeated torture he suffered in prison. The AP agreed to keep the interview confidential unless he went missing again. On April 6th, 2010, Gao vanished and the interview was made public.
Gao was a lawyer for those who had no one to defend them, usually people who found themselves on the wrong end of the Chinese regime’s wrath. He defended persecuted minority groups like house Christians and people who lost their land to forced seizure by government officials.
In recent years, China has become known for two things – booming economic growth and harsh oppression of dissidents. But Gao’s case differs from other high profile dissidents. Another jailed lawyer Liu Xiaobo won the Nobel Peace Prize and has been allowed to communicate with family and friends. Gao Zhisheng has not been so lucky.
One important difference is Gao Zhisheng’s defense of practitioners of the Falun Gong meditation practice, which the Chinese regime has persecuted since 1999. Another is the Tuidang movement. Tuidang is a term for “quitting the Chinese Communist Party”, where participants renounce their membership and allegiance to the Chinese Communist party. The Tuidang movement began in 2004. Since then, over 100 million people have quit the party. Gao Zhisheng quit in 2005.
Gao’s wife Geng He and their two children currently live in the United States. They fled to the US in 2009 to escape harassment.
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大家都来看”九评共产党” ( VCD, 书)!
Let’s find “Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party”(VCD, books)!
Quit the Chinese Communist Party or its affiliated organizations today!
Please understand the truth about Falun Gong and the brutal persecution of Falun Gong in China. Please do not believe the Chinese Communist Party's lies. Falun Dafa is Good. Falun Gong (Falun Dafa) teaches 'Truthfulness, Compassion, Tolerance', it teaches us to be a GOOD person, and it makes us HEALTHY. And it is embraced in over 100 nations! 请了解法轮功和中共残酷迫害法轮功的真相。法轮大法(法轮功)好,114个国家都热爱她,请不要被中共的谎言欺骗。(http://falundafa.org)
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
From - http://www.ntdtv.com/xtr/b5/2011/11/29/a624791.html#video
大家都来看”九评共产党” ( VCD, 书)!
Let’s find “Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party”(VCD, books)!
Quit the Chinese Communist Party or its affiliated organizations today!
Falun Gong Artists Shine at NTD Figure Painting Competition
Family traditions, ethnic culture and the bittersweet moments of life.
[Ben Hedges, NTD News]:"I’m here at New York’s Salmagundi Club for NTD’s 3rd International Chinese Figure Painting Competition. Of over 140 artworks entered into the competition, 50 have made it through to the final."
This is a traditional painting competition, General Manager Dr. Xueye Zhu explains.
[Dr. Xueye Zhu, Competition General Manager]:(Male, Chinese)
“There are two main points, the first point is they must use the traditional, orthodox style of realism to produce oil paintings. The second point is they must express aspects of traditional, orthodox culture from China’s 5000 year history.”
NTD’s competition serves as a platform for the renewal of traditional realist techniques. These techniques fell out of fashion as abstract art gained prominence in the 20th century.
Art Collector and Chairman of the Art Renewal Center says this is an important contribution to the art world.
[Fred Ross, Art Collector]:(Male, English)
“We are bearing witness here at this great competition, that the fine arts of painting, drawing and sculpture are returning to their rightful place alongside the other great arts or writing, poetry, music, dance and theater. And to affirm that fine art is only at its best when using the grammar and vocabulary of traditional realism.”
Today was the award ceremony. 9 artists received honorable mention awards, while two bronze, two silver and two gold awards were handed out.
The two gold winners are both practitioners of Falun Gong, a Chinese spiritual practice.
Michelle Chen’s painting “My Mom” depicts a child’s vision of her mother’s spiritual bodies in the heavens as she practices meditation.
[Michelle Chen, Gold Award Winner]:(Female, Chinese)
“Through meditation, you can experience some beautiful things. You can only experience these things once you do it, it is hard to express in words. But, I wanted to paint it, to paint things people can’t see with their eyes. This painting was a real breakthrough for me, I feel this type of painting is harder than those cultural paintings of the past, because it is something people cannot see with their eyes, so it is very difficult.”
Since 1999, the Chinese Communist regime has been severely persecuting Falun Gong practitioners in Mainland China. Over 3000 deaths from torture have been documented.
The other gold award painting, “Determination Under Persecution,” depicts a female Falun Gong practitioner undergoing torture, yet she maintains determination and compassion.
Local Artist Shannon Olexa says he recognizes this determination in the painting.
[Shannon Olexa, New York Based Artist]:(Male, English)
“I think the ruffles in the fine lace of her shirt, contrasting with the rusty metal heavy chain is a theme throughout the whole painting. Despite her obviously tortured physicality or how she’s there, I still see a peace and determination in her eyes, it seems as if her soul is not troubled. I guess that’s the nature of persecution, if your cause is right, then it’s worth fighting for.”
Olexa says he recognizes the traditional layering techniques that went into this painting and the patience required by the artist.
[Shannon Olexa, New York Based Artist]:(Male, English)
“You can feel the work that an artist did to make such a painting, and as an artist I know how long it takes to wait between layers. The artist is involved with a painting like this for a lot more time, it sits on their easel a lot longer.”
All of the paintings will be on display at the Salmagundi Club on New York’s 5th Avenue until December 3rd.
Ben Hedges, NTD News, New York
From - http://english.ntdtv.com/ntdtv_en/arts_entertainment/2011-11-29/falun-gong-artists-shine-at-ntd-figure-painting-competition.html
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Family traditions, ethnic culture and the bittersweet moments of life.
[Ben Hedges, NTD News]:"I’m here at New York’s Salmagundi Club for NTD’s 3rd International Chinese Figure Painting Competition. Of over 140 artworks entered into the competition, 50 have made it through to the final."
This is a traditional painting competition, General Manager Dr. Xueye Zhu explains.
[Dr. Xueye Zhu, Competition General Manager]:(Male, Chinese)
“There are two main points, the first point is they must use the traditional, orthodox style of realism to produce oil paintings. The second point is they must express aspects of traditional, orthodox culture from China’s 5000 year history.”
NTD’s competition serves as a platform for the renewal of traditional realist techniques. These techniques fell out of fashion as abstract art gained prominence in the 20th century.
Art Collector and Chairman of the Art Renewal Center says this is an important contribution to the art world.
[Fred Ross, Art Collector]:(Male, English)
“We are bearing witness here at this great competition, that the fine arts of painting, drawing and sculpture are returning to their rightful place alongside the other great arts or writing, poetry, music, dance and theater. And to affirm that fine art is only at its best when using the grammar and vocabulary of traditional realism.”
Today was the award ceremony. 9 artists received honorable mention awards, while two bronze, two silver and two gold awards were handed out.
The two gold winners are both practitioners of Falun Gong, a Chinese spiritual practice.
Michelle Chen’s painting “My Mom” depicts a child’s vision of her mother’s spiritual bodies in the heavens as she practices meditation.
[Michelle Chen, Gold Award Winner]:(Female, Chinese)
“Through meditation, you can experience some beautiful things. You can only experience these things once you do it, it is hard to express in words. But, I wanted to paint it, to paint things people can’t see with their eyes. This painting was a real breakthrough for me, I feel this type of painting is harder than those cultural paintings of the past, because it is something people cannot see with their eyes, so it is very difficult.”
Since 1999, the Chinese Communist regime has been severely persecuting Falun Gong practitioners in Mainland China. Over 3000 deaths from torture have been documented.
The other gold award painting, “Determination Under Persecution,” depicts a female Falun Gong practitioner undergoing torture, yet she maintains determination and compassion.
Local Artist Shannon Olexa says he recognizes this determination in the painting.
[Shannon Olexa, New York Based Artist]:(Male, English)
“I think the ruffles in the fine lace of her shirt, contrasting with the rusty metal heavy chain is a theme throughout the whole painting. Despite her obviously tortured physicality or how she’s there, I still see a peace and determination in her eyes, it seems as if her soul is not troubled. I guess that’s the nature of persecution, if your cause is right, then it’s worth fighting for.”
Olexa says he recognizes the traditional layering techniques that went into this painting and the patience required by the artist.
[Shannon Olexa, New York Based Artist]:(Male, English)
“You can feel the work that an artist did to make such a painting, and as an artist I know how long it takes to wait between layers. The artist is involved with a painting like this for a lot more time, it sits on their easel a lot longer.”
All of the paintings will be on display at the Salmagundi Club on New York’s 5th Avenue until December 3rd.
Ben Hedges, NTD News, New York
From - http://english.ntdtv.com/ntdtv_en/arts_entertainment/2011-11-29/falun-gong-artists-shine-at-ntd-figure-painting-competition.html
For more news visit ☛ http://english.ntdtv.com
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Monday, November 28, 2011
法轮功亚洲法会 场面盛大感人
韩国法轮功学员张小姐:〝觉的自己很受气的时候, 都是自己在只想到自己,而不想对方,如果真的想到对方的时候,就能很平静的而忍,并且真的为对方真心的去做事。〞
From - http://www.ntdtv.com/xtr/b5/2011/11/27/a623964.html#video
韩国法轮功学员张小姐:〝觉的自己很受气的时候, 都是自己在只想到自己,而不想对方,如果真的想到对方的时候,就能很平静的而忍,并且真的为对方真心的去做事。〞
From - http://www.ntdtv.com/xtr/b5/2011/11/27/a623964.html#video
《毛的大飢荒》揭真相 大飢荒是大屠殺
因为外国人的面孔和香港大学历史教授的身份,荷兰历史学家冯克(Frank Dikotter)有机会比一般中国人更容易接触到大陆的官方材料。4年来,他的足迹踏遍了中国数十个档案馆,最终写成了《毛的大饥荒》一书,作出了惊人的结论。
From - http://www.ntdtv.com/xtr/b5/2011/11/28/a624015.html#video
大家都来看”九评共产党” ( VCD, 书)!
Let’s find “Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party”(VCD, books)!
Quit the Chinese Communist Party or its affiliated organizations today!
法轮功排字壮观祥和 游客驻足久观
From: http://ntdtv.com
From: http://ntdtv.com
Sunday, November 27, 2011
亚洲13国 七千法轮功学员敬师排字
From - http://www.ntdtv.com/xtr/b5/2011/11/27/a623636.html#video
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Meditation May Prevent Psychiatric Disorders, Study Suggests
By Mimi Nguyen Ly
Epoch Times Staff
Experienced meditators may be able to switch off areas of the brain associated with daydreaming, anxiety, and certain psychiatric disorders like autism and schizophrenia, according to a new U.S. study.
“Meditation has been shown to help in a variety of health problems, such as helping people quit smoking, cope with cancer, and even prevent psoriasis,” the study’s lead author Judson A. Brewer of Yale University said in a press release.
The researchers performed functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) scans on experienced and novice meditators using three different meditation techniques.
The results showed decreased activity in the default mode network (DMN) in experienced meditators. This neural network has been associated with anxiety-based illnesses, attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder, and plaque formation in Alzheimer’s disease.
Decreased activity was seen in brain regions involved in this network, such as the medial prefrontal and posterior cingulated cortices, irrespective of the form of meditation undertaken during the experiment.
Similarly, when the DMN was active, brain areas linked to self-monitoring and cognitive control were found to be co-activated in experienced meditators but not in novices. This also happened when the meditators were not meditating but simply resting.
