Wednesday, February 26, 2025

[] Brother and Sister Tortured to Death; Entire Family Subjected to Persecution — Story of Ms. Jia Dongmei’s Death at the Hands of Hebei Forestry Bureau “610 Office” and Detention Center (phone numbers attached)

 June 30, 2003

She suffered long-term persecution because she persisted in her belief in Falun Dafa. She was tortured to death on May 19, 2003. The following is her story.

( June 27th report: Dafa practitioner Ms. Jia Dongmei, 33, was a contract worker for the Hebei Forestry Bureau’s Joint Venture Forest Farm in Heilongjiang Province. She began practicing Dafa in 1997. Her nine-year-old son is attending first grade at the Forestry Bureau’s Experimental Elementary School. 

She suffered long-term persecution because she persisted in her belief in Falun Dafa. She was tortured to death on May 19, 2003. The following is her story.

On December 29, 2000, officers from the Forest Farm’s Police Station and the “610 Office”* abducted Jia Dongmei and sent her to a brainwashing class in the Hebei Detention Center, where she was brutally tortured. On August 1, 2001, she was sent to Jiamusi City Labor Camp, where she was severely tortured. On July 31, 2002, her term that had been illegally extended expired. Because she refused to give up her belief, she was sent back to Hebei City by the Hebei “610 Office”. She became seriously ill after suffering severe torture. On May 7, 2003, Jia Dongmei was released. She was in an extremely precarious condition after long-term detention and torture of over two years and five months. Only 12 days after she returned home, she passed away on May 19. 

Jia Dongmei’s brother Jia Yongfa was tortured to death by officers from the Jiamusi Labor Camp and those from the Hebei Police Department on November 29, 2001. Jia Dongmei’s other family members have also suffered brutal persecution.

On July 29, 1999, Jia Dongmei and her mother went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Dafa. She was detained for more than two months after she was brought back by the Hebei Police Department. She couldn’t stand the brutal torture and wrote a guarantee statement against her true will. After that, she was released.

Jia Dongmei’s brother Jia Yongfa, who was detained at the Xigemu Labor Camp in Jiamusi City at the time, persisted in Dafa cultivation and refused to give it up. He was unlawfully sentenced to one year of forced labor, and later his term was extended for another year. He was tortured to death on November 29, 2001. (Reference: Dafa Practitioner Jia Yongfa Tortured to Death in Xigemu Forced Labor Camp, Jiamusi City )

On December 29, 2000, Jia Dongmei’s sister Jia Qiumei went to her home for a visit. Officers again illegally arrested both of them. They were Sun Dongfeng, head of the “610 Office” Guo Shujun, and Zhen Wenshan. The sisters were detained in Hebei Detention Center’s brainwashing class for seven months. After their arrest, Deng Enyuan, head of the Forestry Bureau, ordered a large-scale search and arrest campaign. Jia Dongmei’s eldest sister Jia Yongmei and her sister-in-law Wang Ling were arrested on January 1, 2001. Other practitioners were subsequently arrested. The front gate of the detention center displays these words: “Legal Study Class,” and the word “dormitory” is on the gate in front of the solitary confinement cells.

During the days they were illegally detained, the police often cursed, beat, humiliated and physically tortured them. Once, when Jia Dongmei, her sister Jia Yongmei, Tan Xiqing and Han Lixiang did the Dafa exercises, a police officer reported them. Geng Chengtao, the head of the detention center , ordered the guards and the prisoners to put shackles on them and drag them into the hallway to torture them. The guards didn’t allow them to sleep and gave them only ten minutes to eat their meals. They forced the practitioners to half squat with their arms extended and raised to their shoulder level for a long time. They tortured them with a method called “riding an airplane.”* If they refused to obey the thugs, they were brutally beaten. On the 17th day, the practitioners realized they should no longer endure the persecution passively. Geng Chengtao again violently slapped Jia Dongmei’s face to the point where her vision began to blur. In the end, he dragged them to the door and pushed them to the ground. The practitioners held a hunger strike to protest , and the thugs restrained their behavior.

