June 03, 2012 | By Haishi in the USA
(Minghui.org) Dear Minghui editors:
Greetings! I know that a lot of Dafa disciples (Falun Dafa practitioners) are following the Chen Guangcheng story closely. However, the stories that truly deserve everyone’s attention are actually their own stories.
Very respectfully,
Haishi (pen name), an overseas Chinese in the U.S.
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Recently, I have come across the name Chen Guangcheng many times. On the Internet, almost the entire world is concerned with the future of this blind human rights attorney. Quite a few righteous and kind Chinese people as well as the Western media, politicians, religious and human rights organizations are following his story closely. Even the business world is taking notice, if just for observing the political trend that affects business. When I see the conscience of the world’s people, I am pleased. As a Chinese American, I would like to share my understanding and perspectives with the Minghui website.
Reason for Inconsistency
After escaping house arrest and going to the U.S. Embassy, Chen’s initial wishes appeared to be inconsistent. By “inconsistent,” I don’t mean it derogatorily. At the beginning, based on information reported by the media, as well as from the U.S. government and the CCP, Chen didn’t want to leave China. Now we have obtained the news that he hopes to leave China with his family.
It makes sense.
Chen’s situation and the human rights violations he suffered put his life in concern. Based on these facts, the U.S. offered to facilitate his higher eduction in the United States. This is a practical solution. America is a normal human society. Americans emphasize the idea of freedom.
Who is Chen Guangcheng? He was born in the village of Dongshigu, Yinan County, Shandong Province. Even though he and his wife visited America for a short time in July and August 2003, there were some differences in both culture and notions during the first direct interactions between Chen and the U.S. Government. The story was that most recently, Chen went to the U.S. Embassy and then left for a hospital in Beijing. We don’t know the actual details. What the media reported was that Chen, as an individual, accepted the suggestions and arrangements of the U.S. government. He did it based on his own volition.
Chen is a disabled person fleeing from danger. As a man, he needed to consider his wife and daughter. According to media reports, Chen’s daughter has been under house arrest since she was born in July 2005. One can imagine how she has spent her seven years of life. It is easy to understand Chen’s position of wishing to stay in China. Chinese people value the style of patriotism and the spirit of serving China with one’s entire life. This is part of Chinese culture. All Chinese can understand this kind of wish, and there are many such examples from history.
When Chen worried for his wife and daughter, his human side became his vulnerability. The CCP regime then used Chen’s wife as hostage to threaten Chen.
In 203 B.C., when the nations of Chu (楚) and Han (汉) were confronting each other, Xiang Yu (项羽) put Liu Bang’s (刘邦) father on a cutting board and threatened Liu that if he didn’t surrender, Xiang would boil his father alive. Unexpectedly, Liu responded: “Per the direction of King Huai II of Chu, we became sworn brothers. My father is then your father. If you insist on boiling him alive, please share with me a bowl of soup!” Xiang then stopped his threat.
However, history is history. Today’s China is different than ancient China. Didn’t human rights attorney Gao Zhisheng also get threatened by the CCP because of his family? A lot of things have changed. I personally like the lines of New Tang Dynasty Television’s (NTD) program “Courageous People, Spirited Land.” “The five thousand years of Chinese history is so magnificent. It gave birth to so many kind people with lofty ideals. Their succession maintained and extended the bloodline of the Chinese spirit. Their loyalty and righteousness is the quintessential Chinese spirit. It has continued until today.” However, I think that the Chinese spirit is no longer pure. Not to mention the “Red Dynasty” (the CCP) that has played the absolute negative role in the historical drama.
Since the red demon from the west stole and reined over China, China has not had peace in the last 60-some years. History has come to today’s stage. People need to discern the kind and the wicked, the true and the false, the righteous and the evil and make their choice.
As for Chen, from what I have read, he has obtained help from the U.S. Then he left the U.S. Embassy and went to the hospital. It took him tremendous courage to escape house arrest and run for his life. Weighing different suggestions and opinions, Chen hoped to leave China with his family. This makes sense based on human nature. He is not a politician, not a student victim of the Tiananmen Massacre, not a petitioner whose house was forcefully torn down, nor is he a persecuted religious person. He is a blind person who has learned law and helps people protect their rights. As a result of standing up to injustice, his village home was ransacked. His daughter has never had a normal childhood ever since she was born seven years ago. She has never enjoyed playmates or going to school or the most basic living environment of a child.
We care about Chen because his family is as normal and as average as ours. His story reflects the common fate that Chinese people face. Therefore, we cannot pretend that we cannot see it. Then, do we simply leave Chen alone to fight with a scoundrel regime? Do we believe that a person can become an individual hero, resisting the persecution of a scoundrel political party?
Should we put our hope in the U.S.? The U.S. interests and the concepts of human rights, religious rights and freedom, freedom of assembly and freedom of expression are of a very low priority to the current Chinese. Differences in language, culture, territory, human hearts, interests and many other factors are very hard for the U.S. to handle and balance. Therefore, in handling this delicate diplomatic issue, the U.S. sought the collaboration and consensus of the international community. On the other hand, we should not have any illusions about the CCP!
The unfolding story of Chen Guangcheng is more than an individual issue that all kinds of people are following closely. As for Mr. Chen himself, there’s nothing to fear if he can persist on the righteous path!
I recall that during parades before June 4th, 1989, an old professor held a banner and said, “I have knelt down for too long. I’ll get up and walk.” The feeling is so common for Chinese. For several generations, we have lived in an environment with censored information, cultural violence and mind control. It is not realistic to expect Chen to act like a person who grew up in a normal society. Therefore, he must balance all elements and analyze his situation clearly and rationally as well as express his intent and position.
Chen’s patriotism should be commended. On the other hand, meaningless sacrifice is not recommended, not to mention becoming the casualty of two nations’ interests. Let’s wish him well with pure thoughts and help him and his family members with kindness and justice.
To be continued…
大家都来看”九评共产党” ( VCD, 书)!
Let’s find “Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party”(VCD, books)!
Quit the Evil Chinese Communist Party or its affiliated organizations today!