Meditation has been linked with increased happiness, said Brewer, according to the release.
The scientists believe that meditators can focus on the present moment better, and are constantly suppressing self-centered and wandering thoughts, which are strongly associated with autism and schizophrenia.
“Meditation’s ability to help people stay in the moment has been part of philosophical and contemplative practices for thousands of years,” Brewer said.
“Conversely, the hallmarks of many forms of mental illness is a preoccupation with one’s own thoughts, a condition meditation seems to affect. This gives us some nice cues as to the neural mechanisms of how it might be working clinically.”
Epoch Times Staff
Experienced meditators may be able to switch off areas of the brain associated with daydreaming, anxiety, and certain psychiatric disorders like autism and schizophrenia, according to a new U.S. study.
“Meditation has been shown to help in a variety of health problems, such as helping people quit smoking, cope with cancer, and even prevent psoriasis,” the study’s lead author Judson A. Brewer of Yale University said in a press release.
The researchers performed functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) scans on experienced and novice meditators using three different meditation techniques.
The results showed decreased activity in the default mode network (DMN) in experienced meditators. This neural network has been associated with anxiety-based illnesses, attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder, and plaque formation in Alzheimer’s disease.
Decreased activity was seen in brain regions involved in this network, such as the medial prefrontal and posterior cingulated cortices, irrespective of the form of meditation undertaken during the experiment.
Similarly, when the DMN was active, brain areas linked to self-monitoring and cognitive control were found to be co-activated in experienced meditators but not in novices. This also happened when the meditators were not meditating but simply resting.
Meditation has been linked with increased happiness, said Brewer, according to the release.
The scientists believe that meditators can focus on the present moment better, and are constantly suppressing self-centered and wandering thoughts, which are strongly associated with autism and schizophrenia.
“Meditation’s ability to help people stay in the moment has been part of philosophical and contemplative practices for thousands of years,” Brewer said.
“Conversely, the hallmarks of many forms of mental illness is a preoccupation with one’s own thoughts, a condition meditation seems to affect. This gives us some nice cues as to the neural mechanisms of how it might be working clinically.”
Friday, November 25, 2011
【禁闻】寄不出的思念 The Unsent Wishes (W/ English Subtitles)
The Unsent Wishes
Shi Wenbo’s mother was a successful furniture factory owner.
His whole family practiced Falun Gong, which brought good health and harmony to the family.
Young Shi Wenbo used to have a very happy family. But due to insisting on practicing Falun Gong, he lost his family. Today, he lives on the other side of the earth. He looks back at his past with sadness and frustration. Here is his story.
Shi Wenbo lives now peaceful and affluent life with his wife and child in the rich Northern European country of Finland. However, originally from Northeastern China, in his young life he has witnessed some serious tragedies.
Shi Wenbo: “My father and mother were traveling constantly to do business when I was young. We usually got together during the Chinese New Year. My mother missed me a lot. She told me she always took my photo album and placed it beside her bed, looking at my pictures when missing me. I lived with my grandma when I was in primary school. My grandma is like my mom to me. She did a lot for me.”
Shi Wenbo: “When I was in high school, my parents returned home. Our family finally got together.
My mother would wake up early to make food for me. Every day before I left for school, she would hand me in the delicious meals for the day.”
However, despite Shi Wenbo’s mother loving care for the family, there was still something missing.
Shi Wenbo: “My mother was a strong woman. She was hard working and she also suffered from illnesses.
Her temper would turn bad. So my family wasn’t harmonious. She often argued with my father. It happened a lot."
Shi’s family started to practice Falun Gong.
Shi Wenbo: “I witnessed myself the miracles of Falun Gong. My mother used to spend all the money on medical expenses. She suffered from illnesses for decades.
Since starting to practice Falun Gong, she behaved according to ‘Truth, Compassion and Tolerance’ and all her symptoms disappeared. My family became harmonious.
My grandma also suffered from illnesses, such as rheumatism. She also recovered by practicing Falun Gong.”
Witnessing the miracles happening to his family members, in March 1999, Shi Wenbo started practicing Falun Gong too. Four months later, the persecution of Falun Gong began. Since then, Shi’s family became the target of the local police. The policemen often came to their home and harassed them.
Later on, to save the trouble of coming to their home, the police asked Shi Wenbo to clean the police station daily. Shi’s mom not only agreed to this, but she also went with Wenbo to help with the cleaning,
so as to show people how true Dafa disciples are, and eliminate people’s misunderstanding of Dafa.
Shi Wenbo: “One day while leaving the station, our basin fell on the street.
I wanted to go with my mom and get it, but she said: ‘I can go by myself; you don’t need to come with me.’”
Shi Wenbo did not expect this to turn into a regret he would have for the rest of his life.
Shi Wenbo: "My mother did not come back that day. The next day my father went to the street to ask around. When he came back…he told me that mom had died. I felt really ... how could this be possible?
So I got on my bike and went to the neighborhood office. I saw on the floor a human body’ shape drawn with a chalk. The body was gone. I asked a female staff member how my mother died. She did not dare to look me in the eye. I asked her where my mother was. She told me that my mom is in the hospital."
Shi Wenbo rushed to the hospital, only to see his mom’s body.
Shi Wenbo: “My first though was, that is impossible. I tried to push mom’s body, hoping she would wake up.”
Shi Wenbo: “I always sat at home, looking outside, hoping to see the familiar face, my mom’s face.”
Shi Wenbo: “I always think, why I didn’t go with her that day? This is the worst regret.
My mom passed away, and I don’t even know what happened.”
Shi Wenbo: “The police slandered my mom, saying she killed herself for practicing Falun Gong.
Our family members told them, that Falun Gong practitioners do not commit suicide.
Then they changed their statement and said my mom fell off from a building by accident.
The cause of my mom’s death is unknown to this day.”
Shi Wenbo lost his beloved mother. To Shi Wenbo’s grandma, she lost her daughter. Furthermore, Shi Wenbo’s uncle and aunt were arrested for distributing flyers with the truth about Falun Gong.
Shi Wenbo: “My aunt said she heard clearly the scream of my uncle next door. He was beaten almost to death. The police then force-fed him with unknown drug, which brought him back to live, so they can continue torturing him.”
In addition, the police forbad our family to visit my uncle. My elderly grandma asked many times. Finally she was allowed to see him.
Shi Wenbo: “My uncle used to weigh about 180 pounds. He was a very presentable man.
But he turned into another person, like an elderly in his 70s. His hair turned grey. There were wrinkles all over his face. My grandma could not take this shock. She always asked the police to release my uncle.
The police tortured her too, without leaving obvious scars. They dragged her up the stairs many times. She was 77. She lost control of her bowl movement since then. With the sorrow over her son, she passed away.”
Shi Wenbo himself was also tortured at labor camps, brainwashing centers and detention centers.
In 2006, he and his wife were able to escape to Thailand.
They wanted to tell the UN officials all their experiences, but unexpectedly got an asylum.
They were accepted by the government of Finland. At the end of 2008, Shi Wenbo and his family arrived in Finland. He is finally able to practice Falun Gong freely there, as this meditation practice is only persecuted in China.
Shi Wenbo: “I hope this tragedy never happens again.
I hope all the kids who lost their families due to the practice of ‘Truthfulness, Compassion, Tolerance’ can get love from moms and dads like other kids do. I also hope someday I can visit China with my wife and kids, to meet my relatives. I believe that day is not far.”
NTD reports - http://www.ntdtv.com/xtr/b5/2011/11/22/a621185.html#video
The Unsent Wishes
Shi Wenbo’s mother was a successful furniture factory owner.
His whole family practiced Falun Gong, which brought good health and harmony to the family.
Young Shi Wenbo used to have a very happy family. But due to insisting on practicing Falun Gong, he lost his family. Today, he lives on the other side of the earth. He looks back at his past with sadness and frustration. Here is his story.
Shi Wenbo lives now peaceful and affluent life with his wife and child in the rich Northern European country of Finland. However, originally from Northeastern China, in his young life he has witnessed some serious tragedies.
Shi Wenbo: “My father and mother were traveling constantly to do business when I was young. We usually got together during the Chinese New Year. My mother missed me a lot. She told me she always took my photo album and placed it beside her bed, looking at my pictures when missing me. I lived with my grandma when I was in primary school. My grandma is like my mom to me. She did a lot for me.”
Shi Wenbo: “When I was in high school, my parents returned home. Our family finally got together.
My mother would wake up early to make food for me. Every day before I left for school, she would hand me in the delicious meals for the day.”
However, despite Shi Wenbo’s mother loving care for the family, there was still something missing.
Shi Wenbo: “My mother was a strong woman. She was hard working and she also suffered from illnesses.
Her temper would turn bad. So my family wasn’t harmonious. She often argued with my father. It happened a lot."
Shi’s family started to practice Falun Gong.
Shi Wenbo: “I witnessed myself the miracles of Falun Gong. My mother used to spend all the money on medical expenses. She suffered from illnesses for decades.
Since starting to practice Falun Gong, she behaved according to ‘Truth, Compassion and Tolerance’ and all her symptoms disappeared. My family became harmonious.
My grandma also suffered from illnesses, such as rheumatism. She also recovered by practicing Falun Gong.”
Witnessing the miracles happening to his family members, in March 1999, Shi Wenbo started practicing Falun Gong too. Four months later, the persecution of Falun Gong began. Since then, Shi’s family became the target of the local police. The policemen often came to their home and harassed them.
Later on, to save the trouble of coming to their home, the police asked Shi Wenbo to clean the police station daily. Shi’s mom not only agreed to this, but she also went with Wenbo to help with the cleaning,
so as to show people how true Dafa disciples are, and eliminate people’s misunderstanding of Dafa.
Shi Wenbo: “One day while leaving the station, our basin fell on the street.
I wanted to go with my mom and get it, but she said: ‘I can go by myself; you don’t need to come with me.’”
Shi Wenbo did not expect this to turn into a regret he would have for the rest of his life.
Shi Wenbo: "My mother did not come back that day. The next day my father went to the street to ask around. When he came back…he told me that mom had died. I felt really ... how could this be possible?
So I got on my bike and went to the neighborhood office. I saw on the floor a human body’ shape drawn with a chalk. The body was gone. I asked a female staff member how my mother died. She did not dare to look me in the eye. I asked her where my mother was. She told me that my mom is in the hospital."
Shi Wenbo rushed to the hospital, only to see his mom’s body.
Shi Wenbo: “My first though was, that is impossible. I tried to push mom’s body, hoping she would wake up.”
Shi Wenbo: “I always sat at home, looking outside, hoping to see the familiar face, my mom’s face.”
Shi Wenbo: “I always think, why I didn’t go with her that day? This is the worst regret.
My mom passed away, and I don’t even know what happened.”
Shi Wenbo: “The police slandered my mom, saying she killed herself for practicing Falun Gong.
Our family members told them, that Falun Gong practitioners do not commit suicide.
Then they changed their statement and said my mom fell off from a building by accident.
The cause of my mom’s death is unknown to this day.”
Shi Wenbo lost his beloved mother. To Shi Wenbo’s grandma, she lost her daughter. Furthermore, Shi Wenbo’s uncle and aunt were arrested for distributing flyers with the truth about Falun Gong.
Shi Wenbo: “My aunt said she heard clearly the scream of my uncle next door. He was beaten almost to death. The police then force-fed him with unknown drug, which brought him back to live, so they can continue torturing him.”