On April 25, Dafa practitioners Song Guiping and Sun Li, who had just returned from Beijing, were illegally sentenced to one year of forced labor and were sent to the Jimusi Labor Camp. Deputy Forestry bureau head Bo Yingjie shouted at the Jia sisters, “Next time, your whole family will be sent to the labor camp.”

On August 1, 2001, the Jia sisters were illegally sentenced to one year of forced labor and were sent to the Jiamusi Labor Camp. At the labor camp, the sisters were cuffed to a bed for five days and five nights because they refused to listen to a “brainwashing report.” They held a hunger strike to protest and their physical health was in terrible condition. 

On July 31, 2002, the sisters’ terms expired, but they were forcibly handcuffed by Guo Shujun, Zhou Jianhua, Luo Jinyu and Wang Hongjiang from Hebei “610 Office”, who took the sisters back to Hebei for further illegal detention. Jia Yongfa’s mother Ren Xingqin was illegally detained one month after the Jia sisters were arrested, and the eldest brother, Jia Yongcun, was also illegally sentenced to two years of forced labor.

The 61-year-old Ren Xingqin, Jia’s mother, became emaciated. She often coughed and suffered from both fever and diarrhea. On April 5, 2003, she became bedridden. The police were afraid of taking responsibility and released Ren Xingqin, who had been detained for more than 10 months, and her daughter Jia Qiumei. Jia Dongmei and Tan Xiqing were still in detention. Because they have been sleeping in the cold for a long time and suffered from malnutrition, they also developed diarrhea. After Ren Xingqin learned about this, she went to the police department with the help of Jia Qiumei. They demanded the unconditional release of Jia Dongmei and Tan Xiqing. The police claimed they received orders from “higher-ups,” that Falun Gong practitioners have to pay 5,000 Yuan before they can be released. Tan Xiqing’s mother paid 3,000 Yuan before they released Tan. Jia Dongmei’s husband and mother-in-law were out of town at the time. Ren Xingqin frequently went to the police department and asked for her daughter. The Party committee secretary and the newly appointed secretary for the politics and law committee, Zhang Libo, dodged responsibility and said the politics and security section of the police department was in charge of this case. He said that they would release Jia Dongmei after the money was paid, and told her sister-in-law to pick her up. Several days later, she was still being detained. Ren Xingqin went to Jiang Jianguo, head of the detention center. Jiang said, “You only paid 1,000 Yuan and you want her released? Even Tan Xiqing paid 3,000 Yuan! Ask Wu’s family (Wu is the last name of Jia Dongmei’s husband) to pay.” In order to extort money, the authorities ignored the life and death situation.

On May 7, Jia Dongmei was critically ill because of the long-term persecution and finally was released. She was extremely weak after more than two years and five months of detention, and passed away on May 19, only 12 days after she returned home.

Jia Dongmei and her sister Jia Qiumei spent four Chinese New Years away from home. Her nine-year-old son lost his mother, and Ren Xingqin forever lost her beloved daughter. Jia Dongmei’s mother and sister went to the police department to ask for justice. They demanded the release of Jia Yongcun, Jia Dongmei’s eldest brother. The head of the police department said the provincial government made the rules, so Jia Yongcun could not be released. In the end, they went to Zhang Libo, the head of the Politics and Law Committee. Zhang Libo even dialed 110 [emergency number in China] for the police and claimed, “They are interfering with my work.”

Deng Enyuan, head of the Forestry Bureau said, “Fine the Falun Gong practitioners until they are broke, so they don’t have money to buy food. Then I’ll see if they will still practice.” People from the “610 Office” said, “Go sue us wherever you want. We don’t care.”

Deng Enyuan, head of the Forestry Bureau Guo Zhen, Party committee secretary of the Forestry Bureau Zhang Libo, secretary for the Politics and Law Committee Jiang Jianguo, head of the detention center Guo Shujun, head of the “610 Office” Zhen Wenshan and Luo Jinyu had tortured practitioner Jia Yongfa to death. They now have done the same to his sister Jia Dongmei. The Jia family has been torn apart and suffered unimaginable persecution.

