Jan. 15, 2025 | By Shen Rong, a Minghui correspondent in Taiwan
He said, “Soon after I began practicing, I started to feel drowsy. A week went by, I could sleep without taking pills. Around two weeks later, I was completely normal. My sleep quality returned to what it was in the past. I also discovered to my surprise my back pain also disappeared. After practicing Falun Dafa, I recovered from two years of insomnia, and five years of back pain.”
(Minghui.org) Tu Zhaojun is a director of an IC design company. After graduating from the university, he got a job in Hsinchu Science Park and became a senior engineer in an IT company at the age of 28. However, just as he was poised to have a successful career with unlimited prospects, Zhaojun began suffering from insomnia.
This sudden issue hit a pause button in his life. After many years he realized this insomnia was a gift instead of a setback as it led to a profound change in his life.
Zhaojun tried to find what caused his insomnia, thinking it could be work-related stress or problems in his relationship with his girlfriend. Yet after both problems were resolved, he still had difficulty sleeping. He said, “My body was very tired but I felt alert and I could not sleep. Finally, night turned into day. I forced myself to get up, stay awake and do my job well. I was exhausted by 7 or 8 p.m., but I could not fall asleep.”
He tried various ways to end his insomnia—he exercised longer, had massages, and sought medical treatment. Yet, he still faced endless, long nights.
The torture of not being able to sleep at night plus the aftereffects from a spine injury sustained while he was at the university made his life miserable. He said, “After I started working, the pain in my spine increased—I could not sit, stand, or lie down, I felt uncomfortable no matter what position I was in. To resolve my back pain, I went to both Western and Chinese doctors, but nothing helped.”
Introduced to Falun Dafa
After several years of continuous torment, he saw hope when he turned 30. A coworker asked him, “Why don’t you practice Falun Dafa?” He asked: “Can practicing Falun Dafa improve my insomnia?” His coworker confidently said, “Falun Dafa has helped many people.”
These words ignited hope in Zhaojun. He searched for a practice site near his house and arrived punctually before 5 a.m. to do the exercises. He was surprised when practicing Falun Dafa ended his insomnia.
He said, “Soon after I began practicing, I started to feel drowsy. A week went by, I could sleep without taking pills. Around two weeks later, I was completely normal. My sleep quality returned to what it was in the past. I also discovered to my surprise my back pain also disappeared. After practicing Falun Dafa, I recovered from two years of insomnia, and five years of back pain.”
Spiritual Joy
Zhaojun got married but gradually slacked off in cultivation.
“Practicing Falun Dafa made me healthy but I began to pursue other things. I wanted a nice car, audio equipment, delicious food, and travel. I started chasing after so-called happiness. A year after I began practicing, I forgot about cultivation and eventually stopped.”
Two years later, he began suffering from insomnia again. He said, “I thought about taking pills, but suddenly realized taking medication would not solve my problem. I recovered before by practicing Falun Dafa, so I should resume practicing.”
After he did the exercises for three days, his insomnia went away. This time, the impact of practicing Falun Dafa hit Zhaojun hard, and he realized it was amazing. He knew he must find out what Falun Dafa was about. He eagerly read all the books and slowly realized how profound Falun Dafa is. He felt his life underwent a huge change.
“I saw more Fa principles and understood many things. I knew how to act like a practitioner and the responsibility that comes with it. Suddenly, everything I pursued in the past seemed empty. It was as if my life took a turn in a new direction. I became aware of how great Falun Dafa is! The joy Dafa and Master’s magnificence brought me cannot compare to anything in this world.”
Although life seemed to go on as normal, everything was different. Zhaojun felt he awakened in a new world and words could not describe his joy. He gave everyone at work a copy of the main book of Falun Gong – Zhuan Falun and shared his story. “My long-term health problems that modern medicine cannot solve went away through practicing Falun Dafa. Not only did practicing cultivation give me a new body, but by following Falun Dafa’s principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance, I felt I was reborn.”
Practicing Cultivation Truly Changed His Life
Zhaojun was always polite and had a steady temperament and sense of justice. How did practicing cultivation change him?
He gave two examples: “Our company is doing very well. There’s a cupboard filled with snacks and another one filled with stationery. We can take anything we want, so I took home snacks and stationery. The company provides umbrellas for rainy days and I took several home. After I began practicing Falun Dafa, I realized doing this wasn’t right. I returned all the stationery and the umbrellas.”
In the past, when he needed to contact family members or pay bills etc, Zhaojun used the phone in his office. After he began practicing he realized it was wrong so he stopped. “I used my phone to handle personal matters. I also stopped browsing the Internet or doing personal things while at work. If I need to, I take leave to handle personal affairs. As a practitioner, I should be a better person.
“In the past, when I rode my motorcycle to work, I would stop and help people when I saw their car breakdown. I always thought I was someone with a sense of justice. So, whenever I saw people disobeying the traffic rules I was upset. How can they flout the rules and affect others?”
Now, when he sees people violating the traffic rules he no longer pays attention. Instead, he reflects on his thoughts. “I discovered that hidden behind my sense of justice is jealousy because I thought why can he do that? Yet I can’t. I also observed that behind my motive to help, I hoped others would treat me better and admire me.”
Zhaojun only found these hidden selfish thoughts after he practiced cultivation. “As I treat cultivation more seriously and improve my character, Dafa’s principles inspire me and change my notions. It’s an amazing feeling. I discover even more principles of the universe. This is why people who practice cultivation feel like they are being reborn!”
Friends Become Practitioners
Zhaojun has many friends who work in construction, the arts, and public service. His sincerity, kindness, and selflessness make many people like him and through his behavior, see how wonderful Dafa is.
He said, “I’ve known a principal in a dental hospital for over a decade. He gradually understood what Falun Dafa is. We occasionally met and talked. When he observed areas in his life that needed help, I would try to find ways to help him solve his problems. He later understood the meaning of Dafa and began practicing.”
Gradually, many of Zhaojun’s good friends began practicing Falun Dafa. When people ask him for ideas on how to introduce Dafa to people, he smiles and says, “I simply follow Master Li’s words, put Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance into practice, and try to be a good person who thinks of others.”
Looking back, Zhaojun knew that if his life had been smooth, he would still be lost in the pursuit of fame and fortune. Suffering from insomnia helped him realize how small and fragile humans are. He saw how precious Dafa is through practicing cultivation amid tribulations. He felt that hardships in life were heaven’s way of introducing him to Dafa and the best gift he ever received.
Zhaojun wants to tell everyone: “The pandemic, disasters, problems in life, and the changes in the world in the past few years make one wonder, but practicing Falun Dafa brought me inner peace. I’m no longer worried or at a loss—I now feel hopeful.
I know everyone has their own thoughts, and they may disagree with Falun Dafa. If you can let go of these notions, I believe you will see how unique Dafa is.”
Copyright © 1999-2025 Minghui.org. All rights reserved.
Source: https://en.minghui.org/html/articles/2025/1/15/223643.html
Editor’s Note: Dear readers, do you know that Falun Dafa, originally from China, is currently practiced by people in over 100 countries? But in China, since Jul. 20, 1999, Falun Gong is defamed, slandered and persecuted due to the Chinese Communist Party’s fear of Falun Gong’s rapidly growing popularity. Jiang Zemin, former head of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), perceived the spiritual discipline’s growing popularity as a threat to the CCP’s atheistic ideology.
To learn more about the persecution Falun Gong practitioners are subjected to in China, visit http://faluninfo.net/.
For more information about the practice or to download Zhuan Falun, visit: www.falundafa.org. All books, exercise music, resources, and instructions are available completely free of charge.
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