In addition, the police forbad our family to visit my uncle. My elderly grandma asked many times. Finally she was allowed to see him.
Shi Wenbo: “My uncle used to weigh about 180 pounds. He was a very presentable man.
But he turned into another person, like an elderly in his 70s. His hair turned grey. There were wrinkles all over his face. My grandma could not take this shock. She always asked the police to release my uncle.
The police tortured her too, without leaving obvious scars. They dragged her up the stairs many times. She was 77. She lost control of her bowl movement since then. With the sorrow over her son, she passed away.”
Shi Wenbo himself was also tortured at labor camps, brainwashing centers and detention centers.
In 2006, he and his wife were able to escape to Thailand.
They wanted to tell the UN officials all their experiences, but unexpectedly got an asylum.
They were accepted by the government of Finland. At the end of 2008, Shi Wenbo and his family arrived in Finland. He is finally able to practice Falun Gong freely there, as this meditation practice is only persecuted in China.
Shi Wenbo: “I hope this tragedy never happens again.
I hope all the kids who lost their families due to the practice of ‘Truthfulness, Compassion, Tolerance’ can get love from moms and dads like other kids do. I also hope someday I can visit China with my wife and kids, to meet my relatives. I believe that day is not far.”
NTD reports - http://www.ntdtv.com/xtr/b5/2011/11/22/a621185.html#video
在这些西人法轮功学员中,有来自澳洲墨尔本的凯特(Kate Vereshaka),当年她是一位二十一岁的女大学生。
From - http://www.minghui.org/mh/articles/2011/11/21/“我为中国人而来-”-图--249690.html
![]() |
Kate在纽约联合广场为“2011年世界法轮大法日”庆典演唱 |
From - http://www.minghui.org/mh/articles/2011/11/21/“我为中国人而来-”-图--249690.html
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Music to stop the persecution - Hurry Up, Tell The World
Hurry Up, Tell The World
Title track for the album Hurry Up, Tell The World. Free download at http://www.musictostopthepersecution.org
From: RiseAscendDirection
Title track for the album Hurry Up, Tell The World. Free download at http://www.musictostopthepersecution.org
From: RiseAscendDirection
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Chinese Classical Dance (English) 中国古典舞(英)
From - http://www.ntdtv.com/xtr/gb/2011/11/22/a621392.html
From - http://www.ntdtv.com/xtr/gb/2011/11/22/a621392.html
Monday, November 21, 2011
Korean Falun Gong practitioner - Hong Younghee's famous, historic house
While exploring Korea's heritage, visitors learn of the Chinese regime deriding China's
By Jarrod Hall
Epoch Times Staff
Hong Younghee: An Unexpected Advocate from Jarrod Hall on Vimeo.
Hong Younghee lives in a famous, historic house in the South Korean countryside. She opens her house to the public as a historical site and a tea-house, and every day of the year people from all over the world come to visit. Mrs Hong is also a practitioner of Falun Gong and a passionate advocate of human rights in China. She informs everyone who visits her house about the persecution of Falun Gong in China and encourages them to step forward and add their voices to the call for an end to the brutality.
From - http://www.theepochtimes.com/n2/world/hong-younghee-an-unexpected-advocate-142198.html
By Jarrod Hall
Epoch Times Staff
Hong Younghee: An Unexpected Advocate from Jarrod Hall on Vimeo.
Hong Younghee lives in a famous, historic house in the South Korean countryside. She opens her house to the public as a historical site and a tea-house, and every day of the year people from all over the world come to visit. Mrs Hong is also a practitioner of Falun Gong and a passionate advocate of human rights in China. She informs everyone who visits her house about the persecution of Falun Gong in China and encourages them to step forward and add their voices to the call for an end to the brutality.
From - http://www.theepochtimes.com/n2/world/hong-younghee-an-unexpected-advocate-142198.html
英文部中国新闻记者Margaret Lau:〝新唐人英文部希望让世界得知,我们在中国新闻的报导上是世界第一。〞
英文部制片及主持人Kean Wong:〝过去短短几年的发展非常鼓舞人心。世界的未来,中国的未来依赖于真实的、不受审查的资讯,以及传统价值观的复兴。而这正是新唐人所代表的,所以我认为全世界都会拥抱新唐人。这只是一个开始。〞
伊朗籍网站发展部经理Omid Alpor:〝我深受鼓舞,我将继续为中国境内得到不真实信息的中国民众提供真实信息而努力工作。〞
西班牙语图像编缉Blanca Ley:〝今天我感到很激动,看到这个了不起的电视台的发展过程。〞
From - http://www.ntdtv.com/xtr/b5/2011/11/21/a620795.html#video
英文部中国新闻记者Margaret Lau:〝新唐人英文部希望让世界得知,我们在中国新闻的报导上是世界第一。〞
英文部制片及主持人Kean Wong:〝过去短短几年的发展非常鼓舞人心。世界的未来,中国的未来依赖于真实的、不受审查的资讯,以及传统价值观的复兴。而这正是新唐人所代表的,所以我认为全世界都会拥抱新唐人。这只是一个开始。〞
伊朗籍网站发展部经理Omid Alpor:〝我深受鼓舞,我将继续为中国境内得到不真实信息的中国民众提供真实信息而努力工作。〞
西班牙语图像编缉Blanca Ley:〝今天我感到很激动,看到这个了不起的电视台的发展过程。〞
From - http://www.ntdtv.com/xtr/b5/2011/11/21/a620795.html#video
“为了中国人 我去了天安门
—— 德国法轮功学员玛丽昂的故事
中共使馆前抗议 十年不辍
进天国乐团打小鼓 溶解“坚冰”
周末公园炼功 几百人学功
坦诚相待 改善工作环境
教子有方 为孩子着想
From - http://www.minghui.org/mh/articles/2011/11/20/“为了中国人-我去了天安门”-图--249538.html
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十年前玛丽昂和三十五名西人法轮功学员去北京天安门证实大法、抗议迫害(前面打坐,右九,穿黄衣者) |
中共使馆前抗议 十年不辍
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虽然是上班族,玛丽昂还是排出时间每周一次到柏林中共使馆前抗议。 |
进天国乐团打小鼓 溶解“坚冰”
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玛丽昂作为天国乐团的鼓手参加过很多次法轮功游行。图为二零一一年十一月五日在伦敦 |
周末公园炼功 几百人学功
坦诚相待 改善工作环境
教子有方 为孩子着想
From - http://www.minghui.org/mh/articles/2011/11/20/“为了中国人-我去了天安门”-图--249538.html
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Foreigners’ Appeal for Justice on Tiananmen Square: 10th Anniversary
From 10 countries, over 30 people descended on Beijing to face off with Communist China
By Joel Chipkar
Half a world away from home, I look into the mirror to see if the spy camera is visible. I am in Beijing, China, and have sewn a pinhole camera into the shoulder strap of my backpack. After catching my own eyes in the mirror, a bolt of fear stabs through my heart. Being caught as a spy in Mainland China is no small charge. They apply the death penalty for much smaller crimes.
After a brisk but shaky five-mile walk to Tiananmen Square, I stand aghast at the size. It’s really hard to imagine it filled with tanks and students. The day is bright and chilly. The gentle, cold north wind hits my face as I catch sight of the main flagpole. I arrive at the rendezvous point standing alone, wondering if they are going to make it.
Before I know it, over 30 people from over 10 countries, wearing their national flags, gather to appeal for an end to the persecution of Falun Gong. On cue, most sit in meditation while a few unfurl a 12-foot golden banner sporting three giant Chinese characters that read, “truthfulness, compassion, tolerance.” Passersby are shocked. I stand motionless capturing the event with my hidden video camera. In less than 30 seconds police vans scream in from all directions.
That was 10 years ago—Nov. 20, 2001.
In the months that followed more foreigners from around the world would travel to China in an attempt to awaken the Chinese people to the unjust persecution and defamation of Falun Gong happening in their country.
An Appeal for Conscience
The appeal made headline news around the world, and so accomplished part of what we had set out to achieve. People who had never heard about the persecution of Falun Gong now knew about it. And this awareness was the first step toward more people demanding the Chinese regime stop it.
However, our hearts were set on changing things in China. Our appeal was focused on telling the people of China who are smothered by a media blockade to awaken to the realities of the evils happening in their own-censored back yard and not blindly follow an illegal persecution.
In the past ten years we have come to understand more deeply how difficult what we were asking was.
China has an ancient, rich culture that brings deep and unshakeable pride to its people. It was built on the teachings of honor, loyalty, compassion, responsibility and most notably the pursuit of truth. Each dynasty understood the importance of spirituality, and although each change of dynasty was tumultuous, after the change Chinese people lived hundreds of years in relative harmony.
The era of Chinese Communist Party (CCP) rule, however, has been different than any other time in China’s history.
Since seizing the rule of China in 1949, the CCP has made enemies of its own citizens by waging countless campaigns against them and by turning citizens against each other in order to assure the Party’s power would be unchallenged. Approximately 80 million people have died unnatural deaths as a result.
The Party has created one crisis after another: the 1950’s mass regime-created famine during the so called “Great Leap Forward,” the terrifying Cultural Revolution that beginning in the mid-60s targeted and destroyed religion and its ability to give spiritual independence, the Tiananmen Square massacre in 1989 that snuffed out hopes for democratic reform, the ongoing persecution of Falun Gong, and so on.
As a result, every family in China has at least one relative who has faced persecution by the CCP. Yet, partly because of this unending terror, many Chinese blindly follow the CCP and its propaganda.
China’s Moral Dilemma
The CCP’s China has become a place where people are forced to live without the freedom of belief, where people are afraid to say one wrong word in public for fear of arrest and torture, and where thinking of others, standing up for principle, and acting out of integrity have been replaced by fear, jealousy, selfishness, and indifference.
Chinese people witness daily the unjust arrest, abuse, discrimination against and dehumanization of groups all across China: the attacks on the Uighurs and Tibetans, the crackdowns on house Christians and papal Catholics, the silencing and jailing of human rights lawyers, the injustice done to those whose homes are demolished in order to enrich local officials, the threats to the parents to stop protesting over the deaths of their children killed in collapsed schools during the Sichuan earthquake—the list is endless.
For the past 12 years Chinese society has also been witness to the arrest, torture, and killing of Falun Gong practitioners. Tens of thousands of imprisoned practitioners have been murdered by state-owned hospitals to fuel the regime’s multi-billion dollar organ transplant tourism.
The affects of the blows to the moral fabric of society are becoming more visible everyday.
I watched a YouTube video of a 2-year-old baby who wandered out of her parents store onto a street in China where she was hit twice by vans and lay on the road dying. 18 people walked by without stopping or helping. Chinese manufacturers sell poisoned milk, poisoned baby food, diluted or tainted drugs, and contaminated drywall to consumers for money.
From Acceptance to Persecution
Every Sunday morning my mother and I get together to practice the Falun Gong exercises in a nearby park. Sometimes during the sitting meditation I open my eyes and look at her spare, 70-year-old body as she sits with perfect posture, her eyes gently closed with a little smile on her face. She looks so peaceful. I remember when family fights and violent tempers ripped through our not so happy home. It was like magic to me how in less than a year this seemingly simple spiritual discipline brought calm into my family’s life.