What these criminals have done is absolutely unacceptable. Since the persecution of Falun Gong began, brother and sister have been tortured to death, and every member of the family has been deeply affected, from the 61-year-old grandmother’s imprisonment to the 9-year-old son’s losing his mother. We hope kind-hearted people in the world can uphold justice and start an investigation of these criminals.


1. Hebei Forestry Bureau is located in Hebei Town, Luobei County, Hegang City; it is under the jurisdiction of the Heilongjiang General Forest Industrial Bureau.

2. “Jiamusi Xigemu Labor Camp” is abbreviated “Jiamusi Labor Camp”

Related persons at Jiamusi Labor Camp: 

Jiamusi Labor Camp: 86-454-8891938, 86-454-8891041

Head: Ren Shicai, phone: 86-454-8891958 (work)

Political head: Fu Maosen: 86-454-8891890

Deputy heads: 

Yao Debin: 86-454-8891931 (work), 86-454-8655608 (home)

Sun Dehong: 86-454-8891932 (work), 86-454-8243824 (home)

Guan Dejun: 86-454-8891948, 86-454-8224123

Administration Section of Jiamusi Labor Camp: 86-454-8891940

Xu Hengji: head of disciplinary section 

Yu Dalong: police officer of administration section

Sun Limin, Jiang Jianan, chief Zhen, Zhou Jiahui, Gong Chunbo are guards at the labor camp

Hebei Police Department main switchboard: 86-468-3340600

“610 Office” of Hebei Forestry Bureau: 86-468-6081326

Hebei Forestry Bureau: 86-468-6081392, 86-468-6082251, fax: 86-468-6082535


Address: Hebei Forestry Bureau, Heilongjiang Province, Zip code: 154212

Secretary for Hegang City Party committee: Zhang Xingfu (who is very devoted in the persecution against Dafa and Dafa practitioners)

Hegang City Police Department

Zhang Chunqing: deputy chief who is in charge of custody center and detention center, cell phone: 86-13904682688

Deputy chief: Lin Zhongfu, who used to be in charge of persecuting Falun Gong; cell phone: 86-13904680888

Police department chief office: 86-468-3340126

Deputy chief office: 86-468-3353909, 86-468-3342233, 86-468-3340257,


Head of politics division: 86-468-3357799

Head of criminal police brigade: 86-468-3349216

* “Riding an airplane”- In this torture, the head is bent down until it cannot go down any further, while the hands are pulled up and held up to the highest point. The hips have to point up. One is forced to keep this position unchanged for a long time. The body in this position looks like the shape of an airplane, for which this torture is named.

*The 610 Office is an agency specifically created to persecute Falun Gong, with absolute power over each level of administration in the Party and all other political or judicial systems.

Chinese version available


Editor’s Note: Dear readers, do you know that Falun Dafa, originally from China, is currently practiced by people in over 100 countries? But in China, since Jul. 20, 1999, Falun Gong is defamed, slandered and persecuted due to the Chinese Communist Party’s fear of Falun Gong’s rapidly growing popularity. Jiang Zemin, former head of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), perceived the spiritual discipline’s growing popularity as a threat to the CCP’s atheistic ideology.

To learn more about the persecution Falun Gong practitioners are subjected to in China, visit

For more information about the practice or to download Zhuan Falun, visit: All books, exercise music, resources, and instructions are available completely free of charge.

WATCH [Crossroads] First Known CCP Organ Removal Survivor Steps Forward



Why Jiang Zemin and CCP Persecute Falun Gong?

[VIDEO] Why Jiang Zemin and CCP Persecute Falun Gong?

