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Following the melamine-tainted milk scandal, 'leather milk,' was recently discovered in China. Long-term intake will cause cancer and even death in children. (AFP/Getty Images) 继三聚氰胺毒奶事件后,中国近日再传有毒“皮革奶”,长期食用可能会致癌,甚至造成儿童死亡。(AFP) 【大纪元2011年02月16日讯】继三聚氰胺毒奶事件后,中国大陆再传有毒“皮革奶”。多项报导指出,皮革水解蛋白是由不法厂商收购皮鞋厂、皮革厂的废料,经过粉碎、化学处理,产生蛋白粉,再加入奶中,由于带有重铬酸钾和重铬酸钠等有毒物质,长期食用可能会致癌。“皮革奶”的影响范围和危害程度,正引发外界关注。 据浙江《都市快报》报导,今年2月,浙江金华市晨园乳业有限公司被举报在奶粉中添加皮革蛋白粉来提高蛋白质含量的违法行为。经调查发现,“晨园乳业”生产的8个批次含乳饮料成品、半成品中,有3批次成品、2批次半成品含有皮革水解蛋白成分。对“晨园乳业”销售到龙游、海宁和嘉善市场6批次含乳饮料进行检测,均含有皮革水解蛋白。 山东200家牛奶场曾添加皮革蛋白粉 中国最早于2005年,山东省就至少有200余家牛奶厂,在牛奶中添加过皮革蛋白粉。但在2009年3月,浙江省金华市“晨园乳业”又被查出制造“皮革奶”,当场起出3包20公斤装的白色皮革水解蛋白粉末,以及1300箱受污染的牛奶产品,山东、山西、河北也发现同类产品。 据报导,“皮革水解蛋白”是从旧皮衣、皮鞋、手袋、沙发等废旧皮革制品或是皮具厂的边角碎料,经过清洗、浸软,加入石灰和盐酸,再经过高温长时间熬煮,皮革中的胶质就会溶入水中,再加入双氧水漂白,然后将溶液冷却,提炼出来的。 “皮革水解蛋白”本身可制造工业明胶,成为黏合剂、纺织物等的原料,但不可食用,2009年被卫生部列入第二批《食品中可能违法添加的非食用物质和易滥用的食品添加剂品种名单》。“皮革水解蛋白” 含有重铬酸钾和重铬酸钠等有毒物质,人体吸收后可致关节疏松、肿大,甚至造成儿童死亡。” 专家:各地有人专门兜售制假技术 曾任广东省奶牛乳品行业协会会长的王丁棉则说:“国外也有用新鲜的牛皮、猪皮提炼水解蛋白用作食品添加剂的,但绝对不是用化工污染过的皮革废料。”他还说,“这种造假的技术都是专家提供的,没有专业人士的指引,农民养牛就算养100年也养不出三聚氰胺!”各地有人专门研制造假配方,然后卖给其他人,最后蔓延到全行业。 中文大学生命科学院副教授陈竟明表示,重铬酸钾和重铬酸钠是令皮革软化的化工原料,其中的“六价铬”是致癌物质,欧盟禁用。“奶就是奶,不应有其他物质。”陈竟明说:“奶中的乳酪蛋白有特别的氨基酸成分,能为人体提供足够营养,非法添加的物质不能代替。” 中国广播网引述北京食品检验专家王晓峰表示,皮革水解蛋白的检测难度比三聚氰胺更大,因为它本来就是一种蛋白质。现时以农业部规定的检测方法,主要是检查牛奶中是否含有“羟脯氨酸”,这是动物胶原蛋白中的特有成分,在乳酪蛋白中则没有,所以一旦验出,则可认为含有皮革水解蛋白。 学者:制度问题 从上到下堕落 “这是一个互相投毒的社会。”清华大学社会学系教授郭于华表示,现时中国整个社会生态恶化,不同行业各有损人利己做法,“这主要是制度的问题,是由上到下的堕落,培养出一些非常精明的人,造假成性,没有诚信,老实人反而吃亏”。 奸商往往在奶中搀水,但因为太稀、蛋白质不足而不能通过营养检测标准,故要加入冒充蛋白质的添加剂。《新民周刊》曾引述业内人士说,每吨水解蛋白价格为 1000元,按正规生产方法,1吨奶粉的成本算上鲜奶、人工、水电等等至少2万元,但是若搀入水解蛋白,每吨的成本不过4000至5000元,奸商正是在暴利诱惑下“投毒”。 毒奶患儿家长:皮革奶危害不小于三聚氰胺 有“三聚氰胺”受害家长表示,之前的确有听说过“皮革奶”,指当局是见到一种有害物质才出台相应的检测措施,根本没有全面保障消费者健康。有广州家长则表示“让人心惊”,以后只会选购大牌子的奶粉,或是到香港购买。 “三聚氰胺”奶粉受害儿童的家长蒋亚林向香港《明报》表示,“皮革奶”危害绝不小于三聚氰胺。她说,“农业部下令严查,一定不止一家企业是这样子。”她说措施远远未够,决策的过程也不够透明,只说检查,连“皮革奶”究竟有多少、危害有多大也不公布,“现在当局就是头痛医头、脚痛医脚,到危害实在够大了、瞒不住了,才有政策”。不过,蒋亚林说,暂时未听说有吃“皮革奶”而求助的患儿个案。 美东时间: 2011-02-16 05:57:09 AM 【万年历】 本文网址: http://www.epochtimes.com/gb/11/2/16/n3172072.htm 快上大纪元声明退出共产党和共产党其它组织(/团/队),抹去邪恶的印记! http://tuidang.epochtimes.com/ By Yiran Feng and Gisela Sommer Epoch Times Staff http://www.theepochtimes.com/n2/content/view/51637/ For years Chinese dairy producers have been making trips to the local tannery, collecting the chemical scraps left over from the leather softening process, putting it into milk, and thereby boosting the milk’s protein content as measured in tests. But the chemicals they are adding—hydrolyzed leather proteins, sodium and potassium dichromate, the chemical hexavalent chromium (CrVI)—cause cancer. The toxic milk has been dubbed “leather milk.” The most vulnerable victims are infants. The issue had been reported as early as 2005, but recent reports in the Chinese media, along with high-profile denials by the Communist Party that there were any problems, brought it to light again. Zhejiang Metropolitan Daily reported that five out of eight batches of dairy drinks from Chenyuan Diary Co., Ltd. in Jinhua City, Zhejiang Province, contained high levels of hydrolyzed protein from leather. Additionally, six batches of products sold to Longyou, Haining, and Jiashan markets all contained hydrolyzed leather proteins. Hong Kong’s Wenweipo reported as early as 2005 that at least 200 diary factories in Shandong Province added leather hydrolyzed protein to their products. Xinhua reported in July 2005 that in Shanxi Province, artificial milk was made out of materials that have nothing to do with real milk, such as synthetic flavoring, protein hydrolysate, and additives. Such artificial milk was then sold under famous brand names. In March 2009 a site inspection of Chenyuan Diary Co., Ltd. revealed three 20 kg bags of leather hydrolyzed protein, along with 1,300 boxes of tainted dairy products. Similar cases were also reported in Shandong, Shanxi, Hebei provinces. China State Council Food Safety Administration issued a notice on Feb. 13 that since July 2010 they have uncovered 40 illegal dairy product manufacturing and sales facilities. A total of 2,131 tons of tainted milk powder were confiscated. Wang Xiaofeng, a Beijing food inspection expert, said it is more difficult to detect leather hydrolyzed protein than melamine, because it is a type of protein itself. The inspection method devised by the Ministry of Agriculture checks if hydroxyproline, a type of hydrolyzed animal collagen, is contained in the dairy products. If so, it can be inferred that the product contains leather hydrolyzed protein. Social System Broken Dishonest traders often add water to milk. The milk is thereby