The peaceful look on my mother’s face stands in complete contrast with the look of shock on the faces of those Chinese people in Tiananmen Square that day.
They had forgotten that in the beginning Falun Gong was awarded and praised by the CCP for the benefits it brought to the Chinese people. It was even congratulated by the Public Security Bureau for “bringing the crime fighting virtues back to China.”
But just a few years after that award was given, the popularity of Falun Gong made the corrupt CCP feel threatened by this spiritual practice whose adherents have principles independent of Party ideology. The persecution began in 1999.
As practitioners throughout China responded for years in the most peaceful and forbearing manner, by appealing for the Party to end the persecution and guarantee the right to practice Falun Gong, one might have hoped the CCP would have learned it could have changed course.
In 2006 the world learned why the CCP has continued its campaign against Falun Gong. Mr. Chen Yonglin, a high ranking Chinese consular official in Australia defected from his post and stated: “The Chinese Communist Party has always relied on violence, lies, and advocating atheism to maintain its power. They could not understand Falun Gong practitioners’ peaceful efforts to protect their freedom of belief. Now they feel they can’t let people know about what has been done to Falun Gong in China.”
Looking to the Future
Today millions around the world cherish the teachings of Falun Gong and the focus on morality that it has brought into their lives. It is something China needs desperately.
Ten years later, our appeals have been joined by countless actions from practitioners and citizens who have taken the same end in view.
Millions of practitioners inside China continue to operate home workshops where they print leaflets and fliers for distribution to their fellow citizens. Outside of China Falun Gong practitioners have created state-of-the-art firewalls to break down the Chinese regime’s Internet blockade. With this new flow of information over 105 million Chinese in and out of China have renounced membership in the CCP and its affiliated organizations.
Thousands of government officials from countries around the world have stood in solidarity with Falun Gong. Millions of people worldwide have signed petitions and written letters calling for an end to the illegal persecution and to bring those responsible in China to justice.
Although it was 10 years ago it still feels like it was yesterday. My heart was beating out of my chest as I raced on a rickshaw through Beijing back to my hotel while Tiananmen Square faded behind me. My only question: Did we succeed or did we fail?
Ten years later I feel a great honor to have stood with other practitioners opposing tyranny for the sake of others.
Throughout history the battle between good and evil has played out in frightening and inspiring stories. The line has been drawn in the sand more times than one can count. Today we keep deep in our hearts a wish that more and more people will stand on the right side.
Joel Chipkar is a real estate broker and human rights advocate living in Toronto, Canada.
By Joel Chipkar
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Foreigners come together to appeal for an end of the persecution of Falun Gong in Tiananmen Square in Beijing, China, on Nov. 20, 2001. (anonymous) |
After a brisk but shaky five-mile walk to Tiananmen Square, I stand aghast at the size. It’s really hard to imagine it filled with tanks and students. The day is bright and chilly. The gentle, cold north wind hits my face as I catch sight of the main flagpole. I arrive at the rendezvous point standing alone, wondering if they are going to make it.
Before I know it, over 30 people from over 10 countries, wearing their national flags, gather to appeal for an end to the persecution of Falun Gong. On cue, most sit in meditation while a few unfurl a 12-foot golden banner sporting three giant Chinese characters that read, “truthfulness, compassion, tolerance.” Passersby are shocked. I stand motionless capturing the event with my hidden video camera. In less than 30 seconds police vans scream in from all directions.
That was 10 years ago—Nov. 20, 2001.
In the months that followed more foreigners from around the world would travel to China in an attempt to awaken the Chinese people to the unjust persecution and defamation of Falun Gong happening in their country.
An Appeal for Conscience
The appeal made headline news around the world, and so accomplished part of what we had set out to achieve. People who had never heard about the persecution of Falun Gong now knew about it. And this awareness was the first step toward more people demanding the Chinese regime stop it.
However, our hearts were set on changing things in China. Our appeal was focused on telling the people of China who are smothered by a media blockade to awaken to the realities of the evils happening in their own-censored back yard and not blindly follow an illegal persecution.
In the past ten years we have come to understand more deeply how difficult what we were asking was.
China has an ancient, rich culture that brings deep and unshakeable pride to its people. It was built on the teachings of honor, loyalty, compassion, responsibility and most notably the pursuit of truth. Each dynasty understood the importance of spirituality, and although each change of dynasty was tumultuous, after the change Chinese people lived hundreds of years in relative harmony.
The era of Chinese Communist Party (CCP) rule, however, has been different than any other time in China’s history.
Since seizing the rule of China in 1949, the CCP has made enemies of its own citizens by waging countless campaigns against them and by turning citizens against each other in order to assure the Party’s power would be unchallenged. Approximately 80 million people have died unnatural deaths as a result.
The Party has created one crisis after another: the 1950’s mass regime-created famine during the so called “Great Leap Forward,” the terrifying Cultural Revolution that beginning in the mid-60s targeted and destroyed religion and its ability to give spiritual independence, the Tiananmen Square massacre in 1989 that snuffed out hopes for democratic reform, the ongoing persecution of Falun Gong, and so on.
As a result, every family in China has at least one relative who has faced persecution by the CCP. Yet, partly because of this unending terror, many Chinese blindly follow the CCP and its propaganda.
China’s Moral Dilemma
The CCP’s China has become a place where people are forced to live without the freedom of belief, where people are afraid to say one wrong word in public for fear of arrest and torture, and where thinking of others, standing up for principle, and acting out of integrity have been replaced by fear, jealousy, selfishness, and indifference.
Chinese people witness daily the unjust arrest, abuse, discrimination against and dehumanization of groups all across China: the attacks on the Uighurs and Tibetans, the crackdowns on house Christians and papal Catholics, the silencing and jailing of human rights lawyers, the injustice done to those whose homes are demolished in order to enrich local officials, the threats to the parents to stop protesting over the deaths of their children killed in collapsed schools during the Sichuan earthquake—the list is endless.
For the past 12 years Chinese society has also been witness to the arrest, torture, and killing of Falun Gong practitioners. Tens of thousands of imprisoned practitioners have been murdered by state-owned hospitals to fuel the regime’s multi-billion dollar organ transplant tourism.
The affects of the blows to the moral fabric of society are becoming more visible everyday.
I watched a YouTube video of a 2-year-old baby who wandered out of her parents store onto a street in China where she was hit twice by vans and lay on the road dying. 18 people walked by without stopping or helping. Chinese manufacturers sell poisoned milk, poisoned baby food, diluted or tainted drugs, and contaminated drywall to consumers for money.
From Acceptance to Persecution
Every Sunday morning my mother and I get together to practice the Falun Gong exercises in a nearby park. Sometimes during the sitting meditation I open my eyes and look at her spare, 70-year-old body as she sits with perfect posture, her eyes gently closed with a little smile on her face. She looks so peaceful. I remember when family fights and violent tempers ripped through our not so happy home. It was like magic to me how in less than a year this seemingly simple spiritual discipline brought calm into my family’s life.
The peaceful look on my mother’s face stands in complete contrast with the look of shock on the faces of those Chinese people in Tiananmen Square that day.
They had forgotten that in the beginning Falun Gong was awarded and praised by the CCP for the benefits it brought to the Chinese people. It was even congratulated by the Public Security Bureau for “bringing the crime fighting virtues back to China.”
But just a few years after that award was given, the popularity of Falun Gong made the corrupt CCP feel threatened by this spiritual practice whose adherents have principles independent of Party ideology. The persecution began in 1999.
As practitioners throughout China responded for years in the most peaceful and forbearing manner, by appealing for the Party to end the persecution and guarantee the right to practice Falun Gong, one might have hoped the CCP would have learned it could have changed course.
In 2006 the world learned why the CCP has continued its campaign against Falun Gong. Mr. Chen Yonglin, a high ranking Chinese consular official in Australia defected from his post and stated: “The Chinese Communist Party has always relied on violence, lies, and advocating atheism to maintain its power. They could not understand Falun Gong practitioners’ peaceful efforts to protect their freedom of belief. Now they feel they can’t let people know about what has been done to Falun Gong in China.”
Looking to the Future
Today millions around the world cherish the teachings of Falun Gong and the focus on morality that it has brought into their lives. It is something China needs desperately.
Ten years later, our appeals have been joined by countless actions from practitioners and citizens who have taken the same end in view.
Millions of practitioners inside China continue to operate home workshops where they print leaflets and fliers for distribution to their fellow citizens. Outside of China Falun Gong practitioners have created state-of-the-art firewalls to break down the Chinese regime’s Internet blockade. With this new flow of information over 105 million Chinese in and out of China have renounced membership in the CCP and its affiliated organizations.
Thousands of government officials from countries around the world have stood in solidarity with Falun Gong. Millions of people worldwide have signed petitions and written letters calling for an end to the illegal persecution and to bring those responsible in China to justice.
Although it was 10 years ago it still feels like it was yesterday. My heart was beating out of my chest as I raced on a rickshaw through Beijing back to my hotel while Tiananmen Square faded behind me. My only question: Did we succeed or did we fail?
Ten years later I feel a great honor to have stood with other practitioners opposing tyranny for the sake of others.
Throughout history the battle between good and evil has played out in frightening and inspiring stories. The line has been drawn in the sand more times than one can count. Today we keep deep in our hearts a wish that more and more people will stand on the right side.
Joel Chipkar is a real estate broker and human rights advocate living in Toronto, Canada.
Steve Jobs Was a Great Man, Not a Nice Guy
Steve Jobs Was a Great Man, Not a Nice Guy
By Bill Gunderson
Apparently the greatest industrialist in American history was not always the nicest guy.
He yelled at people. He insisted they do it his way. He fired them if they did not. Sometimes he fired them if they did.
Steve Jobs set out to change the world though one simple goal: Perfection. He had to settle for excellence. He inspired a lot of people along the way.
Jobs would not have been welcome at the Occupy Wall Street protests. He was a not a “wave your fingers in the air if you want to let me talk” kind of fellow.
Nor did he care a darn about creating jobs. Steve Jobs was all about creating excellent goods and services for people. The jobs were a side effect. Not a driving force.
From what anyone can tell, members of the Occupy Wall Street crowd think talking about creating jobs by waving your fingers is the same as actually creating jobs. Of course it is not. And if the Occupy Wall Street crowd would put down their iPads and iPhones for a moment, they can learn why by looking at a tale of two companies:
Twenty miles apart in the Silicon Valley sit two buildings: One is empty, funded by $535 billion of guaranteed government loans.
The other is a bustling campus that belongs to the largest publicly traded enterprise in the world; started by two guys in their mom’s garage. As for government guarantees, they were not even guaranteed their moms would let them work there.
One is thriving. The other is dead. One changed the world. The other may change an election. One is Apple. The other Solyndra.
Solyndra touted its solar panels as unique. Scientists saw little that was revolutionary, but the marketing people did not want to hear that. Neither did a bedazzled Department of Energy before it cut them a check for half a billion dollars.
A Livermore movie theater was one of the first to install the government funded solar panels. They were not as effective as advertised. But few knew. Or wanted to know.
Construction of Solyndra’s state-of-the art plant continued. Somehow it is human nature to be more lavish with other people’s money, something Jobs and Steve Wozniak never experienced.
