Sunday, May 6, 2012

A Poem: Heaven is Dealing New Cards / Chen’s ‘Protector’ (Illustration)

By Zhen Chunqing - 

Heaven’s Will struck unexpectedly, shocking all mankind.
A corrupted policeman fled to the consulate, a deadly blow to Bo Xilai.
Guangcheng entered the embassy, a dumbfounding incident.
The evil ones recoiled, while the kind-hearted ones rejoiced.
Heaven’s Will guides human’s will, one surprise follows another.
All eyes are watching Beijing to see how Hu and Wen play their cards.
Yongkang trembles with fear, high time to cast him out and gain control.
His ousting will bring a favorable outcome in the game.
Obey Heaven’s Will, good fortune will be certain; or else reap misfortune.
Don’t forget, the red gang has a debt of blood and is not afraid of spilling more.
You can’t blame others if you let them push you out.
The Communist Party is doomed, as Heaven deals new cards.
If the worst were to happen, Hu and Wen planted the seeds.
By all means don’t let it, because that will bring catastrophe.
Read the original Chinese article.

Chen’s ‘Protector’ (Illustration)

By Jeff Nenarella
Epoch Times Staff

There is little reason to believe the Chinese regime has anything but cruel intentions towards Chen Guangcheng, China’s famed advocate for the poor and downtrodden.

A lawyer, Chen spent four years in jail for organizing a class action lawsuit against abuses—forced abortions no less—perpetrated by the regime authorities in Linyi city, Shandong province. After his release, he was kept under house arrest until he managed to make his way to the U.S. Embassy in Beijing and requested asylum.
The incident became a showdown with the regime threatening Chen’s family, demanding his return, while attacking the U.S. for housing Chen. In the terse days the followed, the U.S. returned Chen to the regime with guarantees the lawyer would be safe.
He wasn’t. Chen was immediately threatened, and his lawyer, Jiang Tianyong has been beaten. With Chen’s past treatment over the last eight-years, it begs the question what exactly the U.S. thought would be different this time around.

 大家都来看”九评共产党” ( VCD, 书)!
Let’s find “Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party”(VCD, books)!
Quit the Evil Chinese Communist Party or its affiliated organizations today!