【明慧网】兄妹相继遇难 全家备受迫害──贾冬梅被鹤北林业局610和看守所折磨致死(图)






99年7月29日,贾冬梅到母亲家,正赶上母亲任兴芹要与几位同修进京护法,贾冬梅同母亲一起去了北京,被鹤北公安局带回后关押在看守所二个多月。当时由于学法不深,承受不住残酷的体罚,违心地顺从了邪恶的安排,与被非法关押的十多个人写了“保证书”后被释放。贾冬梅的二哥贾永发(当时已被送佳木斯西格木劳教所)坚持修炼,不向邪恶妥协,非法劳教一年后又被加期一年,受尽酷刑折磨,后于2001年11月29日被佳木斯劳教所、鹤北公安局迫害致死(请参见明慧网《惨遭佳木斯西格木劳教所两年折磨 大法弟子贾永发被迫害致死》)。















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[VIDEO] 连环画音像片:评江泽民与中共相互利用迫害法轮功

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

[] Ukrainian Falun Dafa Practitioners Value Zhuan Falun

 Feb. 23, 2025 | By Minghui correspondents in Kyiv, Ukraine

A year and a half later, Ivan read Zhuan Falun, and he said it changed his life, “In it, I found answers to many of my questions, and all the knowledge I gained before was organized into one system. I never became a master of martial arts, but I found a moral law that filled my life with meaning—Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance’.

( For over two decades, Falun Dafa practitioners in Ukraine—like their counterparts in over 100 other countries and regions—have cultivated steadily and improved themselves guided by the teachings in Zhuan Falun.

On the 30th anniversary of the book’s publication in China, they want to share their stories of how Zhuan Falun has become a crucial part of their lives.

Zhuan Falun Always Accompanies Her

Olga is from eastern Ukraine. Her father started practicing Falun Dafa in 2000. He told Olga a lot about the benefits of the practice, but she did not take his words seriously.

A few years later the young woman’s life changed dramatically. She recalled, “In 2011, as a 28-year-old young mother, I fell ill. For seven months doctors treated me with a lot of drugs. My liver couldn’t take it, and I developed toxic hepatitis.”

Olga was in a bad way. She lost a lot of weight, was very weak, could not eat properly, and felt apathetic. She said, “When my parents came to see me and my father saw the condition I was in, he said, ‘Olga, if you want to live, read Zhuan Falun!”

So, in the spring of 2012, Olga started practicing Falun Dafa and reading Zhuan Falun, “My health quickly returned to normal. I threw away all the pills. I gradually gained weight, and I had a desire to live.”


In 2014, war came to the town where Olga’s family lived, and they had to leave.

She said, “We had only one evening to pack. I walked around the house with a heavy heart, knowing that I was leaving forever. Realizing that I couldn’t take everything with me, I only packed the essentials. At that time my husband was skeptical about Dafa—he didn’t like it when I went into another room to do the exercises. The very first thing I put in my suitcase was my picture of Masterand all my Dafa books. He helped me pack and didn’t say anything.”

Since 2014, Olga’s family has had to move three times and live in two different cities. “Every time I check into a new flat, the first thing I take out of my suitcase is my picture of Master and my Dafa books,” she said.

Her husband now has a good opinion of Dafa. He sees Olga’s father, who practices Falun Dafa, run his business honestly. Although Olga’s father has money, he is modest. He also sees how Olga’s brother (who also practices Falun Dafa) does not chase after his father’s fortune. Instead, he’s always ready to give something of himself to help others. Olga is raising their children to be honest and kind. She reminds them not to be angry or complain about life. The practitioners in Olga’s family often say that practicing Falun Dafa taught them how to be good people.

During heavy rocket attacks, Olga’s husband now says aloud, “Falun Dafa is good.” She said, “He believes that these great words save lives! He’s not angry about our fate or the difficulties.” She sometimes reads Master’s teachings in Zhuan Falun and other articles to him, and he always listens attentively. This helps him to have a positive attitude towards life’s difficulties.

Olga says she’s determined to practice diligently, “Thank you, Master, for giving us the Great Law of the Universe in Zhuan Falun and teaching us to live by the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance!”

Zhuan Falun Rescued a Young Man from Confusion

Before Denis started practicing Falun Dafa in 2003, he had many questions about life and was always searching for answers.

“Since I was 16, I searched for some universal knowledge that would help me discern right from wrong, what to choose, and what path to follow. My parents have their criteria, my grandparents have others, and my friends and acquaintances have theirs. Was there really no single criterion?”

