Saturday, June 23, 2012

Efforts to Persecute Falun Gong in China Backfire

Local police stop following 610 Office orders

Epoch Times Staff
The 610 Office controls the public security departments, the procuratorate, the people’s courts, the media and the intelligence agencies. (Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party)
The 610 Office controls the public security departments, the procuratorate, the people’s courts, the media and the intelligence agencies. (Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party)
The “610 Office,” named after the date of its formation, June 10, 1999, was specifically created to implement Jiang Zemin’s persecution of Falun Gong. Falun Gong is a spiritual practice that has been severely persecuted by the Chinese regime since 1999.
This is a short account of how the efforts of the 610 Office eventually backfired in a small community in China, because local police officers and community workers eventually decided to stop following the 610 Office’s orders.
The 610 Office had ordered defamatory propaganda of Falun Gong to be posted in a particular neighborhood community. Thus, during the day, anti-Falun Gong banners, posters, and bulletin board notices were posted throughout the neighborhood. 
In order to clarify the truth behind the persecution, the local Falun Gong practitioners covered the banners and bulletin boards with the words “the CCP is a cult,” every night. Wherever the word “CCP” was printed on the posters, practitioners would add the word “cult” after it; wherever the word “Party” appeared, they would write “evil” in front of it.
The local community office and police headquarters began sending workers and police officers to clean up the defaced posters every morning. Their nightly patrols were increased from twice per night to once every hour. 
The Falun Gong practitioners thus began sending letters to the cleaning crew to clarify the truth behind the persecution, all the while continuing to deface the posters every night. The practitioners even started posting small flyers throughout the neighborhood, which explained the true nature of the persecution.
This posting, defacing, and cleaning continued for about four days, but the cleaning crew quickly became exhausted. Some of the police officers looked for a few local Falun Gong practitioners that they knew, and said to them: “Stop posting the flyers! Everyday when we arrive for work at 7 a.m., the first thing we have to do is to go out there and tear them down. It’s winter and it’s very hard to peel them off. We have to soak them in warm water first. We can’t take it any longer.” 
The night-shift workers were even more miserable, because they had to patrol the neighborhood so often that they could not get any sleep. Besides being completely exhausted, their bonuses were being docked because of the whole situation.
In the end, the community workers and police officers refused to post any more anti-Falun Gong propaganda for the 610 Office. In addition, whenever the 610 Office ordered them to obtain signatures or pledges from Falun Gong practitioners, they would simply come up with a lie to deceive the 610 Office without bothering the practitioners. 
They felt that, since the 610 Office was lying to them, why couldn’t they lie to the 610 Office? This made things much easier for them, and they wouldn’t have to risk getting their pay docked. The ruse was a great success, and the practice soon became so popular that it quickly spread to many other community offices and police posts.
Read original Chinese article.
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