Lyric -
六十年的腥风雪雨埋葬,多少梦灰色的旗 灰色的衣 脸上没笑容
文革的泪 六四的痛,无边的苦难每天依然发生
剥夺信仰 弹压抗争,谎言加暴力,中共不停折腾
From: http://www.ntdtv.com/xtr/gb/2009/01/05/a241975.html#video
Please understand the truth about Falun Gong and the brutal persecution of Falun Gong in China. Please do not believe the Chinese Communist Party's lies. Falun Dafa is Good. Falun Gong (Falun Dafa) teaches 'Truthfulness, Compassion, Tolerance', it teaches us to be a GOOD person, and it makes us HEALTHY. And it is embraced in over 100 nations! 请了解法轮功和中共残酷迫害法轮功的真相。法轮大法(法轮功)好,114个国家都热爱她,请不要被中共的谎言欺骗。(http://falundafa.org)