(Source: http://english.ntdtv.com/)
Chen Guangcheng says China’s legal situation is being “grossly violated.” He describes his own case as an example.
The blind Chinese rights lawyer has given his first public speech in New York since arriving in the United States.
Chen attended an event organized by the Council on Foreign Relations in Manhattan on Thursday (May 31st).
[Chen Guangcheng, Chinese Legal Activist]:
Now what concerns me the most, and also one of [China's] most important problems is that the legal situation is still being grossly violated. Specifically, it was clearly shown when after I left Shandong, Shandong local authorities’ unrestrained harassment towards my family members started, and it is still going on. So I ask everyone to think about [what I will say next].
Now what concerns me the most, and also one of [China's] most important problems is that the legal situation is still being grossly violated. Specifically, it was clearly shown when after I left Shandong, Shandong local authorities’ unrestrained harassment towards my family members started, and it is still going on. So I ask everyone to think about [what I will say next].
The Central Communist government has expressed more than once that I am free, and that I am a legal citizen [of China]. Then it is very normal for me the leave Shandong. But after I left Shandong, the local authorities were very angry.
Party secretary of Shuanghou Township, Zhangjian brought with him more than 30 hired goons with wooden sticks, and climbed over the wall to get into my nephew’s yard at night. Then knocked down their walls, and started to beat his family members violently. From what I know the beatings were brutal. These wooden sticks are what Chinese people call Yang Gao Stick. [I heard] the wooden sticks actually broke.
From other sources, [I heard] his clothes were ripped, and also many areas on his legs, arms, neck, and even face were seriously injured. So under this condition, my nephew, who had no other choice, took up the kitchen knife in self defense. So they broke into someone’s house at night, which violates the Constitution of China. [They] violated property rights, then they physically harmed people, then performed robbery. They took away my brother’s communication tools, including phones, etc.
So the series of illegal crimes which they performed were not investigated, but my nephew’s act of self-defense in this situation, where if he did not fight back, he might have been beaten to death, was actually labeled as intentional homicide. Are there any heavenly laws to speak of? Is there any justice? This is really trampling the baseline of morality in China. Anyone with a little bit of conscience would not be able to accept this.
And this type of behavior continues to go on. From what I know, the latest news is that yesterday [Chen Kegui's] lawyer went to Yinan again, and requested to meet with Chen Kegui once more. Also when I left Shandong, the friends who helped me still are experiencing suppression. Since I have legal rights, then why should it be a problem for them to help me leave Shandong? If there are no legal problems then why are they receiving illegal treatment? Who has the right to illegally do these type of things above the law? Where is the logic in that?
So these type of problems continue to occur, which I think is a very important issue. And it’s also a very pressing issue that needs more people to pay attention to it.
大家都来看”九评共产党” ( VCD, 书)!
Let’s find “Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party”(VCD, books)!
Quit the Evil Chinese Communist Party or its affiliated organizations today!