Solyndra opened its “Taj Mahal” of plants in September 2010 with much fanfare. It was nothing like the Steve Jobs’ garage. But it did have alternative energy A-Listers such as Governor Schwarzenegger and Vice President Biden.
For $535 million, Solyndra created 3,000 construction jobs and 1,000 permanent jobs—that lasted one year.
The plant was closed one year later, on August 31, 2011. It was never close to breaking even.
Many knew that before Solyndra admitted it. In May of 2010, Solyndra’s own auditors issued a “going concern” letter—only issued when auditors believe that serious doubt exists that the company will survive beyond twelve months.
Mysteriously, this did not stop President Obama from showing up at Solyndra in May to hail it as a model for a bright new future in our economy.
He had the right idea. Just the wrong building.
Bill Gunderson is the host of “Positively Wall Street.”
By Bill Gunderson
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A copy of the newly released biography of Apple co-founder and former CEO Steve Jobs is displayed at the Books and Books store on Oct. 24, 2011 in Coral Gables, Florida. (Joe Raedle/Getty Images) |
He yelled at people. He insisted they do it his way. He fired them if they did not. Sometimes he fired them if they did.
Steve Jobs set out to change the world though one simple goal: Perfection. He had to settle for excellence. He inspired a lot of people along the way.
Jobs would not have been welcome at the Occupy Wall Street protests. He was a not a “wave your fingers in the air if you want to let me talk” kind of fellow.
Nor did he care a darn about creating jobs. Steve Jobs was all about creating excellent goods and services for people. The jobs were a side effect. Not a driving force.
From what anyone can tell, members of the Occupy Wall Street crowd think talking about creating jobs by waving your fingers is the same as actually creating jobs. Of course it is not. And if the Occupy Wall Street crowd would put down their iPads and iPhones for a moment, they can learn why by looking at a tale of two companies:
Twenty miles apart in the Silicon Valley sit two buildings: One is empty, funded by $535 billion of guaranteed government loans.
The other is a bustling campus that belongs to the largest publicly traded enterprise in the world; started by two guys in their mom’s garage. As for government guarantees, they were not even guaranteed their moms would let them work there.
One is thriving. The other is dead. One changed the world. The other may change an election. One is Apple. The other Solyndra.
Solyndra touted its solar panels as unique. Scientists saw little that was revolutionary, but the marketing people did not want to hear that. Neither did a bedazzled Department of Energy before it cut them a check for half a billion dollars.
A Livermore movie theater was one of the first to install the government funded solar panels. They were not as effective as advertised. But few knew. Or wanted to know.
Construction of Solyndra’s state-of-the art plant continued. Somehow it is human nature to be more lavish with other people’s money, something Jobs and Steve Wozniak never experienced.
Solyndra opened its “Taj Mahal” of plants in September 2010 with much fanfare. It was nothing like the Steve Jobs’ garage. But it did have alternative energy A-Listers such as Governor Schwarzenegger and Vice President Biden.
For $535 million, Solyndra created 3,000 construction jobs and 1,000 permanent jobs—that lasted one year.
The plant was closed one year later, on August 31, 2011. It was never close to breaking even.
Many knew that before Solyndra admitted it. In May of 2010, Solyndra’s own auditors issued a “going concern” letter—only issued when auditors believe that serious doubt exists that the company will survive beyond twelve months.
Mysteriously, this did not stop President Obama from showing up at Solyndra in May to hail it as a model for a bright new future in our economy.
He had the right idea. Just the wrong building.
Bill Gunderson is the host of “Positively Wall Street.”
Thursday, November 17, 2011
港民主派新秀胜选 吁认清中共暴政
From - http://www.ntdtv.com/xtr/b5/2011/11/17/a618821.html#video
大家都来看”九评共产党” ( VCD, 书)!
Let’s find “Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party”(VCD, books)!
Quit the Chinese Communist Party or its affiliated organizations today!
Human Rights,
World News,
看中国 China
遭迫害失去双脚 讲真相再被绑架
From - http://www.ntdtv.com/xtr/b5/2011/11/16/a618397.html#video
VIDEO - 王新春
http://www.zhuichaguoji.org/ - 2、王新春 (男)
黑龙江省伊春市法轮功学员。曾患胰腺癌﹐1998年修炼法轮功后得到康复。曾因去北京上访﹐说明法轮功真象被劳教。2002年年初﹐王新春因讲法 轮功真象被警察追赶﹐在零下30多度的严寒中被困深山双脚冻伤。被抓后又遭丰沟派出所所长王维等人强行用热水烫双脚﹐致双脚活活烂掉。王新春被迫害致残后﹐有关当局持续对他进行骚扰、殴打和切断其谋生之路等迫害,2009年11月10日,还被黑龙江省鸡西市鸡冠区法院判重刑九年。
From - http://www.ntdtv.com/xtr/b5/2011/11/16/a618397.html#video
VIDEO - 王新春
http://www.zhuichaguoji.org/ - 2、王新春 (男)
黑龙江省伊春市法轮功学员。曾患胰腺癌﹐1998年修炼法轮功后得到康复。曾因去北京上访﹐说明法轮功真象被劳教。2002年年初﹐王新春因讲法 轮功真象被警察追赶﹐在零下30多度的严寒中被困深山双脚冻伤。被抓后又遭丰沟派出所所长王维等人强行用热水烫双脚﹐致双脚活活烂掉。王新春被迫害致残后﹐有关当局持续对他进行骚扰、殴打和切断其谋生之路等迫害,2009年11月10日,还被黑龙江省鸡西市鸡冠区法院判重刑九年。
Sunday, November 13, 2011
The Manchu Woman From Head to Toe
An overview of Qing Dynasty fashion
By Hong Jiang
Epoch Times Staff
While the Manchu established the Qing Dynasty (1644–1911) according to Chinese dynastic traditions, they kept very unique cultural elements, such as in clothing. The one-piece-long Manchu gown stood out in contrast with the more complicated Chinese traditional blouses and skirts. This may be understood from the semi-nomadic Manchu culture and a strong military tradition. Over time, the Manchu clothing has influenced the Chinese style of dress.
The long gown was the dress code for both Manchu men and women. Below we focus on Manchu women’s dress—clothing, shoes, and headdresses.
The Long Gown, ‘Qipao’
Long Manchu gowns, commonly known today as ‘qipao,’ did not have the tight-fitting shape that qipao is known for today—the latter was modified from the traditional qipao in the 1920s to fit the popular Chinese fashion. The word qipao means banner gown or gown of the banner people, referring to the Manchu, who were organized into eight banners, or divisions, by the Qing state.
Traditional qipao was loose-fitting and hung down from the body, covering all but the head, hands, and the front of the toes. While men’s gowns had four splits for ease of movement in horse riding, women’s gowns usually had two splits, one on each side.
The upper-class woman wore long gowns made of silk, satin, or gauze, while the lower-class woman wore cotton or coarse fur. In the wintertime, fur or cotton inlays helped to insulate the body from the freezing cold in northern China. A long surcoat with a front opening or a short sleeveless vest could also be worn outside the long gown.
Embroidery on the long gown was an important part of the Manchu dress, with decorative borders highlighting collars, hems, and splits. Common embroidery patterns included animals, flowers, and clouds; round patterns and auspicious Chinese characters were used as well. Cloud and butterfly patterns were often used to decorate borders. For court women, the necklines were often decorated with pearls, precious stones, and jade ornaments.
"With the last hairpin, the Manchu woman completed her attire: an embroidered long gown, pot-bottom flowered shoes, and a dramatic coif."
The embroidery patterns showed a deep influence from the Chinese culture. The Qing had a strict dress code for the court, and gown colors and embroidery patterns indicated rank. Royals preferred the colors yellow and blue as well as the royal symbol—the dragon—which represents authority bestowed by heaven.
The Qing court established its authority upon this Chinese tradition. Other Chinese motifs found their way onto the long Manchu gowns, such as the crane, symbolizing long life; motifs from Taoist stories; and the plum blossom, a symbol of inner strength.
In the beginning of the Qing Dynasty, long gowns had narrow sleeves, right-side pleats, and round collars, with the bottom wider than the top. Later, the bottom became narrower, making the gown more straight-lined; narrow collars appeared, and sleeves became wider.
During Kangxi’s reign (1661–1722), Manchu women preferred brown gowns with golden-embroidered black collars and surcoats with green-embroidered black hems. Popular styles in later periods included pink-trimmed yellow gowns and black-decorated blue gowns.
The Manchu women’s long gown was refashioned in the 1920s into today’s form-fitting silhouette, now seen as a Chinese traditional dress despite its Manchu origin. The lasting impact of the Manchu dress speaks both to the qipao’s vitality and Chinese culture’s versatility.
Pot-Bottomed Flowered Shoes
Manchu women of status wore platform shoes with colorful embroidery. The wooden platform was shaped like a flower pot, and its imprint looked like that of a horse’s hoof, so the shoe is also called “pot-bottom shoe” or “horse-hoofed shoe.” The former name is perhaps more fitting because the platform served as the base for the upper part of the shoe, which was embroidered with flowers.
The platform is usually 2 to 6 inches high, wrapped in white cloth, and attached at the arch of the shoe. The vamp was made of silk and embroidered with flowers and sometimes birds and fruit. Manchu women did not bind their feet like some Chinese women did during the Qing Dynasty, so their shoes were of regular sizes.
The pot-bottom shoes effectively elevated the woman’s feet above the hem of the long gown, making the Manchu women walk tall and dignified. To walk stably in the shoes, Manchu women had to hold a straight posture and swing their arms more widely. This gave them an extra air of femininity and royalty.
Different stories tell the origin of the pot-bottom shoe. One tells of a tradition that Manchu women gathered fruits and vegetables in the mountains, and they tied a piece of wood at the bottom of their shoes to avoid being bitten by snakes. This tradition later turned into the artistically refined pot-bottom shoe.
Elaborate Hairstyles
Manchu women arranged their hair in a rather stately fashion, with a decorated frame attached to the top of the head. Instead of tying their hair up in a bun like the Chinese did, Manchu women wrapped their hair around a wooden, metal, or ivory fillet (called “bian fang”), extending over either side of the head and fastened behind the head.
The coiffure rose dramatically above the head, with decorative flowers attached to the front. Silk tassels hung from the two sides, matching the patterns of the flowered shoes. This was called the banner hair or “liang ba tou (two handfuls of hair)” as the hair was parted in the middle and wrapped to the two sides of the fillet.
During the Qing Dynasty, the coiffure became higher and fan-shaped, sitting on the head like a flat crown. Instead of being wrapped with hair, the frame was covered in silk or velvet, and decorations were also more lavish.
For court women, the coiffure was decorated with flowers made of jade, pearl, coral, and precious stones. Common women preferred inlaid metal and velvet flowers. Choices of flowers included peony, chrysanthemum, and plum blossom.
Hairpins helped finish the last step of the headdress. The coiffure was anchored to the hair in the back. Decorative hairpins were attached to the front of the coiffure, highlighting beauty and wealth. Jade and precious stone hairpins, often elaborately designed, were preferred by the wealthy, while commoners used silver and bone hairpins. Auspicious motifs such as those symbolizing happiness, prosperity, and longevity defined a hairpin’s decorative patterns.
With the last hairpin, the Manchu woman completed her attire: an embroidered long gown, pot-bottom flowered shoes, and a dramatic coif. She stood tall and beautiful, walking with her arms and headdress tassels swaying in the air as the platform shoes sounded rhythmically—a picture of beauty, dignity, and grace.
