Tuesday, June 5, 2012

562 民众联名营救法轮功 562 Chinese civilians signed with fingerprints requiring the release of a Falun Gong practitioner (W/ English Sub)




河北再现营救手印 法官〝被木偶〞
【新唐人2012年6月4日讯】近来,又有562名河北民众签字、按手印,要求当局释放法轮功学员。而在庭审法轮功学员的旁听席上,出现神秘男子指挥法官办案,法官如同他手中牵线的木偶,任由摆布。法轮功发言人张而平认为,民众的行为说明中共的谣言和镇压彻底失败,中国民众认同并共同捍卫〝真善忍〞的法理,迫害法轮功的专职机构〝610 办公室〞才是违法组织。
Judge controlled by 610 office as Hebei civilians sign another letter requiring the release of Falun Gong practitioners
Recently, another 562 Chinese civilians from Hebei province
signed with fingerprints requiring the release of a Falun Gong practitioner.

However, in the court session, a stranger sitting in the public
gallery appeared to be able to control the judge, who acted like a puppet.

Falun Dafa Association (FDA) Spokesman Zhang Erping said
the behavior of those civilians proved that
the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) lies and
suppression of Falun Gong had been a complete failure.
“The Chinese people chose to stand up protecting principles
of “Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance”,
while the “610 office” which was established to persecute
Falun Gong practitioners is the truly illegal organization.”
On May 29th, the Tanghai county court in Hebei held an illegal
trial of Falun Gong practitioner Zheng Xiangxing.
At the court Zheng’s lawyer submitted a letter with
562 finger-prints from local residents, requiring his.
Hundreds of people showed up at the trial hearing.
Zhang Erping, FDA spokesperson says: “This incident indicates
three things.

First, the CCP has been trying to defame Falun Gong for the
past thirteen years, however had never succeeded.

Second, the CCP tried to isolate Falun Gong practitioners with
the international and Chinese society, but again it failed.

Third, those Chinese people all agree that Falun Gong
practitioners are good persons.
So they chose to stand in protecting the value of
“Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance”.

Zheng Xiangxing and his wife are the owners of a shop selling
small household electrical appliances.

They operate their shop with honesty and never sell fake
or inferior products. Hence they always have a brisk business.
On the court session day May 29th, the residents who went
to hear the trial were intimidated by the local police.
Even Zheng’s two lawyers were also obstructed for over ten
minutes before being allowed to enter the courthouse.
(Mo Shaoping, Chinese lawyer) says: “Any public trial,
being held at a court, should allow anyone to sit in.
It’s not right to block the public from the trial.”
Zhang Erping says: “The CCP’s courts never allow
Falun Gong practitioners to have legal representation.
They are afraid of the truth being revealed;
they forbid the family members of Falun Gong practitioners
or the public to hear the trial.

If every Chinese knows the truth of CCP persecution of Falun
Gong, it’s impossible for them to continue for one more day.
Persecution of Falun Gong itself is unconstitutional.
If you extend the persecution into a judicial procedure,
you will find that the persecution is unconstitutional.”
During the whole trial, the strange man sat in the public
gallery moving his fingers now and then.
The judge also frequently looked in his direction.
Whenever the man moved his fingers, the judge would
immediately stop or change his words.

Many of the audience had noticed that it was that strange
man who controlled the actions of the judge, who was made to act like a puppet.
Mo Shaoping, Chinese lawyer says: “The judge should
make his decisions independently during a trial.
If he follows instructions from others, then there is some
problem with him.”
It was revealed that the strange man came from Tangshan,
a city 60 kilometers from Tanghai County.

He works for the local “610 office” which carries out the
persecution of Falun Gong.
Zhang Erping, FDA spokesperson says: The “610 office” was
established by Jiang Zemin’s group to persecute Falun Gong.
Its power is beyond the law and any governmental offices,
which is very similar to the Gestapo of Nazi Germany.

The law is nothing to the “610 office” and it is a completely
illegal organization.

There’s no legality in the CCP’s persecution on Falun Gong.
In fact Falun Gong practitioners are persecuted because
they try to practice their constitutional rights of freedom of belief and freedom of speech.”
Two days before the trail, a 4.8-magnitude earthquake
took place in Tangshan.
Another 3.2-magnitude quake happened on the trial day.
Some civilians believe that this indicates the anger from the
heavens on the ridiculous trial of Falun Gong practitioners.