When he started reading Zhuan Falun, he realized that he had finally found the universal and basic criteria for judging right and wrong. “I found the principles by which to live in harmony with myself, my family, friends, and society. I finally realized what I should base my life on.”

Denis said that the first time he read Zhuan Falun, he had that, “moment of knowing the truth” and felt really happy, as if he had finally escaped the abyss of confusion.

“The principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance are very simple, and in Zhuan Falun they guide and help to orientate me in a complex and rapidly changing modern world. Thank you, Master, for the very valuable and profound knowledge!”

Denis expresses his gratitude to Master Li.

Zhuan Falun Helps Her Find True Happiness

Lyudmila lives in western Ukraine. Her childhood and youth were spent in the USSR (Russia), and at that time she thought that the most important thing in life was to earn a lot of money. To her, this seemed to be the key to happiness.

After getting an education, Lyudmila started working in trade. She opened her own business and had a family. After her children grew up and left to work in another city, she wondered, “What next?” She kept searching for happiness. “I thought it was in sexual relations, perhaps in tasty food, or entertainment?” She felt empty.

In 2010 Lyudmila was given a copy of Zhuan Falun. At first she didn’t understand much, but after a year she read the entire book.

She realized that she had finally found the key to true happiness: “This sacred book changed my life and my attitude towards others for the better. I stopped chasing material achievements. I became kinder and more patient.”

Lyudmila says she also learned to be considerate. She never misses an opportunity to share her precious knowledge with people, and she advises them to read Zhuan Falun: “Only then do I feel happy, because I give people real happiness—the opportunity to improve themselves according to the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance.”

Lyudmila does Falun Dafa’s fifth exercise, the meditation.

Finding the Meaning of Life

Ivan was interested in martial arts since he was a child. While researching the subject, he learned about qigong and the importance of moral self-improvement. “I read somewhere that real martial techniques are passed on only to morally upstanding people. So I started looking for a moral guide and a school of spiritual self-cultivation,” Ivan said.

Ivan moved to Kyiv when he was 15. While in college, he read books on philosophy, Zen Buddhism, qigong, and other practices. He also attended lectures on the subject and looked for martial arts schools. He lived in a dormitory, money was scarce, and his life was hard. He thought about why people exist: he didn’t want to just work to eat and eat to work.

A year and a half later, Ivan read Zhuan Falun, and he said it changed his life, “In it, I found answers to many of my questions, and all the knowledge I gained before was organized into one system. I never became a master of martial arts, but I found a moral law that filled my life with meaning—Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance’.

Ivan meditates in a Kyiv park.

Copyright © 1999-2025 All rights reserved.

Original Chinese article


Editor’s Note: Dear readers, do you know that Falun Dafa, originally from China, is currently practiced by people in over 100 countries? But in China, since Jul. 20, 1999, Falun Gong is defamed, slandered and persecuted due to the Chinese Communist Party’s fear of Falun Gong’s rapidly growing popularity. Jiang Zemin, former head of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), perceived the spiritual discipline’s growing popularity as a threat to the CCP’s atheistic ideology.

To learn more about the persecution Falun Gong practitioners are subjected to in China, visit

For more information about the practice or to download Zhuan Falun, visit: All books, exercise music, resources, and instructions are available completely free of charge.

WATCH Carolina Before and After Practicing Falun Gong




Why Jiang Zemin and CCP Persecute Falun Gong?

[VIDEO] Why Jiang Zemin and CCP Persecute Falun Gong?






几年后,这位年轻女子的生活发生了翻天覆地的变化。她回忆道:“二零一一 年,我二十八岁,作为一名年轻的母亲,却突发重病。医生给我开了很多药,治疗长达七个月,但我的肝脏却不堪重负,最终患上了中毒性肝炎。”





























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【新唐人] 修炼法轮大法 法国大学生一日戒掉毒瘾





[VIDEO] 连环画音像片:评江泽民与中共相互利用迫害法轮功