By Hong Jiang
Epoch Times Staff
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Manchu women were known for their impressive coiffure as well as for their long embroidered gowns, loosly fitting and hanging down from the body. (National Museum of China) |
The long gown was the dress code for both Manchu men and women. Below we focus on Manchu women’s dress—clothing, shoes, and headdresses.
The Long Gown, ‘Qipao’
Long Manchu gowns, commonly known today as ‘qipao,’ did not have the tight-fitting shape that qipao is known for today—the latter was modified from the traditional qipao in the 1920s to fit the popular Chinese fashion. The word qipao means banner gown or gown of the banner people, referring to the Manchu, who were organized into eight banners, or divisions, by the Qing state.
Traditional qipao was loose-fitting and hung down from the body, covering all but the head, hands, and the front of the toes. While men’s gowns had four splits for ease of movement in horse riding, women’s gowns usually had two splits, one on each side.
The upper-class woman wore long gowns made of silk, satin, or gauze, while the lower-class woman wore cotton or coarse fur. In the wintertime, fur or cotton inlays helped to insulate the body from the freezing cold in northern China. A long surcoat with a front opening or a short sleeveless vest could also be worn outside the long gown.
Embroidery on the long gown was an important part of the Manchu dress, with decorative borders highlighting collars, hems, and splits. Common embroidery patterns included animals, flowers, and clouds; round patterns and auspicious Chinese characters were used as well. Cloud and butterfly patterns were often used to decorate borders. For court women, the necklines were often decorated with pearls, precious stones, and jade ornaments.
"With the last hairpin, the Manchu woman completed her attire: an embroidered long gown, pot-bottom flowered shoes, and a dramatic coif."
The embroidery patterns showed a deep influence from the Chinese culture. The Qing had a strict dress code for the court, and gown colors and embroidery patterns indicated rank. Royals preferred the colors yellow and blue as well as the royal symbol—the dragon—which represents authority bestowed by heaven.
The Qing court established its authority upon this Chinese tradition. Other Chinese motifs found their way onto the long Manchu gowns, such as the crane, symbolizing long life; motifs from Taoist stories; and the plum blossom, a symbol of inner strength.
In the beginning of the Qing Dynasty, long gowns had narrow sleeves, right-side pleats, and round collars, with the bottom wider than the top. Later, the bottom became narrower, making the gown more straight-lined; narrow collars appeared, and sleeves became wider.
During Kangxi’s reign (1661–1722), Manchu women preferred brown gowns with golden-embroidered black collars and surcoats with green-embroidered black hems. Popular styles in later periods included pink-trimmed yellow gowns and black-decorated blue gowns.
The Manchu women’s long gown was refashioned in the 1920s into today’s form-fitting silhouette, now seen as a Chinese traditional dress despite its Manchu origin. The lasting impact of the Manchu dress speaks both to the qipao’s vitality and Chinese culture’s versatility.
Pot-Bottomed Flowered Shoes
Manchu women of status wore platform shoes with colorful embroidery. The wooden platform was shaped like a flower pot, and its imprint looked like that of a horse’s hoof, so the shoe is also called “pot-bottom shoe” or “horse-hoofed shoe.” The former name is perhaps more fitting because the platform served as the base for the upper part of the shoe, which was embroidered with flowers.
The platform is usually 2 to 6 inches high, wrapped in white cloth, and attached at the arch of the shoe. The vamp was made of silk and embroidered with flowers and sometimes birds and fruit. Manchu women did not bind their feet like some Chinese women did during the Qing Dynasty, so their shoes were of regular sizes.
The pot-bottom shoes effectively elevated the woman’s feet above the hem of the long gown, making the Manchu women walk tall and dignified. To walk stably in the shoes, Manchu women had to hold a straight posture and swing their arms more widely. This gave them an extra air of femininity and royalty.
Different stories tell the origin of the pot-bottom shoe. One tells of a tradition that Manchu women gathered fruits and vegetables in the mountains, and they tied a piece of wood at the bottom of their shoes to avoid being bitten by snakes. This tradition later turned into the artistically refined pot-bottom shoe.
Elaborate Hairstyles
Manchu women arranged their hair in a rather stately fashion, with a decorated frame attached to the top of the head. Instead of tying their hair up in a bun like the Chinese did, Manchu women wrapped their hair around a wooden, metal, or ivory fillet (called “bian fang”), extending over either side of the head and fastened behind the head.
The coiffure rose dramatically above the head, with decorative flowers attached to the front. Silk tassels hung from the two sides, matching the patterns of the flowered shoes. This was called the banner hair or “liang ba tou (two handfuls of hair)” as the hair was parted in the middle and wrapped to the two sides of the fillet.
During the Qing Dynasty, the coiffure became higher and fan-shaped, sitting on the head like a flat crown. Instead of being wrapped with hair, the frame was covered in silk or velvet, and decorations were also more lavish.
For court women, the coiffure was decorated with flowers made of jade, pearl, coral, and precious stones. Common women preferred inlaid metal and velvet flowers. Choices of flowers included peony, chrysanthemum, and plum blossom.
Hairpins helped finish the last step of the headdress. The coiffure was anchored to the hair in the back. Decorative hairpins were attached to the front of the coiffure, highlighting beauty and wealth. Jade and precious stone hairpins, often elaborately designed, were preferred by the wealthy, while commoners used silver and bone hairpins. Auspicious motifs such as those symbolizing happiness, prosperity, and longevity defined a hairpin’s decorative patterns.
With the last hairpin, the Manchu woman completed her attire: an embroidered long gown, pot-bottom flowered shoes, and a dramatic coif. She stood tall and beautiful, walking with her arms and headdress tassels swaying in the air as the platform shoes sounded rhythmically—a picture of beauty, dignity, and grace.
From - http://www.ntdtv.com/xtr/b5/2011/11/13/a616955.html#video
From - http://www.ntdtv.com/xtr/b5/2011/11/13/a616955.html#video
夏威夷法轮功学员Ben Maloney:〝有台湾、日本、韩国、加州等地(法轮功学员)参加,我们很高兴有这么多人参与。〞
From - http://www.ntdtv.com/xtr/b5/2011/11/12/a616589.html#video
夏威夷法轮功学员Ben Maloney:〝有台湾、日本、韩国、加州等地(法轮功学员)参加,我们很高兴有这么多人参与。〞
From - http://www.ntdtv.com/xtr/b5/2011/11/12/a616589.html#video
Seeking to Help the Chinese People, Vietnam Broadcasters Face Trial
By Stephen Gregory
Epoch Times Staff
The case has been hanging fire in Vietnam for seventeen months: Too sensitive to prosecute and too sensitive to dismiss, it has twice been postponed. Thursday morning at 8:30 in Hanoi two Falun Gong practitioners who aired short wave broadcasts into China are finally scheduled to get their day in court, although they most likely will not get the chance to tell their story.
Vu Duc Trung and his brother-in-law Le Van Thanh were arrested on June 11, 2010 for the administrative offense of using broadcasting devices without a permit and the criminal charge of “transmitting information illegally into the telecommunications network.” They have sat in jail in Hanoi ever since.
The charges are a pretext. Vietnam’s prosecution of the two is in fact a matter of state, a kowtow to Vietnam’s giant northern neighbor, with whom Vietnam has disputes over territory on their shared border and in the South China Sea, and over navigation, fishing, and mineral rights, while relying on China for hundreds of millions of dollars in investments each year.
The official indictment, a copy of which was obtained by The Epoch Times, makes the political dimension of the prosecution clear. The indictment cites a May 30, 2010 memo from the Chinese Embassy to the Vietnam Ministry of Public Security. The memo stated that the People’s Republic of China had discovered radio broadcasts with “Sound of Hope” content going into China from Vietnam and suggested a “joint effort” to halt Falun Gong activity in Vietnam.
The long-postponed trial is a proxy for a much larger conflict. Since July 1999 the Chinese Communist Party has sought to “eradicate” the spiritual practice of Falun Gong, and the adherents of Falun Gong have sought in an act of moral jiu jitsu to turn the campaign against them back against the CCP. By educating the people of China about the lies and violence used against Falun Gong, practitioners seek to dissolve the legitimacy of the CCP and its ability to persecute the practice.
Trung, 31, the founder of a successful web-hosting company in Hanoi, and Thanh, 36, a cab driver, joined together to lend their hands to this peaceful campaign of resistance.
Falun Gong
Trung was the leader of the effort. Although of a serious turn of mind, in pictures there is always something a little whimsical about Trung’s smile, as though there is a joke that only he knows. Vietnamese Falun Gong practitioners say he speaks very persuasively and is a natural leader.
Trung discovered Falun Gong in 2007 by browsing the web. After reading the practice’s foundational book, Zhuan Falun, he began following its teachings and practicing Falun Gong’s meditative exercises.
In May 2009 Trung spoke at a Falun Gong conference held in Hanoi about how Falun Gong had changed him. In winter time he was accustomed to having chronic bronchitis for which he took high doses of antibiotics. In a case similar to the experiences of thousands of other practitioners, his annual bronchitis cleared up without medication.
Even though he had a wife and young children, he had earlier spent long hours at his computer playing video games, ignoring his family. He would sometimes be irritable and speak abusively. After he began practicing Falun Gong, his wife told him and his relatives that he changed “180 degrees.” Trung said that because of Falun Gong, he looked inside to improve himself, sought to remove selfishness, and to become a good person in society.
Trung introduced his brother-in-law Thanh to Falun Gong, who also experienced dramatic changes. Thanh had been in and out of prison due to narcotic use. After he began practicing Falun Gong, he gave up drugs. Practitioners in Vietnam describe him as compassionate, gentle, and shy.
Delighted in the changes in the two men, their families supported them in their practice of Falun Gong.
Trung’s compassion for his fellow practitioners in China led to the idea of the short wave broadcasts.
Vinh Vo, a software engineer who lives in San Jose, California, is mentioned in the indictment as one of those responsible for the broadcasts into China.
“When Trung would sit at his computer and read in Clearwisdom [a Falun Gong website] of the torture and abuse suffered by practitioners in China,” Vo said, “tears would run down his face.”
Trung was particularly shocked by the evidence of forced organ harvesting taking place in China and felt he had to do something.
In early 2009 the Sound of Hope (SOH) affiliate Radio Erabaru in Indonesia was in the news because of the Chinese regime’s efforts to shut it down. The example of Radio Erabaru, which broadcast to Chinese-speakers in nearby Singapore, inspired Trung with the idea of broadcasting directly to China.
“He wanted to help the people of China understand that misleading news can harm them,” Vo said. “He wanted to let them know about the persecution of Falun Gong and help relieve the pressure on his fellow practitioners.”
SOH radio network provided the content that Trung wanted—its programs offer an uncensored take on events in China, covering human rights abuses, corruption, protests, and the persecution of Falun Gong. Moreover, the content was free for anyone to download.
Trung had gotten to know Vo online, and Vo had formerly worked for the Viet-language Sound of Hope broadcast. Trung invited Vo to come to Vietnam.
Vo attended the May 2009 conference in Hanoi and then spent two weeks at Trung’s father-in-law’s farm 12 miles northwest of Hanoi helping Trung set up a radio station.