diluted and cannot pass nutrition analysis tests because of reduced protein content. Substances are then added to ensure an acceptable protein level. Xinmin Weekly once quoted a dairy industry insider saying that a ton of protein hydrolysate costs 1,000 yuan. The cost of producing one ton of milk powder—including fresh milk, labor, water, and electricity—is at least 20,000 yuan. However, if protein hydrolysate was added the cost can drop down to 4,000 or 5,000 yuan. Milk is mostly consumed by children and is the only source of nutrition for infants. The devastating consequences of a previous scandal, in 2008, involving the chemical melamine, caused at least six painful deaths due to kidney stones, and left millions of young children sick, with potential future health problems. At that time Communist Party authorities covered up the poisonings until the Olympic Games were over. Professor Guo Yuhua from Tsinghua University Department of Sociology says it’s a problem of China’s social system, where everyone is looking out for their own interest. “This is a society where people are poisoning each other,” Guo told Hong Kong’s Ming Pao. Guo said the social environment in China is rapidly deteriorating, with the deterioration starting at the top with different professions each having their own ways to benefit themselves by hurting others. “There is no trust in society, and honest people usually are at a disadvantage,” Guo said. Former head of Guangdong Diary Industry Association, Wang Dingmin, told Xinmin Weekly: “The technology used for the fake products can only come from experts. Many people specifically research and develop this sort of technology and sell it to others. Eventually it spreads all over.” “Milk is milk. It should not contain anything else,” Chen said. Parents Disheartened Some victims of melamine-tinted milk powder said they have heard about the “leather milk” before. They say that the Communist Party only creates new inspection rules after there is a brouhaha about it, and that they do not proactively take steps to protect the interests of consumers. They also complain about the lack of transparency. Jiang Yalin’s child fell sick from drinking melamine-tainted powdered milk. Now she wants to know more about how the inspections are actually done. “They only talk about inspection, but do not tell us how much ‘leather milk’ has been found. They don’t want to tell us what the damage could be and how bad it can get. When the damage is too big to hide, they make a new policy,” Jiang said. China's milk powder imports during the first 11 months of 2010 reached a new high of 370,600 tons. Hong Kong media reports say that tourists from the mainland purchase imported milk powder in huge quantities. Certain brands of infant and baby milk powder are always in great demand and are quickly snatched up by tourists Macao media have also reported at travellers from the mainland who make stocking up on milk powder a key theme of their tourist visits—often leaving none for the locals. Regime the Real Problem Dr. David Gao is the president of the Global Service Center for Quitting the CCP; he is also the former first Dean of the College of Light Industry & Food Science, of South China University of Technology in Guangzhou, Guangdong Province, and now a senior food scientist with a health food company in the U.S. Gao told The Epoch Times in an email that people don’t matter to the Chinese Communist Party. “Fake and toxic foods are flooding China’s market and cancer rate in China is very high. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) deals with these issues only superficially, such as making examples of a few individuals, generally just to save face,” Gao said. “The regime is the real cause of broken civil society in China. It does not care about the welfare of people, but espouses a system of survival of the fittest. Its starting point has always been to use the people to enrich itself.” The CCP’s efforts over the years to debase and destroy traditional moral values, and the ongoing persecutions of people of faith and conviction, have also contributed to the downward trend, he said. “All of this has had the effect of terrorizing and dehumanizing civil society. Chinese people are paying a very heavy price,” he said. “Systemic corruption from the top down is pervasive. People will do anything for money if they think they can get away with it. They don’t care if it hurts anyone.” |
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Monday, February 21, 2011
废皮革榨蛋白质 大陆曝有毒“皮革奶”‘Leather Milk’ Surfaces in China
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