Sunday, June 10, 2012

Chen Guangcheng on “Maintaining Stability” and “Do not interfere in China’s domestic affairs”

Chen Guangcheng on “Maintaining Stability”

Blind Chinese legal activist Chen Guangcheng has gives his first public speech in New York since arriving in the United States. 
Chen attends an event organized by the Council on Foreign Relations in Manhattan on Thursday (May 31st).  As part of his speech, he touched upon the topic of “maintaining stability” in China.
[Chen Guangcheng, Chinese Legal Activist]:
The method we’re using in this “maintaining stability” system [our country has] is oppression. All the problems have to be suppressed. It is as if these problems would disappear if [we] cover them up. The result is that social problems have piled up, and become bigger. 
And my personal feeling is very clear. China’s legal condition is indeed going backwards for the past six or seven years. Last July, the deputy secretary (of Shuanghou Township) who is in charge of political and legislative (affairs) openly said, “We just don’t care about how the law regulates; we don’t follow any legal formalities; (we) can do whatever way we want.” This is the best example.
I recall what Confucius said that “If you set an example by being correct, who would dare to remain incorrect?” (Full verse is To govern (cheng) is to correct (cheng). If you set an example by being correct, who would dare to remain incorrect? The Analects, By Confucius, Translated by Dim Cheuk Lau) There are many Confucius Institutes set up in the international community. Then how do you ask for other people to be correct if you are not correct yourself.
As a leader, whether the one in the Political and Legislative Affairs Committee, or in local government, if you don’t follow the law how do you ask your people to follow the law? The effect of such a bad example is very terrible. 
Therefore I say everything should be positively, reasonably, openly, and fairly dissolved. Then how can the society not be stable?

Chen Guangcheng Responds to “Do not interfere in China’s domestic affairs”

[Chen Guangcheng, Human Rights Lawyer]:
It’s just like things that happen in our family. Yes, we can say that our family matters are our own problems, we don’t need other people to interfere. But that depends on how serious your family matters are. 
If it exceeds a normal standard, such as having an abusive spouse, then other people need to interfere. However, depending on the severity of these affairs, for example if you’re at home, doesn’t matter whether it’s the men or the women, if the [treatment towards the other spouse] exceeds what’s considered normal, and one abuses the other person, or even with one behaving in a violent way [towards the other], then I think this exceeds the arena of familial affairs, and an outsider needs to interfere. 
I think the international law involved when it comes to dealing with international relations should also perform this function. If you exceed the limit that is allowed by the international law, such as unreasonable measures taken when dealing with citizens and ordinary people, I think international law should have such a restraint.
大家都来看”九评共产党” ( VCD, 书)!
Let’s find “Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party”(VCD, books)!
Quit the Evil Chinese Communist Party or its affiliated organizations today!