The work did not go smoothly at first. They set up a lightning rod, and no sooner did they do so than a stroke of lightning hit the transformer beside the rod, frying all of the electronic circuits inside the house.
They persevered and Trung learned how to operate the equipment. He set it up so that he could control the programming from his laptop. Sitting in his office in Hanoi he could load and broadcast programs.
Later, Trung and Thanh installed two sets of broadcasting equipment in Thanh’s home, where Thanh could turn them off in case of storms.
Vietnam sits on a highland, relative to China, which is an advantage for shortwave broadcasts. The signal of their new station could reach all the way to Beijing, 1,400 miles north.
Shortwave, when compared to AM, FM, TV, satellite radio, and the Internet, seems to be an obsolete technology. But in China’s rural areas it is anything but.
Poor farmers don’t have Internet access and can’t afford a TV, much less a satellite dish. But they often can afford a shortwave radio, which has the added advantage of being portable—they can take it with them as they do their daily chores.
The Chinese regime jealously guards its stranglehold on information. SOH, which has affiliates at different points of the compass surrounding China, has been told by experts that the expense and effort to jam SOH’s broadcasts from reaching China is unprecedented.
A shortwave signal cannot be blocked, but someone seeking to jam it can broadcast noise over it, drowning out the original broadcast.
Trung’s software allowed him to identify whether his signal was being jammed and he could with a touch of button switch frequencies. But he and Thanh weren’t really sure anyone in China was listening.
Trung and Thanh had spent so much money and effort and yet were not sure if they had accomplished anything. Disheartened, they stopped broadcasting for a week.
Before the week was out, mail began to arrive at a SOH affiliate in Taiwan. Listeners wanted to know what had happened to Trung and Thanh’s broadcast. The broadcasters then turned the power back on.
Allen Zeng, the spokesperson for SOH, provided examples of typical feedback that arrives daily from mainland China.
One village wrote a collective letter to say that they were encouraged by SOH reporting on their case, and the entire village now gathers together to listen to SOH broadcasts.
A listener wrote that SOH “is the sound of true hope for all living beings within the iron walls of Mainland China.”
Another wrote, “Restoring knowledge, truth, mental health, human dignity and morality are the issues that every single person in mainland China needs to face, and listening to your programs is one of the effective ways to resolve these problems.”
Arrest and Trial
Trung and Thanh treated their project as confidential. Vo, a friend in Vietnam, and two individuals in Taiwan knew about the project. Their families knew of the equipment, but didn’t know the details.
The two broadcasters never expected to be arrested. Vo had worked with them to research international and Vietnamese laws. “There is no law that says it is illegal to broadcast across the border,” Vo said. “We researched for several months to make sure there were no loopholes we didn’t know about.”
But late in the afternoon of June 11, 2010 police showed up at Trung’s office, handcuffed him in front of his staff, and led him away, without saying a word as to where they were taking him, causing his family to panic. Thanh was picked up at his home. They have remained in jail ever since.
Freedom House and Reporters Without Borders have condemned the prosecution of Trung and Thanh, the U.S. Embassy has monitored the case, and various international media outlets have reported on it.
Vietnam has shied away from the world’s attention, first scheduling the trial for April 8, then for Oct. 6., before settling on this Thursday.
Trung’s lawyer, Tran Dinh Trien, has seen Trung three or four times during his long incarceration. Trien reports that Trung has been healthy and in good spirits. Trung believes in what he and Thanh were doing, believes that the broadcasts were good for the Chinese people.
Additional reporting by Thanh Le.
Epoch Times Staff
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In a related event, protesters at the Vietnamese consulate in San Francisco on Oct. 3 advocate for freedom for broadcasters Vu Duc Trung and Le Van Thanh. (Jan Jekielek/The Epoch Times) |
Vu Duc Trung and his brother-in-law Le Van Thanh were arrested on June 11, 2010 for the administrative offense of using broadcasting devices without a permit and the criminal charge of “transmitting information illegally into the telecommunications network.” They have sat in jail in Hanoi ever since.
The charges are a pretext. Vietnam’s prosecution of the two is in fact a matter of state, a kowtow to Vietnam’s giant northern neighbor, with whom Vietnam has disputes over territory on their shared border and in the South China Sea, and over navigation, fishing, and mineral rights, while relying on China for hundreds of millions of dollars in investments each year.
The official indictment, a copy of which was obtained by The Epoch Times, makes the political dimension of the prosecution clear. The indictment cites a May 30, 2010 memo from the Chinese Embassy to the Vietnam Ministry of Public Security. The memo stated that the People’s Republic of China had discovered radio broadcasts with “Sound of Hope” content going into China from Vietnam and suggested a “joint effort” to halt Falun Gong activity in Vietnam.
The long-postponed trial is a proxy for a much larger conflict. Since July 1999 the Chinese Communist Party has sought to “eradicate” the spiritual practice of Falun Gong, and the adherents of Falun Gong have sought in an act of moral jiu jitsu to turn the campaign against them back against the CCP. By educating the people of China about the lies and violence used against Falun Gong, practitioners seek to dissolve the legitimacy of the CCP and its ability to persecute the practice.
Trung, 31, the founder of a successful web-hosting company in Hanoi, and Thanh, 36, a cab driver, joined together to lend their hands to this peaceful campaign of resistance.
Falun Gong
Trung was the leader of the effort. Although of a serious turn of mind, in pictures there is always something a little whimsical about Trung’s smile, as though there is a joke that only he knows. Vietnamese Falun Gong practitioners say he speaks very persuasively and is a natural leader.
Trung discovered Falun Gong in 2007 by browsing the web. After reading the practice’s foundational book, Zhuan Falun, he began following its teachings and practicing Falun Gong’s meditative exercises.
In May 2009 Trung spoke at a Falun Gong conference held in Hanoi about how Falun Gong had changed him. In winter time he was accustomed to having chronic bronchitis for which he took high doses of antibiotics. In a case similar to the experiences of thousands of other practitioners, his annual bronchitis cleared up without medication.
Even though he had a wife and young children, he had earlier spent long hours at his computer playing video games, ignoring his family. He would sometimes be irritable and speak abusively. After he began practicing Falun Gong, his wife told him and his relatives that he changed “180 degrees.” Trung said that because of Falun Gong, he looked inside to improve himself, sought to remove selfishness, and to become a good person in society.
Trung introduced his brother-in-law Thanh to Falun Gong, who also experienced dramatic changes. Thanh had been in and out of prison due to narcotic use. After he began practicing Falun Gong, he gave up drugs. Practitioners in Vietnam describe him as compassionate, gentle, and shy.
Delighted in the changes in the two men, their families supported them in their practice of Falun Gong.
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Vu Duc Trung (Courtesy Vu Duc Trung) |
Vinh Vo, a software engineer who lives in San Jose, California, is mentioned in the indictment as one of those responsible for the broadcasts into China.
“When Trung would sit at his computer and read in Clearwisdom [a Falun Gong website] of the torture and abuse suffered by practitioners in China,” Vo said, “tears would run down his face.”
Trung was particularly shocked by the evidence of forced organ harvesting taking place in China and felt he had to do something.
In early 2009 the Sound of Hope (SOH) affiliate Radio Erabaru in Indonesia was in the news because of the Chinese regime’s efforts to shut it down. The example of Radio Erabaru, which broadcast to Chinese-speakers in nearby Singapore, inspired Trung with the idea of broadcasting directly to China.
“He wanted to help the people of China understand that misleading news can harm them,” Vo said. “He wanted to let them know about the persecution of Falun Gong and help relieve the pressure on his fellow practitioners.”
SOH radio network provided the content that Trung wanted—its programs offer an uncensored take on events in China, covering human rights abuses, corruption, protests, and the persecution of Falun Gong. Moreover, the content was free for anyone to download.
Trung had gotten to know Vo online, and Vo had formerly worked for the Viet-language Sound of Hope broadcast. Trung invited Vo to come to Vietnam.
Vo attended the May 2009 conference in Hanoi and then spent two weeks at Trung’s father-in-law’s farm 12 miles northwest of Hanoi helping Trung set up a radio station.
The work did not go smoothly at first. They set up a lightning rod, and no sooner did they do so than a stroke of lightning hit the transformer beside the rod, frying all of the electronic circuits inside the house.
They persevered and Trung learned how to operate the equipment. He set it up so that he could control the programming from his laptop. Sitting in his office in Hanoi he could load and broadcast programs.
Later, Trung and Thanh installed two sets of broadcasting equipment in Thanh’s home, where Thanh could turn them off in case of storms.
Vietnam sits on a highland, relative to China, which is an advantage for shortwave broadcasts. The signal of their new station could reach all the way to Beijing, 1,400 miles north.
Shortwave, when compared to AM, FM, TV, satellite radio, and the Internet, seems to be an obsolete technology. But in China’s rural areas it is anything but.
Poor farmers don’t have Internet access and can’t afford a TV, much less a satellite dish. But they often can afford a shortwave radio, which has the added advantage of being portable—they can take it with them as they do their daily chores.
The Chinese regime jealously guards its stranglehold on information. SOH, which has affiliates at different points of the compass surrounding China, has been told by experts that the expense and effort to jam SOH’s broadcasts from reaching China is unprecedented.
A shortwave signal cannot be blocked, but someone seeking to jam it can broadcast noise over it, drowning out the original broadcast.
Trung’s software allowed him to identify whether his signal was being jammed and he could with a touch of button switch frequencies. But he and Thanh weren’t really sure anyone in China was listening.
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Vu Duc Trung (Courtesy Vu Duc Trung) |
Before the week was out, mail began to arrive at a SOH affiliate in Taiwan. Listeners wanted to know what had happened to Trung and Thanh’s broadcast. The broadcasters then turned the power back on.
Allen Zeng, the spokesperson for SOH, provided examples of typical feedback that arrives daily from mainland China.
One village wrote a collective letter to say that they were encouraged by SOH reporting on their case, and the entire village now gathers together to listen to SOH broadcasts.
A listener wrote that SOH “is the sound of true hope for all living beings within the iron walls of Mainland China.”
Another wrote, “Restoring knowledge, truth, mental health, human dignity and morality are the issues that every single person in mainland China needs to face, and listening to your programs is one of the effective ways to resolve these problems.”
Arrest and Trial
Trung and Thanh treated their project as confidential. Vo, a friend in Vietnam, and two individuals in Taiwan knew about the project. Their families knew of the equipment, but didn’t know the details.
The two broadcasters never expected to be arrested. Vo had worked with them to research international and Vietnamese laws. “There is no law that says it is illegal to broadcast across the border,” Vo said. “We researched for several months to make sure there were no loopholes we didn’t know about.”
But late in the afternoon of June 11, 2010 police showed up at Trung’s office, handcuffed him in front of his staff, and led him away, without saying a word as to where they were taking him, causing his family to panic. Thanh was picked up at his home. They have remained in jail ever since.
Freedom House and Reporters Without Borders have condemned the prosecution of Trung and Thanh, the U.S. Embassy has monitored the case, and various international media outlets have reported on it.
Vietnam has shied away from the world’s attention, first scheduling the trial for April 8, then for Oct. 6., before settling on this Thursday.
Trung’s lawyer, Tran Dinh Trien, has seen Trung three or four times during his long incarceration. Trien reports that Trung has been healthy and in good spirits. Trung believes in what he and Thanh were doing, believes that the broadcasts were good for the Chinese people.
Additional reporting by Thanh Le.
Fraud Fuels China’s Underground Organ Industry
By Wen Hua
Epoch Times Staff
To find clients, Cai Shaohua would hang out outside dialysis units at major hospitals in Beijing. A kidney broker in China’s Wild West organ transplant market, it was up to him to find the recipient, while another broker rustled up donors. If the donor passed the physical, Cai would then falsify documents for 400 yuan ($61).
Cai, now a disgraced organ broker who is telling it all, explained to Chinese Life Week magazine that recipients pay between 110,000 and 120,000 yuan ($16,858 to $18,390) for a kidney. He, the other broker, and the donor each get a third of the fee.
While Cai won’t be outside hospitals anymore—he is being charged in the Beijing Haidian District Court for his illegal brokerage—there are organ brokers at every transplant hospital in Beijing, he says. It’s an open secret. “Each broker has his or her own turf and is not allowed to do business elsewhere. But the brokers often exchange information or resources among themselves.”
Cai’s story is a glimpse into the unscrupulous organ industry in China, where players make handsome profits by falsifying documents and kidnapping unwilling donors.
According to China’s “Human Organ Transplant Regulation,” the only people permitted to donate organs are married partners and certain close relatives. Cai’s job was to falsify the relationship where none actually existed.
The extreme shortage of legitimate organs in China means the illegal organ trade is strong. Evidence from two independent studies suggests that since 2000, Falun Gong practitioners, millions of whom are incarcerated in China’s prison and labor camp systems, have been executed expressly for the purpose of harvesting their organs. The studies estimate that at least 40,000 – 65,000 organ transplants in China have originated from this source.
Lost Kidney
Hu Jie is a 26-year-old male who woke up without his left kidney. His story was widely reported in the Chinese media.
Originally from Hunan and employed in Guangdong, Hu had lost 24,000 yuan ($3,678) gambling, and his creditor demanded the money within two months. When he saw an online advertisement offering a tidy reward for a kidney donation, he decided to contact the broker. They settled on the price tag of 40,000 yuan ($6,130).
Hu travelled to Shandong to meet the broker, who then took him to a hospital for a physical. Hu did not have to check in or show his ID; the broker had a relationship with the hospital and brought a new client through every couple of days, an article in Hong Kong’s Next Media said.
After Hu passed the screening test, the broker took him to Linfen in Shanxi Province to meet the recipient of his kidney. That’s when Hu got cold feet. But the broker said it was too late: they had spent all that money on his health test and the transportation, and weren’t going to leave without their pound of flesh.
On Jan. 6 three of the broker’s enforcers took Hu to a small hospital in the countryside in Shanxi province, sedated him, and had his kidney removed.
“The day after the operation, I found myself alone in the hospital. Someone left a message on my cell phone saying 27,000 yuan ($4,137) has been transferred to my bank account. The message also warned me not to talk,” Hu told Next Magazine.
Authorities announced that they were investigating Hu’s ordeal, after his story kicked up dust in the media.
大家都来看”九评共产党” ( VCD, 书)!
Let’s find “Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party”(VCD, books)!
Quit the Chinese Communist Party or its affiliated organizations today!
Epoch Times Staff
To find clients, Cai Shaohua would hang out outside dialysis units at major hospitals in Beijing. A kidney broker in China’s Wild West organ transplant market, it was up to him to find the recipient, while another broker rustled up donors. If the donor passed the physical, Cai would then falsify documents for 400 yuan ($61).
Cai, now a disgraced organ broker who is telling it all, explained to Chinese Life Week magazine that recipients pay between 110,000 and 120,000 yuan ($16,858 to $18,390) for a kidney. He, the other broker, and the donor each get a third of the fee.
While Cai won’t be outside hospitals anymore—he is being charged in the Beijing Haidian District Court for his illegal brokerage—there are organ brokers at every transplant hospital in Beijing, he says. It’s an open secret. “Each broker has his or her own turf and is not allowed to do business elsewhere. But the brokers often exchange information or resources among themselves.”
Cai’s story is a glimpse into the unscrupulous organ industry in China, where players make handsome profits by falsifying documents and kidnapping unwilling donors.
According to China’s “Human Organ Transplant Regulation,” the only people permitted to donate organs are married partners and certain close relatives. Cai’s job was to falsify the relationship where none actually existed.
The extreme shortage of legitimate organs in China means the illegal organ trade is strong. Evidence from two independent studies suggests that since 2000, Falun Gong practitioners, millions of whom are incarcerated in China’s prison and labor camp systems, have been executed expressly for the purpose of harvesting their organs. The studies estimate that at least 40,000 – 65,000 organ transplants in China have originated from this source.
Lost Kidney
Hu Jie is a 26-year-old male who woke up without his left kidney. His story was widely reported in the Chinese media.
Originally from Hunan and employed in Guangdong, Hu had lost 24,000 yuan ($3,678) gambling, and his creditor demanded the money within two months. When he saw an online advertisement offering a tidy reward for a kidney donation, he decided to contact the broker. They settled on the price tag of 40,000 yuan ($6,130).
Hu travelled to Shandong to meet the broker, who then took him to a hospital for a physical. Hu did not have to check in or show his ID; the broker had a relationship with the hospital and brought a new client through every couple of days, an article in Hong Kong’s Next Media said.
After Hu passed the screening test, the broker took him to Linfen in Shanxi Province to meet the recipient of his kidney. That’s when Hu got cold feet. But the broker said it was too late: they had spent all that money on his health test and the transportation, and weren’t going to leave without their pound of flesh.
On Jan. 6 three of the broker’s enforcers took Hu to a small hospital in the countryside in Shanxi province, sedated him, and had his kidney removed.
“The day after the operation, I found myself alone in the hospital. Someone left a message on my cell phone saying 27,000 yuan ($4,137) has been transferred to my bank account. The message also warned me not to talk,” Hu told Next Magazine.
Authorities announced that they were investigating Hu’s ordeal, after his story kicked up dust in the media.
大家都来看”九评共产党” ( VCD, 书)!
Let’s find “Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party”(VCD, books)!
Quit the Chinese Communist Party or its affiliated organizations today!
Saturday, November 12, 2011
美越人权对话 法轮功抗议越南屈从中共
美国国务院副发言人Mark Toner:〝这当然是个非常好的机会,让他们来就美国和越南之间的人权问题进行讨论。〞
From - http://www.ntdtv.com/xtr/b5/2011/11/10/a615515.html#video
走入童话 思考人生
所幸的是约翰有一个理解他的母亲, 她从来都不阻止约翰幻想,约翰还有一个善良和富有同情心的外婆在关爱着他。在他上小学的时候,母亲送给约翰一本童话书《一千零一夜》, 从那时起他迷上了幻想,古代历史和神秘世界的读物。八岁的时候约翰开始琢磨着原子、分子,幻想是不是地上的一块小木片里也会有一个完整的世界。许多的夜晚约翰躺在床上自己编故事,在他十岁的时候还与表兄弟一起写幻想小说。
童年时的约翰经常思考人生,思考人活着的意义是什么。因为母亲多病,死亡是小约翰经常琢磨的问题,他不相信妈妈说的人死了之后就啥也没有了。人活着究竟是为什么? 为什么生命只有那么短? 人所做的一切都有什么意义?小的时候看到一幅一位和尚打坐的照片,他感受到照片中的祥和宁静,那位和尚不为周围的喧嚣所动,约翰对和尚的生活发生了兴趣,好奇和尚究竟过着什么样的生活。
珍惜机缘 得法破谜
二零零八年四月的一天,不满十七岁的约翰在一个网络论坛上看到一位法轮功修炼人写的关于法轮功的事情, 这引起了他的兴趣, 当即约翰从链接上下载了《转法轮》。两个月后约翰开始看《转法轮》,先看的是第二讲。这一看非同小可,许多不解的问题被解开了,他觉得这本书里面一定还有许多别的秘密。接下来的两天里约翰一口气把书给看完了。小时候琢磨的关于原子分子的问题书里也有了清晰的回答,宇宙的结构,另外空间,怎么样的人才算得上是一个好人,所有这些到处寻觅而不得其解的问题,《转法轮》都清清楚楚地说明白了!约翰觉得要赶紧多了解法轮功,他是唯一能帮助人解脱痛苦的路。约翰第一次觉得时间稍纵即逝,现在的时间太珍贵了,他感到不能错过这个机缘。
十八岁生日 立志真修
告别害羞 向身边的人讲真相
目睹爱子变化 母亲成同修
融入修炼环境 与同修共同精进
曼哈顿唐人街讲真相 纽约法会提高心性再精进
From - http://www.minghui.org/mh/articles/2011/2/13/走出桃源胜境-追随宇宙真理(图)-236239.html
约翰的故乡在挪威的绥柯梵,这里远离尘世,风景秀丽,宛如中国人传说的世外桃源 |
二零一零年九月四日,面带羞涩的年轻人约翰第一次来到曼哈顿的唐人街,用善心向中国人讲真相。 |
走入童话 思考人生
所幸的是约翰有一个理解他的母亲, 她从来都不阻止约翰幻想,约翰还有一个善良和富有同情心的外婆在关爱着他。在他上小学的时候,母亲送给约翰一本童话书《一千零一夜》, 从那时起他迷上了幻想,古代历史和神秘世界的读物。八岁的时候约翰开始琢磨着原子、分子,幻想是不是地上的一块小木片里也会有一个完整的世界。许多的夜晚约翰躺在床上自己编故事,在他十岁的时候还与表兄弟一起写幻想小说。
童年时的约翰经常思考人生,思考人活着的意义是什么。因为母亲多病,死亡是小约翰经常琢磨的问题,他不相信妈妈说的人死了之后就啥也没有了。人活着究竟是为什么? 为什么生命只有那么短? 人所做的一切都有什么意义?小的时候看到一幅一位和尚打坐的照片,他感受到照片中的祥和宁静,那位和尚不为周围的喧嚣所动,约翰对和尚的生活发生了兴趣,好奇和尚究竟过着什么样的生活。
珍惜机缘 得法破谜
二零零八年四月的一天,不满十七岁的约翰在一个网络论坛上看到一位法轮功修炼人写的关于法轮功的事情, 这引起了他的兴趣, 当即约翰从链接上下载了《转法轮》。两个月后约翰开始看《转法轮》,先看的是第二讲。这一看非同小可,许多不解的问题被解开了,他觉得这本书里面一定还有许多别的秘密。接下来的两天里约翰一口气把书给看完了。小时候琢磨的关于原子分子的问题书里也有了清晰的回答,宇宙的结构,另外空间,怎么样的人才算得上是一个好人,所有这些到处寻觅而不得其解的问题,《转法轮》都清清楚楚地说明白了!约翰觉得要赶紧多了解法轮功,他是唯一能帮助人解脱痛苦的路。约翰第一次觉得时间稍纵即逝,现在的时间太珍贵了,他感到不能错过这个机缘。
十八岁生日 立志真修
告别害羞 向身边的人讲真相
目睹爱子变化 母亲成同修
融入修炼环境 与同修共同精进
曼哈顿唐人街讲真相 纽约法会提高心性再精进
约翰参加纽约反迫害大游行 |
From - http://www.minghui.org/mh/articles/2011/2/13/走出桃源胜境-追随宇宙真理(图)-236239.html
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